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Created December 30, 2023 05:30
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Utility module for making direct game join links easier
-- GameJoinUrlUtil
-- A utility module for generation join links for any game
-- with url enocoding and launchdata encoding included
-- @Kalrnlo
-- 30/11/2023
local HTTPService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local StartUrlFormat = ""
local WebsiteBypassUrlFormat = "roblox://placeId=%d"
local LaunchDataBypassUrlFormat = `{WebsiteBypassUrlFormat}&launchdata=%s`
-- Put the encoded BypassURl as the first string when formatting
-- Put the encoded StartUrl as the second string when formatting
local AppsFlyerUrlFormat = ""
local LaunchDataStartUrlFormat = `{StartUrlFormat}&launchdata=%s`
-- Taken from:
local function DecodeCharacter(hex: string)
return string.char(tonumber(hex, 16) :: any)
local GameJoinUrlUtil = {}
function GameJoinUrlUtil.EncodeLaunchData(LaunchData: string): string
-- using string.len as #LaunchData generated faulty results
assert(string.len(LaunchData) < 200, "LaunchData encoded exceeds 200 character limit")
return HTTPService:UrlEncode(LaunchData)
function GameJoinUrlUtil.MakeAppsFlyerUrl(PlaceId: number, LaunchData: string)
local StartUrl: string, BypassUrl: string
if LaunchData then
local LaunchData = GameJoinUrlUtil.EncodeLaunchData(LaunchData)
BypassUrl = string.format(LaunchDataBypassUrlFormat, PlaceId, LaunchData)
StartUrl = string.format(LaunchDataStartUrlFormat, PlaceId, LaunchData)
BypassUrl = string.format(WebsiteBypassUrlFormat, PlaceId)
StartUrl = string.format(StartUrlFormat, PlaceId)
return string.format(AppsFlyerUrlFormat, BypassUrl, StartUrl)
function GameJoinUrlUtil.MakeStartUrl(PlaceId: number, LaunchData: string)
if LaunchData then
local LaunchData = GameJoinUrlUtil.EncodeLaunchData(LaunchData)
return string.format(LaunchDataStartUrlFormat, PlaceId, LaunchData)
return string.format(StartUrlFormat, PlaceId)
function GameJoinUrlUtil.DecodeUrl(Url: string)
local Output, t = string.gsub(Url, "%%(%x%x)", DecodeCharacter)
return Output
return GameJoinUrlUtil
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