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Last active October 8, 2020 13:40
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Z notation

Z Notation (zed)




Unnumbered theorem-like environments are also possible.

This statement is true, I guess.

And the next is a somewhat informal definition

A fibration is a mapping between two topological spaces that has the homotopy lifting property for every space $X$.

  \Ftf[{P \parallel[A] Q}].

  \{~x: \nat | x \leq 10 @ x * x~\}

  \{1, 2, 3\}

  directory’ = directory \cup {} \\
\t3 \{new\_name? \mapsto new\_number?\}

  \exists PhoneDB @ \\
\t1     known = \empty

Doing \bf{bold} things.

  known: \power NAME \\ phone: NAME \pfun PHONE
  known = \dom phone

  left, right: \seq CHAR

  x, y: \nat

  limit: \nat
  limit \leq 65535

  policy: \power_1 RESOURCE \fun RESOURCE
  \forall S: \power_1 RESOURCE @ \\
\t1       policy(S) \in S

  first: X \cross Y \fun X
  \forall x: X; y: Y @ \\
\t1     first(x,y) = x

  \Delta PhoneDB \\ name?: NAME \\ number?: PHONE
  name? \notin known
  phone’ = phone \oplus \{name? \mapsto number?\}

  REPORT ::= ok | unknown \ldata NAME \rdata
  \exists n: NAME @ \\
\t1 birthday(n) \in December.

  OP & ::= & plus | minus | times | divide
  EXP & ::= & const \ldata \nat \rdata \\
      & | & binop \ldata OP \cross EXP \cross EXP \rdata

  S \dres (T \dres R) \\
\t1   = \id S \comp \id T \comp R \\
\t1   = \id (S \cap T) \comp R & law about $\id$ \\ 
\t1   = (S \cap T) \dres R.

  \Gamma \shows P
\derive[x \notin freevars(\Gamma)]
  \Gamma \shows \forall x @ P

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