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Created June 15, 2018 15:21
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Geometry of Meaning

Peter Gärdenfors

What is semantics?


What are meanings?

Realism vs conceptualism vs nominalism

  • Realism: meanings are out there in the world (e.g., the meaning of the word 'horse' is the set of all horses)(i.e., extensional). Plato, Frege
  • Conceptual: meanings are in the head (i.e., cognitive constructs). Gärdenfors, Lakoff
  • Nominal: words don't have meaning, they are just triggers of behavior


What is the relation between communicative acts and their meanings?

Truth-functional semantics

Meanings are truth conditions about the world

  • Builds on realism
  • Extensional
    • Language -(truth)-> World
  • Intensional
    • Language -(truth)-> Possible Worlds

Cognitive semantics

  • Builds on conceptualism
  • Mapping between cognitive structures of language and cognitive structures of the world
    • (Language -(meaning)-> Conceptual Structure) -> World


How can meanings be learned?


What is the relation between individual speakers and their communal language?


What is the relation between perceptual processes and meaning? What is the relation between action processes and meaning?

Conceptual spaces and semantic domains

  • A conceptual space consists of a number of dimensions (color, size, shape, weight, position)
  • Dimensions have topological or geometric structures
    • e.g., time is isomorphic to the real line
    • e.g., weight is isomorphic to the positive real line (i.e., no negative)
  • Dimensions are sorted into (independent) domains
    • i.e., bundles of dimensions forming a group
    • e.g., color space, shape space
  • Less distance means greater similarity of meaning
    • betweeness is the key operation of a dimension
  • Concepts are represented as convex regions of conceptual spaces

Semantics as meeting of minds

Cognitive grounding of word classes





A cognitive theory of actions and verbs

Compositionality of meanings

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