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Last active July 12, 2018 14:26
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Bash Config

  • OSX: .bash_profile
  • Linux: .bashrc

Powerline Shell


Create a key

ssh-keygen -t rsa

opy key to destination server

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ username@server

Bash Tricks

GNU Commandline Tools for OSX

On OSX, the standard *nix commands (e.g., sed, awk, grep, ...) are based on the BSD variant. The GNU Core Utilities and the many individual commands are available via Homebrew. The following blogs are useful reads (but a bit outdated):

brew install findutils --with-default-names
brew install gnu-sed --with-default-names
brew install gnu-tar --with-default-names
brew install gnu-which --with-default-names
brew install gnutls --with-default-names
brew install grep --with-default-names
brew install coreutils
brew install binutils
brew install diffutils
brew install gzip
brew install watch
brew install tmux 
brew install wget
brew install nmap
brew install gpg
brew install htop

Get a list of subdirectories containing a file, excluding some subdirectories

e.g., all subdirectories containing git repos, except those in 'node_modules/*'

find . -type d -name '.git' | sed -r 's|/[^/]+$||' |sort |uniq |grep -v -F '/node_modules/'

Run a command on each line of a another command's output: xargs

ls -l | xargs -t -I % ls %'/.git' 

xargs with multiple commands

ls -l | xargs -t -I % sh -c 'cd %; git pull' 

Combining multiple commands into a single step

(cd scratch/ && git pull)


Fix broken install

sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install --fix-broken -y
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