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Created April 22, 2015 00:07
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import hmac
import struct
def pbkdf2(password, salt, iters, keylen, digestmod):
"""Run the PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2) algorithm
and return the derived key. The arguments are:
password (bytes or bytearray) -- the input password
salt (bytes or bytearray) -- a cryptographic salt
iters (int) -- number of iterations
keylen (int) -- length of key to derive
digestmod -- a cryptographic hash function: either a module
supporting PEP 247, a hashlib constructor, or (in Python 3.4
or later) the name of a hash function.
For example:
>>> import hashlib
>>> from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
>>> password = b'Squeamish Ossifrage'
>>> salt = unhexlify(b'1234567878563412')
>>> hexlify(pbkdf2(password, salt, 500, 16, hashlib.sha1))
h =, digestmod=digestmod)
def prf(data):
hm = h.copy()
return bytearray(hm.digest())
key = bytearray()
i = 1
while len(key) < keylen:
T = U = prf(salt + struct.pack('>i', i))
for _ in range(iters - 1):
U = prf(U)
T = bytearray(x ^ y for x, y in zip(T, U))
key += T
i += 1
return key[:keylen]
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