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** Shitty notes of the Advanced Operating Systems and Virtualization course at
Sapienza University of Rome in a shitty text file **
Written with <3 by Andrea Fioraldi <>
The material is divided into chapters and each chapter, in general, covers
multiple related topics.
I know that you're searching in teh interweb for a PDF version of this notes,
but it doesn't exists. Remember, PDFs are just containers for Use-After-Free
Some topics that are for me obvious like the structure of GOT and PLT in the
ELF and are omitted, others like concurrent data structures are written as
pointers to (my) memory so these notes are not a replacement of the course
Table of contents
1 - An introduction to x86
1.1 - Branch prediction
1.2 - Hyper-threading
1.3 - Multi-core
2 - The x86 boot process
2.1 - Initial stage
2.2 - BIOS
2.3 - Stage 1
2.4 - Protected mode
2.5 - Paging
2.6 - x64 Longmode
2.7 - UEFI
2.8 - Cores wake up
3 - The Linux specific boot process
3.1 - Kernel loading
3.2 - Early paging
3.3 - The flow
3.4 - Init
4 - Memory management
4.1 - Numa nodes
4.2 - Zones initialization
4.3 - High memory
4.4 - Reclaiming boot memory
4.5 - Allocation context
4.6 - The SLAB allocator
5 - System calls
5.1 - Trap initialization
5.2 - Syscalls dispatching
5.3 - Syscalls table
5.4 - Call from userspace
5.5 - Modern syscall activation
5.6 - Spectre patch
5.7 - sys_ni_syscall
6 - Loadable modules
6.1 - Initialization
6.2 - Parameters
6.3 - Build and install
6.4 - Loading
6.5 - Kprobes
6.6 - Versions
6.7 - Locating syscalls table
7 - Interrupts and time
7.1 - Realtime OS
7.2 - IDT and GDT
7.3 - IDT entry initialization
7.4 - Entries types
7.5 - Gate descriptor
7.6 - Interrupts vs Traps
7.7 - Global activation scheme
7.8 - Do page fault
7.9 - Multi-core
7.10 - Inter Processor Interrupts
7.11 - IPI API
7.12 - I/O interrupts management
7.13 - Deferred work
7.14 - SoftIRQs
7.15 - Timekeeping
7.16 - Watchdogs
8 - Concurrency
8.1 - Properties
8.2 - Concurrent and preemtive kernels
8.3 - Race condition example
8.4 - Enable/disable
8.5 - Atomic operations
8.6 - Barriers
8.7 - Mutex and spinlocks
8.8 - Read-Copy-Update
9 - Virtual File System and Devices
9.1 - Introduction
9.2 - EXT2
9.3 - VFS global organization
9.4 - VFS and PCBs
9.5 - Operations
9.6 - Pathname lookup
9.7 - Syscalls
9.8 - Proc & Sys
9.9 - Devices
10 - Processes
10.1 - Process Control Block
10.2 - MM member
10.3 - PCB location
10.4 - Process and thread creation
10.5 - Program start
11 - Scheduling
11.1 - Strategies
11.2 - Classes
11.3 - Structures
11.4 - Entry point
11.5 - States
11.6 - Schedulers
11.7 - Context switch
12 - Virtualization and Containers
12.1 - Hypervisors
12.2 - Ring aliasing
12.3 - Paravirtualization
12.4 - Hardware assisted
12.5 - Kernel Samepage Merging
12.6 - Containers mechanisms
12.7 - Cgroups
12.8 - Namespaces
13 - Conclusion
An Introduction to x86
1) Branch prediction
Conditional branches are around 20% of the instructions in the code.
- Dynamic branch prediction, implemented in hardware and based on history
- Static branch prediction is commonly user-assisted and determined by
the compiler (likely/unlikely)
The branch prediction table is a small memory indexed by the lower bits of the
conditional instruction address.
- Prediction "take" is correct: 1 cycle penalty
- Predition "not take" is correct: no penalty
- Uncorrect prediction: change prediction, flush pipeline
The 2 bit saturating counter is a 4 state table. T-T-NT-NT.
A correlated predictor try to solve the problem of predictions that depends on
multiple branches.
It keeps a history of past m braches.
A tournament predictor uses different predictor and associate, for each branch,
the best predictor using 2-bit.
For indirect branches, the game is harder.
The branch target buffer is used (a small cache) when prediction bits are
coupled with target addresses.
For ret instruction, there is the return address stack buffer.
The fetch both targets technique is a possibility but does not help with
multiple targets (e.g. switches).
2) Hyper-threading
A copy of the architectural state among each logical core. Less hardware
required but needs an arbitration mechanism.
In the Intel case there is a division in the architecture:
- Front-end:
This stage delivers instructions to the later pipeline. They are not
x86 CISC instructions but RISC u-ops that are converted by the microcode.
u-ops are cached in the Execution Trace Cache (TC).
TC entries are tagged with thread information and the access is arbitrated
each CPU cycle. TC replace entries in LRU.
TC sends requests to get new instructions to the Instruction Translation
Lookaside Buffer (ITLB)
- Out-of-order Engine:
The u-op queue decoupled the frontend from this part. The original program
order is not taken into account. The allocator group u-op based on their
features (e.g. buffer for load/store, another for int arith).
The register renaming allows u-ops of different threads to operate in data
separation. It also put u-ops in two new queues, one for memory operations
another for other operations.
Instruction schedulers take u-ops from the 2 queues and are thread-oblivious.
u-ops are evaluated only in base of the avaiability of their operands.
The retirement stage commits the microarchitectural stage to the
architectural stage. Store operations here are written to L1 cache.
3) Multi-core
The Cache Coherence defines the correct behavior of the caches regardless of how
they are employed.
- Strong Coherence:
All memory operation to a single location (coming from all
cores) must be executed in a total order that respects the order of the
commits of each core.
Two invariants used to implements: SWMR, only one core that can R/W or many
cores that can only read a single location. DV says that when an epoch
starts the value of a location must be the same value that was at the end
of the last epoch with a single R/W core.
- Weak Coherence:
For performance, SWMR is dropped and so DV is only eventually. Loads see the
last written value only after N epochs.
- No Coherence:
The fastest. Programmers must coordinate cache with explicit requests.
There are two kinds of coherency transactions:
- Get: load a block into a cache line
- Put: evict the block into a cache line
These transactions are associated with messages exchanged to ensure the chosen
coherence model.
There are families fo coherence protocols:
- Invalidate protocols: when a core writes it invalidates all other copies in
the other cores.
- Update protocols: when a core writes to its cache it also writes to the other
caches in all the other cores.
- Snooping Cache: coherence requests are broadcasted to all cores. It needs
arbitrarization on the bus to serialize requests and an interconnection layer
for the total order.
Fast but not scalable.
- Directory Based: coherence requests are unicsated to a directory that
forwards only to the appropriate cores. Directory does also serialization.
Scalable but not fast.
A cache controller is behind each private caches of each core.
A protocol should offers:
- Validity: a valid block has the most up-to-date value. Can be written only
if it is also exclusive.
- Dirtiness: a dirty block has the most up-to-date value but it differs from
the values stored in RAM.
- Exclusivity: an exclusive block is the only copy of the block across all
- Ownership: a cache controller is the owner of a block if it is responsible
for its coherence requests.
Write-Through caches have no dirty block cause all stores are immediately
propagated to the last level cache (LLC).
False Cache Sharing is when two cores access to different data items that are
on the same cache line. It produces an un-needed invalidation.
The L1 cache is indexed using virtual address and avoid a TLB lookup. Other
caches use physical addresses.
The Virtual Aliasing problem occurs when there is a cache indexed with virtual
One type is the homonyms problem cause a virtual address can be associated to
multiple physiscal addresses. A tag may not identify a unique data.
This can be avoided tagging with an Address-Space-ID or flushing cache on
context switch.
Another type the synonyms problem cause several virtual addresses may be mapped
to the same physical address. On cache write only one of them is updated.
ASID here are not useful, the cache should be flushed on context switch or
a hardware system to detect the problem or restricting the mapping so that
shared memories maps on the same cache line.
The x86 boot process
1) Initial stage
After the hardware power setup the system is very basic:
- No caches
- MMU disabled
- CPU in Real Mode
- Only one core
- Empty RAM
There are 4 basic 16 bit segment registers:
- CS
- DS
- SS
- ES (extra, used by programmer)
FS and GS added later.
All instructions that use memory access segments.
For example, jump uses cs implicitly, push uses ss implicitly.
Segment registers can be loaded with mov but CS only with call/jmp.
In Real Mode, there are 20 bits addresses (1 MB address space). The address in
segments are the 16 bits higher part.
The translation is done with: Segment selector * 16 + offset.
E.g. jmp 0x6025 with CS = 0x1000 ---> 0x16025
Addresses can overlap and the format is 0000:0000. Some addresses can be
represented but not handled (> 20 bits) and teh last usable address is
For compatibility the address space can wrappend-around.
Address line 20 is forced to 0.
The first fetched address is f000:fff0 and called reset vector. This is mapped
to a ROM, the BIOS.
In this address, there is a ljmp that sets CS.
The BIOS performs several steps:
- Map routines to write on the screen.
- POST phase (depends on BIOS implementation): Check RAM consistency, test
devices like keyboard and initialize video card.
- The configuration is loaded from a CMOS (e.g. boot order).
- Remaps itself in RAM for fast access.
- Identify the Stage 1 bootloader (512 bytes) and loads it at address 0000:7c00
and then jumps to it.
3) Stage 1
This bootloader must be in the first sector of the disk, the MBR. Here there is
also the partition table.
The available memory is 640 kb.
At a high level, the MBR is the following:
jmp stage1_start
data table for partition etc...
set all segs to 0 (except CS that is already 0 and cannot be assigned)
Enable address A20 to enlarge addresses using the 8042 keyboard controller.
Switch to 32 bit protected mode setting bit 0 of CR0 and apply changes
updating CS with a jump
Setup stack.
After this process the bootloader cannot load the kernel that is on disk, so
stage 2 is needed.
4) Protected mode
In protected mode segments are not just numbers but indexes in the Segment
Descriptor Table.
There are 2 tables, the Global Descriptor Table pointed by the GDTR register
and the Local Descriptor Table pointed by LDTR (not used anymore).
Each segment selector contains the index to these tables, a bit to say that
if it is referred to GDT of LDT and the Requested Privilege Level (RPL).
Address resolution is done with *(GDTR + index * 8) + offset. Now
*(GDTR + index * 8) is always 0 but segmentation can't be disabled.
Each descriptor entry in the table has a Destination Privilege Level (DPL).
It describes the privilege level associated with the descriptor.
The Requested Privilege Level is present only in data segments (DS and SS)
and the Current Privilege Level (CPL) is in CS and so can be set only
with a jmp/call.
To load a segment the following formula must be true:
Note that RPL can be > CPL.
Gate descriptors are used to get higher privileges (setting a proper DPL).
Gate descriptors are firmware facilities to define target code that can be
reached from userspace.
Those descriptors are referenced by the Interrupt Descriptors Table, pointed by
IDTR reg.
With the TRAP gate type the handler are located.
In Linux in the GDT there are we different code segments and data segments for
kernel and user. One GDT per core but they are almost the same. The only
entries that changes are LDT and TSS.
The TSS is the Task State Segment. It maintains a copy of the CPU state
and pointers to different privilege levels associated stacks.
DPL is 0, only kernel mode.
TSS on x64 is completely different. We still have stack pointers but no more
spaces for saved GPR.
5) Paging
An additional step in address translation can be added:
Logical Addr -> [ Segmentation ] -> Linear Addr -> [ Paging ] -> Physical Addr
The linear address now is:
32 - 22 Directory | 21 - 12 Table | 11 - 0 Offset
The schema is that the Page Directory gives an entry of the Page Table and the
offset is used to get the physical address inside the table.
Each page table entry has a PRESENT bit, is 0 a trap is generated.
TLB cache paging mapping.
The address of the Page Directory is stored in CR3.
Physical Address Extension allows to address more than 4 GB of memory and adds
the Page pointer directory table as the first level.
In x86_64 bits 49 - 64 are short-circuited. PAE is extended with a Page
General Directory (PGD). In the entries, there is the XD bit to say if a page
is executable or not.
6) x64 Longmode
Gates for ring 3-0 are not used and the switch is more efficient.
The MSR_EFER MSR is written to enable longmode, it can be written only once.
To apply changes Linux uses an lret to startup_64 routine.
UEFI is completely different, the main features are:
- Bytecode based
- Loads firmware from nvRAM into RAM
- Startup files stored in the EFI partition
- The GUID Partition Table
- Secure boot (the image of the OS is signed)
8) Cores wake up
Until now only a core worked. To wake up other cores an Inter-Processor
Interrupt is sent.
The ICR register and the LAPIC controlled is used to send to all cores except
itself an INIT-SIPI-SIPI interrupt.
The LAPIC routes the request in the APIC bus.
Memory management
1) Numa nodes
Numa nodes are organized in pglist_data structs, pg_data_t is the typedef.
pddat_list is the list of structs describing Numa nodes.
Physical memory is managed in term of page frame numbers.
The index in the list implicitly gives us the physical address.
In each pg_data_t there is an array of associated zones.
ZONE_NORMAL are the first ~ 900 MB for the kernel.
What is ZONE_NORMAL is stable and always in the page table.
ZONE_HIGHMEM mapping is transient (e.g. userspace mem)
ZONE_DMA mainly for buffer caching (e.g. write back to hard disk)
2) Zones intialization
The zones are initialized after the page table.
The e820 table in memory is filled by BIOS and describes what page frames are
zone_t {
free_area_t* free_area
page* zone_mem_map
page {
list of mappings
count (virtual references to the frame, think about cow)
Stady state allocator must be setupped in a way to not touch bootmem allocated
memory (marked as PG_reserved in page.flags).
At the end of the initialization, this memory will be given back.
Each description of Numa node is in the memory associated with the node
(locality for performance).
The buddy allocator in general: two buddies (chunks) can be consolidated with
size power of 2.
It can be viewed as a binary tree with labels allocated/free
(leaves represent frames).
e.g. we want to allocate 2*PAGE_SIZE, we search until there is a last level node
with the two leafs both free.
free_area_t {
list { prev, next }
uint *map
The implementation of Buddy is Linux is not based on a binary tree. There is a
free list and an array to access in O(1) a level. Each level has a list of
blocks. When two blocks are consolidated they are moved to the higher level.
In free_area_t we have a bitmap in which each bit represents two buddies that
is a block that can be served to a request by a higher level.
When one bit is 1 means that it is split and so at a lower level.
Freeing is simply setting a bit.
To request a block request we traverse starting from 0 to MAX_ORDER.
!!! We need sync for this, in fact, in zone_t there is a spinlock.
3) High memory
This is not a permanent mapping.
The API to retrieve memory from HIGHMEM are different respect the API used to
retrieve memory from NORMAL.
- vmap() get long duration mapping.
- kmap() short duration mapping of single page
- kmap_atomic() like kmap but for only the cpu that issued it.
An array of counter pkmap_count[LAST_PKMAP] increments the correct entry when
the associated page is mapped.
- 0 not mapped
- 1 not mapped now but cached (we mast then invalidate TLB)
- n > 1 mapped n-1 times
kunmap(page) decrement this reference counter.
4) Reclaiming boot memory
mem_init() destroy the bootmem allocator.
The frames are released resetting PG_RESERVED bit.
A fake buddy free is issued (set count to 1 and then __free_page) to put such
memory into the buddy system.
5) Allocation context
In a process context, if the request cannot be served wait, there is a priority
based approach. In an interrupt context do not wait.
linux/malloc.h exposed memory management API to other kernel subsystems.
get_zeroed_page, free_page, etc...
There are no sanity checks in free_page (fake chunks yeeee).
There are flags are used to specify the allocation context.
- GFP_ATOMIC interrupt context (critical, cannot lead to sleep)
- GFP_USER allocate mem for userspace activities (but not directly used in
userspace) (can lead to sleep)
- GFP_BUFFER alloc a buffer (can lead to sleep)
- GFP_KERNEL alloc kern mem (can lead to sleep)
With alloc_pages_node we can specify NUMA policies.
On the contrary, __get_free_pages is agnostic of NUMA.
(TODO in userspace see numa_move_pages)
On top of Buddy system, the kernel builds a set of fast allocators.
For example pdg_alloc and al. to allocate page tables.
Other allocators are Quicklists and slab/slub/slob allocators.
Quicklists are lists of pages living on a single core.
Note: get_cpu_var(var) like TLS and also disable preemtion
put_cpu_var(var) enable again preemption (scheduling to another thread)
after processing per CPU var
quicklist {
void* page
int nr_pages
page points to pages that have headers to be a linked list of pages.
nr_pages is the size of such a list.
quicklist_alloc get a page from Quicklist (there are many for a core accessible
with an index nr).
When updating selected Quicklist this is done under get_cpu_var.
If there are not available pages in Quicklist fallback to __get_free_page.
Another flag for Buddy system: __GFP_ZERO like calloc.
6) The SLAB allocator
It works on top of the buddy system.
The allocator has caches that have 3 buckets (full/partial/free).
Each slab manages a set of pages (continuous in physical memory due to the buddy
In each page, there are many objects.
--> slabs_full:
----> slabs:
------> pages:
--------> object
--------> ...
--------> object
--> slabs_partial:
--> slabs_free:
Each slab manages objects of the same size. Slab are moved to full/partial/free
based on the state of objects in pages.
The slab interface is kmalloc(size, flags), kfree(addr),
kmalloc_node(size, flags, node).
Slab coloring:
page: | object | coloring | object | coloring | ... |
len ( | object | coloring | ) = L1_CACHE_BYTES
Coloring is padding to ensure that an object is not split in L1 cache
(so we avoid cache miss when traversing an entire object)
So objects are L1 cache aligned.
System calls
1) Trap initialization
Setup entries on GDT related to syscalls.
It setups also the gate for the trap 0x80 (SYSCALL_VECTOR) to the interrupt
handler system_call().
2) Syscalls dispatching
Index in system call stable.
Syscall handler invoked with an indirect call.
Dispatcher -> Syscall handler -> Dispatcher -> Iret
Iret also restores the original CPL.
Standard macros in include/asm-xx/unistd.h let userspace to access the gate.
There is a macro for each range of parameters, from 0 to 6.
__syscallN(type, name, type1, arg1, ... typeN, argN)
__syscall_return(type, res) if res < 0 then errno = -res and res = -1
A syscall that returns a negative value failed.
The dispatcher saves on stack the parameters (pt_regs structure) passed in regs
and then call the syscall handler.
In x86 there is also a fast syscall path added later and based on sysenter
and sysexit. The switch is done swapping values with specific MSR added for
sysret sets eip to the value in edx and esp to the value in ecx, so edx and ecx
are clobbered.
In x86_64 we have syscall. It uses a different set of MSR respect to sysenter.
MSR_STAR used to set CS for kernel and user.
MSR_LSTAR used to set syscall dispatcher address.
vDSO shared library part of kernel code space.
It implements all the facilities of the kernel that wants to be executed in
vDSO base addr can be getted using auxiliary elf header. (getauxval()).
Many routines do not require kernel mode and are served in vDSO to avoid
context switch (e.g. gettimeofday()).
_kernel_vsyscall() is used to select the fastest path to syscall. If sysenter
fails it fallbacks to int 0x80.
3) Syscalls table
In the kernel source, there is a text file that maps name to addresses and it
is used to generate the table with a shell script.
0 common read __x64_sys_read
__SYSCALL_DEFINEx define the implementation of a syscall handler.
SYSCALL_DEFINE3(read, unsigned int, fd, char__user*, buf, size_t, count) {
return ksys_read(fd, buf, count);
cNote: har __user* buf; __user is a facility for the symbolic executor.
sys_read is aliased to SyS_read with parameters sign extension for security
asmlinkage_protect tells the compiler to not clear the stack in which there are
the parameters handled by the dispatcher.
4) Call from userspace
Save registers that will be clobbered, update frame pointer, sysenter, restore.
Restore is not really needed.
In __kernel_vsyscall we have:
int 80h
pop ebp
pop edx
pop ecx
Sysenter uses an MSR and by default return to the location with pops in
The kernel is using VDSO to specify ret addr for sysenter.
There is a ret, so we must push the retaddr to our code.
push after
push ...
call *%gs:0x10
In GS segment register the kernel puts an address of a structure.
Enter in the same code path, __kernel_vsyscall, and use sysenter.
sysret needs that the kernel must switch back to the userspace stack before
executing the instruction. This open a window for a race condition with
NMI handlers and in fact TSS now has entries for private stacks for NMI
5) Modern syscall activation
- syscall instruction.
- take entry_syscall_64 addr from LSTAR
- save all registers in pt
- call do_syscall_64
- check nr <= MAX_SYSCALLS
- pt->rax = syscall_table[nr](pt)
6) Spectre patch
Forcing taking branch in kernel code.
pt->rax = syscall_table[nr](pt) is critical in kernel code.
The retpoline transform a call that depends on data in a safe way for Spectre.
In particular for syscall_table[nr](pt) (r?x managed by register allocation):
mov r?x, QWORD PTR [syscall_table+rax*8]
call __x86_indirect_thunk_r?x
call 2fh
1: pause
jmp 1bh
2: mov QWORD PTR [rsp], r?x
Uses retaddr replace of the first call to the target location.
The branch prediction can now take only two choices: correct ret value of the
incorrect, that is label 1.
If CPU misspeculate, it will go in an infinite loop of lfence :)
We can compile the kernel to not use this, the macro is CONFIG_RETPOLINE.
7) sys_ni_syscall
Initially, the syscall table is filled by sys_ni_syscall.
With __SYSCALL_64(nr, sym, qual) [nr] = sym the syscall table entry is filled
with a different handler.
Deprecated or not implemented syscalls must fail.
The address os sys_ni_syscall can be got with a kprobe.
Loadable modules
1) Initialization
LICENSE macro used to expose reduced facilities if not GPL.
Can be got with $ modinfo module.ko
Linux uses reference counters for LKM (loadable kernel modules).
They are used for dependency management (e.g. 2 modules depending on the same
try_module_get() increment the refcount.
module_put() decrrement the refcount.
if CONFIG_MODULE_UNLOAD is not set at compile time the kernel will not unload
the module.
2) Parameters
module_param(var, type, perm)
located in sys
IWOTH cannot be used in perms.
3) Build and install
Uses headers installed in system and KBuild.
Load module:
$ sudo insmod module.ko
$ sudo insmod module.ko param=value
(parameters with spaces must be encapsulated in quotes)
$ sudo insmod module.ko param='"value"' # double quote fuck u bash
Access printk logs:
$ dmsg
$ rmmod module
4) Loading
Kernel will search for available memory for the module code and data via
Modules are PIC.
In x86_64 we can use RIP-relative data access. mov $0, offset(%rip).
init_module(image, len, param_values)
finit_module(fd, param_values, flags)
delete_module(name, flags)
These syscalls requires priviledges.
modpost creates the .ko from .o and and additional C file .mod.c.
Exported symbols with EXPORT_SYMBOL (include/linux/module.h) can be referred by
other modules.
Symbols are in __ksymtab.
5) Kprobes
Register a probe (handler) pre or post for a function.
register_kprobe(kprobe* p)
unregister_kprobe(kprobe* p)
Using int3 breakpoint.
Set TF=1 trap flag for single step. After the execution of a single instruction,
the CPU will trigger a hardware breakpoint.
Kprobe can be used to get not exported symbols.
struct kprobe kp
kb.symbol_name = "flush_tlb_all"
kp.addr <--- yeee
kretprobe are for return hooks on routines.
6) Versions
KERNEL_VERSION(major, minor, release) -> packed in an integer.
Usually compared with LINUX_VERSION_CODE.
7) Locating syscalls table
Syscall table is pointing to wrappers (__x64_sys_x) instead of sys_x.
__x64_sys_x copy pt_regs in actual regs and the call sys_x.
We must look at syscall dispatcher in LSTAR (entry_syscall_64 or similar).
This function does several things, then call do_syscall_64 implements the access
to the syscall entry.
We must look at the bytecode of such function.
Locate the call to do_syscall_64 (use pattern of bytes) and read the offset.
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, rsp
call do_syscall_64
do_syscall_64 calls then pt->rax = syscall_table[nr](pt).
Now to get the syscall table we must locate the patter to this code.
There are two patterns, the indirect call and the retpoline
(cfr. chapter 5).
With retpoline is quite complicated, the pattern changes a lot due to different
registers allocations.
mov rax, DWORD PTR [rbx*8]
mov rcx, DWORD PTR [rsi*8]
mov r11, DWORD PTR [rbx*8]
Use a length disassembler to do this. All the instructions that we must search
are 8 bytes long. The second byte is the actual opcode, mov (0x8b).
We check also REX prefix to check if the dest reg is 64 bit. This must be true
because they are function pointers.
We check also the third byte to check that MOD = 0 and R/M = 100, aka 0 as
displacement base and 8 as the index.
To write in syscall table we must remove write protection.
In CR0 we have a bit that set the write policy.
Interrupts and time
1) Realtime OS
Soft real-time and hard-realtime.
Hard realtime must have a very low error on time. For instance, a car have a
real time OS.
Linux is not considered a real-time OS.
2) IDT and GDT
In Interrupt Descriptor Table we map a selector to an offset.
The selector picks a segment descriptor in GDT. Adding offset to the base of
this segment descriptor points to the interrupt handler.
IDTR and GDTR are per-CPU registers.
On IDT entries, the type classifies the trap associated.
Look at the idt_bits and gate_struct on Linux. In the entry there is specified
also the DPL and the Interrupt Stack Table (IST).
When receiving interrupts in user mode we want to transition to kernel space.
Use gate to set the privilege.
3) IDT entry initialization
pack_gate() takes parameters for you and fills the gate entry.
Parameters are: gate_desc*, type, func, dpl, ist, seg.
Executing pack_gate directly on IDT entry will cause a crash.
This function executes many instructions, so the way is:
- Clone IDT entry
- Operate on the clone
- Store the clone on the IDT entry (one instruction, not many)
4) Entries types
256 possible entries. Each entry is common called vector.
- 0-19 not maskable interrupts and exceptions (even with IF=0)
- 20-31 reserved
- 32-127 IRQs
- 128 syscalls
- 129-238 IRQs
- 239 local APIC timer interrupt
- 240-250 reserved for future
- 251-255 interprocessor interrupts
Each LAPIC is an interrupt dispatcher and has its time.
5) Gate descriptor
It is basically a segment descriptor with 4 types:
- call-gate:
Register a function pointer that is a cross ring call specifying the
number of arguments (those arguments are pushed on the source ring stack
and the firmware copies them to the new stack). There is not an OS using
- interrupt-gate
- trap-gate
- task-gate:
Made to jump to the scheduler. With NT (Next Task) flag a task can yield
explicetely the cpu to a different task. This lives on TSS and no one is
using this.
6) Interrupts vs Traps
Async events are interrupts. Can be generated by devices and some of them can be
masked or not (NMI).
Trap (or exceptions) are synchronous strictly related to the CPU execution.
Using interrupt gates you are telling the firmware to clear the interrupt
flag (IF). With a trap gate, this is not done.
Critical section in a trap handler must explicitly use cli/sti but on multi-core
this may not be enough to guarantee atomicity so the kernel uses spinlocks.
7) Global activation scheme
When receiving an interrupt a very simple stub is activated. It pushes on the
stack a code used by the dispatcher to know where to jump (error code).
Then jump to the handler second stub.
Traps go directly to the handler (vector number pushed by firmware).
If the IDT has an IST value that is not 0 the corresponding stack is taken from
TSS and used, otherwise is used the stack of the destination ring.
x86 interrupt frame (RSP):
- error code/vector
- CS
- SP
- SS
The handler makes uniform this frame (align stack in case of IRQ etc.)
Then the dispatcher is called. It firstly change GS to the value needed in
kernel space if the interrupt comes from user space (per CPU vars).
Push the content of the context on pt_regs.
Then activate the proper handler.
The handler returns to the dispatcher that do cleanup and calls iret.
swapgs instruction swap GS if coming from userpace. It relies on another MSR.
The other incarnation of GS is GSMSR and swapgs exchange those two regs.
User space provenience can be seen using the CPL in the CS on stack.
An exception example is the page fault handler that calls into do_page_fault.
8) Do page fault
In kernel mode, to validate the access to user mode pointer, the verify_area()
or access_ok() routines must be used. This can take a lot of time and happens
very often.
To do this in an efficient way Linux exploits the MMU, if an invalid pointer
is accesses a page fault is raised.
The firmware stores in CR2 the address that generates the fault.
Fault type in error code. The instruction address that generated the fault can
be easily taken from RSP (pushed RIP).
In copy_from_user if passed a wrong address the kernel generates a page fault.
Otherwise, access checking would be costly.
Do page fault does many things, for example if the address is in the target
address space but it is swapped the page is read in RAM. For not recoverable
errors a jump to bad_area() activates a fixup.
The pieces of the kernel that are allowed to crash user code in a special
section .fixup to recover (e.g. in copy_from_user read bytes are set to 0).
Pieces in .fixup rejumps to .text.
__ex_table is a section used to map text and fixup addresses
(instructions that may generate a fault -> associated fixup stub).
In 64 bits this changed cause expand the table to handle 64 bit pointer is
not a good idea. Offset from the current location (32 bits) are used to index
the __ex_table in x86_64.
9) Multi-core
On a single core, the hardware is time shared across threads and this ensure
consistency of interrupts/traps.
On multi-core, interrupts are delivered to a single core but other core may run
another thread of the same application.
This may lead to race conditions.
Also, sync code in userspace like VDSO is affected.
Memory unmapping is an example, a portion of the address space if teared down.
The kernel code has to flush a part of TLB also. The thread that called munmap
see a consistent state thanks to the TLB update and this is also true for all
the other threads on the same core.
But if a thread of the same process is on another core? The hardware state is
inconsistent! The unammped page is still cached on TLB of such core.
10) Inter Processor Interrupts
Generated by software. They are synchronous for the sender core and asynchronous
for the receiver core.
With this mechanism, a core can trigger a state change in another core.
There are at least 2 priority levels, high or low.
Low priority is generally enqueued and then sent in batch.
IPI are an interface to APIC/LAPIC circuitry.
IPI requests go along a dedicated APIC bus (QuickPath on modern Intels).
In Linux high priority are used in critical situations like for sending halt
after a panic on a core.
There are only 4 available vectors.
A dedicated vector is for flushing the TLB only (0xfd).
CALL_FUNCTION_VECTOR is general purpose vector that calls a function pointer
on another core.
Defined in struct ipi.
There is a way to register an IPI function (this is needed cause there is
In old kernels, there was a global struct under locks.
In 5.0 there is a per-CPU lock-free linked list.
Old steps are:
- Lock
- Set global function pointer
- Set a global pointer as an argument to the function
- Send IPI
- Other core copies function pointer and arg pointer to local variables
- Other cores unlock
This does not scale. The lock-free is a better solution:
A CPU adds an element (function + argument) to all the per-CPU lists
(struct call_single_data_t) of the other cores (yes, a bit spooky) and the
trigger the IPI.
Note: Remeber lock-free lists use CAS for insertion.
smp_call_function_many() is used to call functions on many cores.
It uses a bitmask to specify the target cores. Preemption must be disabled.
Basically, for each cpu in the mask take the per-CPU csd (the list) and add an
element with the function and the arguments. Then send IPI and at the end.
If wait is specified, wait for the completion flag in the csd of each core.
When interrupts are disabled this function can cause deadlock!
If two cores send IPI to each other and wait until completion both are waiting
for completion and does not respond to the request.
12) I/O interrupts management
Action taken when handling an interrupt are split across:
- Critical Actions: IF=0, ack the interrupt, reprogram the device, exchange
data with the device etc..
- Non-Critical Actions: IF=1, quick data structures management (data not shared
with device).
- Non-Critical Deferrable Actions: eventually done. Anything else (e.g. copy
data to userspace).
Interrupt service routines are the driver entry points and end with iret.
The same IRQ can be shared by multiple devices. Multiple ISR for an IRQ.
The hardware geometry allows ISR to find out the correct routine.
In IRQ management dispatcher we use another stack if coming from userspace.
swapgs and do this shit:
We move off the initial part (the critical) to another stack
(a stack for each cpu).
mov %rsp, %rdi
mov PER_CPU_VAR(cpu_current_top_of_stack), %rsp
Then copy the interrupt frame from old stack to the new (rdi is also saved).
pushq 0x38(%rdi)
This is a memory-to-memory instruction. Yes, x86 is x86.
Then, begin the common code also if coming from kernel space:
Save the registers and call do_IRQ(interrupt number). The interrupt number can
be found at the top of the stack cause it is pushed by the initial stub.
Interrupts are disabled, do_IRQ performs the critical actions.
13) Deferred work
Work from interrupts shifted in time, must be handled carefully to not
introduce starvation.
Those events can be aggregated.
This reconciliation points can be also specified.
The initial idea was to avoid to process interrupts during a critical section
that some worker locked before the arriving of interrupts.
This satisfies a soft real-time constraint.
Top half is the not critical action that is needed to finalize the interrupt.
Bottom half is the deferrable work, top half schedule it in a proper data
Deferred work is executed in the same CPU of the top half. Probably the
reconcilition point is not to too time after the top half so this choice
exploits the cache.
14) SoftIRQs
- Fired at reconciliation points
- Coming back from hard IRQ (IF=1)
- Coming back from system call
- Specified points
- Interruptible (so reentrant)
- Rarely used directly
Tasklets are used to not trigger soft IRQ indirectly, otherwise, there will be a
considerable performance loss.
To trigger them there is a per-CPU bitmap that set if there is a pending
softIRQ. irq_stat[cpu].__softirq_pending.
In each CPU there is also a low priority thread that checks, when scheduled, if
there are entries set in this bitmap.
The classes that can be set in the bitmap are 9. For example, there is the
entry for block devices. The top half register the bottom half here.
There is also the network entry and the timer.
The tasklets entry is general purpose.
__do_softIRQ() this function activates functions that have bit enabled in the
pending mask.
This switches to private stack and saves a copy of the bitmap (and using those
copy). This small init work is done with IF=0 and then IF is re-enabled.
This allows a new top half to register new bottom half while processing old
bottom halves.
The duration of that routine can be long. To avoid to finish the time windows,
not all bottom halves are processed but they are left to the low-priority
A tasklet is executed once, but in the handler, you can re-enable it.
Synchronizing tasklets registered by 2 CPU can be a pain, so the kernel enforces
not concurrent execution of tasklets.
Tasklets run with preemption disabled so you cannot call functions that can
lead to sleep.
If you want to do this, use the work queue. This works can be executed later.
Similar to tasklets but without nesting. A pool of threads will execute them.
15) Timekeeping
Multiple ways to keep track of time via software and hardware with different
- Timeouts: used mainly by networking to detect when an event does not occur
as excepted. Require low resolution. The average case is that they are
removed and does not expire.
- Timers: sequence ongoing events. Usually needs high resolution.
Hardware Clock Sources:
- Real Time CLock (RTC), available in all PCs.
- Time Stamp Counter (TSC), uses CPU clock, a monotonic counter that can't be
used for time. rdtsc x86 instruction. (this shit can overflow!)
- Programmable Interval Timer (PIT), programmable laps, send interrupts.
- CPU Local Time (LAPIC), delivers interrupt only to the local CPU.
- High Precision Event Timer (HPET), multiple timers that can be used
Clock events are abstraction introduced in 2.6.
Those events are generated from Clock Event Devices. Those Devices are
programmable and the kernel will choose the best hardware support available that
can generate the event.
Portability suffer for this, the same code can be less accurate in different
The global variable jiffies keeps the number of ticks since startup.
Timer Interrupts are top/bottom half.
Top half:
- Register bottom half
- Increment jiffies
- Check if the scheduler needs to be activated and then set need_resched = 1
Bottom half:
- While need_resched call the scheduler
All these parts can produce delays. High resolution timers uses ktime_t type
that has a nanoseconds scalar representation instead of jiffies.
ktime_t can guarantee a lower bound but not hard real-time.
hrtimer struct and related APIs are used to do this.
Dynamic kernel timers are in timer_list. All functions in the list will be
triggered at expire. Based on jiffies.
Releasing resourcing in a function called from a dynamic kernel timer
must be
a careful operation.
Timers must be deleted before releasing resources, they are prone to race
In the Timer Wheel is the place were we register multiple timer_list.
This is a multilevel priority queue.
The problem is that you do not have guarantees on unlink and placing events.
This is linear for the bucket and this is a problem.
Two different balancing operation can take different time on different levels.
Since kernel 2.6 Linux started relying on LAPIC timer. This immediately ack the
IRQ and then call local_apic_timer_interrupt().
16) Watchdogs
A component that monitors a system for "normal" behavior and in case of
failure a reset in order to recover normal operation.
This allows remotely log after a restart without losing machines that are not
reachable physically.
In Linux a watchdog is implemented in 2 parts:
- A module that is able to do a hard reset
- A userspace application
/dev/watchdog is used to notify the kernel module that the application is
still alive (done periodically).
The kernel device use NMI to check the counter that counts the notification
from userspace and then if it is too old hard reset the machine.
1) Properties
- Safety: nothing wrong happens
* we can associate with a correct sequential execution
- Liveness: eventually something good happens
* no starvation
The linearizability property tries to generalize the intuition of safety.
History is a sequence of invocation and replies on an object by multiple
threads. A sequential history is when invocation has immediate responses.
A history is linearizable if the invocations and responses can be reordered
to produce a sequential history. A response that precede an invocation must
also maintain such order in the reordered history.
An object is linearizable if every valid history associated can be linearized.
Liveness (Progress) conditions:
- Deadlock-free: no deadlock but possibly wasting time
- Starvation-free: no one thread get stuck
- Lock-free: some method call completes
- Wait-free: every method call completes (very rare)
- Obstruction-free: every method calls complete if executed in isolation,
if you update data that no other thread is touching it will be completed.
This is in-between wait and lock.
CAS is lock free cause can fail and not update the memory location.
Non-Blocking | Blocking
For everyone | wait-free | obstruction-free | starvation-free
For some | lock-free | | deadlock-free
For some is problematic, is not strictly related to my code but to the
offered scheduling.
2) Concurrent and preemptive kernels
Everything in the OS is a task. A modern OS is also concurrent.
The kernel must ensure consistency and avoid deadlocks.
Typical solutions are:
- Explicit synchronization
- Non-blocking synchronization
- Data separation (per-CPU variables)
- Interrupt disabling
- Preemption disabling
3) Race condition example
my_syscall() {
n = len(queue)
if (n > 0) {
m = kmalloc(1024)
0. n == 1
1. kmalloc() stops, thread got to sleep
2. control to another task, call to my_syscall again
3. n is again 1
4. 2 pops of a queue with len = 1
4) Enable/disable
preemt_disable() increments per-CPU counter.
preemt_enable() decrements per-CPU counter.
preemt_count() reads this counter.
Non 0 counter tells that preemption is disabled.
Without counter is not possible to call a routine that disables and then enable
preemption inside a routing that disables preemption, call the previous
function, then enable preemption.
For each CPU we can reset the IF flag with:
Nested activations done with:
local_irq_save(flags) [pushf + pop flags]
local_irq_restore(flags) [push flags + popf]
get and put macros of per-CPU vars disable and enable preemption for us.
per-CPU variables and rescheduling on another core are not good friends.
5) Atomic operations
atomic_t type and atomic_fetch_{add,sub,...} implements RMW instructions.
Bitmap macros are RMW. set_bit(), clear_bit(), ...
6) Barriers
Compiler can reorder instruction, avoid with optimization barrier:
#define barrier() asm volatile ("":::"memory")
Out of order pipeline can reorder memory access, use memory barriers:
- {smp_}mb(): full memory barrier
- {smp_}rmb(): reads mem barrier
- {smp_}wm(): writes mem barrier
7) Mutex and spinlocks
The terminology is that down and up are wait and signal.
Spinlock does not cause sleep but are polling of a variable. This is good when
the critical section is small and sleep/wake up time is more than the wait time.
spin_lock_irq and spin_lock_irqsave.
We do not want interrupts in the middle of a critical section, this will
increase the time.
Any spinlock will disable preemption. spin_lock_irq calls local_irq_disable,
spin_lock_irqsave calls local_irq_save.
With spinlocks, only one thread at a time can be in the critical section.
For this use read/write locks. Multiple readers, one writer.
Cannot both read and write, with many readers writers can starve.
Concurrent execution of read operations.
To avoid to starve writers on small simple data (no pointers and no side
effects) we can use seqlocks.
write_seqlock increments, write_sequnlock also increments.
Enter in the critical section when the counter is even.
Readers do not acquire the locks, they retry to read data.
do {
seq = read_seqbegin(&lock);
/* make A COPY */
} while (read_seqretry(&lock, seq));
8) Read-Copy-Update
RCU is Lock-free. Many readers and one writer concurrently.
3 fundamental mechanism:
- publish-subscribe for insertion
- wait for pre-existing readers when deleting
- maintain multiple versions of RCU-updated objects for readers
Only dynamically allocated data structures, the code can't sleep inside
an RCU critical section!
Use rcu_assign_pointer as publish to not reorder with barriers.
rcu_read_lock(); //no real lock, disable preemtion
p = rcu_dereference(gp); //mem berriers
if (p != NULL) do_something_with(p->a, p->b);
syncronize_rcu() asks the OS to schedule the code of delete operation on all
CPU cores.
Cannot run an operation on a core that is reading cause preemption is disabled.
This wait for all pre-existing readers to complete.
list_del_rcu(&p->list); // unlink
synchonize_rcu(); // wait for readers reading the victim node
kfree(p); // release memory, no UAF here :)
When updating the scenario is similar.
Make a copy of the node, modify the node, list_replace_rcu, sync, kfree(old).
Virtual File System and Devices
1) Introduction
VFS is a software layer which abstracts the actual implementation of devices
and files. It is a uniform interface.
The representation can be in RAM (full or partial) or in the device (possibly
outdated before synchronization).
There are 2 parts, the FS-independent part that is an interface towards other
subsystems of the kernel and the FS-dependent part.
Remember, in UNIX everything is a file.
2) EXT2
Index Node (inode) is a representation of a node of the tree hierarchy in the
filesystem. Basically, we have a table of inodes.
| info |
+-+-+-+-+---> Direct data block 1
| 1 |
+-+-+-+-+---> Direct data block 2
| 2 |
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+----> Indirect data block
| ... | | 1 |
| 13 | | 2 |
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+----> Double indirect data block
| 14 | .... | 1 |
| 15 | | 1 | | 2 |
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+
... ...
info is metadata, e.g. permissions. First entries are for direct data blocks.
When the file grows in size, the space in inode can be exhausted and so the last
blocks point to indirect data blocks (block of pointers).
Multiple IO operation are needed to locate indirect data blocks and double
indirect data blocks.
3) VFS global organization
Inodes in VFS are a different thing than EXT2 inodes.
VFS implements a caching of metadata of the filesystem geometry.
dentry object is a generic abstraction of a node. It can represent folder,
file, links etc..
For each dentry there is an associated inode that describes the file from a
device point of view.
dentry has only a child field, but if the dentry is a folder the child is a
list of dentry. Each child dentry has a parent field.
v vfsmount
v v
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---v ^
^ v ^
+-+-+-+-+------>+-+-+-+-+-+ (possibly belonging to other fs)
| inode | | dentry |
+-+-+-+-+<------+-+-+-+-+-+-- child -->+-+-+-+-+-+---->+-+-+-+-+-+
^ ^ | dentry | | dentry |
^ ^--------------+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+
A superblock is an instance of the actual filesystem, vfsmount is the instance
of the filesystem mounted. There can be multiple vfsmount instances but only
a superblock for each device (a device can be mounted multiple times).
In inode there can be pointers to frames in RAM that are a cache for pieces of
struct file_system_type {
func ptr super_block* read_super(super_block*, void*, int)
module* owner
file_system_type* next
list_head fs_supers
read_super is bound to the actual filesystem routine that reads the
super block.
rootfs is an empty root folder while the system is booting. It cannot be
unmounted and this avoid to check for an empty list (like init does for
the processes).
During boot the kernel replaces the mountpoint of rootfs.
This is the entrypoint of the file_system_type list.
struct vfsmount {
list_head mnt_hash
vfsmount* mnt_parent // fs in which is mounted (*)
dentry* mnt_mountpoint
detry* mnt_root
super_block* mnt_sb
list_head mnt_mounts // not point to vfsmount objects but dentry
list_head mnt_child
atomic_t mnt_count // refcount
list_head mnt_list
(*) Consider /mnt/foo/bar:
/ is ext3, /mnt/foo dentry is fat32
/mnt/foo is splitted in two dentry objects, one is the folder in
/mnt, the other is the root node of the fast32 fs.
In the fast32 vfsmount the first object is associated to mnt_parent and is
the mnt_mountpoint, the second is mnt_root.
struct super_block {
file_system_type *s_type
super_operations *s_op // bridge between vfs and device dependent part
dentry *s_root
list_head s_dirty // dirty inodes
union { // rigth member given by info in s_type
ext2_sb_info ext2_sb
ext3_sb_info ext3_sb
void* generic_sb
struct dentry {
inode* d_inode
dentry* parent
list_head d_child
list_head d_subdirs
qstr d_name
lockref d_lockref // lock and refcount
dentry_operations d_op
super_block *d_sb
d_iname[DNAME_INLINE_LEN] //small names
struct inode {
list_head i_dentry
uid_t i_uid
gid_t i_gid
inode_operations *i_op
file_operations *i_fop
super_block *i_sb
wait_queue_head_t i_wait
union {
ext2_inode_info ext2_i
socket socket_i
void* generic_ip
4) VFS and PCBs
In PCB fs_struct *fs points to information related to the current directory.
In this struct we have a pointer to root and pwd.
Two processes with the same pwd are using the same dentry
(remember the refcount).
If a process removes the directory the VFS keeps the consistency.
5) Operations
Superblock operations are function pointers to routines that also give
statistical info.
- alloc_inode
- read_inode
- write_inode
- put_inode , release the inode (refcount)
- statfs (statistics)
- write_super
- put_super , release the superblock (refcount)
- ...
Dentry operations:
- delete , remove the pointed inode
- put , remove the dentry when refcount = 0
- ...
Inode operations:
- create
- lookup
- link
- unlink
- symlink
- mkdir
- rmdir
- mknod
6) Pathname lookup
A very critical part. Must be concurrent, safe and permission safe.
Must handle automount, namespaces, links loops.
Everything based on nameidata structure. Main functions are vfs_path_lookup(),
filename_path_lookup(), path_lookupat().
Lookup flags are used for example create the endpoint of the lookup or
allow automount.
/filesystem/path-lookup.* are the file for the documentation in the source
of the kernel.
7) Syscalls
mount (MS_SYNCHRONOUS tell that all writes must be synchronous)
Two dentry describes a mount point, the outer has the DCACHE_MOUNTED flags and
it will be skipped while tokenizing a pathname.
In PCB we have a file_struct* files field that is the per-process file
descriptor table.
struct files_struct {
atomic_t count
fdtable __rcu *fdt
fdtable fdtab
spinlock_t file_lock ___cacheline_aligned_in_smp // avoid split cache lock
uint next_fd // last closed fd or last of the table if full
struct fdtable {
uint max_fds
file __rcu **fd
ulong *close_on_exec
ulong *open_fds // bitmap
There is also an intermediate table in VFS, different process can open the same
file and points the fd to an entry here. This structure if struct file.
do_sys_open() is split in two parts, the first allocate a file descriptor
and then calls do_filp_open() that does a path lookup on the target pathname
and returns the associated struct file.
struct file {
path f_path
inode *f_inode
file_operations *f_op
fmode_t f_mode
mutex f_pos_lock
loff_t f_pos
cred *f_cred
Also, close calls put_unused_fd and then filp_close().
In read()/write() syscall we start calling fdget_pos that acquires a lock to
avoid race conditions.
8) Proc & Sys
Proc is an in-memory filesystem that provides info about the OS.
The core structure is proc_dir_entry.
struct proc_dir_entry {
u16 low_ino
u16 name_len
char* name
Sys FS is similar in spirit to proc. More clean, with simple I/O to these files
we can set kernel configuration (e.g. IP forwarding).
Very simple API:
- Kernel Objects: Directories
- Object Attributes: Files
- Object Relationships: Symbolic links
sysfs_create_file, sysfs_remove_file, sysfs_update_file are the core API.
struct attribute {
char* name
struct module *owner // subsystem or loadable kernel module descriptor
mode_t mode
kobject describes (with refcount) the kernel object.
Operations for kobject in sysfs are:
struct sysfs_ops {
ssize_t (*show)(kobj, attr, buffer)
ssize_t (*store)(kobj, attr, buffer, size)
kset are high level facility to group kobjects. It inherits kobject.
A circular double linked list.
kobject are added to sysfs with kobject_add and kobject_del to avoid races.
9) Devices
Each device is associated with a MAJOR and a MINOR number.
MAJOR is a key used by the kernel to access the associated driver (class of
devices with the same driver).
MINOR identifies the instance of a single device (can be specified by the
driver programmer).
There are 2 major classes, char and block devices. The name is a hint of the
minimum data type handled by the device.
ls -l /dev/sda /dev/ttyS0
Give us info about class, brw-... for block, crw... for char in the
permissions. Before the date field, there are also MAJOR and MINOR.
lanana assign MAJOR numbers.
The device database describes the devices. Two databases, cdev_map and bdev_map.
struct kobj_map {
struct probe {
dev_t dev
module *owner
} *probes[255]
mutex lock
probes is a hashmap of 255 buckets accessed with MAJOR % 255.
dev_t is a device number, a concatenation of MAJOR and MINOR, access with
MAJOR(dev) and MINOR(dev) bitwise macros.
Registering char devices needs to specify file_operations.
UDEV handles userspace events raised when devices are added/removed.
This is a system daemon in userspace that is notified by the kernel and calls
mknod to create the file in /dev.
UDEV is based on rules stored in the /etc/udev/rules.d folder. An example is
the following:
KERNEL=="hdb", DRIVER=="ide-disk", NAME="my_spare_disk", SYMLINK+="sparedisk"
1) Process Control Block
Each process table entry is a PCB.
- PC
- Regs
- State
- Priority
- Address Space
- Open file
- ...
- Other flags
Lightweight processes have small PCBs (for threads).
In Linux, there is an opposite view. PCB is called task_struct. Everything is a
task and there are no differences between processes and threads.
This is one of the largest structures in the kernel, we discuss the most
relevant fields.
long state is the state of the task (running, zombie etc...).
Memory maps are pointers (mm_struct*) and so different task can share the
address space just assigning a pointer.
struct mm_struct* mm
struct mm_struct* active_mm
Kernel thread does not have address space but they can steal address space from
another userspace task and manage that virtual memory.
if active_mm == NULL The kernel level thread is not stealing mappings from
the userspace process.
pid_t pid is the identifier of the kernel task (different from userspace pid).
pid_t tgid is the thread group id (a process id in userspace).
For thread 0 of a process pid == tgid.
struct fs_struct* fs
struct files_struct* files
Kill trigger a signal in the active thread (by chance), raise() target a
specific thread of a process.
struct signal_struct* sig
struct thread_struct thread is a snapshot of the CPU dependent state:
TSS, FPU, CR2, perf events...
Now thread is mostly useless in x86.
int prio to implement the nice() syscall.
ulong policy for the scheduler.
int nr_cpus_allowed
cpumask_t cpus_allowed for e.g. numa stuffs.
2) MM member
In mm_struct there is a member called pgd that maintains the first level of the
page table. To schedule a process we write to CR3 current->mm->pgd. Each new
process has its own page table.
After pgd there is a list called vm_area_struct in which each entry is a
contiguous virtual area that can be served to user via mmap.
vm_ops are for handling special allocation/deallocation like mmapped files.
If a process wants to finish the RAM the kernel, before that, kills it.
3) PCB location
Up to 2.6 PCB is allocated at the bottom of the kernel level stack associated
to the process.
In 2.6 the devs put a thread_info struct with a pointer to PCB instead of the
PCB at the bottom of the stack.
Many fields from thread_info were removed in 4.3.
In 3.19 for example in thread_info there is the addr_limit field that can be
hijacked to allow userspace to read kernel memory (using copy_from_user) and the
restart_block that contains a function pointer called by the restart() syscall.
Stack was physically contiguous memory via kmalloc but then this changed and now
the stack is virtually mapped using vmalloc (slower than kmalloc).
thread_info no more in stack.
There is a caching system running on top of vmalloc that is slow to create a
new kernel level stack.
current is a macro that evaluated to the currently scheduled task_struct.
The early version of the macro did computation based on the SP value.
Now it is a function that reads a pre-CPU variable.
find_task_by_pid find a task_struct given a pid.
In 2.6.26 replaced by find_task_by_vpid based on virtual pids. Virtual pids
allows two processes to have the same pid in different namespaces.
Currently, PCB are found not using a hashtable anymore but with a radix tree.
4) Process and thread creation
Userspace: fork() pthread_create() -> clone()
| |
Kernel: sys_fork ----> do_fork() <----- sys_close()
In Linux, the kernel should never (at except for process creation) allocate
memory for userspace.
On thread creation, the new thread stack must be allocated by userspace.
A pointer to the new stack must be passed to clone(), also the new TLS.
The kernel must properly set %fs when scheduling the thread so that the access
to thread local variables is consistent.
Common clone_flags are:
- CLONE_FS if omitted setup new file system
- CLONE_FILES share file descriptors
- CLONE_PARENT set same parent as the cloner
do_fork() allocate a new PCB, a new kernel stack and copy values based on flags.
dup_mm in do_fork memcopy the current mm and create a new PGD (to implement
kthread_create() is the internal API for kernel thread creation.
kthreads are stopped at creation and must be activated with wake_up_process().
In task_struct there is the signal_mask. Signals are delivered at end of system
5) Program start
The execve syscall wipes out the memory state, find the executable in the
filesystem and do not change most of the other fields of PCB.
struct linux_binprm {
char buf[]
struct page* page[]
ulong p // current top of memory
int sh_bang
struct file* file
do_execve() open the binary file, set the top to a value proportional to the
number of arguments, set arguments, filename and other stuff on the stack of the
new program.
Then search_binary_handler is called to match the binary image to a function
that can handle it. If something goes wrong all is freed.
If search_binary_handler cannot find an interpreter ENOEXEC is returned.
For ELFs, load_elf_binary() is called. It loads the image via mmap, reads the
header (from \x7fELF) and set permissions.
Virtualization and Containers
1) Hypervisors
- Native: runs bare metal
- Hosted: runs as an application, access host services via syscalls
An x86 CPU has no notion of virtualized environment, some instruction must be
For example, if a guest modify the register that points to the page table it
also modifies the host state.
Ring deprivileging is needed.
Running kernel guest at ring 1 is the most used (013 model).
Running kernel guest at ring 3 (033 model) is too close to emulation, it is
Ring 1 cannot access all instructions. Ring 1 is also buggy, some
instruction that should not be allowed in ring 1 are allowed.
popf for example always succeed at ring 1, so interrupts can be disabled from
The VMM must be able to recognize which guest kernel generated a trap.
The VMM must virtualize interrupts.
The VMM must manage the request for access of guest to privileged resources.
In x86_64 we have hardware assisted virtualization, in x86 is all at software
2) Ring aliasing
Some instructions generate an exception if not at ring 0.
E.g. hlt, lidt, lgdt, invd, mox crX ...
The generated trap must be handled by the VMM.
Those instructions can be replaced lifting the bytecode and recompiling.
Guest context has two modes:
- Raw mode: native guest runs ar ring 1 or 3
- Hypervisor: VMM executes code at ring 0
Host context is the execution context for userspace portions of the VMM.
- The running thread of the VM run in this context upon a mode change.
- Emulation of critical instructions is handled here
The kernel must be aware of virtualization. For example, VirtualBox modify the
GDT to use the ring1 entry of TSS. It also replaces the gate 80h handler with a
dispatcher that routes the interrupt to the guest if needed.
3) Paravirtualization
VMM offers a virtual interface available to guests: hypercalls.
To run privileged instructions the guests, when it knows that is running
virtualized, runs hypercalls.
4) Hardware assisted
Intel Vanderpool Technology, VT-x, eliminates the need of software based
Solved problems: Ring compression, non-trapping instructions (popf) and
excessive trapping.
Virtual Machine Extension defines the support for VMs on x86 using VMX
Kinds of VMX operations:
- root: VMM runs here
- non-root: Gest runs here
This eliminated ring deprivileging for guests.
VM Entry is the transition to VMX non-root operation, VM Exit is the transition
to root operation. Registers and address space are swapped in one atomic
VMX Root is a special ring, all privileges of rings 0 plus the possibility to
switch VMX operations. Now also guests run at ring 0.
VMCS (Virtual Machine Control Structure) is a data structure used to manage
VMX non-root operation and transitions.
- Guest state area, saved CPU state
- Host state area
- VM execution control fields (for example, which core is exposed to VM)
- VM exit control fields
- VM entry control fields
- VM exit information fields, read-only fields that describe the reason of a
VM exit (like guest crash)
First generation VT-x forces TLB flushes each VMX transitions.
Now there is the VPID, a 16-bit virtual processor ID field in VMCS.
In TLB linear translations are cached with VPID so TLB entries of different VMs
can coexist in the TLB.
Virtual Address Space -> Physical Address Space (Virtual RAM) ->
Machine Address Space (RAM).
Also, physical address spaces are virtual for guests.
To handle this additional translation there are several options:
- Shadow Page Table, map guest-virtual pages to machine pages directly.
This page table id read-only, when the guest change it a trap is generated.
This is done to synchronize guest page table with shadow page table.
There is a virtual CR3. When guest change the virtual CR3, the real CR3 will
points to the correspondent shadow page table.
- Nested/Extended Page Table, translate physical address in VMX non-root using
an intermediate set of tables. Very costly TLB miss.
5) Kernel Samepage Merging
COW is traditionally used to share physical frames. Between virtual machines,
save space in this way is difficult.
KSM exposes the /dev/ksm pseudofile, with ioctl calls programmers can register
portions of address spaces.
Windows guests write 0 in newly allocated pages and this is a waste of pages.
Registering the VMM to KSM all pages are scanned and hashed, when a hash
collide they are mapped to a physical frame and COW protected.
6) Containers mechanisms
- Cgroups: manage resources for groups of processes.
- Namespaces: per-process resource isolation.
- Seccomp: constraints syscalls.
- Capabilities: privileges avaiable to processes.
7) Cgroups
In sysfs there is a mount point to a new filesystem type, cgroup: /sys/fs/cgroup
The subfolders describe what can be done with the resource of the folder.
For example, there are the CPU and mem folders.
In each task_struct there is a pointer to a css_set group and task_struct are
also linked list items for each cgroup.
task_struct { css_set {
css_set* cgroups <-------> list_head tasks
list_head cg_list cgroup_subsys_state * subsys[]
} }
cgroup_subsys {
int (*attach)(...)
void (*fork)(...)
void (*exit)(...)
void (*bind)(...)
const char* name
cgroupsfs_root *root
cftype *base_cftypes
Several functions pointers to monitor syscalls for each cgroups.
In base_cftypes describe the resources (files) allowed to access to the cgroup.
8) Namespaces
Different view of data structures and names at process granularity.
- mnt
- pid
- net
- ipc
- uts (unix timesharing, different hostnames)
- user
New namespaces created with clone() (new proccess) or unshare() (current).
setns() attach a process to an existing namespace.
Each namespace is identified by an unique inode in /proc/<pid>/ns.
task_struct {
struct nsproxy *nsproxy
struct cred* cred
nsproxy is shared between all task_structs with the same set of namespaces.
nsproxy {
atomic_t count
struct uts_namespace* uts_ns
struct ipc_namespace* ipc_ns
struct mnt_namespace* mnt_ns
struct pid_namespace* pid_ns_for_children
struct net* net_ns
struct cred {
A new net namespace only includes lo device. A network device belongs only to a
namespace. A virtual device should be created and communicate with a real device
using the network stack.
struct pid links together the pids in a namespace.
The journey ends here. Remember, the universal rule of life is that the
documentation is the code. Write me if there is something wrong written here.
Good luck for the AOSV exam, don't be afraid, it's easy. Remember that in my
year the average grade for this exam was 30/30 cum laude. It doesn't matter
that I was the only one to pass the exam by the end of the year, statistics
doesn't lie.
If you meet me around the university and have used this file, you are welcome
to offer me a beer.
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