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Created January 30, 2012 10:17
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jQuery Revealer Plugin - a stupid little jQuery (JavaScript) plugin to make simple revealer links (e.g. '[view]') that expand text/HTML content on-click
* jQuery Revealer plugin
* Joss Crowcroft / @josscrowcroft
* Replaces an element containing text or HTML with a link that reveals the
* original contents when clicked.
* Super simple, no options or anything, but could be added easily.
* Example:
* <span class="whatever">some long-form text or HTML</span>
* <script> $('.whatever').revealer() </script>
* License: MIT; Copyright 2012
// The plugin:
$.fn.revealer = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var linkText = '[view]',
hiddenValue = $(this).html();
$(this).replaceWith('<a class="revealer" href="#" data-reveal="' + encodeURIComponent(hiddenValue) + '">' + linkText + '</a>');
// Set up revealer links' click action:
$(document).on('click', '.revealer', function() {
$(this).replaceWith('<span class="replaced">' + decodeURIComponent($(this).data('reveal')) + '</span>');
return false;
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