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Last active June 30, 2017 17:51
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Function to fit unequal variance SDT model to confidence ratings data
ratingsROC <- function(Fcount =c(2,8,37,23,30), Hcount = c(61,15,15,5,4)) {
#R script to fit ROC data from confidence rating task
#CMR + WJH Mar 26 2015
#data from Macmillan & Creelman 2005 Example 3b
#Low Frequency words, confidence rating recognition task
# Counts are ordered from 'sure old' to 'sure new' response for each stim class
fa_probs <- cumsum(Fcount)/sum(Fcount)
h_probs <- cumsum(Hcount)/sum(Hcount)
gSDT<-function(p,obs,useMLE =TRUE) {
#this function fits data from a 5-level ratings condition with the SDT model
preds<-matrix(0,ncol=2,nrow=nrow(obs),dimnames = list(NULL,names(obs))) #this matrix will hold predicted counts
n <-sum(obs$FA) #total number of lure trials = total number of target trials in this example
# Make sure c1 > c2 > c3 > c4 or return a redonkulus likelihood
crit <- p[grep('c',names(p),]
if ( !all(diff(crit)<0) ) {
d <- p['d']
s <- p['s']
preds[1:nrow(preds)-1,'FA'] <- pnorm(crit,lower.tail=F)
preds[2:(nrow(preds)-1),'FA'] <-diff(preds[1:(nrow(preds)-1),'FA'])
preds[,'FA'] <- n*preds[,'FA']
preds[nrow(preds),'FA'] <- n-sum(preds[,'FA'])
preds[1:nrow(preds)-1,'H'] <- pnorm(crit, mean = d, sd = 1/s,lower.tail=F)
preds[2:(nrow(preds)-1),'H'] <-diff(preds[1:(nrow(preds)-1),'H'])
preds[,'H'] <- n*preds[,'H']
preds[nrow(preds),'H'] <- n-sum(preds[,'H'])
if (useMLE) {
ll <- as.matrix(obs)*log(preds/n)
ll[is.infinite(ll) | is.nan(ll)] <- 0
} else {
#compute G^2
g2 <- 2*as.matrix(obs)*(log(as.matrix(obs))-log(preds))
g2[is.infinite(g2) | is.nan(g2)] <- 0
nIntervals <- length(Hcount)-1
p_names <- c("s", "d", paste('c',1:nIntervals,sep=''))
start <- rep(0,length(p_names))
names(start) <- p_names
# max difference in s2/s1 ratio is 2, max dprime is 3
# most conservative criteron maxes out a 3, other more liberal ones max out at 2
max_vals <- c(2,4,seq(3,3-.01*(nIntervals-1), by=-.01) )
# smallest difference in s2/s1 ratio is .1, min dprime is dprime is 0
# most conservative criteron maxes out at -3, other more liberal ones max out at .01
min_vals <- c(.1,0,seq(-3,-3 -.01*(nIntervals-1), by=-.01))
err<-100000.0 #start with large value, which we then seek to minimize
for (m in 1:100) { #do it 100 time with different starting parameters)
start[] <- c(runif(2),sort(runif(4),dec=TRUE))
# fit rating data, starting with 6 initial parameter values sampled from a uniform distribution
lower=min_vals,upper=max_vals, obs = data.frame(H=Hcount,FA = Fcount), useMLE=FALSE)
if(fit$objective<err) {
bestfit <- fit
# Known best fit
# derp <- structure(c(0.560440499277371, 2.53406429320426, 2.03904738869317,
# 1.27366387425955, 0.0876087175909641, -0.53067977664763),
# .Names = c("s", "d", "c1", "c2", "c3", "c4"))
# knownfit <-nlminb(derp,gSDT,control=list(eval.max=1500,iter.max=1500),
# lower=min_vals,upper=max_vals, obs = data.frame(H=Hcount,FA = Fcount))
slope<-bestfit$par['s'] #parameters are listed in order: slope, d'1, c1,c2, c3, c4
d2<-slope*bestfit$par['d'] #equation 3.1
da<-sqrt(2/(1+slope^2))*d2 #equation 3.4
Fcurve<-seq(.001,.999,.01) #range of false alarms
Hcurve<-pnorm(da/sqrt(2/(1+slope^2)) + slope*qnorm(Fcurve)) #what is the hit rate given parameters and F?
plot(fa_probs, h_probs,type="p",pch=2,cex=1.5,xlab="False Alarm Rate",ylab="Hit Rate",xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),main="M&C Exp 3b LF words",las=1,cex.lab=1.2)
text(.8,.2,paste("da = ",round(da,3),sep=""),cex=1.2)
text(.8,.1,paste("slope = ",round(slope,3),sep=""),cex=1.2)
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