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William Lewis wjlewis

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#content {
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const fs = require('fs');
function compile(program) {
const interpreterSource = `
function lex(source) {
const tokens = [];
let pos = 0;
function skipWhile(pred) {
while (pos < source.length && pred(source[pos])) {
function lex(source) {
const tokens = [];
let pos = 0;
function skipWhile(pred) {
while (pos < source.length && pred(source[pos])) {
pos += 1;
wjlewis /
Created October 31, 2024 12:08
A Wadler-style pretty-printer in Python
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
# + --- +
# | ASM |
# + --- +
def interpret(insts: list[AsmInst]) -> str:
def enum(**variants):
def enhance(cls):
def make_constructor(tag, sig):
def constructor(*data):
nonlocal sig
if callable(sig):
sig = sig()
if len(sig) != len(data):
raise ValueError(f"expected {len(sig)} items, not {len(data)}")
wjlewis /
Created September 14, 2024 10:25
class Ind:
"""A representation of an uncertain or indeterminate value.
Ind(a, b) represents our _knowledge_ that some value lies between a and b."""
def __init__(self, lo, hi):
if lo > hi:
raise ValueError("lo must be less than or equal to hi")
self.lo = lo
self.hi = hi
class BinaryHeap {
private elements: number[] = [];
isEmpty(): boolean {
return this.elements.length === 0;
push(x: number) {
Every complex system that works started out as a simple system that worked (Gall's Law).
But I forget this every time!
It takes constant vigilance and _courage_ to make simple systems.
This is because simple systems are often slow and incomplete.
It's tempting to just jump to something more capable and more interesting,
but we do so at our own peril.
Why can't we design complex systems (that work) from scratch?


In order to be useful, a map must be missing a great deal of information. This is perhaps surprising. But a map that replicated all of the features of the area in question would be identical to that region, and so it would be no more useful than the area itself. So it is with all models of reality.

While attempting to grok parsing a-la matklad, I've encountered two simple grammars. Kladov's idea—if I'm understanding it—is to generate a sequence of events during parsing, and use this to construct an actual parse tree. One way of thinking about this is that the sequence of events is itself an expression in some other (simpler) language that needs to be parsed into the final tree.

An event is either:

  • An "open" event, which marks the start of an interior syntax tree node.
  • A "close" event, which marks the end of the corresponding "open".