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Last active October 21, 2019 13:06
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case class AuditResultLightLifted(
ProcessorId: Rep[Long],
DispatchedTimestamp: Rep[Timestamp],
IsSuccessful: Rep[Boolean],
AuditResultId: Rep[Long]
case class AuditResultLight(
ProcessorId: Long,
DispatchedTimestamp: Timestamp,
IsSuccessful: Boolean,
AuditResultId: Long = 0L
implicit object AuditResultLightShape
extends CaseClassShape(AuditResultLightLifted.tupled, AuditResultLight.tupled)
class AuditResultTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[AuditResult](tag, AuditResultTableName) {
def auditResultId: Rep[Long] = column[Long]("AuditResultId", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def processorId: Rep[Long] = column[Long]("ProcessorId")
def dispatchedTimestamp: Rep[Timestamp] = column[Timestamp]("DispatchedTimestamp", O.SqlType("timestamp(2)"))
def SystemAOutput: Rep[Array[Byte]] = column[Array[Byte]]("SystemAOutput", O.SqlType("LONGBLOB"))
def SystemBOutput: Rep[Array[Byte]] = column[Array[Byte]]("SystemBOutput", O.SqlType("LONGBLOB"))
def isSuccessful: Rep[Boolean] = column[Boolean]("IsSuccessful")
def * : ProvenShape[AuditResult] = (processorId, dispatchedTimestamp, systemAOutput, systemBOutput, isSuccessful, auditResultId) <>
(AuditResult.tupled, AuditResult.unapply)
val auditResults = TableQuery[AuditResultTable]
val auditResultsLight = => AuditResultLightLifted(r.ProcessorId, r.DispatchedTimestamp, r.IsSuccessful, r.AuditResultId))
def getRecentFailedAuditsQuery(): Query[AuditResultTable, AuditResultLight, Seq] = {
auditResultsLight.filterNot(r => r.isSuccessful)
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wjur commented Oct 21, 2019

Good point, @Raffaello. Done!

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