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Created January 4, 2019 04:26
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This is a demonstration of a suspected bug/oddity in the Clojure compiler. Run the demo with

lein run server-headless

This starts the service with a 64mb heap, to exacerbate the issue.

curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/stream

curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/nostream

curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/streaming-restored

The respective definitions are


(GET "/stream" []
     (let [result-seq (take 10000000 (repeatedly rand-value))]
           #(let [w (io/make-writer % {:encoding "UTF-8"})]
              (json/generate-stream result-seq w {:pretty true}))))))


(GET "/nostream" []
     (let [result-seq (take 10000000 (repeatedly rand-value))]
           #(let [w (io/make-writer % {:encoding "UTF-8"})]
                (json/generate-stream result-seq w {:pretty true})
                (catch Exception e
                  (println "yo"))))))))


(defn wrapped-generate-stream
  [result-seq writer  opts]
    (json/generate-stream result-seq writer opts)
    (catch Exception e
      (println "yo"))))

(GET "/streaming-restored" []
     (let [result-seq (take 10000000 (repeatedly rand-value))]
           #(let [w (io/make-writer % {:encoding "UTF-8"})]
              (wrapped-generate-stream result-seq w {:pretty true}))))))

The /stream and /streaming-restored endpoints will both stream results properly. The /nostream endpoint will run out of memory. Between the three, the only difference is the location of the try/catch clauses. The /stream endpoint has none, the /nostream endpoint has them in the anonymous function being passed to piped-input-stream, and the /streaming-restored function splits them out into their own function. IMO these should all behave the same.


You will need Leiningen 2.0.0 or above installed.


To start a web server for the application, run:

lein ring server


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