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Last active September 10, 2018 09:04
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Count Time for MobulaOP
import mobula_op
import mxnet as mx
import numpy as np
from mobula_op.test_utils import assert_almost_equal
import time
def check_conv(data, weight, bias, kernel, stride, dilate, pad, num_filter, no_bias, conv):
data_mx = data.copy()
weight_mx = weight.copy()
bias_mx = bias.copy()
our_data = [data, weight, bias]
mx_data = [data_mx, weight_mx, bias_mx]
for d in our_data + mx_data:
if no_bias:
bias = bias_mx = None
with mx.autograd.record():
if no_bias:
out = conv(data = data, weight = weight, num_filter = num_filter,
no_bias = no_bias, kernel = kernel, stride = stride, dilate = dilate, pad = pad)
out = conv(data = data, weight = weight, bias = bias, num_filter = num_filter,
no_bias = no_bias, kernel = kernel, stride = stride, dilate = dilate, pad = pad)
def check_fc(data, weight, bias, num_hidden, no_bias, flatten, fc):
data_mx = data.copy()
weight_mx = weight.copy()
bias_mx = bias.copy()
our_data = [data, weight, bias]
mx_data = [data_mx, weight_mx, bias_mx]
for d in our_data + mx_data:
if no_bias:
bias = bias_mx = None
with mx.autograd.record():
if no_bias:
out = fc(data = data, weight = weight, num_hidden = num_hidden, no_bias = no_bias, flatten = flatten)
out = fc(data = data, weight = weight, bias = bias, num_hidden = num_hidden, no_bias = no_bias, flatten = flatten)
def test_dot():
A, B, C = 1000, 2000, 1000
a = np.random.random((A, B)).astype(np.float32)
b = np.random.random((B, C)).astype(np.float32)
tic = time.time()
c =, b)
print (time.time() - tic)
def test_fc():
for fc in [mobula_op.op.FullyConnected, mx.nd.FullyConnected]:
t = 0
for _ in range(1):
batch_size = 1000
num_hidden = 1000
K = 1000
data = mx.nd.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape = (batch_size, K))
data2 = mx.nd.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape = (batch_size, 4, 2, 3, K))
bias = mx.nd.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape = (num_hidden, ))
for no_bias in [False, True]:
for flatten in [False, True]:
for u in range(3):
if u == 2:
tic = time.time()
input_dim = K
weight = mx.nd.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape = (num_hidden, input_dim))
check_fc(data, weight, bias, num_hidden, no_bias, flatten, fc)
input_dim = data2.size // data2.shape[0] if flatten else data2.shape[-1]
weight = mx.nd.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape = (num_hidden, input_dim))
check_fc(data2, weight, bias, num_hidden, no_bias, flatten, fc)
if u == 2:
t += time.time() - tic
print (fc, t)
def test_conv():
for conv in [mobula_op.op.Convolution, mx.nd.Convolution]:
t = 0
for _ in range(1):
N, C, H, W = 8, 256, 128, 128
K = 5
num_filter = 256
data = mx.nd.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape = (N, C, H, W))
weight = mx.nd.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape = (num_filter, C, K, K))
bias = mx.nd.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape = (num_filter, ))
finished = False
for no_bias in [False, True]:
for stride in [(1, 1), (2, 2)]:
for dilate in [(1, 1), (2, 2)]:
for pad in [(0, 0), (1, 1)]:
for u in range(3):
if finished:
if u == 2:
print ("=====")
tic = time.time()
check_conv(data, weight, bias, (K, K), stride, dilate, pad, num_filter, no_bias, conv)
if u == 2:
t += time.time() - tic
finished = True
print (conv, t)
print ("CPU")
with mx.cpu(0):
print ("GPU")
with mx.gpu(0):
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(conv, t)

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