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Created May 13, 2018 08:04
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import mxnet as mx
import time
from distutils.util import strtobool
BT = time.time()
class CountTimeOP(mx.operator.CustomOp):
def __init__(self, first, cname):
super(CountTimeOP, self).__init__()
self.first = first
self.cname = cname
def forward(self, is_train, req, in_data, out_data, aux):
if not self.first:
a = in_data[0].asnumpy()
dt = (time.time() - BT) - in_data[1].asscalar()
print ("%s:%f" % (self.cname, dt))
out_data[0][:] = in_data[0]
out_data[1][:] = time.time() - BT
def backward(self, req, out_grad, in_data, out_data, in_grad, aux):
in_grad[0][:] = out_grad[0]
in_grad[1][:] = 0
class CountTimeProp(mx.operator.CustomOpProp):
def __init__(self, first, cname):
super(CountTimeProp, self).__init__(need_top_grad = True)
self.first = strtobool(first)
self.cname = cname
def list_arguments(self):
if self.first:
return ['data']
return ['data', 't']
def list_outputs(self):
return ['out_data', 'out_t']
def infer_shape(self, in_shape):
dshape = in_shape[0]
return in_shape, [dshape, (1,)]
def create_operator(self, ctx, shapes, dtypes):
return CountTimeOP(first = self.first, cname = self.cname)
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