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* Copyright (c) 2019 by Contributors
* \file op.h
* \brief definition of all the operators
* \author Chuntao Hong, Xin Li
#ifndef MXNET_CPP_OP_H_
#define MXNET_CPP_OP_H_
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "mxnet-cpp/base.h"
#include "mxnet-cpp/shape.h"
#include "mxnet-cpp/op_util.h"
#include "mxnet-cpp/operator.h"
#include "dmlc/optional.h"
#include "nnvm/tuple.h"
namespace mxnet {
namespace cpp {
* \brief Returns result of first array elements raised to powers from second array,
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_power(x, y) = [[ 2., 2., 2.],
* [ 4., 4., 4.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_power(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_power")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns element-wise maximum of the input arrays with broadcasting.
* This function compares two input arrays and returns a new array having the
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_maximum(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_maximum(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_maximum")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns element-wise minimum of the input arrays with broadcasting.
* This function compares two input arrays and returns a new array having the
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_maximum(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_minimum(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_minimum")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle, given its "legs"
* with broadcasting.
* It is equivalent to doing :math:`sqrt(x_1^2 + x_2^2)`.
* Example::
* x = [[ 3., 3., 3.]]
* y = [[ 4.],
* [ 4.]]
* broadcast_hypot(x, y) = [[ 5., 5., 5.],
* [ 5., 5., 5.]]
* z = [[ 0.],
* [ 4.]]
* broadcast_hypot(x, z) = [[ 3., 3., 3.],
* [ 5., 5., 5.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_hypot(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_hypot")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _power(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_power")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _maximum(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_maximum")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _minimum(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_minimum")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Given the "legs" of a right triangle, return its hypotenuse.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _hypot(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_hypot")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Computes the square sum of array elements over a given axis
* for row-sparse matrix. This is a temporary solution for fusing ops square and
* sum together for row-sparse matrix to save memory for storing gradients.
* It will become deprecated once the functionality of fusing operators is finished
* in the future.
* Example::
* dns = mx.nd.array([[0, 0], [1, 2], [0, 0], [3, 4], [0, 0]])
* rsp = dns.tostype('row_sparse')
* sum = mx.nd._internal._square_sum(rsp, axis=1)
* sum = [0, 5, 0, 25, 0]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _square_sum(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("_square_sum")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Adds arguments element-wise.
* The storage type of ``elemwise_add`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - elemwise_add(row_sparse, row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - elemwise_add(csr, csr) = csr
* - elemwise_add(default, csr) = default
* - elemwise_add(csr, default) = default
* - elemwise_add(default, rsp) = default
* - elemwise_add(rsp, default) = default
* - otherwise, ``elemwise_add`` generates output with default storage
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol elemwise_add(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("elemwise_add")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _grad_add(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_grad_add")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Subtracts arguments element-wise.
* The storage type of ``elemwise_sub`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - elemwise_sub(row_sparse, row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - elemwise_sub(csr, csr) = csr
* - elemwise_sub(default, csr) = default
* - elemwise_sub(csr, default) = default
* - elemwise_sub(default, rsp) = default
* - elemwise_sub(rsp, default) = default
* - otherwise, ``elemwise_sub`` generates output with default storage
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol elemwise_sub(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("elemwise_sub")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Multiplies arguments element-wise.
* The storage type of ``elemwise_mul`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - elemwise_mul(default, default) = default
* - elemwise_mul(row_sparse, row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - elemwise_mul(default, row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - elemwise_mul(row_sparse, default) = row_sparse
* - elemwise_mul(csr, csr) = csr
* - otherwise, ``elemwise_mul`` generates output with default storage
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol elemwise_mul(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("elemwise_mul")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Divides arguments element-wise.
* The storage type of ``elemwise_div`` output is always dense
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol elemwise_div(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("elemwise_div")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _mod(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_mod")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
/*! \brief The desired storage type of the forward output given by user, if thecombination
* of input storage types and this hint does not matchany implemented ones, the
* dot operator will perform fallback operationand still produce an output of the
enum class DotForwardStype {
kNone = 0,
kCsr = 1,
kDefault = 2,
kRow_sparse = 3
* \brief Dot product of two arrays.
* ``dot``'s behavior depends on the input array dimensions:
* - 1-D arrays: inner product of vectors
* - 2-D arrays: matrix multiplication
* - N-D arrays: a sum product over the last axis of the first input and the first
* axis of the second input
* For example, given 3-D ``x`` with shape `(n,m,k)` and ``y`` with shape
* result array will have shape `(n,m,r,s)`. It is computed by::
* dot(x,y)[i,j,a,b] = sum(x[i,j,:]*y[:,a,b])
* Example::
* x = reshape([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7], shape=(2,2,2))
* y = reshape([7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0], shape=(2,2,2))
* dot(x,y)[0,0,1,1] = 0
* sum(x[0,0,:]*y[:,1,1]) = 0
* The storage type of ``dot`` output depends on storage types of inputs,
* forward_stype option for output storage type. Implemented sparse operations
* - dot(default, default, transpose_a=True/False, transpose_b=True/False) =
* - dot(csr, default, transpose_a=True) = default
* - dot(csr, default, transpose_a=True) = row_sparse
* - dot(csr, default) = default
* - dot(csr, row_sparse) = default
* - dot(default, csr) = csr (CPU only)
* - dot(default, csr, forward_stype='default') = default
* - dot(default, csr, transpose_b=True, forward_stype='default') = default
* If the combination of input storage types and forward_stype does not match any
* above patterns, ``dot`` will fallback and generate output with default storage.
* .. Note::
* If the storage type of the lhs is "csr", the storage type of gradient w.r.t rhs
* "row_sparse". Only a subset of optimizers support sparse gradients, including
* and Adam. Note that by default lazy updates is turned on, which may perform
* from standard updates. For more details, please check the Optimization API at:
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs The first input
* \param rhs The second input
* \param transpose_a If true then transpose the first input before dot.
* \param transpose_b If true then transpose the second input before dot.
* \param forward_stype The desired storage type of the forward output given by user, if
* thecombination of input storage types and this hint does not matchany
* implemented ones, the dot operator will perform fallback operationand still
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol dot(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs,
bool transpose_a = false,
bool transpose_b = false,
DotForwardStype forward_stype = DotForwardStype::kNone) {
static const char *DotForwardStypeValues[] = {
return Operator("dot")
.SetParam("transpose_a", transpose_a)
.SetParam("transpose_b", transpose_b)
.SetParam("forward_stype", DotForwardStypeValues[int(forward_stype)])
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
/*! \brief The desired storage type of the forward output given by user, if thecombination
* of input storage types and this hint does not matchany implemented ones, the
* dot operator will perform fallback operationand still produce an output of the
enum class Batch_dotForwardStype {
kNone = 0,
kCsr = 1,
kDefault = 2,
kRow_sparse = 3
* \brief Batchwise dot product.
* ``batch_dot`` is used to compute dot product of ``x`` and ``y`` when ``x`` and
* ``y`` are data in batch, namely 3D arrays in shape of `(batch_size, :, :)`.
* For example, given ``x`` with shape `(batch_size, n, m)` and ``y`` with shape
* `(batch_size, m, k)`, the result array will have shape `(batch_size, n, k)`,
* which is computed by::
* batch_dot(x,y)[i,:,:] = dot(x[i,:,:], y[i,:,:])
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs The first input
* \param rhs The second input
* \param transpose_a If true then transpose the first input before dot.
* \param transpose_b If true then transpose the second input before dot.
* \param forward_stype The desired storage type of the forward output given by user, if
* thecombination of input storage types and this hint does not matchany
* implemented ones, the dot operator will perform fallback operationand still
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol batch_dot(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs,
bool transpose_a = false,
bool transpose_b = false,
Batch_dotForwardStype forward_stype = Batch_dotForwardStype::kNone) {
static const char *Batch_dotForwardStypeValues[] = {
return Operator("batch_dot")
.SetParam("transpose_a", transpose_a)
.SetParam("transpose_b", transpose_b)
.SetParam("forward_stype", Batch_dotForwardStypeValues[int(forward_stype)])
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief fill target with zeros without default dtype
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param shape The shape of the output
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n).Only used for
* \param dtype Target data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _zeros_without_dtype(const std::string& symbol_name,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
int dtype = -1) {
return Operator("_zeros_without_dtype")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", dtype)
/*! \brief Target data type.
enum class _zerosDtype {
kFloat16 = 0,
kFloat32 = 1,
kFloat64 = 2,
kInt32 = 3,
kInt64 = 4,
kInt8 = 5,
kUint8 = 6
* \brief fill target with zeros
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param shape The shape of the output
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n).Only used for
* \param dtype Target data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _zeros(const std::string& symbol_name,
Shape shape = {},
const std::string& ctx = "",
_zerosDtype dtype = _zerosDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *_zerosDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_zeros")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _zerosDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
/*! \brief Target data type.
enum class _eyeDtype {
kFloat16 = 0,
kFloat32 = 1,
kFloat64 = 2,
kInt32 = 3,
kInt64 = 4,
kInt8 = 5,
kUint8 = 6
* \brief Return a 2-D array with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param N Number of rows in the output.
* \param M Number of columns in the output. If 0, defaults to N
* \param k Index of the diagonal. 0 (the default) refers to the main diagonal.A positive
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n).Only used for
* \param dtype Target data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _eye(const std::string& symbol_name,
int64_t N,
int64_t M = 0,
int64_t k = 0,
const std::string& ctx = "",
_eyeDtype dtype = _eyeDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *_eyeDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_eye")
.SetParam("N", N)
.SetParam("M", M)
.SetParam("k", k)
.SetParam("dtype", _eyeDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
/*! \brief Target data type.
enum class _onesDtype {
kFloat16 = 0,
kFloat32 = 1,
kFloat64 = 2,
kInt32 = 3,
kInt64 = 4,
kInt8 = 5,
kUint8 = 6
* \brief fill target with ones
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param shape The shape of the output
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n).Only used for
* \param dtype Target data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _ones(const std::string& symbol_name,
Shape shape = {},
const std::string& ctx = "",
_onesDtype dtype = _onesDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *_onesDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_ones")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _onesDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
/*! \brief Target data type.
enum class _fullDtype {
kFloat16 = 0,
kFloat32 = 1,
kFloat64 = 2,
kInt32 = 3,
kInt64 = 4,
kInt8 = 5,
kUint8 = 6
* \brief fill target with a scalar value
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param value Value with which to fill newly created tensor
* \param shape The shape of the output
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n).Only used for
* \param dtype Target data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _full(const std::string& symbol_name,
double value,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_fullDtype dtype = _fullDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *_fullDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_full")
.SetParam("value", value)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _fullDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
/*! \brief Target data type.
enum class _arangeDtype {
kFloat16 = 0,
kFloat32 = 1,
kFloat64 = 2,
kInt32 = 3,
kInt64 = 4,
kInt8 = 5,
kUint8 = 6
* \brief Return evenly spaced values within a given interval. Similar to Numpy
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param start Start of interval. The interval includes this value. The default start
* \param stop End of interval. The interval does not include this value, except in some
* cases where step is not an integer and floating point round-off affects the
* \param step Spacing between values.
* \param repeat The repeating time of all elements. E.g repeat=3, the element a will be
* \param infer_range When set to True, infer the stop position from the start, step,
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n).Only used for
* \param dtype Target data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _arange(const std::string& symbol_name,
double start,
dmlc::optional<double> stop = dmlc::optional<double>(),
double step = 1,
int repeat = 1,
bool infer_range = false,
const std::string& ctx = "",
_arangeDtype dtype = _arangeDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *_arangeDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_arange")
.SetParam("start", start)
.SetParam("stop", stop)
.SetParam("step", step)
.SetParam("repeat", repeat)
.SetParam("infer_range", infer_range)
.SetParam("dtype", _arangeDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief Return an array with evenly spaced values. If axis is not given, the output will
* have the same shape as the input array. Otherwise, the output will be a 1-D
* the specified axis in input shape.
* Examples::
* x = [[0.14883883 0.7772398 0.94865847 0.7225052 ]
* [0.23729339 0.6112595 0.66538996 0.5132841 ]
* [0.30822644 0.9912457 0.15502319 0.7043658 ]]
* <NDArray 3x4 @cpu(0)>
* out = mx.nd.contrib.arange_like(x, start=0)
* [[ 0. 1. 2. 3.]
* [ 4. 5. 6. 7.]
* [ 8. 9. 10. 11.]]
* <NDArray 3x4 @cpu(0)>
* out = mx.nd.contrib.arange_like(x, start=0, axis=-1)
* [0. 1. 2. 3.]
* <NDArray 4 @cpu(0)>
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_arange_like(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("_contrib_arange_like")
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief Target data type.
enum class _linspaceDtype {
kFloat16 = 0,
kFloat32 = 1,
kFloat64 = 2,
kInt32 = 3,
kInt64 = 4,
kInt8 = 5,
kUint8 = 6
* \brief Return evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval. Similar to Numpy
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param start Start of interval. The interval includes this value. The default start
* \param stop End of interval. The interval does not include this value, except in some
* cases where step is not an integer and floating point round-off affects the
* \param step Spacing between values.
* \param repeat The repeating time of all elements. E.g repeat=3, the element a will be
* \param infer_range When set to True, infer the stop position from the start, step,
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n).Only used for
* \param dtype Target data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linspace(const std::string& symbol_name,
double start,
dmlc::optional<double> stop = dmlc::optional<double>(),
double step = 1,
int repeat = 1,
bool infer_range = false,
const std::string& ctx = "",
_linspaceDtype dtype = _linspaceDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *_linspaceDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_linspace")
.SetParam("start", start)
.SetParam("stop", stop)
.SetParam("step", step)
.SetParam("repeat", repeat)
.SetParam("infer_range", infer_range)
.SetParam("dtype", _linspaceDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief Return an array of zeros with the same shape, type and storage type
* as the input array.
* The storage type of ``zeros_like`` output depends on the storage type of the
* - zeros_like(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - zeros_like(csr) = csr
* - zeros_like(default) = default
* Examples::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* zeros_like(x) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol zeros_like(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("zeros_like")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Return an array of ones with the same shape and type
* as the input array.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* ones_like(x) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol ones_like(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("ones_like")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Adds all input arguments element-wise.
* .. math::
* add\_n(a_1, a_2, ..., a_n) = a_1 + a_2 + ... + a_n
* ``add_n`` is potentially more efficient than calling ``add`` by `n` times.
* The storage type of ``add_n`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - add_n(row_sparse, row_sparse, ..) = row_sparse
* - add_n(default, csr, default) = default
* - add_n(any input combinations longer than 4 (>4) with at least one default
* - otherwise, ``add_n`` falls all inputs back to default storage and generates
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param args Positional input arguments
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol add_n(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& args) {
return Operator("add_n")
* \brief Performs general matrix multiplication and accumulation.
* Input are tensors *A*, *B*, *C*, each of dimension *n >= 2* and having the same
* on the leading *n-2* dimensions.
* If *n=2*, the BLAS3 function *gemm* is performed:
* *out* = *alpha* \* *op*\ (*A*) \* *op*\ (*B*) + *beta* \* *C*
* Here, *alpha* and *beta* are scalar parameters, and *op()* is either the
* matrix transposition (depending on *transpose_a*, *transpose_b*).
* If *n>2*, *gemm* is performed separately for a batch of matrices. The column
* are given by the last dimensions of the tensors, the row indices by the axis
* parameter. By default, the trailing two dimensions will be used for matrix
* For a non-default axis parameter, the operation performed is equivalent to a
* calls. For example let *A*, *B*, *C* be 5 dimensional tensors. Then gemm(*A*,
* to the following without the overhead of the additional swapaxis operations::
* A1 = swapaxes(A, dim1=1, dim2=3)
* B1 = swapaxes(B, dim1=1, dim2=3)
* C = swapaxes(C, dim1=1, dim2=3)
* C = gemm(A1, B1, C)
* C = swapaxis(C, dim1=1, dim2=3)
* When the input data is of type float32 and the environment variables
* and MXNET_CUDA_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION are set to 1, this operator will
* pseudo-float16 precision (float32 math with float16 I/O) precision in order to
* Tensor Cores on suitable NVIDIA GPUs. This can sometimes give significant
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix multiply-add
* A = [[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]]
* B = [[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]]
* C = [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]
* gemm(A, B, C, transpose_b=True, alpha=2.0, beta=10.0)
* = [[14.0, 14.0, 14.0], [14.0, 14.0, 14.0]]
* // Batch matrix multiply-add
* A = [[[1.0, 1.0]], [[0.1, 0.1]]]
* B = [[[1.0, 1.0]], [[0.1, 0.1]]]
* C = [[[10.0]], [[0.01]]]
* gemm(A, B, C, transpose_b=True, alpha=2.0 , beta=10.0)
* = [[[104.0]], [[0.14]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param A Tensor of input matrices
* \param B Tensor of input matrices
* \param C Tensor of input matrices
* \param transpose_a Multiply with transposed of first input (A).
* \param transpose_b Multiply with transposed of second input (B).
* \param alpha Scalar factor multiplied with A*B.
* \param beta Scalar factor multiplied with C.
* \param axis Axis corresponding to the matrix rows.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_gemm(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol A,
Symbol B,
Symbol C,
bool transpose_a = false,
bool transpose_b = false,
double alpha = 1,
double beta = 1,
int axis = -2) {
return Operator("_linalg_gemm")
.SetParam("transpose_a", transpose_a)
.SetParam("transpose_b", transpose_b)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetParam("beta", beta)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("A", A)
.SetInput("B", B)
.SetInput("C", C)
* \brief Performs general matrix multiplication.
* Input are tensors *A*, *B*, each of dimension *n >= 2* and having the same shape
* on the leading *n-2* dimensions.
* If *n=2*, the BLAS3 function *gemm* is performed:
* *out* = *alpha* \* *op*\ (*A*) \* *op*\ (*B*)
* Here *alpha* is a scalar parameter and *op()* is either the identity or the
* transposition (depending on *transpose_a*, *transpose_b*).
* If *n>2*, *gemm* is performed separately for a batch of matrices. The column
* are given by the last dimensions of the tensors, the row indices by the axis
* parameter. By default, the trailing two dimensions will be used for matrix
* For a non-default axis parameter, the operation performed is equivalent to a
* calls. For example let *A*, *B* be 5 dimensional tensors. Then gemm(*A*, *B*,
* the following without the overhead of the additional swapaxis operations::
* A1 = swapaxes(A, dim1=1, dim2=3)
* B1 = swapaxes(B, dim1=1, dim2=3)
* C = gemm2(A1, B1)
* C = swapaxis(C, dim1=1, dim2=3)
* When the input data is of type float32 and the environment variables
* and MXNET_CUDA_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION are set to 1, this operator will
* pseudo-float16 precision (float32 math with float16 I/O) precision in order to
* Tensor Cores on suitable NVIDIA GPUs. This can sometimes give significant
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix multiply
* A = [[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]]
* B = [[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]]
* gemm2(A, B, transpose_b=True, alpha=2.0)
* = [[4.0, 4.0, 4.0], [4.0, 4.0, 4.0]]
* // Batch matrix multiply
* A = [[[1.0, 1.0]], [[0.1, 0.1]]]
* B = [[[1.0, 1.0]], [[0.1, 0.1]]]
* gemm2(A, B, transpose_b=True, alpha=2.0)
* = [[[4.0]], [[0.04 ]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param A Tensor of input matrices
* \param B Tensor of input matrices
* \param transpose_a Multiply with transposed of first input (A).
* \param transpose_b Multiply with transposed of second input (B).
* \param alpha Scalar factor multiplied with A*B.
* \param axis Axis corresponding to the matrix row indices.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_gemm2(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol A,
Symbol B,
bool transpose_a = false,
bool transpose_b = false,
double alpha = 1,
int axis = -2) {
return Operator("_linalg_gemm2")
.SetParam("transpose_a", transpose_a)
.SetParam("transpose_b", transpose_b)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("A", A)
.SetInput("B", B)
* \brief Performs Cholesky factorization of a symmetric positive-definite matrix.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, the Cholesky factor *B* of the symmetric, positive definite matrix
* computed. *B* is triangular (entries of upper or lower triangle are all zero),
* positive diagonal entries, and:
* *A* = *B* \* *B*\ :sup:`T` if *lower* = *true*
* *A* = *B*\ :sup:`T` \* *B* if *lower* = *false*
* If *n>2*, *potrf* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions for
* (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix factorization
* A = [[4.0, 1.0], [1.0, 4.25]]
* potrf(A) = [[2.0, 0], [0.5, 2.0]]
* // Batch matrix factorization
* A = [[[4.0, 1.0], [1.0, 4.25]], [[16.0, 4.0], [4.0, 17.0]]]
* potrf(A) = [[[2.0, 0], [0.5, 2.0]], [[4.0, 0], [1.0, 4.0]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param A Tensor of input matrices to be decomposed
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_potrf(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol A) {
return Operator("_linalg_potrf")
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Performs matrix inversion from a Cholesky factorization.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, *A* is a triangular matrix (entries of upper or lower triangle are
* with positive diagonal. We compute:
* *out* = *A*\ :sup:`-T` \* *A*\ :sup:`-1` if *lower* = *true*
* *out* = *A*\ :sup:`-1` \* *A*\ :sup:`-T` if *lower* = *false*
* In other words, if *A* is the Cholesky factor of a symmetric positive definite
* *B* (obtained by *potrf*), then
* *out* = *B*\ :sup:`-1`
* If *n>2*, *potri* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions for
* (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* .. note:: Use this operator only if you are certain you need the inverse of
* cannot use the Cholesky factor *A* (*potrf*), together with backsubstitution
* (*trsm*). The latter is numerically much safer, and also cheaper.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix inverse
* A = [[2.0, 0], [0.5, 2.0]]
* potri(A) = [[0.26563, -0.0625], [-0.0625, 0.25]]
* // Batch matrix inverse
* A = [[[2.0, 0], [0.5, 2.0]], [[4.0, 0], [1.0, 4.0]]]
* potri(A) = [[[0.26563, -0.0625], [-0.0625, 0.25]],
* [[0.06641, -0.01562], [-0.01562, 0,0625]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param A Tensor of lower triangular matrices
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_potri(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol A) {
return Operator("_linalg_potri")
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Performs multiplication with a lower triangular matrix.
* Input are tensors *A*, *B*, each of dimension *n >= 2* and having the same shape
* on the leading *n-2* dimensions.
* If *n=2*, *A* must be triangular. The operator performs the BLAS3 function
* *trmm*:
* *out* = *alpha* \* *op*\ (*A*) \* *B*
* if *rightside=False*, or
* *out* = *alpha* \* *B* \* *op*\ (*A*)
* if *rightside=True*. Here, *alpha* is a scalar parameter, and *op()* is either
* identity or the matrix transposition (depending on *transpose*).
* If *n>2*, *trmm* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions for all
* (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single triangular matrix multiply
* A = [[1.0, 0], [1.0, 1.0]]
* B = [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]
* trmm(A, B, alpha=2.0) = [[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [4.0, 4.0, 4.0]]
* // Batch triangular matrix multiply
* A = [[[1.0, 0], [1.0, 1.0]], [[1.0, 0], [1.0, 1.0]]]
* B = [[[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]], [[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]]]
* trmm(A, B, alpha=2.0) = [[[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [4.0, 4.0, 4.0]],
* [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param A Tensor of lower triangular matrices
* \param B Tensor of matrices
* \param transpose Use transposed of the triangular matrix
* \param rightside Multiply triangular matrix from the right to non-triangular one.
* \param lower True if the triangular matrix is lower triangular, false if it is upper
* \param alpha Scalar factor to be applied to the result.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_trmm(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol A,
Symbol B,
bool transpose = false,
bool rightside = false,
bool lower = true,
double alpha = 1) {
return Operator("_linalg_trmm")
.SetParam("transpose", transpose)
.SetParam("rightside", rightside)
.SetParam("lower", lower)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetInput("A", A)
.SetInput("B", B)
* \brief Solves matrix equation involving a lower triangular matrix.
* Input are tensors *A*, *B*, each of dimension *n >= 2* and having the same shape
* on the leading *n-2* dimensions.
* If *n=2*, *A* must be triangular. The operator performs the BLAS3 function
* *trsm*, solving for *out* in:
* *op*\ (*A*) \* *out* = *alpha* \* *B*
* if *rightside=False*, or
* *out* \* *op*\ (*A*) = *alpha* \* *B*
* if *rightside=True*. Here, *alpha* is a scalar parameter, and *op()* is either
* identity or the matrix transposition (depending on *transpose*).
* If *n>2*, *trsm* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions for all
* (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix solve
* A = [[1.0, 0], [1.0, 1.0]]
* B = [[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [4.0, 4.0, 4.0]]
* trsm(A, B, alpha=0.5) = [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]
* // Batch matrix solve
* A = [[[1.0, 0], [1.0, 1.0]], [[1.0, 0], [1.0, 1.0]]]
* B = [[[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [4.0, 4.0, 4.0]],
* [[4.0, 4.0, 4.0], [8.0, 8.0, 8.0]]]
* trsm(A, B, alpha=0.5) = [[[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]],
* [[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param A Tensor of lower triangular matrices
* \param B Tensor of matrices
* \param transpose Use transposed of the triangular matrix
* \param rightside Multiply triangular matrix from the right to non-triangular one.
* \param lower True if the triangular matrix is lower triangular, false if it is upper
* \param alpha Scalar factor to be applied to the result.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_trsm(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol A,
Symbol B,
bool transpose = false,
bool rightside = false,
bool lower = true,
double alpha = 1) {
return Operator("_linalg_trsm")
.SetParam("transpose", transpose)
.SetParam("rightside", rightside)
.SetParam("lower", lower)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetInput("A", A)
.SetInput("B", B)
* \brief Computes the sum of the logarithms of the diagonal elements of a square matrix.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, *A* must be square with positive diagonal entries. We sum the natural
* logarithms of the diagonal elements, the result has shape (1,).
* If *n>2*, *sumlogdiag* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions
* inputs (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix reduction
* A = [[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 7.0]]
* sumlogdiag(A) = [1.9459]
* // Batch matrix reduction
* A = [[[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 7.0]], [[3.0, 0], [0, 17.0]]]
* sumlogdiag(A) = [1.9459, 3.9318]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param A Tensor of square matrices
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_sumlogdiag(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol A) {
return Operator("_linalg_sumlogdiag")
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Extracts the diagonal entries of a square matrix.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, then *A* represents a single square matrix which diagonal elements
* If *n>2*, then *A* represents a batch of square matrices on the trailing two
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix diagonal extraction
* A = [[1.0, 2.0],
* [3.0, 4.0]]
* extractdiag(A) = [1.0, 4.0]
* extractdiag(A, 1) = [2.0]
* // Batch matrix diagonal extraction
* A = [[[1.0, 2.0],
* [3.0, 4.0]],
* [[5.0, 6.0],
* [7.0, 8.0]]]
* extractdiag(A) = [[1.0, 4.0],
* [5.0, 8.0]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param A Tensor of square matrices
* \param offset Offset of the diagonal versus the main diagonal. 0 corresponds to the
* main diagonal, a negative/positive value to diagonals below/above the main
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_extractdiag(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol A,
int offset = 0) {
return Operator("_linalg_extractdiag")
.SetParam("offset", offset)
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Constructs a square matrix with the input as diagonal.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 1*.
* If *n=1*, then *A* represents the diagonal entries of a single square matrix.
* If *n>1*, then *A* represents a batch of diagonals of square matrices. The
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single diagonal matrix construction
* A = [1.0, 2.0]
* makediag(A) = [[1.0, 0.0],
* [0.0, 2.0]]
* makediag(A, 1) = [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 2.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
* // Batch diagonal matrix construction
* A = [[1.0, 2.0],
* [3.0, 4.0]]
* makediag(A) = [[[1.0, 0.0],
* [0.0, 2.0]],
* [[3.0, 0.0],
* [0.0, 4.0]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param A Tensor of diagonal entries
* \param offset Offset of the diagonal versus the main diagonal. 0 corresponds to the
* main diagonal, a negative/positive value to diagonals below/above the main
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_makediag(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol A,
int offset = 0) {
return Operator("_linalg_makediag")
.SetParam("offset", offset)
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Extracts a triangular sub-matrix from a square matrix.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, then *A* represents a single square matrix from which a triangular
* If *n>2*, then *A* represents a batch of square matrices on the trailing two
* dimensions. The extracted triangular sub-matrices are returned as an
* The *offset* and *lower* parameters determine the triangle to be extracted:
* - When *offset = 0* either the lower or upper triangle with respect to the main
* - When *offset = k > 0* the upper triangle with respect to the k-th diagonal
* - When *offset = k < 0* the lower triangle with respect to the k-th diagonal
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single triagonal extraction
* A = [[1.0, 2.0],
* [3.0, 4.0]]
* extracttrian(A) = [1.0, 3.0, 4.0]
* extracttrian(A, lower=False) = [1.0, 2.0, 4.0]
* extracttrian(A, 1) = [2.0]
* extracttrian(A, -1) = [3.0]
* // Batch triagonal extraction
* A = [[[1.0, 2.0],
* [3.0, 4.0]],
* [[5.0, 6.0],
* [7.0, 8.0]]]
* extracttrian(A) = [[1.0, 3.0, 4.0],
* [5.0, 7.0, 8.0]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param A Tensor of square matrices
* \param offset Offset of the diagonal versus the main diagonal. 0 corresponds to the
* main diagonal, a negative/positive value to diagonals below/above the main
* \param lower Refer to the lower triangular matrix if lower=true, refer to the upper
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_extracttrian(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol A,
int offset = 0,
bool lower = true) {
return Operator("_linalg_extracttrian")
.SetParam("offset", offset)
.SetParam("lower", lower)
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Constructs a square matrix with the input representing a specific triangular
* This is basically the inverse of *linalg.extracttrian*. Input is a tensor *A*
* If *n=1*, then *A* represents the entries of a triangular matrix which is lower
* triangular if *offset<0* or *offset=0*, *lower=true*. The resulting matrix is
* matrix with the entries outside the triangle set to zero and then adding
* diagonal with zero entries to the square matrix.
* If *n>1*, then *A* represents a batch of triangular sub-matrices. The batch of
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix construction
* A = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
* maketrian(A) = [[1.0, 0.0],
* [2.0, 3.0]]
* maketrian(A, lower=false) = [[1.0, 2.0],
* [0.0, 3.0]]
* maketrian(A, offset=1) = [[0.0, 1.0, 2.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 3.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
* maketrian(A, offset=-1) = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
* [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
* [2.0, 3.0, 0.0]]
* // Batch matrix construction
* A = [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
* [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]
* maketrian(A) = [[[1.0, 0.0],
* [2.0, 3.0]],
* [[4.0, 0.0],
* [5.0, 6.0]]]
* maketrian(A, offset=1) = [[[0.0, 1.0, 2.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 3.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]],
* [[0.0, 4.0, 5.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 6.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param A Tensor of triangular matrices stored as vectors
* \param offset Offset of the diagonal versus the main diagonal. 0 corresponds to the
* main diagonal, a negative/positive value to diagonals below/above the main
* \param lower Refer to the lower triangular matrix if lower=true, refer to the upper
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_maketrian(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol A,
int offset = 0,
bool lower = true) {
return Operator("_linalg_maketrian")
.SetParam("offset", offset)
.SetParam("lower", lower)
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Multiplication of matrix with its transpose.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, the operator performs the BLAS3 function *syrk*:
* *out* = *alpha* \* *A* \* *A*\ :sup:`T`
* if *transpose=False*, or
* *out* = *alpha* \* *A*\ :sup:`T` \ \* *A*
* if *transpose=True*.
* If *n>2*, *syrk* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions for all
* inputs (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix multiply
* A = [[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]
* syrk(A, alpha=1., transpose=False)
* = [[14., 32.],
* [32., 77.]]
* syrk(A, alpha=1., transpose=True)
* = [[17., 22., 27.],
* [22., 29., 36.],
* [27., 36., 45.]]
* // Batch matrix multiply
* A = [[[1., 1.]], [[0.1, 0.1]]]
* syrk(A, alpha=2., transpose=False) = [[[4.]], [[0.04]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param A Tensor of input matrices
* \param transpose Use transpose of input matrix.
* \param alpha Scalar factor to be applied to the result.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_syrk(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol A,
bool transpose = false,
double alpha = 1) {
return Operator("_linalg_syrk")
.SetParam("transpose", transpose)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief LQ factorization for general matrix.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, we compute the LQ factorization (LAPACK *gelqf*, followed by
* must have shape *(x, y)* with *x <= y*, and must have full rank *=x*. The LQ
* factorization consists of *L* with shape *(x, x)* and *Q* with shape *(x, y)*,
* that:
* *A* = *L* \* *Q*
* Here, *L* is lower triangular (upper triangle equal to zero) with nonzero
* and *Q* is row-orthonormal, meaning that
* *Q* \* *Q*\ :sup:`T`
* is equal to the identity matrix of shape *(x, x)*.
* If *n>2*, *gelqf* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions for all
* inputs (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single LQ factorization
* A = [[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]
* Q, L = gelqf(A)
* Q = [[-0.26726124, -0.53452248, -0.80178373],
* [0.87287156, 0.21821789, -0.43643578]]
* L = [[-3.74165739, 0.],
* [-8.55235974, 1.96396101]]
* // Batch LQ factorization
* A = [[[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]],
* [[7., 8., 9.], [10., 11., 12.]]]
* Q, L = gelqf(A)
* Q = [[[-0.26726124, -0.53452248, -0.80178373],
* [0.87287156, 0.21821789, -0.43643578]],
* [[-0.50257071, -0.57436653, -0.64616234],
* [0.7620735, 0.05862104, -0.64483142]]]
* L = [[[-3.74165739, 0.],
* [-8.55235974, 1.96396101]],
* [[-13.92838828, 0.],
* [-19.09768702, 0.52758934]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param A Tensor of input matrices to be factorized
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_gelqf(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol A) {
return Operator("_linalg_gelqf")
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Eigendecomposition for symmetric matrix.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, *A* must be symmetric, of shape *(x, x)*. We compute the
* resulting in the orthonormal matrix *U* of eigenvectors, shape *(x, x)*, and the
* vector *L* of eigenvalues, shape *(x,)*, so that:
* *U* \* *A* = *diag(L)* \* *U*
* Here:
* *U* \* *U*\ :sup:`T` = *U*\ :sup:`T` \* *U* = *I*
* where *I* is the identity matrix. Also, *L(0) <= L(1) <= L(2) <= ...*
* If *n>2*, *syevd* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions of *A*
* mode). In this case, *U* has *n* dimensions like *A*, and *L* has *n-1*
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* .. note:: Derivatives for this operator are defined only if *A* is such that
* eigenvalues are distinct, and the eigengaps are not too small. If you need
* gradients, do not apply this operator to matrices with multiple eigenvalues.
* Examples::
* // Single symmetric eigendecomposition
* A = [[1., 2.], [2., 4.]]
* U, L = syevd(A)
* U = [[0.89442719, -0.4472136],
* [0.4472136, 0.89442719]]
* L = [0., 5.]
* // Batch symmetric eigendecomposition
* A = [[[1., 2.], [2., 4.]],
* [[1., 2.], [2., 5.]]]
* U, L = syevd(A)
* U = [[[0.89442719, -0.4472136],
* [0.4472136, 0.89442719]],
* [[0.92387953, -0.38268343],
* [0.38268343, 0.92387953]]]
* L = [[0., 5.],
* [0.17157288, 5.82842712]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param A Tensor of input matrices to be factorized
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_syevd(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol A) {
return Operator("_linalg_syevd")
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Compute the inverse of a matrix.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, *A* is a square matrix. We compute:
* *out* = *A*\ :sup:`-1`
* If *n>2*, *inverse* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions
* for all inputs (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix inversion
* A = [[1., 4.], [2., 3.]]
* inverse(A) = [[-0.6, 0.8], [0.4, -0.2]]
* // Batch matrix inversion
* A = [[[1., 4.], [2., 3.]],
* [[1., 3.], [2., 4.]]]
* inverse(A) = [[[-0.6, 0.8], [0.4, -0.2]],
* [[-2., 1.5], [1., -0.5]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param A Tensor of square matrix
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_inverse(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol A) {
return Operator("_linalg_inverse")
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief This operators implements the histogram function.
* Example::
* x = [[0, 1], [2, 2], [3, 4]]
* histo, bin_edges = histogram(data=x, bin_bounds=[], bin_cnt=5, range=(0,5))
* histo = [1, 1, 2, 1, 1]
* bin_edges = [0., 1., 2., 3., 4.]
* histo, bin_edges = histogram(data=x, bin_bounds=[0., 2.1, 3.])
* histo = [4, 1]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param bins Input ndarray
* \param bin_cnt Number of bins for uniform case
* \param range The lower and upper range of the bins. if not provided, range is simply
* (a.min(), a.max()). values outside the range are ignored. the first element of
* the range must be less than or equal to the second. range affects the automatic
* bin computation as well. while bin width is computed to be optimal based on the
* actual data within range, the bin count will fill the entire range including
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _histogram(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol bins,
dmlc::optional<int> bin_cnt = dmlc::optional<int>(),
int64_t range = int64_t()) {
return Operator("_histogram")
.SetParam("bin_cnt", bin_cnt)
.SetParam("range", range)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("bins", bins)
* \brief Returns indices of the maximum values along an axis.
* In the case of multiple occurrences of maximum values, the indices
* are returned.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 0., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 5.]]
* // argmax along axis 0
* argmax(x, axis=0) = [ 1., 1., 1.]
* // argmax along axis 1
* argmax(x, axis=1) = [ 2., 2.]
* // argmax along axis 1 keeping same dims as an input array
* argmax(x, axis=1, keepdims=True) = [[ 2.],
* [ 2.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis along which to perform the reduction. Negative values means
* indexing from right to left. ``Requires axis to be set as int, because global
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axis is left in the result as
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol argmax(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>(),
bool keepdims = false) {
return Operator("argmax")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns indices of the minimum values along an axis.
* In the case of multiple occurrences of minimum values, the indices
* are returned.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 0., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 5.]]
* // argmin along axis 0
* argmin(x, axis=0) = [ 0., 0., 0.]
* // argmin along axis 1
* argmin(x, axis=1) = [ 0., 0.]
* // argmin along axis 1 keeping same dims as an input array
* argmin(x, axis=1, keepdims=True) = [[ 0.],
* [ 0.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis along which to perform the reduction. Negative values means
* indexing from right to left. ``Requires axis to be set as int, because global
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axis is left in the result as
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol argmin(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>(),
bool keepdims = false) {
return Operator("argmin")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns argmax indices of each channel from the input array.
* The result will be an NDArray of shape (num_channel,).
* In case of multiple occurrences of the maximum values, the indices
* are returned.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 0., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 5.]]
* argmax_channel(x) = [ 2., 2.]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol argmax_channel(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("argmax_channel")
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief Specify how out-of-bound indices behave. Default is "clip". "clip" means clip
* to the range. So, if all indices mentioned are too large, they are replaced by
* the index that addresses the last element along an axis. "wrap" means to wrap
enum class PickMode {
kClip = 0,
kWrap = 1
* \brief Picks elements from an input array according to the input indices along the
* Given an input array of shape ``(d0, d1)`` and indices of shape ``(i0,)``, the
* an output array of shape ``(i0,)`` with::
* output[i] = input[i, indices[i]]
* By default, if any index mentioned is too large, it is replaced by the index
* the last element along an axis (the `clip` mode).
* This function supports n-dimensional input and (n-1)-dimensional indices arrays.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6.]]
* // picks elements with specified indices along axis 0
* pick(x, y=[0,1], 0) = [ 1., 4.]
* // picks elements with specified indices along axis 1
* pick(x, y=[0,1,0], 1) = [ 1., 4., 5.]
* y = [[ 1.],
* [ 0.],
* [ 2.]]
* // picks elements with specified indices along axis 1 using 'wrap' mode
* // to place indicies that would normally be out of bounds
* pick(x, y=[2,-1,-2], 1, mode='wrap') = [ 1., 4., 5.]
* y = [[ 1.],
* [ 0.],
* [ 2.]]
* // picks elements with specified indices along axis 1 and dims are maintained
* pick(x,y, 1, keepdims=True) = [[ 2.],
* [ 3.],
* [ 6.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array
* \param index The index array
* \param axis int or None. The axis to picking the elements. Negative values means
* indexing from right to left. If is `None`, the elements in the index w.r.t the
* \param keepdims If true, the axis where we pick the elements is left in the result as
* \param mode Specify how out-of-bound indices behave. Default is "clip". "clip" means
* clip to the range. So, if all indices mentioned are too large, they are
* replaced by the index that addresses the last element along an axis. "wrap"
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol pick(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol index,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>(-1),
bool keepdims = false,
PickMode mode = PickMode::kClip) {
static const char *PickModeValues[] = {
return Operator("pick")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("mode", PickModeValues[int(mode)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("index", index)
* \brief Divides arguments element-wise. If the left-hand-side input is 'row_sparse',
* only the values which exist in the left-hand sparse array are computed. The
* are ignored.
* The storage type of ``_scatter_elemwise_div`` output depends on storage types
* - _scatter_elemwise_div(row_sparse, row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - _scatter_elemwise_div(row_sparse, dense) = row_sparse
* - _scatter_elemwise_div(row_sparse, csr) = row_sparse
* - otherwise, ``_scatter_elemwise_div`` behaves exactly like elemwise_div and
* with default storage
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _scatter_elemwise_div(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_scatter_elemwise_div")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Adds a scalar to a tensor element-wise. If the left-hand-side input is
* 'row_sparse' or 'csr', then only the values which exist in the left-hand sparse
* The 'missing' values are ignored.
* The storage type of ``_scatter_plus_scalar`` output depends on storage types of
* - _scatter_plus_scalar(row_sparse, scalar) = row_sparse
* - _scatter_plus_scalar(csr, scalar) = csr
* - otherwise, ``_scatter_plus_scalar`` behaves exactly like _plus_scalar and
* with default storage
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _scatter_plus_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_scatter_plus_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Subtracts a scalar to a tensor element-wise. If the left-hand-side input is
* 'row_sparse' or 'csr', then only the values which exist in the left-hand sparse
* The 'missing' values are ignored.
* The storage type of ``_scatter_minus_scalar`` output depends on storage types
* - _scatter_minus_scalar(row_sparse, scalar) = row_sparse
* - _scatter_minus_scalar(csr, scalar) = csr
* - otherwise, ``_scatter_minus_scalar`` behaves exactly like _minus_scalar and
* with default storage
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _scatter_minus_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_scatter_minus_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise sum of the input arrays with broadcasting.
* `broadcast_plus` is an alias to the function `broadcast_add`.
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_add(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 2., 2., 2.]]
* broadcast_plus(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 2., 2., 2.]]
* Supported sparse operations:
* broadcast_add(csr, dense(1D)) = dense
* broadcast_add(dense(1D), csr) = dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_add(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_add")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns element-wise difference of the input arrays with broadcasting.
* `broadcast_minus` is an alias to the function `broadcast_sub`.
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_sub(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* broadcast_minus(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* Supported sparse operations:
* broadcast_sub/minus(csr, dense(1D)) = dense
* broadcast_sub/minus(dense(1D), csr) = dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_sub(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_sub")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns element-wise product of the input arrays with broadcasting.
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_mul(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* Supported sparse operations:
* broadcast_mul(csr, dense(1D)) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_mul(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_mul")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns element-wise division of the input arrays with broadcasting.
* Example::
* x = [[ 6., 6., 6.],
* [ 6., 6., 6.]]
* y = [[ 2.],
* [ 3.]]
* broadcast_div(x, y) = [[ 3., 3., 3.],
* [ 2., 2., 2.]]
* Supported sparse operations:
* broadcast_div(csr, dense(1D)) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_div(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_div")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns element-wise modulo of the input arrays with broadcasting.
* Example::
* x = [[ 8., 8., 8.],
* [ 8., 8., 8.]]
* y = [[ 2.],
* [ 3.]]
* broadcast_mod(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 2., 2., 2.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_mod(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_mod")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Computes rectified linear activation.
* .. math::
* max(features, 0)
* The storage type of ``relu`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - relu(default) = default
* - relu(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - relu(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol relu(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("relu")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes sigmoid of x element-wise.
* .. math::
* y = 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
* The storage type of ``sigmoid`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sigmoid(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("sigmoid")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes hard sigmoid of x element-wise.
* .. math::
* y = max(0, min(1, alpha * x + beta))
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \param alpha Slope of hard sigmoid
* \param beta Bias of hard sigmoid.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol hard_sigmoid(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float alpha = 0.200000003,
mx_float beta = 0.5) {
return Operator("hard_sigmoid")
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetParam("beta", beta)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes softsign of x element-wise.
* .. math::
* y = x / (1 + abs(x))
* The storage type of ``softsign`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol softsign(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("softsign")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns a copy of the input.
* From:src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _copy(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("_copy")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Stops gradient computation.
* Stops the accumulated gradient of the inputs from flowing through this operator
* in the backward direction. In other words, this operator prevents the
* of its inputs to be taken into account for computing gradients.
* Example::
* v1 = [1, 2]
* v2 = [0, 1]
* a = Variable('a')
* b = Variable('b')
* b_stop_grad = stop_gradient(3 * b)
* loss = MakeLoss(b_stop_grad + a)
* executor = loss.simple_bind(ctx=cpu(), a=(1,2), b=(1,2))
* executor.forward(is_train=True, a=v1, b=v2)
* executor.outputs
* [ 1. 5.]
* executor.backward()
* executor.grad_arrays
* [ 0. 0.]
* [ 1. 1.]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol BlockGrad(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("BlockGrad")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Make your own loss function in network construction.
* This operator accepts a customized loss function symbol as a terminal loss and
* the symbol should be an operator with no backward dependency.
* The output of this function is the gradient of loss with respect to the input
* For example, if you are a making a cross entropy loss function. Assume ``out``
* predicted output and ``label`` is the true label, then the cross entropy can be
* cross_entropy = label * log(out) + (1 - label) * log(1 - out)
* loss = make_loss(cross_entropy)
* We will need to use ``make_loss`` when we are creating our own loss function or
* combine multiple loss functions. Also we may want to stop some variables'
* from backpropagation. See more detail in ``BlockGrad`` or ``stop_gradient``.
* The storage type of ``make_loss`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - make_loss(default) = default
* - make_loss(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol make_loss(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("make_loss")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input.
* \param rhs Second input.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _identity_with_attr_like_rhs(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_identity_with_attr_like_rhs")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Reshape some or all dimensions of `lhs` to have the same shape as some or all
* Returns a **view** of the `lhs` array with a new shape without altering any
* Example::
* x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
* y = [[0, -4], [3, 2], [2, 2]]
* reshape_like(x, y) = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
* More precise control over how dimensions are inherited is achieved by
* slices over the `lhs` and `rhs` array dimensions. Only the sliced `lhs`
* are reshaped to the `rhs` sliced dimensions, with the non-sliced `lhs`
* Examples::
* - lhs shape = (30,7), rhs shape = (15,2,4), lhs_begin=0, lhs_end=1,
* - lhs shape = (3, 5), rhs shape = (1,15,4), lhs_begin=0, lhs_end=2,
* Negative indices are supported, and `None` can be used for either `lhs_end` or
* Example::
* - lhs shape = (30, 12), rhs shape = (4, 2, 2, 3), lhs_begin=-1, lhs_end=None,
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input.
* \param rhs Second input.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol reshape_like(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("reshape_like")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns a 1D int64 array containing the shape of data.
* Example::
* shape_array([[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8]]) = [2,4]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input Array.
* \param lhs_begin Defaults to 0. The beginning index along which the lhs dimensions are
* \param lhs_end Defaults to None. The ending index along which the lhs dimensions are
* \param rhs_begin Defaults to 0. The beginning index along which the rhs dimensions are
* \param rhs_end Defaults to None. The ending index along which the rhs dimensions are
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol shape_array(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<int> lhs_begin = dmlc::optional<int>(),
dmlc::optional<int> lhs_end = dmlc::optional<int>(),
dmlc::optional<int> rhs_begin = dmlc::optional<int>(),
dmlc::optional<int> rhs_end = dmlc::optional<int>()) {
return Operator("shape_array")
.SetParam("lhs_begin", lhs_begin)
.SetParam("lhs_end", lhs_end)
.SetParam("rhs_begin", rhs_begin)
.SetParam("rhs_end", rhs_end)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns a 1D int64 array containing the size of data.
* Example::
* size_array([[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8]]) = [8]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input Array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol size_array(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("size_array")
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief Output data type.
enum class CastDtype {
kFloat16 = 0,
kFloat32 = 1,
kFloat64 = 2,
kInt32 = 3,
kInt64 = 4,
kInt8 = 5,
kUint8 = 6
* \brief Casts all elements of the input to a new type.
* .. note:: ``Cast`` is deprecated. Use ``cast`` instead.
* Example::
* cast([0.9, 1.3], dtype='int32') = [0, 1]
* cast([1e20, 11.1], dtype='float16') = [inf, 11.09375]
* cast([300, 11.1, 10.9, -1, -3], dtype='uint8') = [44, 11, 10, 255, 253]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \param dtype Output data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Cast(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
CastDtype dtype) {
static const char *CastDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("Cast")
.SetParam("dtype", CastDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Numerical negative of the argument, element-wise.
* The storage type of ``negative`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - negative(default) = default
* - negative(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - negative(csr) = csr
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol negative(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("negative")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the reciprocal of the argument, element-wise.
* Calculates 1/x.
* Example::
* reciprocal([-2, 1, 3, 1.6, 0.2]) = [-0.5, 1.0, 0.33333334, 0.625, 5.0]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol reciprocal(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("reciprocal")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise absolute value of the input.
* Example::
* abs([-2, 0, 3]) = [2, 0, 3]
* The storage type of ``abs`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - abs(default) = default
* - abs(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - abs(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol abs(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("abs")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise sign of the input.
* Example::
* sign([-2, 0, 3]) = [-1, 0, 1]
* The storage type of ``sign`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - sign(default) = default
* - sign(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - sign(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sign(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("sign")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise rounded value to the nearest integer of the input.
* Example::
* round([-1.5, 1.5, -1.9, 1.9, 2.1]) = [-2., 2., -2., 2., 2.]
* The storage type of ``round`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - round(default) = default
* - round(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - round(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol round(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("round")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise rounded value to the nearest integer of the input.
* .. note::
* - For input ``n.5`` ``rint`` returns ``n`` while ``round`` returns ``n+1``.
* - For input ``-n.5`` both ``rint`` and ``round`` returns ``-n-1``.
* Example::
* rint([-1.5, 1.5, -1.9, 1.9, 2.1]) = [-2., 1., -2., 2., 2.]
* The storage type of ``rint`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - rint(default) = default
* - rint(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - rint(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol rint(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("rint")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise ceiling of the input.
* The ceil of the scalar x is the smallest integer i, such that i >= x.
* Example::
* ceil([-2.1, -1.9, 1.5, 1.9, 2.1]) = [-2., -1., 2., 2., 3.]
* The storage type of ``ceil`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - ceil(default) = default
* - ceil(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - ceil(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol ceil(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("ceil")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise floor of the input.
* The floor of the scalar x is the largest integer i, such that i <= x.
* Example::
* floor([-2.1, -1.9, 1.5, 1.9, 2.1]) = [-3., -2., 1., 1., 2.]
* The storage type of ``floor`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - floor(default) = default
* - floor(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - floor(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol floor(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("floor")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Return the element-wise truncated value of the input.
* The truncated value of the scalar x is the nearest integer i which is closer to
* zero than x is. In short, the fractional part of the signed number x is
* Example::
* trunc([-2.1, -1.9, 1.5, 1.9, 2.1]) = [-2., -1., 1., 1., 2.]
* The storage type of ``trunc`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - trunc(default) = default
* - trunc(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - trunc(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol trunc(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("trunc")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise rounded value to the nearest \
* integer towards zero of the input.
* Example::
* fix([-2.1, -1.9, 1.9, 2.1]) = [-2., -1., 1., 2.]
* The storage type of ``fix`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - fix(default) = default
* - fix(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - fix(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol fix(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("fix")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise squared value of the input.
* .. math::
* square(x) = x^2
* Example::
* square([2, 3, 4]) = [4, 9, 16]
* The storage type of ``square`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - square(default) = default
* - square(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - square(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol square(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("square")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise square-root value of the input.
* .. math::
* \textrm{sqrt}(x) = \sqrt{x}
* Example::
* sqrt([4, 9, 16]) = [2, 3, 4]
* The storage type of ``sqrt`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - sqrt(default) = default
* - sqrt(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - sqrt(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sqrt(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("sqrt")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise inverse square-root value of the input.
* .. math::
* rsqrt(x) = 1/\sqrt{x}
* Example::
* rsqrt([4,9,16]) = [0.5, 0.33333334, 0.25]
* The storage type of ``rsqrt`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol rsqrt(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("rsqrt")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise cube-root value of the input.
* .. math::
* cbrt(x) = \sqrt[3]{x}
* Example::
* cbrt([1, 8, -125]) = [1, 2, -5]
* The storage type of ``cbrt`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - cbrt(default) = default
* - cbrt(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - cbrt(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol cbrt(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("cbrt")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise gauss error function of the input.
* Example::
* erf([0, -1., 10.]) = [0., -0.8427, 1.]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol erf(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("erf")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise inverse gauss error function of the input.
* Example::
* erfinv([0, 0.5., -1.]) = [0., 0.4769, -inf]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol erfinv(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("erfinv")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise inverse cube-root value of the input.
* .. math::
* rcbrt(x) = 1/\sqrt[3]{x}
* Example::
* rcbrt([1,8,-125]) = [1.0, 0.5, -0.2]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol rcbrt(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("rcbrt")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise exponential value of the input.
* .. math::
* exp(x) = e^x \approx 2.718^x
* Example::
* exp([0, 1, 2]) = [1., 2.71828175, 7.38905621]
* The storage type of ``exp`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol exp(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("exp")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise Natural logarithmic value of the input.
* The natural logarithm is logarithm in base *e*, so that ``log(exp(x)) = x``
* The storage type of ``log`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol log(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("log")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise Base-10 logarithmic value of the input.
* ``10**log10(x) = x``
* The storage type of ``log10`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol log10(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("log10")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise Base-2 logarithmic value of the input.
* ``2**log2(x) = x``
* The storage type of ``log2`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol log2(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("log2")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise ``log(1 + x)`` value of the input.
* This function is more accurate than ``log(1 + x)`` for small ``x`` so that
* :math:`1+x\approx 1`
* The storage type of ``log1p`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - log1p(default) = default
* - log1p(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - log1p(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol log1p(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("log1p")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns ``exp(x) - 1`` computed element-wise on the input.
* This function provides greater precision than ``exp(x) - 1`` for small values
* The storage type of ``expm1`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - expm1(default) = default
* - expm1(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - expm1(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol expm1(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("expm1")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the gamma function (extension of the factorial function \
* to the reals), computed element-wise on the input array.
* The storage type of ``gamma`` output is always dense
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol gamma(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("gamma")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise log of the absolute value of the gamma function \
* of the input.
* The storage type of ``gammaln`` output is always dense
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol gammaln(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("gammaln")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the result of logical NOT (!) function
* Example:
* logical_not([-2., 0., 1.]) = [0., 1., 0.]
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol logical_not(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("logical_not")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Pick rows specified by user input index array from a row sparse matrix
* and save them in the output sparse matrix.
* Example::
* data = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
* indices = [0, 1, 3]
* shape = (4, 2)
* rsp_in = row_sparse_array(data, indices)
* to_retain = [0, 3]
* rsp_out = retain(rsp_in, to_retain)
* = [[1, 2], [5, 6]]
* rsp_out.indices = [0, 3]
* The storage type of ``retain`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - retain(row_sparse, default) = row_sparse
* - otherwise, ``retain`` is not supported
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array for sparse_retain operator.
* \param indices The index array of rows ids that will be retained.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sparse_retain(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol indices) {
return Operator("_sparse_retain")
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("indices", indices)
/*! \brief Output data type.
enum class Amp_castDtype {
kFloat16 = 0,
kFloat32 = 1,
kFloat64 = 2,
kInt32 = 3,
kInt64 = 4,
kInt8 = 5,
kUint8 = 6
* \brief Cast function between low precision float/FP32 used by AMP.
* It casts only between low precision float/FP32 and does not do anything for
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \param dtype Output data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol amp_cast(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Amp_castDtype dtype) {
static const char *Amp_castDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("amp_cast")
.SetParam("dtype", Amp_castDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Cast function used by AMP, that casts its inputs to the common widest type.
* It casts only between low precision float/FP32 and does not do anything for
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Weights
* \param num_outputs Number of input/output pairs to be casted to the widest type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol amp_multicast(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_outputs) {
return Operator("amp_multicast")
.SetParam("num_outputs", num_outputs)
/*! \brief The return type.
* "value" means to return the top k values, "indices" means to return the indices
* of the top k values, "mask" means to return a mask array containing 0 and 1. 1
* means the top k values. "both" means to return a list of both values and
enum class TopkRetTyp {
kBoth = 0,
kIndices = 1,
kMask = 2,
kValue = 3
/*! \brief DType of the output indices when ret_typ is "indices" or "both". An error will
enum class TopkDtype {
kFloat16 = 0,
kFloat32 = 1,
kFloat64 = 2,
kInt32 = 3,
kInt64 = 4,
kUint8 = 5
* \brief Returns the top *k* elements in an input array along the given axis.
* The returned elements will be sorted.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 0.3, 0.2, 0.4],
* [ 0.1, 0.3, 0.2]]
* // returns an index of the largest element on last axis
* topk(x) = [[ 2.],
* [ 1.]]
* // returns the value of top-2 largest elements on last axis
* topk(x, ret_typ='value', k=2) = [[ 0.4, 0.3],
* [ 0.3, 0.2]]
* // returns the value of top-2 smallest elements on last axis
* topk(x, ret_typ='value', k=2, is_ascend=1) = [[ 0.2 , 0.3],
* [ 0.1 , 0.2]]
* // returns the value of top-2 largest elements on axis 0
* topk(x, axis=0, ret_typ='value', k=2) = [[ 0.3, 0.3, 0.4],
* [ 0.1, 0.2, 0.2]]
* // flattens and then returns list of both values and indices
* topk(x, ret_typ='both', k=2) = [[[ 0.4, 0.3], [ 0.3, 0.2]] , [[ 2., 0.], [
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array
* \param axis Axis along which to choose the top k indices. If not given, the flattened
* \param k Number of top elements to select, should be always smaller than or equal to
* \param ret_typ The return type.
* "value" means to return the top k values, "indices" means to return the indices
* of the top k values, "mask" means to return a mask array containing 0 and 1. 1
* means the top k values. "both" means to return a list of both values and
* \param is_ascend Whether to choose k largest or k smallest elements. Top K largest
* \param dtype DType of the output indices when ret_typ is "indices" or "both". An error
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol topk(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>(-1),
int k = 1,
TopkRetTyp ret_typ = TopkRetTyp::kIndices,
bool is_ascend = false,
TopkDtype dtype = TopkDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *TopkRetTypValues[] = {
static const char *TopkDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("topk")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("k", k)
.SetParam("ret_typ", TopkRetTypValues[int(ret_typ)])
.SetParam("is_ascend", is_ascend)
.SetParam("dtype", TopkDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns a sorted copy of an input array along the given axis.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 1, 4],
* [ 3, 1]]
* // sorts along the last axis
* sort(x) = [[ 1., 4.],
* [ 1., 3.]]
* // flattens and then sorts
* sort(x, axis=None) = [ 1., 1., 3., 4.]
* // sorts along the first axis
* sort(x, axis=0) = [[ 1., 1.],
* [ 3., 4.]]
* // in a descend order
* sort(x, is_ascend=0) = [[ 4., 1.],
* [ 3., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array
* \param axis Axis along which to choose sort the input tensor. If not given, the
* \param is_ascend Whether to sort in ascending or descending order.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sort(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>(-1),
bool is_ascend = true) {
return Operator("sort")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("is_ascend", is_ascend)
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief DType of the output indices. It is only valid when ret_typ is "indices" or
* "both". An error will be raised if the selected data type cannot precisely
enum class ArgsortDtype {
kFloat16 = 0,
kFloat32 = 1,
kFloat64 = 2,
kInt32 = 3,
kInt64 = 4,
kUint8 = 5
* \brief Returns the indices that would sort an input array along the given axis.
* This function performs sorting along the given axis and returns an array of
* as an input array that index data in sorted order.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 0.3, 0.2, 0.4],
* [ 0.1, 0.3, 0.2]]
* // sort along axis -1
* argsort(x) = [[ 1., 0., 2.],
* [ 0., 2., 1.]]
* // sort along axis 0
* argsort(x, axis=0) = [[ 1., 0., 1.]
* [ 0., 1., 0.]]
* // flatten and then sort
* argsort(x, axis=None) = [ 3., 1., 5., 0., 4., 2.]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array
* \param axis Axis along which to sort the input tensor. If not given, the flattened
* \param is_ascend Whether to sort in ascending or descending order.
* \param dtype DType of the output indices. It is only valid when ret_typ is "indices"
* or "both". An error will be raised if the selected data type cannot precisely
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol argsort(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>(-1),
bool is_ascend = true,
ArgsortDtype dtype = ArgsortDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *ArgsortDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("argsort")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("is_ascend", is_ascend)
.SetParam("dtype", ArgsortDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _plus_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_plus_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _minus_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_minus_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _rminus_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_rminus_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Multiply an array with a scalar.
* ``_mul_scalar`` only operates on data array of input if input is sparse.
* For example, if input of shape (100, 100) has only 2 non zero elements,
* i.e. = [5, 6], scalar = nan,
* it will result = [nan, nan] instead of 10000 nans.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _mul_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_mul_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Divide an array with a scalar.
* ``_div_scalar`` only operates on data array of input if input is sparse.
* For example, if input of shape (100, 100) has only 2 non zero elements,
* i.e. = [5, 6], scalar = nan,
* it will result = [nan, nan] instead of 10000 nans.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _div_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_div_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _rdiv_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_rdiv_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _mod_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_mod_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _rmod_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_rmod_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief Data type of weight.
enum class EmbeddingDtype {
kFloat16 = 0,
kFloat32 = 1,
kFloat64 = 2,
kInt32 = 3,
kInt64 = 4,
kInt8 = 5,
kUint8 = 6
* \brief Maps integer indices to vector representations (embeddings).
* This operator maps words to real-valued vectors in a high-dimensional space,
* called word embeddings. These embeddings can capture semantic and syntactic
* For example, it has been noted that in the learned embedding spaces, similar
* to be close to each other and dissimilar words far apart.
* For an input array of shape (d1, ..., dK),
* the shape of an output array is (d1, ..., dK, output_dim).
* All the input values should be integers in the range [0, input_dim).
* If the input_dim is ip0 and output_dim is op0, then shape of the embedding
* (ip0, op0).
* By default, if any index mentioned is too large, it is replaced by the index
* the last vector in an embedding matrix.
* Examples::
* input_dim = 4
* output_dim = 5
* // Each row in weight matrix y represents a word. So, y = (w0,w1,w2,w3)
* y = [[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 10., 11., 12., 13., 14.],
* [ 15., 16., 17., 18., 19.]]
* // Input array x represents n-grams(2-gram). So, x = [(w1,w3), (w0,w2)]
* x = [[ 1., 3.],
* [ 0., 2.]]
* // Mapped input x to its vector representation y.
* Embedding(x, y, 4, 5) = [[[ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 15., 16., 17., 18., 19.]],
* [[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 10., 11., 12., 13., 14.]]]
* The storage type of weight can be either row_sparse or default.
* .. Note::
* If "sparse_grad" is set to True, the storage type of gradient w.r.t weights
* "row_sparse". Only a subset of optimizers support sparse gradients, including
* and Adam. Note that by default lazy updates is turned on, which may perform
* from standard updates. For more details, please check the Optimization API at:
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array to the embedding operator.
* \param weight The embedding weight matrix.
* \param input_dim Vocabulary size of the input indices.
* \param output_dim Dimension of the embedding vectors.
* \param dtype Data type of weight.
* \param sparse_grad Compute row sparse gradient in the backward calculation. If set to
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Embedding(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol weight,
int input_dim,
int output_dim,
EmbeddingDtype dtype = EmbeddingDtype::kFloat32,
bool sparse_grad = false) {
static const char *EmbeddingDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("Embedding")
.SetParam("input_dim", input_dim)
.SetParam("output_dim", output_dim)
.SetParam("dtype", EmbeddingDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetParam("sparse_grad", sparse_grad)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
/*! \brief Data type of weight.
enum class _contrib_SparseEmbeddingDtype {
kFloat16 = 0,
kFloat32 = 1,
kFloat64 = 2,
kInt32 = 3,
kInt64 = 4,
kInt8 = 5,
kUint8 = 6
* \brief Maps integer indices to vector representations (embeddings).
* note:: ``contrib.SparseEmbedding`` is deprecated, use ``Embedding`` instead.
* This operator maps words to real-valued vectors in a high-dimensional space,
* called word embeddings. These embeddings can capture semantic and syntactic
* For example, it has been noted that in the learned embedding spaces, similar
* to be close to each other and dissimilar words far apart.
* For an input array of shape (d1, ..., dK),
* the shape of an output array is (d1, ..., dK, output_dim).
* All the input values should be integers in the range [0, input_dim).
* If the input_dim is ip0 and output_dim is op0, then shape of the embedding
* (ip0, op0).
* The storage type of the gradient will be `row_sparse`.
* .. Note::
* `SparseEmbedding` is designed for the use case where `input_dim` is very large
* The operator is available on both CPU and GPU.
* When `deterministic` is set to `True`, the accumulation of gradients follows a
* deterministic order if a feature appears multiple times in the input. However,
* accumulation is usually slower when the order is enforced on GPU.
* When the operator is used on the GPU, the recommended value for `deterministic`
* Examples::
* input_dim = 4
* output_dim = 5
* // Each row in weight matrix y represents a word. So, y = (w0,w1,w2,w3)
* y = [[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 10., 11., 12., 13., 14.],
* [ 15., 16., 17., 18., 19.]]
* // Input array x represents n-grams(2-gram). So, x = [(w1,w3), (w0,w2)]
* x = [[ 1., 3.],
* [ 0., 2.]]
* // Mapped input x to its vector representation y.
* SparseEmbedding(x, y, 4, 5) = [[[ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 15., 16., 17., 18., 19.]],
* [[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 10., 11., 12., 13., 14.]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array to the embedding operator.
* \param weight The embedding weight matrix.
* \param input_dim Vocabulary size of the input indices.
* \param output_dim Dimension of the embedding vectors.
* \param dtype Data type of weight.
* \param sparse_grad Compute row sparse gradient in the backward calculation. If set to
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_SparseEmbedding(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol weight,
int input_dim,
int output_dim,
_contrib_SparseEmbeddingDtype dtype = _contrib_SparseEmbeddingDtype::kFloat32,
bool sparse_grad = false) {
static const char *_contrib_SparseEmbeddingDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_SparseEmbedding")
.SetParam("input_dim", input_dim)
.SetParam("output_dim", output_dim)
.SetParam("dtype", _contrib_SparseEmbeddingDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetParam("sparse_grad", sparse_grad)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
/*! \brief Specify how out-of-bound indices bahave. Default is "clip". "clip" means clip
* to the range. So, if all indices mentioned are too large, they are replaced by
* the index that addresses the last element along an axis. "wrap" means to wrap
enum class TakeMode {
kClip = 0,
kRaise = 1,
kWrap = 2
* \brief Takes elements from an input array along the given axis.
* This function slices the input array along a particular axis with the provided
* Given data tensor of rank r >= 1, and indices tensor of rank q, gather entries
* dimension of data (by default outer-most one as axis=0) indexed by indices, and
* in an output tensor of rank q + (r - 1).
* Examples::
* x = [4. 5. 6.]
* // Trivial case, take the second element along the first axis.
* take(x, [1]) = [ 5. ]
* // The other trivial case, axis=-1, take the third element along the first axis
* take(x, [3], axis=-1, mode='clip') = [ 6. ]
* x = [[ 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6.]]
* // In this case we will get rows 0 and 1, then 1 and 2. Along axis 0
* take(x, [[0,1],[1,2]]) = [[[ 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4.]],
* [[ 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6.]]]
* // In this case we will get rows 0 and 1, then 1 and 2 (calculated by wrapping
* // Along axis 1
* take(x, [[0, 3], [-1, -2]], axis=1, mode='wrap') = [[[ 1. 2.]
* [ 2. 1.]]
* [[ 3. 4.]
* [ 4. 3.]]
* [[ 5. 6.]
* [ 6. 5.]]]
* The storage type of ``take`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - take(default, default) = default
* - take(csr, default, axis=0) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param a The input array.
* \param indices The indices of the values to be extracted.
* \param axis The axis of input array to be taken.For input tensor of rank r, it could
* \param mode Specify how out-of-bound indices bahave. Default is "clip". "clip" means
* clip to the range. So, if all indices mentioned are too large, they are
* replaced by the index that addresses the last element along an axis. "wrap"
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol take(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol a,
Symbol indices,
int axis = 0,
TakeMode mode = TakeMode::kClip) {
static const char *TakeModeValues[] = {
return Operator("take")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("mode", TakeModeValues[int(mode)])
.SetInput("a", a)
.SetInput("indices", indices)
* \brief Takes elements from a data batch.
* .. note::
* `batch_take` is deprecated. Use `pick` instead.
* Given an input array of shape ``(d0, d1)`` and indices of shape ``(i0,)``, the
* an output array of shape ``(i0,)`` with::
* output[i] = input[i, indices[i]]
* Examples::
* x = [[ 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6.]]
* // takes elements with specified indices
* batch_take(x, [0,1,0]) = [ 1. 4. 5.]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param a The input array
* \param indices The index array
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol batch_take(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol a,
Symbol indices) {
return Operator("batch_take")
.SetInput("a", a)
.SetInput("indices", indices)
/*! \brief DType of the output
enum class One_hotDtype {
kFloat16 = 0,
kFloat32 = 1,
kFloat64 = 2,
kInt32 = 3,
kInt64 = 4,
kInt8 = 5,
kUint8 = 6
* \brief Returns a one-hot array.
* The locations represented by `indices` take value `on_value`, while all
* other locations take value `off_value`.
* `one_hot` operation with `indices` of shape ``(i0, i1)`` and `depth` of ``d``
* in an output array of shape ``(i0, i1, d)`` with::
* output[i,j,:] = off_value
* output[i,j,indices[i,j]] = on_value
* Examples::
* one_hot([1,0,2,0], 3) = [[ 0. 1. 0.]
* [ 1. 0. 0.]
* [ 0. 0. 1.]
* [ 1. 0. 0.]]
* one_hot([1,0,2,0], 3, on_value=8, off_value=1,
* dtype='int32') = [[1 8 1]
* [8 1 1]
* [1 1 8]
* [8 1 1]]
* one_hot([[1,0],[1,0],[2,0]], 3) = [[[ 0. 1. 0.]
* [ 1. 0. 0.]]
* [[ 0. 1. 0.]
* [ 1. 0. 0.]]
* [[ 0. 0. 1.]
* [ 1. 0. 0.]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param indices array of locations where to set on_value
* \param depth Depth of the one hot dimension.
* \param on_value The value assigned to the locations represented by indices.
* \param off_value The value assigned to the locations not represented by indices.
* \param dtype DType of the output
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol one_hot(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol indices,
int depth,
double on_value = 1,
double off_value = 0,
One_hotDtype dtype = One_hotDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *One_hotDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("one_hot")
.SetParam("depth", depth)
.SetParam("on_value", on_value)
.SetParam("off_value", off_value)
.SetParam("dtype", One_hotDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("indices", indices)
* \brief Gather elements or slices from `data` and store to a tensor whose
* shape is defined by `indices`.
* Given `data` with shape `(X_0, X_1, ..., X_{N-1})` and indices with shape
* `(M, Y_0, ..., Y_{K-1})`, the output will have shape `(Y_0, ..., Y_{K-1}, X_M,
* where `M <= N`. If `M == N`, output shape will simply be `(Y_0, ..., Y_{K-1})`.
* The elements in output is defined as follows::
* output[y_0, ..., y_{K-1}, x_M, ..., x_{N-1}] = data[indices[0, y_0, ...,
* ...,
* indices[M-1, y_0, ..., y_{K-1}],
* x_M, ..., x_{N-1}]
* Examples::
* data = [[0, 1], [2, 3]]
* indices = [[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]
* gather_nd(data, indices) = [2, 3, 0]
* data = [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]
* indices = [[0, 1], [1, 0]]
* gather_nd(data, indices) = [[3, 4], [5, 6]]
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data data
* \param indices indices
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol gather_nd(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol indices) {
return Operator("gather_nd")
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("indices", indices)
* \brief Scatters data into a new tensor according to indices.
* Given `data` with shape `(Y_0, ..., Y_{K-1}, X_M, ..., X_{N-1})` and indices
* `(M, Y_0, ..., Y_{K-1})`, the output will have shape `(X_0, X_1, ..., X_{N-1})`,
* where `M <= N`. If `M == N`, data shape should simply be `(Y_0, ..., Y_{K-1})`.
* The elements in output is defined as follows::
* output[indices[0, y_0, ..., y_{K-1}],
* ...,
* indices[M-1, y_0, ..., y_{K-1}],
* x_M, ..., x_{N-1}] = data[y_0, ..., y_{K-1}, x_M, ..., x_{N-1}]
* all other entries in output are 0.
* .. warning::
* If the indices have duplicates, the result will be non-deterministic and
* the gradient of `scatter_nd` will not be correct!!
* Examples::
* data = [2, 3, 0]
* indices = [[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]
* shape = (2, 2)
* scatter_nd(data, indices, shape) = [[0, 0], [2, 3]]
* data = [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]
* indices = [[0, 1], [1, 1]]
* shape = (2, 2, 2, 2)
* scatter_nd(data, indices, shape) = [[[[0, 0],
* [0, 0]],
* [[1, 2],
* [3, 4]]],
* [[[0, 0],
* [0, 0]],
* [[5, 6],
* [7, 8]]]]
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data data
* \param indices indices
* \param shape Shape of output.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol scatter_nd(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol indices,
Shape shape) {
return Operator("scatter_nd")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("indices", indices)
* \brief This operator has the same functionality as scatter_nd
* except that it does not reset the elements not indexed by the input
* index `NDArray` in the input data `NDArray`. output should be explicitly
* given and be the same as lhs.
* .. note:: This operator is for internal use only.
* Examples::
* data = [2, 3, 0]
* indices = [[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]
* out = [[1, 1], [1, 1]]
* _scatter_set_nd(lhs=out, rhs=data, indices=indices, out=out)
* out = [[0, 1], [2, 3]]
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs source input
* \param rhs value to assign
* \param indices indices
* \param shape Shape of output.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _scatter_set_nd(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs,
Symbol indices,
Shape shape) {
return Operator("_scatter_set_nd")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
.SetInput("indices", indices)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **equal to** (==) comparison operation with
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_equal(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_equal(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **not equal to** (!=) comparison operation
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_not_equal(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_not_equal(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_not_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **greater than** (>) comparison operation
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_greater(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_greater(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_greater")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **greater than or equal to** (>=) comparison
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_greater_equal(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_greater_equal(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_greater_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **lesser than** (<) comparison operation
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_lesser(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_lesser(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_lesser")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **lesser than or equal to** (<=) comparison
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_lesser_equal(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_lesser_equal(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_lesser_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **logical and** with broadcasting.
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_logical_and(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_logical_and(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_logical_and")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **logical or** with broadcasting.
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 0.],
* [ 1., 1., 0.]]
* y = [[ 1.],
* [ 0.]]
* broadcast_logical_or(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 0.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_logical_or(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_logical_or")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **logical xor** with broadcasting.
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 0.],
* [ 1., 1., 0.]]
* y = [[ 1.],
* [ 0.]]
* broadcast_logical_xor(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 0.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_logical_xor(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_logical_xor")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Extracts a diagonal or constructs a diagonal array.
* ``diag``'s behavior depends on the input array dimensions:
* - 1-D arrays: constructs a 2-D array with the input as its diagonal, all other
* - N-D arrays: extracts the diagonals of the sub-arrays with axes specified by
* The output shape would be decided by removing the axes numbered ``axis1`` and
* input shape and appending to the result a new axis with the size of the
* For example, when the input shape is `(2, 3, 4, 5)`, ``axis1`` and ``axis2``
* respectively and ``k`` is 0, the resulting shape would be `(3, 5, 2)`.
* Examples::
* x = [[1, 2, 3],
* [4, 5, 6]]
* diag(x) = [1, 5]
* diag(x, k=1) = [2, 6]
* diag(x, k=-1) = [4]
* x = [1, 2, 3]
* diag(x) = [[1, 0, 0],
* [0, 2, 0],
* [0, 0, 3]]
* diag(x, k=1) = [[0, 1, 0],
* [0, 0, 2],
* [0, 0, 0]]
* diag(x, k=-1) = [[0, 0, 0],
* [1, 0, 0],
* [0, 2, 0]]
* x = [[[1, 2],
* [3, 4]],
* [[5, 6],
* [7, 8]]]
* diag(x) = [[1, 7],
* [2, 8]]
* diag(x, k=1) = [[3],
* [4]]
* diag(x, axis1=-2, axis2=-1) = [[1, 4],
* [5, 8]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param k Diagonal in question. The default is 0. Use k>0 for diagonals above the main
* diagonal, and k<0 for diagonals below the main diagonal. If input has shape (S0
* \param axis1 The first axis of the sub-arrays of interest. Ignored when the input is a
* \param axis2 The second axis of the sub-arrays of interest. Ignored when the input is
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol diag(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
int k = 0,
int axis1 = 0,
int axis2 = 1) {
return Operator("diag")
.SetParam("k", k)
.SetParam("axis1", axis1)
.SetParam("axis2", axis2)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the sum of array elements over given axes.
* .. Note::
* `sum` and `sum_axis` are equivalent.
* For ndarray of csr storage type summation along axis 0 and axis 1 is supported.
* Setting keepdims or exclude to True will cause a fallback to dense operator.
* Example::
* data = [[[1, 2], [2, 3], [1, 3]],
* [[1, 4], [4, 3], [5, 2]],
* [[7, 1], [7, 2], [7, 3]]]
* sum(data, axis=1)
* [[ 4. 8.]
* [ 10. 9.]
* [ 21. 6.]]
* sum(data, axis=[1,2])
* [ 12. 19. 27.]
* data = [[1, 2, 0],
* [3, 0, 1],
* [4, 1, 0]]
* csr = cast_storage(data, 'csr')
* sum(csr, axis=0)
* [ 8. 3. 1.]
* sum(csr, axis=1)
* [ 3. 4. 5.]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sum(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("sum")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the mean of array elements over given axes.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol mean(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("mean")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the product of array elements over given axes.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol prod(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("prod")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the sum of array elements over given axes treating Not a Numbers
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol nansum(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("nansum")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the product of array elements over given axes treating Not a Numbers
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol nanprod(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("nanprod")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the max of array elements over given axes.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol max(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("max")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the min of array elements over given axes.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol min(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("min")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Broadcasts the input array over particular axes.
* Broadcasting is allowed on axes with size 1, such as from `(2,1,3,1)` to
* `(2,8,3,9)`. Elements will be duplicated on the broadcasted axes.
* Example::
* // given x of shape (1,2,1)
* x = [[[ 1.],
* [ 2.]]]
* // broadcast x on on axis 2
* broadcast_axis(x, axis=2, size=3) = [[[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 2., 2., 2.]]]
* // broadcast x on on axes 0 and 2
* broadcast_axis(x, axis=(0,2), size=(2,3)) = [[[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 2., 2., 2.]],
* [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 2., 2., 2.]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axes to perform the broadcasting.
* \param size Target sizes of the broadcasting axes.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_axis(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape axis = {},
Shape size = {}) {
return Operator("broadcast_axis")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("size", size)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Broadcasts the input array to a new shape.
* Broadcasting is a mechanism that allows NDArrays to perform arithmetic
* with arrays of different shapes efficiently without creating multiple copies of
* Also see, `Broadcasting
* <>`_ for more
* Broadcasting is allowed on axes with size 1, such as from `(2,1,3,1)` to
* `(2,8,3,9)`. Elements will be duplicated on the broadcasted axes.
* For example::
* broadcast_to([[1,2,3]], shape=(2,3)) = [[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 1., 2., 3.]])
* The dimension which you do not want to change can also be kept as `0` which
* So with `shape=(2,0)`, we will obtain the same result as in the above example.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param shape The shape of the desired array. We can set the dim to zero if it's same
* as the original. E.g `A = broadcast_to(B, shape=(10, 0, 0))` has the same
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_to(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape shape = {}) {
return Operator("broadcast_to")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _broadcast_backward(const std::string& symbol_name) {
return Operator("_broadcast_backward")
* \brief Broadcasts lhs to have the same shape as rhs.
* Broadcasting is a mechanism that allows NDArrays to perform arithmetic
* with arrays of different shapes efficiently without creating multiple copies of
* Also see, `Broadcasting
* <>`_ for more
* Broadcasting is allowed on axes with size 1, such as from `(2,1,3,1)` to
* `(2,8,3,9)`. Elements will be duplicated on the broadcasted axes.
* For example::
* broadcast_like([[1,2,3]], [[5,6,7],[7,8,9]]) = [[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 1., 2., 3.]])
* broadcast_like([9], [1,2,3,4,5], lhs_axes=(0,), rhs_axes=(-1,)) = [9,9,9,9,9]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs First input.
* \param rhs Second input.
* \param lhs_axes Axes to perform broadcast on in the first input array
* \param rhs_axes Axes to copy from the second input array
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_like(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs,
dmlc::optional<Shape> lhs_axes = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
dmlc::optional<Shape> rhs_axes = dmlc::optional<Shape>()) {
return Operator("broadcast_like")
.SetParam("lhs_axes", lhs_axes)
.SetParam("rhs_axes", rhs_axes)
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
/*! \brief The data type of the output.
enum class NormOutDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3,
kInt32 = 4,
kInt64 = 5,
kInt8 = 6
* \brief Computes the norm on an NDArray.
* This operator computes the norm on an NDArray with the specified axis, depending
* on the value of the ord parameter. By default, it computes the L2 norm on the
* array. Currently only ord=2 supports sparse ndarrays.
* Examples::
* x = [[[1, 2],
* [3, 4]],
* [[2, 2],
* [5, 6]]]
* norm(x, ord=2, axis=1) = [[3.1622777 4.472136 ]
* [5.3851647 6.3245554]]
* norm(x, ord=1, axis=1) = [[4., 6.],
* [7., 8.]]
* rsp = x.cast_storage('row_sparse')
* norm(rsp) = [5.47722578]
* csr = x.cast_storage('csr')
* norm(csr) = [5.47722578]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param ord Order of the norm. Currently ord=1 and ord=2 is supported.
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a 2-tuple, it specifies the axes that hold 2-D matrices,
* and the matrix norms of these matrices are computed.
* \param out_dtype The data type of the output.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axis is left in the result as
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol norm(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
int ord = 2,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
NormOutDtype out_dtype = NormOutDtype::kNone,
bool keepdims = false) {
static const char *NormOutDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("norm")
.SetParam("ord", ord)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("out_dtype", NormOutDtypeValues[int(out_dtype)])
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _equal(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _not_equal(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_not_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _greater(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_greater")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _greater_equal(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_greater_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _lesser(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_lesser")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _lesser_equal(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_lesser_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _logical_and(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_logical_and")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _logical_or(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_logical_or")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _logical_xor(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_logical_xor")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Return the elements, either from x or y, depending on the condition.
* Given three ndarrays, condition, x, and y, return an ndarray with the elements
* depending on the elements from condition are true or false. x and y must have
* If condition has the same shape as x, each element in the output array is from
* corresponding element in the condition is true, and from y if false.
* If condition does not have the same shape as x, it must be a 1D array whose
* the same as x's first dimension size. Each row of the output array is from x's
* if the corresponding element from condition is true, and from y's row if false.
* Note that all non-zero values are interpreted as ``True`` in condition.
* Examples::
* x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
* y = [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
* cond = [[0, 1], [-1, 0]]
* where(cond, x, y) = [[5, 2], [3, 8]]
* csr_cond = cast_storage(cond, 'csr')
* where(csr_cond, x, y) = [[5, 2], [3, 8]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param condition condition array
* \param x
* \param y
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol where(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol condition,
Symbol x,
Symbol y) {
return Operator("where")
.SetInput("condition", condition)
.SetInput("x", x)
.SetInput("y", y)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _maximum_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_maximum_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _minimum_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_minimum_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _power_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_power_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _rpower_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_rpower_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _hypot_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_hypot_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Calculate Smooth L1 Loss(lhs, scalar) by summing
* .. math::
* f(x) =
* \begin{cases}
* (\sigma x)^2/2,& \text{if }x < 1/\sigma^2\\
* |x|-0.5/\sigma^2,& \text{otherwise}
* \end{cases}
* where :math:`x` is an element of the tensor *lhs* and :math:`\sigma` is the
* Example::
* smooth_l1([1, 2, 3, 4]) = [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5]
* smooth_l1([1, 2, 3, 4], scalar=1) = [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol smooth_l1(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("smooth_l1")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Reshapes the input array.
* .. note:: ``Reshape`` is deprecated, use ``reshape``
* Given an array and a shape, this function returns a copy of the array in the
* The shape is a tuple of integers such as (2,3,4). The size of the new shape
* Example::
* reshape([1,2,3,4], shape=(2,2)) = [[1,2], [3,4]]
* Some dimensions of the shape can take special values from the set {0, -1, -2,
* - ``0`` copy this dimension from the input to the output shape.
* Example::
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (4,0,2), output shape = (4,3,2)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (2,0,0), output shape = (2,3,4)
* - ``-1`` infers the dimension of the output shape by using the remainder of the
* keeping the size of the new array same as that of the input array.
* At most one dimension of shape can be -1.
* Example::
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (6,1,-1), output shape = (6,1,4)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (3,-1,8), output shape = (3,1,8)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape=(-1,), output shape = (24,)
* - ``-2`` copy all/remainder of the input dimensions to the output shape.
* Example::
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (-2,), output shape = (2,3,4)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (2,-2), output shape = (2,3,4)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (-2,1,1), output shape = (2,3,4,1,1)
* - ``-3`` use the product of two consecutive dimensions of the input shape as
* Example::
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (-3,4), output shape = (6,4)
* - input shape = (2,3,4,5), shape = (-3,-3), output shape = (6,20)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (0,-3), output shape = (2,12)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (-3,-2), output shape = (6,4)
* - ``-4`` split one dimension of the input into two dimensions passed subsequent
* Example::
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (-4,1,2,-2), output shape =(1,2,3,4)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (2,-4,-1,3,-2), output shape = (2,1,3,4)
* If the argument `reverse` is set to 1, then the special values are inferred
* Example::
* - without reverse=1, for input shape = (10,5,4), shape = (-1,0), output shape
* - with reverse=1, output shape will be (50,4).
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to reshape.
* \param shape The target shape
* \param reverse If true then the special values are inferred from right to left
* \param target_shape (Deprecated! Use ``shape`` instead.) Target new shape. One and
* \param keep_highest (Deprecated! Use ``shape`` instead.) Whether keep the highest dim
* unchanged.If set to true, then the first dim in target_shape is ignored,and
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Reshape(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape shape = {},
bool reverse = false,
Shape target_shape = {},
bool keep_highest = false) {
return Operator("Reshape")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("reverse", reverse)
.SetParam("target_shape", target_shape)
.SetParam("keep_highest", keep_highest)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Flattens the input array into a 2-D array by collapsing the higher dimensions.
* .. note:: `Flatten` is deprecated. Use `flatten` instead.
* For an input array with shape ``(d1, d2, ..., dk)``, `flatten` operation
* the input array into an output array of shape ``(d1, d2*...*dk)``.
* Note that the bahavior of this function is different from numpy.ndarray.flatten,
* which behaves similar to mxnet.ndarray.reshape((-1,)).
* Example::
* x = [[
* [1,2,3],
* [4,5,6],
* [7,8,9]
* ],
* [ [1,2,3],
* [4,5,6],
* [7,8,9]
* ]],
* flatten(x) = [[ 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Flatten(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("Flatten")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Permutes the dimensions of an array.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 1, 2],
* [ 3, 4]]
* transpose(x) = [[ 1., 3.],
* [ 2., 4.]]
* x = [[[ 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4.]],
* [[ 5., 6.],
* [ 7., 8.]]]
* transpose(x) = [[[ 1., 5.],
* [ 3., 7.]],
* [[ 2., 6.],
* [ 4., 8.]]]
* transpose(x, axes=(1,0,2)) = [[[ 1., 2.],
* [ 5., 6.]],
* [[ 3., 4.],
* [ 7., 8.]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Source input
* \param axes Target axis order. By default the axes will be inverted.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol transpose(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape axes = {}) {
return Operator("transpose")
.SetParam("axes", axes)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Inserts a new axis of size 1 into the array shape
* For example, given ``x`` with shape ``(2,3,4)``, then ``expand_dims(x, axis=1)``
* will return a new array with shape ``(2,1,3,4)``.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Source input
* \param axis Position where new axis is to be inserted. Suppose that the input
* `NDArray`'s dimension is `ndim`, the range of the inserted axis is `[-ndim,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol expand_dims(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
int axis) {
return Operator("expand_dims")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Slices a region of the array.
* .. note:: ``crop`` is deprecated. Use ``slice`` instead.
* This function returns a sliced array between the indices given
* by `begin` and `end` with the corresponding `step`.
* For an input array of ``shape=(d_0, d_1, ..., d_n-1)``,
* slice operation with ``begin=(b_0, b_1...b_m-1)``,
* ``end=(e_0, e_1, ..., e_m-1)``, and ``step=(s_0, s_1, ..., s_m-1)``,
* where m <= n, results in an array with the shape
* ``(|e_0-b_0|/|s_0|, ..., |e_m-1-b_m-1|/|s_m-1|, d_m, ..., d_n-1)``.
* The resulting array's *k*-th dimension contains elements
* from the *k*-th dimension of the input array starting
* from index ``b_k`` (inclusive) with step ``s_k``
* until reaching ``e_k`` (exclusive).
* If the *k*-th elements are `None` in the sequence of `begin`, `end`,
* and `step`, the following rule will be used to set default values.
* If `s_k` is `None`, set `s_k=1`. If `s_k > 0`, set `b_k=0`, `e_k=d_k`;
* else, set `b_k=d_k-1`, `e_k=-1`.
* The storage type of ``slice`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - slice(csr) = csr
* - otherwise, ``slice`` generates output with default storage
* .. note:: When input data storage type is csr, it only supports
* step=(), or step=(None,), or step=(1,) to generate a csr output.
* For other step parameter values, it falls back to slicing
* a dense tensor.
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6., 7., 8.],
* [ 9., 10., 11., 12.]]
* slice(x, begin=(0,1), end=(2,4)) = [[ 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 6., 7., 8.]]
* slice(x, begin=(None, 0), end=(None, 3), step=(-1, 2)) = [[9., 11.],
* [5., 7.],
* [1., 3.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Source input
* \param begin starting indices for the slice operation, supports negative indices.
* \param end ending indices for the slice operation, supports negative indices.
* \param step step for the slice operation, supports negative values.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol slice(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape begin,
Shape end,
Shape step = {}) {
return Operator("slice")
.SetParam("begin", begin)
.SetParam("end", end)
.SetParam("step", step)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Assign the rhs to a cropped subset of lhs.
* Requirements
* ------------
* - output should be explicitly given and be the same as lhs.
* - lhs and rhs are of the same data type, and on the same device.
* From:src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs Source input
* \param rhs value to assign
* \param begin starting indices for the slice operation, supports negative indices.
* \param end ending indices for the slice operation, supports negative indices.
* \param step step for the slice operation, supports negative values.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _slice_assign(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs,
Shape begin,
Shape end,
Shape step = {}) {
return Operator("_slice_assign")
.SetParam("begin", begin)
.SetParam("end", end)
.SetParam("step", step)
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief (Assign the scalar to a cropped subset of the input.
* Requirements
* ------------
* - output should be explicitly given and be the same as input
* )
* From:src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Source input
* \param begin starting indices for the slice operation, supports negative indices.
* \param end ending indices for the slice operation, supports negative indices.
* \param scalar The scalar value for assignment.
* \param step step for the slice operation, supports negative values.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _slice_assign_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape begin,
Shape end,
double scalar = 0,
Shape step = {}) {
return Operator("_slice_assign_scalar")
.SetParam("begin", begin)
.SetParam("end", end)
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetParam("step", step)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Slices along a given axis.
* Returns an array slice along a given `axis` starting from the `begin` index
* to the `end` index.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6., 7., 8.],
* [ 9., 10., 11., 12.]]
* slice_axis(x, axis=0, begin=1, end=3) = [[ 5., 6., 7., 8.],
* [ 9., 10., 11., 12.]]
* slice_axis(x, axis=1, begin=0, end=2) = [[ 1., 2.],
* [ 5., 6.],
* [ 9., 10.]]
* slice_axis(x, axis=1, begin=-3, end=-1) = [[ 2., 3.],
* [ 6., 7.],
* [ 10., 11.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Source input
* \param axis Axis along which to be sliced, supports negative indexes.
* \param begin The beginning index along the axis to be sliced, supports negative
* \param end The ending index along the axis to be sliced, supports negative indexes.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol slice_axis(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
int axis,
int begin,
dmlc::optional<int> end) {
return Operator("slice_axis")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("begin", begin)
.SetParam("end", end)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Slices a region of the array like the shape of another array.
* This function is similar to ``slice``, however, the `begin` are always `0`s
* and `end` of specific axes are inferred from the second input `shape_like`.
* Given the second `shape_like` input of ``shape=(d_0, d_1, ..., d_n-1)``,
* a ``slice_like`` operator with default empty `axes`, it performs the
* following operation:
* `` out = slice(input, begin=(0, 0, ..., 0), end=(d_0, d_1, ..., d_n-1))``.
* When `axes` is not empty, it is used to speficy which axes are being sliced.
* Given a 4-d input data, ``slice_like`` operator with ``axes=(0, 2, -1)``
* will perform the following operation:
* `` out = slice(input, begin=(0, 0, 0, 0), end=(d_0, None, d_2, d_3))``.
* Note that it is allowed to have first and second input with different
* however, you have to make sure the `axes` are specified and not exceeding the
* dimension limits.
* For example, given `input_1` with ``shape=(2,3,4,5)`` and `input_2` with
* ``shape=(1,2,3)``, it is not allowed to use:
* `` out = slice_like(a, b)`` because ndim of `input_1` is 4, and ndim of
* is 3.
* The following is allowed in this situation:
* `` out = slice_like(a, b, axes=(0, 2))``
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6., 7., 8.],
* [ 9., 10., 11., 12.]]
* y = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* slice_like(x, y) = [[ 1., 2., 3.]
* [ 5., 6., 7.]]
* slice_like(x, y, axes=(0, 1)) = [[ 1., 2., 3.]
* [ 5., 6., 7.]]
* slice_like(x, y, axes=(0)) = [[ 1., 2., 3., 4.]
* [ 5., 6., 7., 8.]]
* slice_like(x, y, axes=(-1)) = [[ 1., 2., 3.]
* [ 5., 6., 7.]
* [ 9., 10., 11.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Source input
* \param shape_like Shape like input
* \param axes List of axes on which input data will be sliced according to the
* corresponding size of the second input. By default will slice on all axes.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol slice_like(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol shape_like,
Shape axes = {}) {
return Operator("slice_like")
.SetParam("axes", axes)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("shape_like", shape_like)
* \brief Clips (limits) the values in an array.
* Given an interval, values outside the interval are clipped to the interval
* Clipping ``x`` between `a_min` and `a_x` would be::
* clip(x, a_min, a_max) = max(min(x, a_max), a_min))
* Example::
* x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
* clip(x,1,8) = [ 1., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 8.]
* The storage type of ``clip`` output depends on storage types of inputs and the
* parameter values:
* - clip(default) = default
* - clip(row_sparse, a_min <= 0, a_max >= 0) = row_sparse
* - clip(csr, a_min <= 0, a_max >= 0) = csr
* - clip(row_sparse, a_min < 0, a_max < 0) = default
* - clip(row_sparse, a_min > 0, a_max > 0) = default
* - clip(csr, a_min < 0, a_max < 0) = csr
* - clip(csr, a_min > 0, a_max > 0) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input array.
* \param a_min Minimum value
* \param a_max Maximum value
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol clip(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float a_min,
mx_float a_max) {
return Operator("clip")
.SetParam("a_min", a_min)
.SetParam("a_max", a_max)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Repeats elements of an array.
* By default, ``repeat`` flattens the input array into 1-D and then repeats the
* elements::
* x = [[ 1, 2],
* [ 3, 4]]
* repeat(x, repeats=2) = [ 1., 1., 2., 2., 3., 3., 4., 4.]
* The parameter ``axis`` specifies the axis along which to perform repeat::
* repeat(x, repeats=2, axis=1) = [[ 1., 1., 2., 2.],
* [ 3., 3., 4., 4.]]
* repeat(x, repeats=2, axis=0) = [[ 1., 2.],
* [ 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4.],
* [ 3., 4.]]
* repeat(x, repeats=2, axis=-1) = [[ 1., 1., 2., 2.],
* [ 3., 3., 4., 4.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data array
* \param repeats The number of repetitions for each element.
* \param axis The axis along which to repeat values. The negative numbers are
* interpreted counting from the backward. By default, use the flattened input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol repeat(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
int repeats,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>()) {
return Operator("repeat")
.SetParam("repeats", repeats)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Repeats the whole array multiple times.
* If ``reps`` has length *d*, and input array has dimension of *n*. There are
* three cases:
* - **n=d**. Repeat *i*-th dimension of the input by ``reps[i]`` times::
* x = [[1, 2],
* [3, 4]]
* tile(x, reps=(2,3)) = [[ 1., 2., 1., 2., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 3., 4., 3., 4.],
* [ 1., 2., 1., 2., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 3., 4., 3., 4.]]
* - **n>d**. ``reps`` is promoted to length *n* by pre-pending 1's to it. Thus for
* an input shape ``(2,3)``, ``repos=(2,)`` is treated as ``(1,2)``::
* tile(x, reps=(2,)) = [[ 1., 2., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 3., 4.]]
* - **n<d**. The input is promoted to be d-dimensional by prepending new axes. So
* shape ``(2,2)`` array is promoted to ``(1,2,2)`` for 3-D replication::
* tile(x, reps=(2,2,3)) = [[[ 1., 2., 1., 2., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 3., 4., 3., 4.],
* [ 1., 2., 1., 2., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 3., 4., 3., 4.]],
* [[ 1., 2., 1., 2., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 3., 4., 3., 4.],
* [ 1., 2., 1., 2., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 3., 4., 3., 4.]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data array
* \param reps The number of times for repeating the tensor a. Each dim size of reps must
* be a positive integer. If reps has length d, the result will have dimension of
* max(d, a.ndim); If a.ndim < d, a is promoted to be d-dimensional by prepending
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol tile(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape reps) {
return Operator("tile")
.SetParam("reps", reps)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Reverses the order of elements along given axis while preserving array shape.
* Note: reverse and flip are equivalent. We use reverse in the following examples.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]]
* reverse(x, axis=0) = [[ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.]]
* reverse(x, axis=1) = [[ 4., 3., 2., 1., 0.],
* [ 9., 8., 7., 6., 5.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data array
* \param axis The axis which to reverse elements.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol reverse(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape axis) {
return Operator("reverse")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Join a sequence of arrays along a new axis.
* The axis parameter specifies the index of the new axis in the dimensions of the
* result. For example, if axis=0 it will be the first dimension and if axis=-1 it
* will be the last dimension.
* Examples::
* x = [1, 2]
* y = [3, 4]
* stack(x, y) = [[1, 2],
* [3, 4]]
* stack(x, y, axis=1) = [[1, 3],
* [2, 4]]
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data List of arrays to stack
* \param num_args Number of inputs to be stacked.
* \param axis The axis in the result array along which the input arrays are stacked.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol stack(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_args,
int axis = 0) {
return Operator("stack")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
* \brief Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of an array.
* Same behavior of defining the output tensor shape as numpy.squeeze for the most
* See the following note for exception.
* Examples::
* data = [[[0], [1], [2]]]
* squeeze(data) = [0, 1, 2]
* squeeze(data, axis=0) = [[0], [1], [2]]
* squeeze(data, axis=2) = [[0, 1, 2]]
* squeeze(data, axis=(0, 2)) = [0, 1, 2]
* .. Note::
* The output of this operator will keep at least one dimension not removed. For
* squeeze([[[4]]]) = [4], while in numpy.squeeze, the output will become a scalar.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data data to squeeze
* \param axis Selects a subset of the single-dimensional entries in the shape. If an
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol squeeze(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>()) {
return Operator("squeeze")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
* \brief Rearranges(permutes) data from depth into blocks of spatial data.
* Similar to ONNX DepthToSpace operator:
* The output is a new tensor where the values from depth dimension are moved in
* to height and width dimension. The reverse of this operation is
* .. math::
* \begin{gather*}
* x \prime = reshape(x, [N, block\_size, block\_size, C / (block\_size ^ 2), H *
* x \prime \prime = transpose(x \prime, [0, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2]) \\
* y = reshape(x \prime \prime, [N, C / (block\_size ^ 2), H * block\_size, W *
* \end{gather*}
* where :math:`x` is an input tensor with default layout as :math:`[N, C, H, W]`:
* and :math:`y` is the output tensor of layout :math:`[N, C / (block\_size ^ 2),
* Example::
* x = [[[[0, 1, 2],
* [3, 4, 5]],
* [[6, 7, 8],
* [9, 10, 11]],
* [[12, 13, 14],
* [15, 16, 17]],
* [[18, 19, 20],
* [21, 22, 23]]]]
* depth_to_space(x, 2) = [[[[0, 6, 1, 7, 2, 8],
* [12, 18, 13, 19, 14, 20],
* [3, 9, 4, 10, 5, 11],
* [15, 21, 16, 22, 17, 23]]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param block_size Blocks of [block_size. block_size] are moved
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol depth_to_space(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
int block_size) {
return Operator("depth_to_space")
.SetParam("block_size", block_size)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Rearranges(permutes) blocks of spatial data into depth.
* Similar to ONNX SpaceToDepth operator:
* The output is a new tensor where the values from height and width dimension are
* moved to the depth dimension. The reverse of this operation is
* .. math::
* \begin{gather*}
* x \prime = reshape(x, [N, C, H / block\_size, block\_size, W / block\_size,
* x \prime \prime = transpose(x \prime, [0, 3, 5, 1, 2, 4]) \\
* y = reshape(x \prime \prime, [N, C * (block\_size ^ 2), H / block\_size, W /
* \end{gather*}
* where :math:`x` is an input tensor with default layout as :math:`[N, C, H, W]`:
* and :math:`y` is the output tensor of layout :math:`[N, C * (block\_size ^ 2),
* Example::
* x = [[[[0, 6, 1, 7, 2, 8],
* [12, 18, 13, 19, 14, 20],
* [3, 9, 4, 10, 5, 11],
* [15, 21, 16, 22, 17, 23]]]]
* space_to_depth(x, 2) = [[[[0, 1, 2],
* [3, 4, 5]],
* [[6, 7, 8],
* [9, 10, 11]],
* [[12, 13, 14],
* [15, 16, 17]],
* [[18, 19, 20],
* [21, 22, 23]]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param block_size Blocks of [block_size. block_size] are moved
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol space_to_depth(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
int block_size) {
return Operator("space_to_depth")
.SetParam("block_size", block_size)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Splits an array along a particular axis into multiple sub-arrays.
* Example::
* x = [[[ 1.]
* [ 2.]]
* [[ 3.]
* [ 4.]]
* [[ 5.]
* [ 6.]]]
* x.shape = (3, 2, 1)
* y = split_v2(x, axis=1, indices_or_sections=2) // a list of 2 arrays with shape
* y = [[[ 1.]]
* [[ 3.]]
* [[ 5.]]]
* [[[ 2.]]
* [[ 4.]]
* [[ 6.]]]
* y[0].shape = (3, 1, 1)
* z = split_v2(x, axis=0, indices_or_sections=3) // a list of 3 arrays with shape
* z = [[[ 1.]
* [ 2.]]]
* [[[ 3.]
* [ 4.]]]
* [[[ 5.]
* [ 6.]]]
* z[0].shape = (1, 2, 1)
* w = split_v2(x, axis=0, indices_or_sections=(1,)) // a list of 2 arrays with
* w = [[[ 1.]
* [ 2.]]]
* [[[3.]
* [4.]]
* [[5.]
* [6.]]]
* w[0].shape = (1, 2, 1)
* w[1].shape = (2, 2, 1)
* `squeeze_axis=True` removes the axis with length 1 from the shapes of the
* **Note** that setting `squeeze_axis` to ``1`` removes axis with length 1 only
* along the `axis` which it is split.
* Also `squeeze_axis` can be set to true only if ``input.shape[axis] ==
* Example::
* z = split_v2(x, axis=0, indices_or_sections=3, squeeze_axis=1) // a list of 3
* z = [[ 1.]
* [ 2.]]
* [[ 3.]
* [ 4.]]
* [[ 5.]
* [ 6.]]
* z[0].shape = (2, 1)
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param indices Indices of splits. The elements should denote the boundaries of at
* \param axis Axis along which to split.
* \param squeeze_axis If true, Removes the axis with length 1 from the shapes of the
* output arrays. **Note** that setting `squeeze_axis` to ``true`` removes axis
* with length 1 only along the `axis` which it is split. Also `squeeze_axis` can
* \param sections Number of sections if equally splitted. Default to 0 which means split
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _split_v2(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape indices,
int axis = 1,
bool squeeze_axis = false,
int sections = 0) {
return Operator("_split_v2")
.SetParam("indices", indices)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("squeeze_axis", squeeze_axis)
.SetParam("sections", sections)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _split_v2_backward(const std::string& symbol_name) {
return Operator("_split_v2_backward")
/*! \brief Output storage type.
enum class Cast_storageStype {
kCsr = 0,
kDefault = 1,
kRow_sparse = 2
* \brief Casts tensor storage type to the new type.
* When an NDArray with default storage type is cast to csr or row_sparse storage,
* the result is compact, which means:
* - for csr, zero values will not be retained
* - for row_sparse, row slices of all zeros will not be retained
* The storage type of ``cast_storage`` output depends on stype parameter:
* - cast_storage(csr, 'default') = default
* - cast_storage(row_sparse, 'default') = default
* - cast_storage(default, 'csr') = csr
* - cast_storage(default, 'row_sparse') = row_sparse
* - cast_storage(csr, 'csr') = csr
* - cast_storage(row_sparse, 'row_sparse') = row_sparse
* Example::
* dense = [[ 0., 1., 0.],
* [ 2., 0., 3.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* # cast to row_sparse storage type
* rsp = cast_storage(dense, 'row_sparse')
* rsp.indices = [0, 1]
* rsp.values = [[ 0., 1., 0.],
* [ 2., 0., 3.]]
* # cast to csr storage type
* csr = cast_storage(dense, 'csr')
* csr.indices = [1, 0, 2]
* csr.values = [ 1., 2., 3.]
* csr.indptr = [0, 1, 3, 3, 3]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \param stype Output storage type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol cast_storage(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Cast_storageStype stype) {
static const char *Cast_storageStypeValues[] = {
return Operator("cast_storage")
.SetParam("stype", Cast_storageStypeValues[int(stype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Converts a batch of index arrays into an array of flat indices. The operator
* follows numpy conventions so a single multi index is given by a column of the
* input matrix. The leading dimension may be left unspecified by using -1 as
* Examples::
* A = [[3,6,6],[4,5,1]]
* ravel(A, shape=(7,6)) = [22,41,37]
* ravel(A, shape=(-1,6)) = [22,41,37]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Batch of multi-indices
* \param shape Shape of the array into which the multi-indices apply.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _ravel_multi_index(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape shape = Shape()) {
return Operator("_ravel_multi_index")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Converts an array of flat indices into a batch of index arrays. The operator
* follows numpy conventions so a single multi index is given by a column of the
* output matrix. The leading dimension may be left unspecified by using -1 as
* Examples::
* A = [22,41,37]
* unravel(A, shape=(7,6)) = [[3,6,6],[4,5,1]]
* unravel(A, shape=(-1,6)) = [[3,6,6],[4,5,1]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Array of flat indices
* \param shape Shape of the array into which the multi-indices apply.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _unravel_index(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape shape = Shape()) {
return Operator("_unravel_index")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _equal_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_equal_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _not_equal_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_not_equal_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _greater_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_greater_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _greater_equal_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_greater_equal_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _lesser_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_lesser_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _lesser_equal_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_lesser_equal_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _logical_and_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_logical_and_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _logical_or_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_logical_or_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _logical_xor_scalar(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_logical_xor_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the element-wise sine of the input array.
* The input should be in radians (:math:`2\pi` rad equals 360 degrees).
* .. math::
* sin([0, \pi/4, \pi/2]) = [0, 0.707, 1]
* The storage type of ``sin`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - sin(default) = default
* - sin(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - sin(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sin(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("sin")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the element-wise cosine of the input array.
* The input should be in radians (:math:`2\pi` rad equals 360 degrees).
* .. math::
* cos([0, \pi/4, \pi/2]) = [1, 0.707, 0]
* The storage type of ``cos`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol cos(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("cos")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the element-wise tangent of the input array.
* The input should be in radians (:math:`2\pi` rad equals 360 degrees).
* .. math::
* tan([0, \pi/4, \pi/2]) = [0, 1, -inf]
* The storage type of ``tan`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - tan(default) = default
* - tan(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - tan(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol tan(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("tan")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise inverse sine of the input array.
* The input should be in the range `[-1, 1]`.
* The output is in the closed interval of [:math:`-\pi/2`, :math:`\pi/2`].
* .. math::
* arcsin([-1, -.707, 0, .707, 1]) = [-\pi/2, -\pi/4, 0, \pi/4, \pi/2]
* The storage type of ``arcsin`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - arcsin(default) = default
* - arcsin(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - arcsin(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol arcsin(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("arcsin")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise inverse cosine of the input array.
* The input should be in range `[-1, 1]`.
* The output is in the closed interval :math:`[0, \pi]`
* .. math::
* arccos([-1, -.707, 0, .707, 1]) = [\pi, 3\pi/4, \pi/2, \pi/4, 0]
* The storage type of ``arccos`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol arccos(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("arccos")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise inverse tangent of the input array.
* The output is in the closed interval :math:`[-\pi/2, \pi/2]`
* .. math::
* arctan([-1, 0, 1]) = [-\pi/4, 0, \pi/4]
* The storage type of ``arctan`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - arctan(default) = default
* - arctan(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - arctan(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol arctan(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("arctan")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Converts each element of the input array from radians to degrees.
* .. math::
* degrees([0, \pi/2, \pi, 3\pi/2, 2\pi]) = [0, 90, 180, 270, 360]
* The storage type of ``degrees`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - degrees(default) = default
* - degrees(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - degrees(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol degrees(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("degrees")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Converts each element of the input array from degrees to radians.
* .. math::
* radians([0, 90, 180, 270, 360]) = [0, \pi/2, \pi, 3\pi/2, 2\pi]
* The storage type of ``radians`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - radians(default) = default
* - radians(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - radians(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol radians(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("radians")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the hyperbolic sine of the input array, computed element-wise.
* .. math::
* sinh(x) = 0.5\times(exp(x) - exp(-x))
* The storage type of ``sinh`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - sinh(default) = default
* - sinh(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - sinh(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sinh(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("sinh")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the input array, computed element-wise.
* .. math::
* cosh(x) = 0.5\times(exp(x) + exp(-x))
* The storage type of ``cosh`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol cosh(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("cosh")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the input array, computed element-wise.
* .. math::
* tanh(x) = sinh(x) / cosh(x)
* The storage type of ``tanh`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - tanh(default) = default
* - tanh(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - tanh(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol tanh(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("tanh")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the element-wise inverse hyperbolic sine of the input array, \
* computed element-wise.
* The storage type of ``arcsinh`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - arcsinh(default) = default
* - arcsinh(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - arcsinh(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol arcsinh(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("arcsinh")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the element-wise inverse hyperbolic cosine of the input array, \
* computed element-wise.
* The storage type of ``arccosh`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol arccosh(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("arccosh")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the element-wise inverse hyperbolic tangent of the input array, \
* computed element-wise.
* The storage type of ``arctanh`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - arctanh(default) = default
* - arctanh(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - arctanh(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol arctanh(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("arctanh")
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred.
enum class _sample_multinomialDtype {
kFloat16 = 0,
kFloat32 = 1,
kFloat64 = 2,
kInt32 = 3,
kUint8 = 4
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple multinomial distributions.
* *data* is an *n* dimensional array whose last dimension has length *k*, where
* *k* is the number of possible outcomes of each multinomial distribution. This
* operator will draw *shape* samples from each distribution. If shape is empty
* one sample will be drawn from each distribution.
* If *get_prob* is true, a second array containing log likelihood of the drawn
* samples will also be returned. This is usually used for reinforcement learning
* where you can provide reward as head gradient for this array to estimate
* gradient.
* Note that the input distribution must be normalized, i.e. *data* must sum to
* 1 along its last axis.
* Examples::
* probs = [[0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], [0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0]]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_multinomial(probs) = [3, 0]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_multinomial(probs, shape=(2)) = [[4, 2],
* [0, 0]]
* // requests log likelihood
* sample_multinomial(probs, get_prob=True) = [2, 1], [0.2, 0.3]
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Distribution probabilities. Must sum to one on the last axis.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param get_prob Whether to also return the log probability of sampled result. This is
* usually used for differentiating through stochastic variables, e.g. in
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_multinomial(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape shape = {},
bool get_prob = false,
_sample_multinomialDtype dtype = _sample_multinomialDtype::kInt32) {
static const char *_sample_multinomialDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_multinomial")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("get_prob", get_prob)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_multinomialDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32 if not
enum class _sample_uniformDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple
* uniform distributions on the intervals given by *[low,high)*.
* The parameters of the distributions are provided as input arrays.
* Let *[s]* be the shape of the input arrays, *n* be the dimension of *[s]*, *[t]*
* be the shape specified as the parameter of the operator, and *m* be the
* of *[t]*. Then the output will be a *(n+m)*-dimensional array with shape
* For any valid *n*-dimensional index *i* with respect to the input arrays,
* will be an *m*-dimensional array that holds randomly drawn samples from the
* which is parameterized by the input values at index *i*. If the shape parameter
* operator is not set, then one sample will be drawn per distribution and the
* has the same shape as the input arrays.
* Examples::
* low = [ 0.0, 2.5 ]
* high = [ 1.0, 3.7 ]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_uniform(low, high) = [ 0.40451524, 3.18687344]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_uniform(low, high, shape=(2)) = [[ 0.40451524, 0.18017688],
* [ 3.18687344, 3.68352246]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param low Lower bounds of the distributions.
* \param high Upper bounds of the distributions.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_uniform(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol low,
Symbol high,
Shape shape = Shape(),
_sample_uniformDtype dtype = _sample_uniformDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_sample_uniformDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_uniform")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_uniformDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("low", low)
.SetInput("high", high)
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32 if not
enum class _sample_normalDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple
* normal distributions with parameters *mu* (mean) and *sigma* (standard
* The parameters of the distributions are provided as input arrays.
* Let *[s]* be the shape of the input arrays, *n* be the dimension of *[s]*, *[t]*
* be the shape specified as the parameter of the operator, and *m* be the
* of *[t]*. Then the output will be a *(n+m)*-dimensional array with shape
* For any valid *n*-dimensional index *i* with respect to the input arrays,
* will be an *m*-dimensional array that holds randomly drawn samples from the
* which is parameterized by the input values at index *i*. If the shape parameter
* operator is not set, then one sample will be drawn per distribution and the
* has the same shape as the input arrays.
* Examples::
* mu = [ 0.0, 2.5 ]
* sigma = [ 1.0, 3.7 ]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_normal(mu, sigma) = [-0.56410581, 0.95934606]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_normal(mu, sigma, shape=(2)) = [[-0.56410581, 0.2928229 ],
* [ 0.95934606, 4.48287058]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param mu Means of the distributions.
* \param sigma Standard deviations of the distributions.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_normal(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol mu,
Symbol sigma,
Shape shape = Shape(),
_sample_normalDtype dtype = _sample_normalDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_sample_normalDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_normal")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_normalDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("mu", mu)
.SetInput("sigma", sigma)
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32 if not
enum class _sample_gammaDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple
* gamma distributions with parameters *alpha* (shape) and *beta* (scale).
* The parameters of the distributions are provided as input arrays.
* Let *[s]* be the shape of the input arrays, *n* be the dimension of *[s]*, *[t]*
* be the shape specified as the parameter of the operator, and *m* be the
* of *[t]*. Then the output will be a *(n+m)*-dimensional array with shape
* For any valid *n*-dimensional index *i* with respect to the input arrays,
* will be an *m*-dimensional array that holds randomly drawn samples from the
* which is parameterized by the input values at index *i*. If the shape parameter
* operator is not set, then one sample will be drawn per distribution and the
* has the same shape as the input arrays.
* Examples::
* alpha = [ 0.0, 2.5 ]
* beta = [ 1.0, 0.7 ]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_gamma(alpha, beta) = [ 0. , 2.25797319]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_gamma(alpha, beta, shape=(2)) = [[ 0. , 0. ],
* [ 2.25797319, 1.70734084]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param alpha Alpha (shape) parameters of the distributions.
* \param beta Beta (scale) parameters of the distributions.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_gamma(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol alpha,
Symbol beta,
Shape shape = Shape(),
_sample_gammaDtype dtype = _sample_gammaDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_sample_gammaDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_gamma")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_gammaDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("alpha", alpha)
.SetInput("beta", beta)
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32 if not
enum class _sample_exponentialDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple
* exponential distributions with parameters lambda (rate).
* The parameters of the distributions are provided as an input array.
* Let *[s]* be the shape of the input array, *n* be the dimension of *[s]*, *[t]*
* be the shape specified as the parameter of the operator, and *m* be the
* of *[t]*. Then the output will be a *(n+m)*-dimensional array with shape
* For any valid *n*-dimensional index *i* with respect to the input array,
* will be an *m*-dimensional array that holds randomly drawn samples from the
* which is parameterized by the input value at index *i*. If the shape parameter
* operator is not set, then one sample will be drawn per distribution and the
* has the same shape as the input array.
* Examples::
* lam = [ 1.0, 8.5 ]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_exponential(lam) = [ 0.51837951, 0.09994757]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_exponential(lam, shape=(2)) = [[ 0.51837951, 0.19866663],
* [ 0.09994757, 0.50447971]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lam Lambda (rate) parameters of the distributions.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_exponential(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lam,
Shape shape = Shape(),
_sample_exponentialDtype dtype = _sample_exponentialDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_sample_exponentialDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_exponential")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_exponentialDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("lam", lam)
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32 if not
enum class _sample_poissonDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple
* Poisson distributions with parameters lambda (rate).
* The parameters of the distributions are provided as an input array.
* Let *[s]* be the shape of the input array, *n* be the dimension of *[s]*, *[t]*
* be the shape specified as the parameter of the operator, and *m* be the
* of *[t]*. Then the output will be a *(n+m)*-dimensional array with shape
* For any valid *n*-dimensional index *i* with respect to the input array,
* will be an *m*-dimensional array that holds randomly drawn samples from the
* which is parameterized by the input value at index *i*. If the shape parameter
* operator is not set, then one sample will be drawn per distribution and the
* has the same shape as the input array.
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Examples::
* lam = [ 1.0, 8.5 ]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_poisson(lam) = [ 0., 13.]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_poisson(lam, shape=(2)) = [[ 0., 4.],
* [ 13., 8.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lam Lambda (rate) parameters of the distributions.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_poisson(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lam,
Shape shape = Shape(),
_sample_poissonDtype dtype = _sample_poissonDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_sample_poissonDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_poisson")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_poissonDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("lam", lam)
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32 if not
enum class _sample_negative_binomialDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple
* negative binomial distributions with parameters *k* (failure limit) and *p*
* The parameters of the distributions are provided as input arrays.
* Let *[s]* be the shape of the input arrays, *n* be the dimension of *[s]*, *[t]*
* be the shape specified as the parameter of the operator, and *m* be the
* of *[t]*. Then the output will be a *(n+m)*-dimensional array with shape
* For any valid *n*-dimensional index *i* with respect to the input arrays,
* will be an *m*-dimensional array that holds randomly drawn samples from the
* which is parameterized by the input values at index *i*. If the shape parameter
* operator is not set, then one sample will be drawn per distribution and the
* has the same shape as the input arrays.
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Examples::
* k = [ 20, 49 ]
* p = [ 0.4 , 0.77 ]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_negative_binomial(k, p) = [ 15., 16.]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_negative_binomial(k, p, shape=(2)) = [[ 15., 50.],
* [ 16., 12.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param k Limits of unsuccessful experiments.
* \param p Failure probabilities in each experiment.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_negative_binomial(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol k,
Symbol p,
Shape shape = Shape(),
_sample_negative_binomialDtype dtype = _sample_negative_binomialDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_sample_negative_binomialDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_negative_binomial")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_negative_binomialDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("k", k)
.SetInput("p", p)
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32 if not
enum class _sample_generalized_negative_binomialDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple
* generalized negative binomial distributions with parameters *mu* (mean) and
* The parameters of the distributions are provided as input arrays.
* Let *[s]* be the shape of the input arrays, *n* be the dimension of *[s]*, *[t]*
* be the shape specified as the parameter of the operator, and *m* be the
* of *[t]*. Then the output will be a *(n+m)*-dimensional array with shape
* For any valid *n*-dimensional index *i* with respect to the input arrays,
* will be an *m*-dimensional array that holds randomly drawn samples from the
* which is parameterized by the input values at index *i*. If the shape parameter
* operator is not set, then one sample will be drawn per distribution and the
* has the same shape as the input arrays.
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Examples::
* mu = [ 2.0, 2.5 ]
* alpha = [ 1.0, 0.1 ]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_generalized_negative_binomial(mu, alpha) = [ 0., 3.]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_generalized_negative_binomial(mu, alpha, shape=(2)) = [[ 0., 3.],
* [ 3., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param mu Means of the distributions.
* \param alpha Alpha (dispersion) parameters of the distributions.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_generalized_negative_binomial(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol mu,
Symbol alpha,
Shape shape = Shape(),
_sample_generalized_negative_binomialDtype dtype = _sample_generalized_negative_binomialDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_sample_generalized_negative_binomialDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_generalized_negative_binomial")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_generalized_negative_binomialDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("mu", mu)
.SetInput("alpha", alpha)
* \brief Draw random samples from an an approximately log-uniform
* or Zipfian distribution without replacement.
* This operation takes a 2-D shape `(batch_size, num_sampled)`,
* and randomly generates *num_sampled* samples from the range of integers [0,
* for each instance in the batch.
* The elements in each instance are drawn without replacement from the base
* The base distribution for this operator is an approximately log-uniform or
* P(class) = (log(class + 2) - log(class + 1)) / log(range_max + 1)
* Additionaly, it also returns the number of trials used to obtain `num_sampled`
* each instance in the batch.
* Example::
* samples, trials = _sample_unique_zipfian(750000, shape=(4, 8192))
* unique(samples[0]) = 8192
* unique(samples[3]) = 8192
* trials[0] = 16435
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param range_max The number of possible classes.
* \param shape 2-D shape of the output, where shape[0] is the batch size, and shape[1]
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_unique_zipfian(const std::string& symbol_name,
int range_max,
Shape shape = Shape()) {
return Operator("_sample_unique_zipfian")
.SetParam("range_max", range_max)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32 if not
enum class _random_uniformDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Draw random samples from a uniform distribution.
* .. note:: The existing alias ``uniform`` is deprecated.
* Samples are uniformly distributed over the half-open interval *[low, high)*
* (includes *low*, but excludes *high*).
* Example::
* uniform(low=0, high=1, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 0.60276335, 0.85794562],
* [ 0.54488319, 0.84725171]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param low Lower bound of the distribution.
* \param high Upper bound of the distribution.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_uniform(const std::string& symbol_name,
mx_float low = 0,
mx_float high = 1,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_uniformDtype dtype = _random_uniformDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_uniformDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_uniform")
.SetParam("low", low)
.SetParam("high", high)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_uniformDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32 if not
enum class _random_normalDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Draw random samples from a normal (Gaussian) distribution.
* .. note:: The existing alias ``normal`` is deprecated.
* Samples are distributed according to a normal distribution parametrized by
* (standard deviation).
* Example::
* normal(loc=0, scale=1, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 1.89171135, -1.16881478],
* [-1.23474145, 1.55807114]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param loc Mean of the distribution.
* \param scale Standard deviation of the distribution.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_normal(const std::string& symbol_name,
mx_float loc = 0,
mx_float scale = 1,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_normalDtype dtype = _random_normalDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_normalDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_normal")
.SetParam("loc", loc)
.SetParam("scale", scale)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_normalDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32 if not
enum class _random_gammaDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Draw random samples from a gamma distribution.
* Samples are distributed according to a gamma distribution parametrized by
* Example::
* gamma(alpha=9, beta=0.5, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 7.10486984, 3.37695289],
* [ 3.91697288, 3.65933681]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param alpha Alpha parameter (shape) of the gamma distribution.
* \param beta Beta parameter (scale) of the gamma distribution.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_gamma(const std::string& symbol_name,
mx_float alpha = 1,
mx_float beta = 1,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_gammaDtype dtype = _random_gammaDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_gammaDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_gamma")
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetParam("beta", beta)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_gammaDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32 if not
enum class _random_exponentialDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Draw random samples from an exponential distribution.
* Samples are distributed according to an exponential distribution parametrized
* Example::
* exponential(lam=4, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 0.0097189 , 0.08999364],
* [ 0.04146638, 0.31715935]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lam Lambda parameter (rate) of the exponential distribution.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_exponential(const std::string& symbol_name,
mx_float lam = 1,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_exponentialDtype dtype = _random_exponentialDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_exponentialDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_exponential")
.SetParam("lam", lam)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_exponentialDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32 if not
enum class _random_poissonDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Draw random samples from a Poisson distribution.
* Samples are distributed according to a Poisson distribution parametrized by
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Example::
* poisson(lam=4, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 5., 2.],
* [ 4., 6.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lam Lambda parameter (rate) of the Poisson distribution.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_poisson(const std::string& symbol_name,
mx_float lam = 1,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_poissonDtype dtype = _random_poissonDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_poissonDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_poisson")
.SetParam("lam", lam)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_poissonDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32 if not
enum class _random_negative_binomialDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Draw random samples from a negative binomial distribution.
* Samples are distributed according to a negative binomial distribution
* *k* (limit of unsuccessful experiments) and *p* (failure probability in each
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Example::
* negative_binomial(k=3, p=0.4, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 4., 7.],
* [ 2., 5.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param k Limit of unsuccessful experiments.
* \param p Failure probability in each experiment.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_negative_binomial(const std::string& symbol_name,
int k = 1,
mx_float p = 1,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_negative_binomialDtype dtype = _random_negative_binomialDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_negative_binomialDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_negative_binomial")
.SetParam("k", k)
.SetParam("p", p)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_negative_binomialDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32 if not
enum class _random_generalized_negative_binomialDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Draw random samples from a generalized negative binomial distribution.
* Samples are distributed according to a generalized negative binomial
* *mu* (mean) and *alpha* (dispersion). *alpha* is defined as *1/k* where *k* is
* number of unsuccessful experiments (generalized to real numbers).
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Example::
* generalized_negative_binomial(mu=2.0, alpha=0.3, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 2., 1.],
* [ 6., 4.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param mu Mean of the negative binomial distribution.
* \param alpha Alpha (dispersion) parameter of the negative binomial distribution.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_generalized_negative_binomial(const std::string& symbol_name,
mx_float mu = 1,
mx_float alpha = 1,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_generalized_negative_binomialDtype dtype = _random_generalized_negative_binomialDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_generalized_negative_binomialDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_generalized_negative_binomial")
.SetParam("mu", mu)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_generalized_negative_binomialDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to int32 if not
enum class _random_randintDtype {
kNone = 0,
kInt32 = 1,
kInt64 = 2
* \brief Draw random samples from a discrete uniform distribution.
* Samples are uniformly distributed over the half-open interval *[low, high)*
* (includes *low*, but excludes *high*).
* Example::
* randint(low=0, high=5, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 0, 2],
* [ 3, 1]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param low Lower bound of the distribution.
* \param high Upper bound of the distribution.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to int32 if
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_randint(const std::string& symbol_name,
int64_t low,
int64_t high,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_randintDtype dtype = _random_randintDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_randintDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_randint")
.SetParam("low", low)
.SetParam("high", high)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_randintDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief Draw random samples from a uniform distribution according to the input array
* Samples are uniformly distributed over the half-open interval *[low, high)*
* (includes *low*, but excludes *high*).
* Example::
* uniform(low=0, high=1, data=ones(2,2)) = [[ 0.60276335, 0.85794562],
* [ 0.54488319, 0.84725171]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param low Lower bound of the distribution.
* \param high Upper bound of the distribution.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_uniform_like(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float low = 0,
mx_float high = 1) {
return Operator("_random_uniform_like")
.SetParam("low", low)
.SetParam("high", high)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Draw random samples from a normal (Gaussian) distribution according to the
* Samples are distributed according to a normal distribution parametrized by
* (standard deviation).
* Example::
* normal(loc=0, scale=1, data=ones(2,2)) = [[ 1.89171135, -1.16881478],
* [-1.23474145, 1.55807114]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param loc Mean of the distribution.
* \param scale Standard deviation of the distribution.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_normal_like(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float loc = 0,
mx_float scale = 1) {
return Operator("_random_normal_like")
.SetParam("loc", loc)
.SetParam("scale", scale)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Draw random samples from a gamma distribution according to the input array
* Samples are distributed according to a gamma distribution parametrized by
* Example::
* gamma(alpha=9, beta=0.5, data=ones(2,2)) = [[ 7.10486984, 3.37695289],
* [ 3.91697288, 3.65933681]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param alpha Alpha parameter (shape) of the gamma distribution.
* \param beta Beta parameter (scale) of the gamma distribution.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_gamma_like(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float alpha = 1,
mx_float beta = 1) {
return Operator("_random_gamma_like")
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetParam("beta", beta)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Draw random samples from an exponential distribution according to the input
* Samples are distributed according to an exponential distribution parametrized
* Example::
* exponential(lam=4, data=ones(2,2)) = [[ 0.0097189 , 0.08999364],
* [ 0.04146638, 0.31715935]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param lam Lambda parameter (rate) of the exponential distribution.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_exponential_like(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float lam = 1) {
return Operator("_random_exponential_like")
.SetParam("lam", lam)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Draw random samples from a Poisson distribution according to the input array
* Samples are distributed according to a Poisson distribution parametrized by
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Example::
* poisson(lam=4, data=ones(2,2)) = [[ 5., 2.],
* [ 4., 6.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param lam Lambda parameter (rate) of the Poisson distribution.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_poisson_like(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float lam = 1) {
return Operator("_random_poisson_like")
.SetParam("lam", lam)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Draw random samples from a negative binomial distribution according to the
* Samples are distributed according to a negative binomial distribution
* *k* (limit of unsuccessful experiments) and *p* (failure probability in each
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Example::
* negative_binomial(k=3, p=0.4, data=ones(2,2)) = [[ 4., 7.],
* [ 2., 5.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param k Limit of unsuccessful experiments.
* \param p Failure probability in each experiment.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_negative_binomial_like(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
int k = 1,
mx_float p = 1) {
return Operator("_random_negative_binomial_like")
.SetParam("k", k)
.SetParam("p", p)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Draw random samples from a generalized negative binomial distribution according
* input array shape.
* Samples are distributed according to a generalized negative binomial
* *mu* (mean) and *alpha* (dispersion). *alpha* is defined as *1/k* where *k* is
* number of unsuccessful experiments (generalized to real numbers).
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Example::
* generalized_negative_binomial(mu=2.0, alpha=0.3, data=ones(2,2)) = [[ 2., 1.],
* [ 6., 4.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param mu Mean of the negative binomial distribution.
* \param alpha Alpha (dispersion) parameter of the negative binomial distribution.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_generalized_negative_binomial_like(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float mu = 1,
mx_float alpha = 1) {
return Operator("_random_generalized_negative_binomial_like")
.SetParam("mu", mu)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Randomly shuffle the elements.
* This shuffles the array along the first axis.
* The order of the elements in each subarray does not change.
* For example, if a 2D array is given, the order of the rows randomly changes,
* but the order of the elements in each row does not change.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Data to be shuffled.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _shuffle(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("_shuffle")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief elemwise_add operator for input dataA and input dataB data type of int8,
* and accumulates in type int32 for the output. For each argument, two more
* float32 must be provided representing the thresholds of quantizing argument
* type float32 to int8. The final outputs contain result in int32, and min
* and max thresholds representing the threholds for quantizing the float32 output
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propogation. DO NOT use it in training.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \param lhs_min 3rd input
* \param lhs_max 4th input
* \param rhs_min 5th input
* \param rhs_max 6th input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantized_elemwise_add(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs,
Symbol lhs_min,
Symbol lhs_max,
Symbol rhs_min,
Symbol rhs_max) {
return Operator("_contrib_quantized_elemwise_add")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
.SetInput("lhs_min", lhs_min)
.SetInput("lhs_max", lhs_max)
.SetInput("rhs_min", rhs_min)
.SetInput("rhs_max", rhs_max)
/*! \brief Output data type.
enum class _contrib_dequantizeOutType {
kFloat32 = 0
* \brief Dequantize the input tensor into a float tensor.
* min_range and max_range are scalar floats that specify the range for
* the output data.
* When input data type is `uint8`, the output is calculated using the following
* `out[i] = in[i] * (max_range - min_range) / 255.0`,
* When input data type is `int8`, the output is calculate using the following
* by keep zero centered for the quantized value:
* `out[i] = in[i] * MaxAbs(min_range, max_range) / 127.0`,
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propogation. DO NOT use it in training.
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data A ndarray/symbol of type `uint8`
* \param min_range The minimum scalar value possibly produced for the input in float32
* \param max_range The maximum scalar value possibly produced for the input in float32
* \param out_type Output data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_dequantize(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol min_range,
Symbol max_range,
_contrib_dequantizeOutType out_type = _contrib_dequantizeOutType::kFloat32) {
static const char *_contrib_dequantizeOutTypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_dequantize")
.SetParam("out_type", _contrib_dequantizeOutTypeValues[int(out_type)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("min_range", min_range)
.SetInput("max_range", max_range)
/*! \brief Whether to pick convolution algo by running performance test.
enum class _contrib_quantized_convCudnnTune {
kNone = 0,
kFastest = 1,
kLimited_workspace = 2,
kOff = 3
/*! \brief Set layout for input, output and weight. Empty for
* default layout: NCW for 1d, NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.NHWC and NDHWC are
enum class _contrib_quantized_convLayout {
kNone = 0,
kNCDHW = 1,
kNCHW = 2,
kNCW = 3,
kNDHWC = 4,
kNHWC = 5
* \brief Convolution operator for input, weight and bias data type of int8,
* and accumulates in type int32 for the output. For each argument, two more
* float32 must be provided representing the thresholds of quantizing argument
* type float32 to int8. The final outputs contain the convolution result in
* and max thresholds representing the threholds for quantizing the float32 output
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propogation. DO NOT use it in training.
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data.
* \param weight weight.
* \param bias bias.
* \param min_data Minimum value of data.
* \param max_data Maximum value of data.
* \param min_weight Minimum value of weight.
* \param max_weight Maximum value of weight.
* \param min_bias Minimum value of bias.
* \param max_bias Maximum value of bias.
* \param kernel Convolution kernel size: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w)
* \param num_filter Convolution filter(channel) number
* \param stride Convolution stride: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). Defaults to 1 for each
* \param dilate Convolution dilate: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). Defaults to 1 for each
* \param pad Zero pad for convolution: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). Defaults to no padding.
* \param num_group Number of group partitions.
* \param workspace Maximum temporary workspace allowed (MB) in convolution.This
* parameter has two usages. When CUDNN is not used, it determines the effective
* batch size of the convolution kernel. When CUDNN is used, it controls the
* maximum temporary storage used for tuning the best CUDNN kernel when
* \param no_bias Whether to disable bias parameter.
* \param cudnn_tune Whether to pick convolution algo by running performance test.
* \param cudnn_off Turn off cudnn for this layer.
* \param layout Set layout for input, output and weight. Empty for
* default layout: NCW for 1d, NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.NHWC and NDHWC are
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantized_conv(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol weight,
Symbol bias,
Symbol min_data,
Symbol max_data,
Symbol min_weight,
Symbol max_weight,
Symbol min_bias,
Symbol max_bias,
Shape kernel,
uint32_t num_filter,
Shape stride = {},
Shape dilate = {},
Shape pad = {},
uint32_t num_group = 1,
uint64_t workspace = 1024,
bool no_bias = false,
_contrib_quantized_convCudnnTune cudnn_tune = _contrib_quantized_convCudnnTune::kNone,
bool cudnn_off = false,
_contrib_quantized_convLayout layout = _contrib_quantized_convLayout::kNone) {
static const char *_contrib_quantized_convCudnnTuneValues[] = {
static const char *_contrib_quantized_convLayoutValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_quantized_conv")
.SetParam("kernel", kernel)
.SetParam("num_filter", num_filter)
.SetParam("stride", stride)
.SetParam("dilate", dilate)
.SetParam("pad", pad)
.SetParam("num_group", num_group)
.SetParam("workspace", workspace)
.SetParam("no_bias", no_bias)
.SetParam("cudnn_tune", _contrib_quantized_convCudnnTuneValues[int(cudnn_tune)])
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetParam("layout", _contrib_quantized_convLayoutValues[int(layout)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("bias", bias)
.SetInput("min_data", min_data)
.SetInput("max_data", max_data)
.SetInput("min_weight", min_weight)
.SetInput("max_weight", max_weight)
.SetInput("min_bias", min_bias)
.SetInput("max_bias", max_bias)
/*! \brief Whether to pick convolution algo by running performance test.
enum class ConvolutionCudnnTune {
kNone = 0,
kFastest = 1,
kLimited_workspace = 2,
kOff = 3
/*! \brief Set layout for input, output and weight. Empty for
* default layout: NCW for 1d, NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.NHWC and NDHWC are
enum class ConvolutionLayout {
kNone = 0,
kNCDHW = 1,
kNCHW = 2,
kNCW = 3,
kNDHWC = 4,
kNHWC = 5
* \brief Compute *N*-D convolution on *(N+2)*-D input.
* In the 2-D convolution, given input data with shape *(batch_size,
* channel, height, width)*, the output is computed by
* .. math::
* out[n,i,:,:] = bias[i] + \sum_{j=0}^{channel} data[n,j,:,:] \star
* weight[i,j,:,:]
* where :math:`\star` is the 2-D cross-correlation operator.
* For general 2-D convolution, the shapes are
* - **data**: *(batch_size, channel, height, width)*
* - **weight**: *(num_filter, channel, kernel[0], kernel[1])*
* - **bias**: *(num_filter,)*
* - **out**: *(batch_size, num_filter, out_height, out_width)*.
* Define::
* f(x,k,p,s,d) = floor((x+2*p-d*(k-1)-1)/s)+1
* then we have::
* out_height=f(height, kernel[0], pad[0], stride[0], dilate[0])
* out_width=f(width, kernel[1], pad[1], stride[1], dilate[1])
* If ``no_bias`` is set to be true, then the ``bias`` term is ignored.
* The default data ``layout`` is *NCHW*, namely *(batch_size, channel, height,
* width)*. We can choose other layouts such as *NWC*.
* If ``num_group`` is larger than 1, denoted by *g*, then split the input ``data``
* evenly into *g* parts along the channel axis, and also evenly split ``weight``
* along the first dimension. Next compute the convolution on the *i*-th part of
* the data with the *i*-th weight part. The output is obtained by concatenating
* the *g* results.
* 1-D convolution does not have *height* dimension but only *width* in space.
* - **data**: *(batch_size, channel, width)*
* - **weight**: *(num_filter, channel, kernel[0])*
* - **bias**: *(num_filter,)*
* - **out**: *(batch_size, num_filter, out_width)*.
* 3-D convolution adds an additional *depth* dimension besides *height* and
* *width*. The shapes are
* - **data**: *(batch_size, channel, depth, height, width)*
* - **weight**: *(num_filter, channel, kernel[0], kernel[1], kernel[2])*
* - **bias**: *(num_filter,)*
* - **out**: *(batch_size, num_filter, out_depth, out_height, out_width)*.
* Both ``weight`` and ``bias`` are learnable parameters.
* There are other options to tune the performance.
* - **cudnn_tune**: enable this option leads to higher startup time but may give
* faster speed. Options are
* - **off**: no tuning
* - **limited_workspace**:run test and pick the fastest algorithm that doesn't
* exceed workspace limit.
* - **fastest**: pick the fastest algorithm and ignore workspace limit.
* - **None** (default): the behavior is determined by environment variable
* ``MXNET_CUDNN_AUTOTUNE_DEFAULT``. 0 for off, 1 for limited workspace
* (default), 2 for fastest.
* - **workspace**: A large number leads to more (GPU) memory usage but may improve
* the performance.
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the ConvolutionOp.
* \param weight Weight matrix.
* \param bias Bias parameter.
* \param kernel Convolution kernel size: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w)
* \param num_filter Convolution filter(channel) number
* \param stride Convolution stride: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). Defaults to 1 for each
* \param dilate Convolution dilate: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). Defaults to 1 for each
* \param pad Zero pad for convolution: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). Defaults to no padding.
* \param num_group Number of group partitions.
* \param workspace Maximum temporary workspace allowed (MB) in convolution.This
* parameter has two usages. When CUDNN is not used, it determines the effective
* batch size of the convolution kernel. When CUDNN is used, it controls the
* maximum temporary storage used for tuning the best CUDNN kernel when
* \param no_bias Whether to disable bias parameter.
* \param cudnn_tune Whether to pick convolution algo by running performance test.
* \param cudnn_off Turn off cudnn for this layer.
* \param layout Set layout for input, output and weight. Empty for
* default layout: NCW for 1d, NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.NHWC and NDHWC are
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Convolution(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol weight,
Symbol bias,
Shape kernel,
uint32_t num_filter,
Shape stride = {},
Shape dilate = {},
Shape pad = {},
uint32_t num_group = 1,
uint64_t workspace = 1024,
bool no_bias = false,
ConvolutionCudnnTune cudnn_tune = ConvolutionCudnnTune::kNone,
bool cudnn_off = false,
ConvolutionLayout layout = ConvolutionLayout::kNone) {
static const char *ConvolutionCudnnTuneValues[] = {
static const char *ConvolutionLayoutValues[] = {
return Operator("Convolution")
.SetParam("kernel", kernel)
.SetParam("num_filter", num_filter)
.SetParam("stride", stride)
.SetParam("dilate", dilate)
.SetParam("pad", pad)
.SetParam("num_group", num_group)
.SetParam("workspace", workspace)
.SetParam("no_bias", no_bias)
.SetParam("cudnn_tune", ConvolutionCudnnTuneValues[int(cudnn_tune)])
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetParam("layout", ConvolutionLayoutValues[int(layout)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("bias", bias)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data A ndarray/symbol of type `float32`
* \param min_data The minimum scalar value possibly produced for the data
* \param max_data The maximum scalar value possibly produced for the data
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantized_flatten(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol min_data,
Symbol max_data) {
return Operator("_contrib_quantized_flatten")
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("min_data", min_data)
.SetInput("max_data", max_data)
* \brief Fully Connected operator for input, weight and bias data type of int8,
* and accumulates in type int32 for the output. For each argument, two more
* float32 must be provided representing the thresholds of quantizing argument
* type float32 to int8. The final outputs contain the convolution result in
* and max thresholds representing the threholds for quantizing the float32 output
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propogation. DO NOT use it in training.
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data.
* \param weight weight.
* \param bias bias.
* \param min_data Minimum value of data.
* \param max_data Maximum value of data.
* \param min_weight Minimum value of weight.
* \param max_weight Maximum value of weight.
* \param min_bias Minimum value of bias.
* \param max_bias Maximum value of bias.
* \param num_hidden Number of hidden nodes of the output.
* \param no_bias Whether to disable bias parameter.
* \param flatten Whether to collapse all but the first axis of the input data tensor.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantized_fully_connected(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol weight,
Symbol bias,
Symbol min_data,
Symbol max_data,
Symbol min_weight,
Symbol max_weight,
Symbol min_bias,
Symbol max_bias,
int num_hidden,
bool no_bias = false,
bool flatten = true) {
return Operator("_contrib_quantized_fully_connected")
.SetParam("num_hidden", num_hidden)
.SetParam("no_bias", no_bias)
.SetParam("flatten", flatten)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("bias", bias)
.SetInput("min_data", min_data)
.SetInput("max_data", max_data)
.SetInput("min_weight", min_weight)
.SetInput("max_weight", max_weight)
.SetInput("min_bias", min_bias)
.SetInput("max_bias", max_bias)
* \brief Applies a linear transformation: :math:`Y = XW^T + b`.
* If ``flatten`` is set to be true, then the shapes are:
* - **data**: `(batch_size, x1, x2, ..., xn)`
* - **weight**: `(num_hidden, x1 * x2 * ... * xn)`
* - **bias**: `(num_hidden,)`
* - **out**: `(batch_size, num_hidden)`
* If ``flatten`` is set to be false, then the shapes are:
* - **data**: `(x1, x2, ..., xn, input_dim)`
* - **weight**: `(num_hidden, input_dim)`
* - **bias**: `(num_hidden,)`
* - **out**: `(x1, x2, ..., xn, num_hidden)`
* The learnable parameters include both ``weight`` and ``bias``.
* If ``no_bias`` is set to be true, then the ``bias`` term is ignored.
* .. Note::
* The sparse support for FullyConnected is limited to forward evaluation with
* weight and bias, where the length of `weight.indices` and `bias.indices` must
* to `num_hidden`. This could be useful for model inference with `row_sparse`
* trained with importance sampling or noise contrastive estimation.
* To compute linear transformation with 'csr' sparse data, is
* of sparse.FullyConnected.
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data.
* \param weight Weight matrix.
* \param bias Bias parameter.
* \param num_hidden Number of hidden nodes of the output.
* \param no_bias Whether to disable bias parameter.
* \param flatten Whether to collapse all but the first axis of the input data tensor.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol FullyConnected(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol weight,
Symbol bias,
int num_hidden,
bool no_bias = false,
bool flatten = true) {
return Operator("FullyConnected")
.SetParam("num_hidden", num_hidden)
.SetParam("no_bias", no_bias)
.SetParam("flatten", flatten)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("bias", bias)
/*! \brief Pooling type to be applied.
enum class _contrib_quantized_poolingPoolType {
kAvg = 0,
kLp = 1,
kMax = 2,
kSum = 3
/*! \brief Pooling convention to be applied.
enum class _contrib_quantized_poolingPoolingConvention {
kFull = 0,
kSame = 1,
kValid = 2
/*! \brief Set layout for input and output. Empty for
* default layout: NCW for 1d, NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.
enum class _contrib_quantized_poolingLayout {
kNone = 0,
kNCDHW = 1,
kNCHW = 2,
kNCW = 3,
kNDHWC = 4,
kNHWC = 5,
kNWC = 6
* \brief Pooling operator for input and output data type of int8.
* The input and output data comes with min and max thresholds for quantizing
* the float32 data into int8.
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propogation. DO NOT use it in training.
* This operator only supports `pool_type` of `avg` or `max`.
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data.
* \param min_data Minimum value of data.
* \param max_data Maximum value of data.
* \param kernel Pooling kernel size: (y, x) or (d, y, x)
* \param pool_type Pooling type to be applied.
* \param global_pool Ignore kernel size, do global pooling based on current input
* \param cudnn_off Turn off cudnn pooling and use MXNet pooling operator.
* \param pooling_convention Pooling convention to be applied.
* \param stride Stride: for pooling (y, x) or (d, y, x). Defaults to 1 for each
* \param pad Pad for pooling: (y, x) or (d, y, x). Defaults to no padding.
* \param p_value Value of p for Lp pooling, can be 1 or 2, required for Lp Pooling.
* \param count_include_pad Only used for AvgPool, specify whether to count padding
* elements for averagecalculation. For example, with a 5*5 kernel on a 3*3 corner
* of a image,the sum of the 9 valid elements will be divided by 25 if this is set
* \param layout Set layout for input and output. Empty for
* default layout: NCW for 1d, NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantized_pooling(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol min_data,
Symbol max_data,
Shape kernel = {},
_contrib_quantized_poolingPoolType pool_type = _contrib_quantized_poolingPoolType::kMax,
bool global_pool = false,
bool cudnn_off = false,
_contrib_quantized_poolingPoolingConvention pooling_convention = _contrib_quantized_poolingPoolingConvention::kValid,
Shape stride = {},
Shape pad = {},
dmlc::optional<int> p_value = dmlc::optional<int>(),
dmlc::optional<bool> count_include_pad = dmlc::optional<bool>(),
_contrib_quantized_poolingLayout layout = _contrib_quantized_poolingLayout::kNone) {
static const char *_contrib_quantized_poolingPoolTypeValues[] = {
static const char *_contrib_quantized_poolingPoolingConventionValues[] = {
static const char *_contrib_quantized_poolingLayoutValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_quantized_pooling")
.SetParam("kernel", kernel)
.SetParam("pool_type", _contrib_quantized_poolingPoolTypeValues[int(pool_type)])
.SetParam("global_pool", global_pool)
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetParam("pooling_convention", _contrib_quantized_poolingPoolingConventionValues[int(pooling_convention)])
.SetParam("stride", stride)
.SetParam("pad", pad)
.SetParam("p_value", p_value)
.SetParam("count_include_pad", count_include_pad)
.SetParam("layout", _contrib_quantized_poolingLayoutValues[int(layout)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("min_data", min_data)
.SetInput("max_data", max_data)
/*! \brief Pooling type to be applied.
enum class PoolingPoolType {
kAvg = 0,
kLp = 1,
kMax = 2,
kSum = 3
/*! \brief Pooling convention to be applied.
enum class PoolingPoolingConvention {
kFull = 0,
kSame = 1,
kValid = 2
/*! \brief Set layout for input and output. Empty for
* default layout: NCW for 1d, NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.
enum class PoolingLayout {
kNone = 0,
kNCDHW = 1,
kNCHW = 2,
kNCW = 3,
kNDHWC = 4,
kNHWC = 5,
kNWC = 6
* \brief Performs pooling on the input.
* The shapes for 1-D pooling are
* - **data** and **out**: *(batch_size, channel, width)* (NCW layout) or
* *(batch_size, width, channel)* (NWC layout),
* The shapes for 2-D pooling are
* - **data** and **out**: *(batch_size, channel, height, width)* (NCHW layout) or
* *(batch_size, height, width, channel)* (NHWC layout),
* out_height = f(height, kernel[0], pad[0], stride[0])
* out_width = f(width, kernel[1], pad[1], stride[1])
* The definition of *f* depends on ``pooling_convention``, which has two options:
* - **valid** (default)::
* f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1
* - **full**, which is compatible with Caffe::
* f(x, k, p, s) = ceil((x+2*p-k)/s)+1
* When ``global_pool`` is set to be true, then global pooling is performed. It
* ``kernel=(height, width)`` and set the appropiate padding to 0.
* Three pooling options are supported by ``pool_type``:
* - **avg**: average pooling
* - **max**: max pooling
* - **sum**: sum pooling
* - **lp**: Lp pooling
* For 3-D pooling, an additional *depth* dimension is added before
* *height*. Namely the input data and output will have shape *(batch_size,
* height, width)* (NCDHW layout) or *(batch_size, depth, height, width, channel)*
* Notes on Lp pooling:
* Lp pooling was first introduced by this paper:
* L-1 pooling is simply sum pooling, while L-inf pooling is simply max pooling.
* We can see that Lp pooling stands between those two, in practice the most
* For each window ``X``, the mathematical expression for Lp pooling is:
* :math:`f(X) = \sqrt[p]{\sum_{x}^{X} x^p}`
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the pooling operator.
* \param kernel Pooling kernel size: (y, x) or (d, y, x)
* \param pool_type Pooling type to be applied.
* \param global_pool Ignore kernel size, do global pooling based on current input
* \param cudnn_off Turn off cudnn pooling and use MXNet pooling operator.
* \param pooling_convention Pooling convention to be applied.
* \param stride Stride: for pooling (y, x) or (d, y, x). Defaults to 1 for each
* \param pad Pad for pooling: (y, x) or (d, y, x). Defaults to no padding.
* \param p_value Value of p for Lp pooling, can be 1 or 2, required for Lp Pooling.
* \param count_include_pad Only used for AvgPool, specify whether to count padding
* elements for averagecalculation. For example, with a 5*5 kernel on a 3*3 corner
* of a image,the sum of the 9 valid elements will be divided by 25 if this is set
* \param layout Set layout for input and output. Empty for
* default layout: NCW for 1d, NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Pooling(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape kernel = {},
PoolingPoolType pool_type = PoolingPoolType::kMax,
bool global_pool = false,
bool cudnn_off = false,
PoolingPoolingConvention pooling_convention = PoolingPoolingConvention::kValid,
Shape stride = {},
Shape pad = {},
dmlc::optional<int> p_value = dmlc::optional<int>(),
dmlc::optional<bool> count_include_pad = dmlc::optional<bool>(),
PoolingLayout layout = PoolingLayout::kNone) {
static const char *PoolingPoolTypeValues[] = {
static const char *PoolingPoolingConventionValues[] = {
static const char *PoolingLayoutValues[] = {
return Operator("Pooling")
.SetParam("kernel", kernel)
.SetParam("pool_type", PoolingPoolTypeValues[int(pool_type)])
.SetParam("global_pool", global_pool)
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetParam("pooling_convention", PoolingPoolingConventionValues[int(pooling_convention)])
.SetParam("stride", stride)
.SetParam("pad", pad)
.SetParam("p_value", p_value)
.SetParam("count_include_pad", count_include_pad)
.SetParam("layout", PoolingLayoutValues[int(layout)])
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief Output data type. `auto` can be specified to automatically determine output
enum class _contrib_quantize_v2OutType {
kAuto = 0,
kInt8 = 1,
kUint8 = 2
* \brief Quantize a input tensor from float to `out_type`,
* with user-specified `min_calib_range` and `max_calib_range` or the input range
* Output `min_range` and `max_range` are scalar floats that specify the range for
* When out_type is `uint8`, the output is calculated using the following equation:
* `out[i] = (in[i] - min_range) * range(OUTPUT_TYPE) / (max_range - min_range) +
* where `range(T) = numeric_limits<T>::max() - numeric_limits<T>::min()`.
* When out_type is `int8`, the output is calculate using the following equation
* by keep zero centered for the quantized value:
* `out[i] = sign(in[i]) * min(abs(in[i] * scale + 0.5f, quantized_range)`,
* where
* `quantized_range = MinAbs(max(int8), min(int8))` and
* `scale = quantized_range / MaxAbs(min_range, max_range).`
* When out_type is `auto`, the output type is automatically determined by
* If min_calib_range < 0.0f, the output type will be int8, otherwise will be
* If min_calib_range isn't presented, the output type will be int8.
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propagation. DO NOT use it in training.
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data A ndarray/symbol of type `float32`
* \param out_type Output data type. `auto` can be specified to automatically determine
* \param min_calib_range The minimum scalar value in the form of float32. If present, it
* \param max_calib_range The maximum scalar value in the form of float32. If present, it
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantize_v2(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
_contrib_quantize_v2OutType out_type = _contrib_quantize_v2OutType::kInt8,
mx_float min_calib_range = mx_float(),
mx_float max_calib_range = mx_float()) {
static const char *_contrib_quantize_v2OutTypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_quantize_v2")
.SetParam("out_type", _contrib_quantize_v2OutTypeValues[int(out_type)])
.SetParam("min_calib_range", min_calib_range)
.SetParam("max_calib_range", max_calib_range)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Joins input arrays along a given axis.
* The dimensions of the input arrays should be the same except the axis along
* which they will be concatenated.
* The dimension of the output array along the concatenated axis will be equal
* to the sum of the corresponding dimensions of the input arrays.
* All inputs with different min/max will be rescaled by using largest [min, max]
* If any input holds int8, then the output will be int8. Otherwise output will be
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data List of arrays to concatenate
* \param num_args Number of inputs to be concated.
* \param dim the dimension to be concated.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantized_concat(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_args,
int dim = 1) {
return Operator("_contrib_quantized_concat")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("dim", dim)
* \brief Joins input arrays along a given axis.
* .. note:: `Concat` is deprecated. Use `concat` instead.
* The dimensions of the input arrays should be the same except the axis along
* which they will be concatenated.
* The dimension of the output array along the concatenated axis will be equal
* to the sum of the corresponding dimensions of the input arrays.
* The storage type of ``concat`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - concat(csr, csr, ..., csr, dim=0) = csr
* - otherwise, ``concat`` generates output with default storage
* Example::
* x = [[1,1],[2,2]]
* y = [[3,3],[4,4],[5,5]]
* z = [[6,6], [7,7],[8,8]]
* concat(x,y,z,dim=0) = [[ 1., 1.],
* [ 2., 2.],
* [ 3., 3.],
* [ 4., 4.],
* [ 5., 5.],
* [ 6., 6.],
* [ 7., 7.],
* [ 8., 8.]]
* Note that you cannot concat x,y,z along dimension 1 since dimension
* 0 is not the same for all the input arrays.
* concat(y,z,dim=1) = [[ 3., 3., 6., 6.],
* [ 4., 4., 7., 7.],
* [ 5., 5., 8., 8.]]
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data List of arrays to concatenate
* \param num_args Number of inputs to be concated.
* \param dim the dimension to be concated.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Concat(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_args,
int dim = 1) {
return Operator("Concat")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("dim", dim)
/*! \brief Output data type. `auto` can be specified to automatically determine output
enum class _contrib_requantizeOutType {
kAuto = 0,
kInt8 = 1,
kUint8 = 2
* \brief Given data that is quantized in int32 and the corresponding thresholds,
* requantize the data into int8 using min and max thresholds either calculated at
* or from calibration. It's highly recommended to pre-calucate the min and max
* through calibration since it is able to save the runtime of the operator and
* inference accuracy.
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propogation. DO NOT use it in training.
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data A ndarray/symbol of type `int32`
* \param min_range The original minimum scalar value in the form of float32 used for
* \param max_range The original maximum scalar value in the form of float32 used for
* \param out_type Output data type. `auto` can be specified to automatically determine
* \param min_calib_range The minimum scalar value in the form of float32 obtained
* through calibration. If present, it will be used to requantize the int32 data
* \param max_calib_range The maximum scalar value in the form of float32 obtained
* through calibration. If present, it will be used to requantize the int32 data
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_requantize(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol min_range,
Symbol max_range,
_contrib_requantizeOutType out_type = _contrib_requantizeOutType::kInt8,
mx_float min_calib_range = mx_float(),
mx_float max_calib_range = mx_float()) {
static const char *_contrib_requantizeOutTypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_requantize")
.SetParam("out_type", _contrib_requantizeOutTypeValues[int(out_type)])
.SetParam("min_calib_range", min_calib_range)
.SetParam("max_calib_range", max_calib_range)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("min_range", min_range)
.SetInput("max_range", max_range)
/*! \brief Activation function to be applied.
enum class _contrib_quantized_actActType {
kRelu = 0,
kSigmoid = 1,
kSoftrelu = 2,
kSoftsign = 3,
kTanh = 4
* \brief Activation operator for input and output data type of int8.
* The input and output data comes with min and max thresholds for quantizing
* the float32 data into int8.
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propogation. DO NOT use it in training.
* This operator only supports `relu`
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data.
* \param min_data Minimum value of data.
* \param max_data Maximum value of data.
* \param act_type Activation function to be applied.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantized_act(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol min_data,
Symbol max_data,
_contrib_quantized_actActType act_type) {
static const char *_contrib_quantized_actActTypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_quantized_act")
.SetParam("act_type", _contrib_quantized_actActTypeValues[int(act_type)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("min_data", min_data)
.SetInput("max_data", max_data)
/*! \brief Activation function to be applied.
enum class ActivationActType {
kRelu = 0,
kSigmoid = 1,
kSoftrelu = 2,
kSoftsign = 3,
kTanh = 4
* \brief Applies an activation function element-wise to the input.
* The following activation functions are supported:
* - `relu`: Rectified Linear Unit, :math:`y = max(x, 0)`
* - `sigmoid`: :math:`y = \frac{1}{1 + exp(-x)}`
* - `tanh`: Hyperbolic tangent, :math:`y = \frac{exp(x) - exp(-x)}{exp(x) +
* - `softrelu`: Soft ReLU, or SoftPlus, :math:`y = log(1 + exp(x))`
* - `softsign`: :math:`y = \frac{x}{1 + abs(x)}`
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \param act_type Activation function to be applied.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Activation(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
ActivationActType act_type) {
static const char *ActivationActTypeValues[] = {
return Operator("Activation")
.SetParam("act_type", ActivationActTypeValues[int(act_type)])
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief Output data type.
enum class _contrib_quantizeOutType {
kInt8 = 0,
kUint8 = 1
* \brief Quantize a input tensor from float to `out_type`,
* with user-specified `min_range` and `max_range`.
* min_range and max_range are scalar floats that specify the range for
* the input data.
* When out_type is `uint8`, the output is calculated using the following equation:
* `out[i] = (in[i] - min_range) * range(OUTPUT_TYPE) / (max_range - min_range) +
* where `range(T) = numeric_limits<T>::max() - numeric_limits<T>::min()`.
* When out_type is `int8`, the output is calculate using the following equation
* by keep zero centered for the quantized value:
* `out[i] = sign(in[i]) * min(abs(in[i] * scale + 0.5f, quantized_range)`,
* where
* `quantized_range = MinAbs(max(int8), min(int8))` and
* `scale = quantized_range / MaxAbs(min_range, max_range).`
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propagation. DO NOT use it in training.
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data A ndarray/symbol of type `float32`
* \param min_range The minimum scalar value possibly produced for the input
* \param max_range The maximum scalar value possibly produced for the input
* \param out_type Output data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantize(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol min_range,
Symbol max_range,
_contrib_quantizeOutType out_type = _contrib_quantizeOutType::kUint8) {
static const char *_contrib_quantizeOutTypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_quantize")
.SetParam("out_type", _contrib_quantizeOutTypeValues[int(out_type)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("min_range", min_range)
.SetInput("max_range", max_range)
* \brief Apply a custom operator implemented in a frontend language (like Python).
* Custom operators should override required methods like `forward` and `backward`.
* The custom operator must be registered before it can be used.
* Please check the tutorial here:
* Defined in src/operator/custom/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data for the custom operator.
* \param op_type Name of the custom operator. This is the name that is passed to
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Custom(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
const std::string& op_type) {
return Operator("Custom")
* \brief Batch normalization.
* Normalizes a data batch by mean and variance, and applies a scale ``gamma`` as
* well as offset ``beta``.
* Standard BN [1]_ implementation only normalize the data within each device.
* SyncBN normalizes the input within the whole mini-batch.
* We follow the sync-onece implmentation described in the paper [2]_.
* Assume the input has more than one dimension and we normalize along axis 1.
* We first compute the mean and variance along this axis:
* .. math::
* data\_mean[i] = mean(data[:,i,:,...]) \\
* data\_var[i] = var(data[:,i,:,...])
* Then compute the normalized output, which has the same shape as input, as
* .. math::
* out[:,i,:,...] = \frac{data[:,i,:,...] -
* Both *mean* and *var* returns a scalar by treating the input as a vector.
* Assume the input has size *k* on axis 1, then both ``gamma`` and ``beta``
* have shape *(k,)*. If ``output_mean_var`` is set to be true, then outputs both
* ``data_var`` as well, which are needed for the backward pass.
* Besides the inputs and the outputs, this operator accepts two auxiliary
* states, ``moving_mean`` and ``moving_var``, which are *k*-length
* vectors. They are global statistics for the whole dataset, which are updated
* by::
* moving_mean = moving_mean * momentum + data_mean * (1 - momentum)
* moving_var = moving_var * momentum + data_var * (1 - momentum)
* If ``use_global_stats`` is set to be true, then ``moving_mean`` and
* ``moving_var`` are used instead of ``data_mean`` and ``data_var`` to compute
* the output. It is often used during inference.
* Both ``gamma`` and ``beta`` are learnable parameters. But if ``fix_gamma`` is
* then set ``gamma`` to 1 and its gradient to 0.
* Reference:
* .. [1] Ioffe, Sergey, and Christian Szegedy. "Batch normalization: Accelerating
* deep network training by reducing internal covariate shift." *ICML 2015*
* .. [2] Hang Zhang, Kristin Dana, Jianping Shi, Zhongyue Zhang, Xiaogang Wang, \
* Ambrish Tyagi, and Amit Agrawal. "Context Encoding for Semantic Segmentation."
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to batch normalization
* \param gamma gamma array
* \param beta beta array
* \param moving_mean running mean of input
* \param moving_var running variance of input
* \param key Hash key for synchronization, please set the same hash key for same layer,
* \param eps Epsilon to prevent div 0
* \param momentum Momentum for moving average
* \param fix_gamma Fix gamma while training
* \param use_global_stats Whether use global moving statistics instead of local
* \param output_mean_var Output All,normal mean and var
* \param ndev The count of GPU devices
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_SyncBatchNorm(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol gamma,
Symbol beta,
Symbol moving_mean,
Symbol moving_var,
const std::string& key,
mx_float eps = 0.00100000005,
mx_float momentum = 0.899999976,
bool fix_gamma = true,
bool use_global_stats = false,
bool output_mean_var = false,
int ndev = 1) {
return Operator("_contrib_SyncBatchNorm")
.SetParam("eps", eps)
.SetParam("momentum", momentum)
.SetParam("fix_gamma", fix_gamma)
.SetParam("use_global_stats", use_global_stats)
.SetParam("output_mean_var", output_mean_var)
.SetParam("ndev", ndev)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("gamma", gamma)
.SetInput("beta", beta)
.SetInput("moving_mean", moving_mean)
.SetInput("moving_var", moving_var)
* \brief This operator samples sub-graphs from a csr graph via an
* uniform probability. The operator is designed for DGL.
* The operator outputs three sets of NDArrays to represent the sampled results
* (the number of NDArrays in each set is the same as the number of seed NDArrays):
* 1) a set of 1D NDArrays containing the sampled vertices, 2) a set of
* the sampled edges, 3) a set of 1D NDArrays indicating the layer where a vertex
* The first set of 1D NDArrays have a length of max_num_vertices+1. The last
* indicate the acutal number of vertices in a subgraph. The third set of NDArrays
* of max_num_vertices, and the valid number of vertices is the same as the ones
* Example:
* .. code:: python
* shape = (5, 5)
* data_np = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],
* indices_np = np.array([1,2,3,4,0,2,3,4,0,1,3,4,0,1,2,4,0,1,2,3], dtype=np.int64)
* indptr_np = np.array([0,4,8,12,16,20], dtype=np.int64)
* a = mx.nd.sparse.csr_matrix((data_np, indices_np, indptr_np), shape=shape)
* a.asnumpy()
* seed = mx.nd.array([0,1,2,3,4], dtype=np.int64)
* out = mx.nd.contrib.dgl_csr_neighbor_uniform_sample(a, seed, num_args=2,
* out[0]
* [0 1 2 3 4 5]
* <NDArray 6 @cpu(0)>
* out[1].asnumpy()
* array([[ 0, 1, 0, 3, 0],
* [ 5, 0, 0, 7, 0],
* [ 9, 0, 0, 11, 0],
* [13, 0, 15, 0, 0],
* [17, 0, 19, 0, 0]])
* out[2]
* [0 0 0 0 0]
* <NDArray 5 @cpu(0)>
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param csr_matrix csr matrix
* \param seed_arrays seed vertices
* \param num_args Number of input NDArray.
* \param num_hops Number of hops.
* \param num_neighbor Number of neighbor.
* \param max_num_vertices Max number of vertices.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_dgl_csr_neighbor_uniform_sample(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol csr_matrix,
const std::vector<Symbol>& seed_arrays,
int num_args,
int64_t num_hops = 1,
int64_t num_neighbor = 2,
int64_t max_num_vertices = 100) {
return Operator("_contrib_dgl_csr_neighbor_uniform_sample")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("num_hops", num_hops)
.SetParam("num_neighbor", num_neighbor)
.SetParam("max_num_vertices", max_num_vertices)
.SetInput("csr_matrix", csr_matrix)
* \brief This operator samples sub-graph from a csr graph via an
* non-uniform probability. The operator is designed for DGL.
* The operator outputs four sets of NDArrays to represent the sampled results
* (the number of NDArrays in each set is the same as the number of seed NDArrays):
* 1) a set of 1D NDArrays containing the sampled vertices, 2) a set of
* the sampled edges, 3) a set of 1D NDArrays with the probability that vertices
* 4) a set of 1D NDArrays indicating the layer where a vertex is sampled.
* The first set of 1D NDArrays have a length of max_num_vertices+1. The last
* indicate the acutal number of vertices in a subgraph. The third and fourth set
* of max_num_vertices, and the valid number of vertices is the same as the ones
* Example:
* .. code:: python
* shape = (5, 5)
* prob = mx.nd.array([0.9, 0.8, 0.2, 0.4, 0.1], dtype=np.float32)
* data_np = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],
* indices_np = np.array([1,2,3,4,0,2,3,4,0,1,3,4,0,1,2,4,0,1,2,3], dtype=np.int64)
* indptr_np = np.array([0,4,8,12,16,20], dtype=np.int64)
* a = mx.nd.sparse.csr_matrix((data_np, indices_np, indptr_np), shape=shape)
* seed = mx.nd.array([0,1,2,3,4], dtype=np.int64)
* out = mx.nd.contrib.dgl_csr_neighbor_non_uniform_sample(a, prob, seed,
* out[0]
* [0 1 2 3 4 5]
* <NDArray 6 @cpu(0)>
* out[1].asnumpy()
* array([[ 0, 1, 2, 0, 0],
* [ 5, 0, 6, 0, 0],
* [ 9, 10, 0, 0, 0],
* [13, 14, 0, 0, 0],
* [ 0, 18, 19, 0, 0]])
* out[2]
* [0.9 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.1]
* <NDArray 5 @cpu(0)>
* out[3]
* [0 0 0 0 0]
* <NDArray 5 @cpu(0)>
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param csr_matrix csr matrix
* \param probability probability vector
* \param seed_arrays seed vertices
* \param num_args Number of input NDArray.
* \param num_hops Number of hops.
* \param num_neighbor Number of neighbor.
* \param max_num_vertices Max number of vertices.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_dgl_csr_neighbor_non_uniform_sample(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol csr_matrix,
Symbol probability,
const std::vector<Symbol>& seed_arrays,
int num_args,
int64_t num_hops = 1,
int64_t num_neighbor = 2,
int64_t max_num_vertices = 100) {
return Operator("_contrib_dgl_csr_neighbor_non_uniform_sample")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("num_hops", num_hops)
.SetParam("num_neighbor", num_neighbor)
.SetParam("max_num_vertices", max_num_vertices)
.SetInput("csr_matrix", csr_matrix)
.SetInput("probability", probability)
* \brief This operator constructs an induced subgraph for
* a given set of vertices from a graph. The operator accepts multiple
* sets of vertices as input. For each set of vertices, it returns a pair
* of CSR matrices if return_mapping is True: the first matrix contains edges
* with new edge Ids, the second matrix contains edges with the original
* edge Ids.
* Example:
* .. code:: python
* x=[[1, 0, 0, 2],
* [3, 0, 4, 0],
* [0, 5, 0, 0],
* [0, 6, 7, 0]]
* v = [0, 1, 2]
* dgl_subgraph(x, v, return_mapping=True) =
* [[1, 0, 0],
* [2, 0, 3],
* [0, 4, 0]],
* [[1, 0, 0],
* [3, 0, 4],
* [0, 5, 0]]
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param graph Input graph where we sample vertices.
* \param data The input arrays that include data arrays and states.
* \param num_args Number of input arguments, including all symbol inputs.
* \param return_mapping Return mapping of vid and eid between the subgraph and the
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_dgl_subgraph(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol graph,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_args,
bool return_mapping) {
return Operator("_contrib_dgl_subgraph")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("return_mapping", return_mapping)
.SetInput("graph", graph)
* \brief This operator implements the edge_id function for a graph
* stored in a CSR matrix (the value of the CSR stores the edge Id of the graph).
* output[i] = input[u[i], v[i]] if there is an edge between u[i] and v[i]],
* otherwise output[i] will be -1. Both u and v should be 1D vectors.
* Example:
* .. code:: python
* x = [[ 1, 0, 0 ],
* [ 0, 2, 0 ],
* [ 0, 0, 3 ]]
* u = [ 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2 ]
* v = [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2 ]
* edge_id(x, u, v) = [ 1, -1, 2, -1, -1, 3 ]
* The storage type of ``edge_id`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - edge_id(csr, default, default) = default
* - default and rsp inputs are not supported
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param u u ndarray
* \param v v ndarray
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_edge_id(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol u,
Symbol v) {
return Operator("_contrib_edge_id")
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("u", u)
.SetInput("v", v)
* \brief This operator converts a CSR matrix whose values are edge Ids
* to an adjacency matrix whose values are ones. The output CSR matrix always has
* the data value of float32.
* Example:
* .. code:: python
* x = [[ 1, 0, 0 ],
* [ 0, 2, 0 ],
* [ 0, 0, 3 ]]
* dgl_adjacency(x) =
* [[ 1, 0, 0 ],
* [ 0, 1, 0 ],
* [ 0, 0, 1 ]]
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input ndarray
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_dgl_adjacency(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("_contrib_dgl_adjacency")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief This operator compacts a CSR matrix generated by
* dgl_csr_neighbor_uniform_sample and dgl_csr_neighbor_non_uniform_sample.
* The CSR matrices generated by these two operators may have many empty
* rows at the end and many empty columns. This operator removes these
* empty rows and empty columns.
* Example:
* .. code:: python
* shape = (5, 5)
* data_np = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],
* indices_np = np.array([1,2,3,4,0,2,3,4,0,1,3,4,0,1,2,4,0,1,2,3], dtype=np.int64)
* indptr_np = np.array([0,4,8,12,16,20], dtype=np.int64)
* a = mx.nd.sparse.csr_matrix((data_np, indices_np, indptr_np), shape=shape)
* seed = mx.nd.array([0,1,2,3,4], dtype=np.int64)
* out = mx.nd.contrib.dgl_csr_neighbor_uniform_sample(a, seed, num_args=2,
* num_neighbor=2, max_num_vertices=6)
* subg_v = out[0]
* subg = out[1]
* compact = mx.nd.contrib.dgl_graph_compact(subg, subg_v,
* graph_sizes=(subg_v[-1].asnumpy()[0]), return_mapping=False)
* compact.asnumpy()
* array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
* [2, 0, 3, 0, 0],
* [0, 4, 0, 0, 5],
* [0, 6, 0, 0, 7],
* [8, 9, 0, 0, 0]])
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param graph_data Input graphs and input vertex Ids.
* \param num_args Number of input arguments.
* \param return_mapping Return mapping of vid and eid between the subgraph and the
* \param graph_sizes the number of vertices in each graph.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_dgl_graph_compact(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& graph_data,
int num_args,
bool return_mapping,
nnvm::Tuple<int64_t> graph_sizes) {
return Operator("_contrib_dgl_graph_compact")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("return_mapping", return_mapping)
.SetParam("graph_sizes", graph_sizes)
* \brief Computes the Khatri-Rao product of the input matrices.
* Given a collection of :math:`n` input matrices,
* .. math::
* A_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{M_1 \times M}, \ldots, A_n \in \mathbb{R}^{M_n \times N},
* the (column-wise) Khatri-Rao product is defined as the matrix,
* .. math::
* X = A_1 \otimes \cdots \otimes A_n \in \mathbb{R}^{(M_1 \cdots M_n) \times N},
* where the :math:`k` th column is equal to the column-wise outer product
* :math:`{A_1}_k \otimes \cdots \otimes {A_n}_k` where :math:`{A_i}_k` is the kth
* column of the ith matrix.
* Example::
* >>> A = mx.nd.array([[1, -1],
* >>> [2, -3]])
* >>> B = mx.nd.array([[1, 4],
* >>> [2, 5],
* >>> [3, 6]])
* >>> C = mx.nd.khatri_rao(A, B)
* >>> print(C.asnumpy())
* [[ 1. -4.]
* [ 2. -5.]
* [ 3. -6.]
* [ 2. -12.]
* [ 4. -15.]
* [ 6. -18.]]
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param args Positional input matrices
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol khatri_rao(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& args) {
return Operator("khatri_rao")
* \brief Computes the log likelihood of a univariate Hawkes process.
* The log likelihood is calculated on point process observations represented
* as *ragged* matrices for *lags* (interarrival times w.r.t. the previous point),
* and *marks* (identifiers for the process ID). Note that each mark is considered
* i.e., computes the joint likelihood of a set of Hawkes processes determined by
* .. math::
* \lambda_k^*(t) = \lambda_k + \alpha_k \sum_{\{t_i < t, y_i = k\}} \beta_k
* where :math:`\lambda_k` specifies the background intensity ``lda``,
* :math:`\alpha_k` specifies the *branching ratio* or ``alpha``, and
* ``lags`` and ``marks`` are two NDArrays of shape (N, T) and correspond to the
* representation of the point process observation, the first dimension
* corresponds to the batch index, and the second to the sequence. These are
* "left-aligned" *ragged* matrices (the first index of the second dimension is
* the beginning of every sequence. The length of each sequence is given by
* ``valid_length``, of shape (N,) where ``valid_length[i]`` corresponds to the
* ``max_time`` is the length of the observation period of the point process. That
* is, specifying ``max_time[i] = 5`` computes the likelihood of the i-th sample
* as observed on the time interval :math:`(0, 5]`. Naturally, the sum of all
* The input ``state`` specifies the *memory* of the Hawkes process. Invoking the
* .. math::
* s_k(t) = \sum_{t_i < t} \exp(-\beta_k (t - t_i)).
* The ``state`` to be provided is :math:`s_k(0)` and carries the added intensity
* due to past events before the current batch. :math:`s_k(T)` is returned from
* Example::
* # define the Hawkes process parameters
* lda = nd.array([1.5, 2.0, 3.0]).tile((N, 1))
* alpha = nd.array([0.2, 0.3, 0.4]) # branching ratios should be < 1
* beta = nd.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
* # the "data", or observations
* ia_times = nd.array([[6, 7, 8, 9], [1, 2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5, 6], [8, 9, 10, 11]])
* marks = nd.zeros((N, T)).astype(np.int32)
* # starting "state" of the process
* states = nd.zeros((N, K))
* valid_length = nd.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) # number of valid points in each sequence
* max_time = nd.ones((N,)) * 100.0 # length of the observation period
* A = nd.contrib.hawkesll(
* lda, alpha, beta, states, ia_times, marks, valid_length, max_time
* )
* References:
* - Bacry, E., Mastromatteo, I., & Muzy, J. F. (2015).
* Hawkes processes in finance. Market Microstructure and Liquidity
* , 1(01), 1550005.
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lda Shape (N, K) The intensity for each of the K processes, for each sample
* \param alpha Shape (K,) The infectivity factor (branching ratio) for each process
* \param beta Shape (K,) The decay parameter for each process
* \param state Shape (N, K) the Hawkes state for each process
* \param lags Shape (N, T) the interarrival times
* \param marks Shape (N, T) the marks (process ids)
* \param valid_length The number of valid points in the process
* \param max_time the length of the interval where the processes were sampled
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_hawkesll(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lda,
Symbol alpha,
Symbol beta,
Symbol state,
Symbol lags,
Symbol marks,
Symbol valid_length,
Symbol max_time) {
return Operator("_contrib_hawkesll")
.SetInput("lda", lda)
.SetInput("alpha", alpha)
.SetInput("beta", beta)
.SetInput("state", state)
.SetInput("lags", lags)
.SetInput("marks", marks)
.SetInput("valid_length", valid_length)
.SetInput("max_time", max_time)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_backward_hawkesll(const std::string& symbol_name) {
return Operator("_contrib_backward_hawkesll")
* \brief Number of stored values for a sparse tensor, including explicit zeros.
* This operator only supports CSR matrix on CPU.
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input
* \param axis Select between the number of values across the whole matrix, in each
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_getnnz(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>()) {
return Operator("_contrib_getnnz")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief This operator implements the gradient multiplier function.
* In forward pass it acts as an identity transform. During backpropagation it
* multiplies the gradient from the subsequent level by a scalar factor lambda and
* the preceding layer.
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \param scalar lambda multiplier
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_gradientmultiplier(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_contrib_gradientmultiplier")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_backward_gradientmultiplier(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_contrib_backward_gradientmultiplier")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Update function for multi-precision AdamW optimizer.
* AdamW is seen as a modification of Adam by decoupling the weight decay from the
* optimization steps taken w.r.t. the loss function.
* Adam update consists of the following steps, where g represents gradient and m,
* are 1st and 2nd order moment estimates (mean and variance).
* .. math::
* g_t = \nabla J(W_{t-1})\\
* m_t = \beta_1 m_{t-1} + (1 - \beta_1) g_t\\
* v_t = \beta_2 v_{t-1} + (1 - \beta_2) g_t^2\\
* W_t = W_{t-1} - \eta_t (\alpha \frac{ m_t }{ \sqrt{ v_t } + \epsilon } + wd
* It updates the weights using::
* m = beta1*m + (1-beta1)*grad
* v = beta2*v + (1-beta2)*(grad**2)
* w -= eta * (learning_rate * m / (sqrt(v) + epsilon) + w * wd)
* Note that gradient is rescaled to grad = rescale_grad * grad. If rescale_grad
* the update is skipped.
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param mean Moving mean
* \param var Moving variance
* \param weight32 Weight32
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to rescale_grad * grad. If NaN, Inf, or 0, the
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param eta Learning rate schedule multiplier
* \param beta1 The decay rate for the 1st moment estimates.
* \param beta2 The decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates.
* \param epsilon A small constant for numerical stability.
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _mp_adamw_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol mean,
Symbol var,
Symbol weight32,
Symbol rescale_grad,
mx_float lr,
mx_float eta,
mx_float beta1 = 0.899999976,
mx_float beta2 = 0.999000013,
mx_float epsilon = 9.99999994e-09,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1) {
return Operator("_mp_adamw_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("eta", eta)
.SetParam("beta1", beta1)
.SetParam("beta2", beta2)
.SetParam("epsilon", epsilon)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("mean", mean)
.SetInput("var", var)
.SetInput("weight32", weight32)
.SetInput("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
* \brief Update function for AdamW optimizer. AdamW is seen as a modification of
* Adam by decoupling the weight decay from the optimization steps taken w.r.t.
* Adam update consists of the following steps, where g represents gradient and m,
* are 1st and 2nd order moment estimates (mean and variance).
* .. math::
* g_t = \nabla J(W_{t-1})\\
* m_t = \beta_1 m_{t-1} + (1 - \beta_1) g_t\\
* v_t = \beta_2 v_{t-1} + (1 - \beta_2) g_t^2\\
* W_t = W_{t-1} - \eta_t (\alpha \frac{ m_t }{ \sqrt{ v_t } + \epsilon } + wd
* It updates the weights using::
* m = beta1*m + (1-beta1)*grad
* v = beta2*v + (1-beta2)*(grad**2)
* w -= eta * (learning_rate * m / (sqrt(v) + epsilon) + w * wd)
* Note that gradient is rescaled to grad = rescale_grad * grad. If rescale_grad
* the update is skipped.
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param mean Moving mean
* \param var Moving variance
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to rescale_grad * grad. If NaN, Inf, or 0, the
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param eta Learning rate schedule multiplier
* \param beta1 The decay rate for the 1st moment estimates.
* \param beta2 The decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates.
* \param epsilon A small constant for numerical stability.
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _adamw_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol mean,
Symbol var,
Symbol rescale_grad,
mx_float lr,
mx_float eta,
mx_float beta1 = 0.899999976,
mx_float beta2 = 0.999000013,
mx_float epsilon = 9.99999994e-09,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1) {
return Operator("_adamw_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("eta", eta)
.SetParam("beta1", beta1)
.SetParam("beta2", beta2)
.SetParam("epsilon", epsilon)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("mean", mean)
.SetInput("var", var)
.SetInput("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
/*! \brief resizing mode. "simple" - output height equals parameter "height" if
* "scale_height" parameter is not defined or input height multiplied by
* "scale_height" otherwise. Same for width;"odd_scale" - if original height or
* width is odd, then result height is calculated like result_h = (original_h - 1)
* * scale + 1; for scale > 1 the result shape would be like if we did
* deconvolution with kernel = (1, 1) and stride = (height_scale, width_scale);
* and for scale < 1 shape would be like we did convolution with kernel = (1, 1)
* and stride = (int(1 / height_scale), int( 1/ width_scale);"like" - resize first
* input to the height and width of second input; "to_even_down" - resize input to
* nearest lower even height and width (if original height is odd then result
* height = original height - 1);"to_even_up" - resize input to nearest bigger
* even height and width (if original height is odd then result height = original
* height + 1);"to_odd_down" - resize input to nearest odd height and width (if
* original height is odd then result height = original height - 1);"to_odd_up" -
* resize input to nearest odd height and width (if original height is odd then
enum class _contrib_BilinearResize2DMode {
kLike = 0,
kOdd_scale = 1,
kSize = 2,
kTo_even_down = 3,
kTo_even_up = 4,
kTo_odd_down = 5,
kTo_odd_up = 6
* \brief
* Perform 2D resizing (upsampling or downsampling) for 4D input using bilinear
* Expected input is a 4 dimensional NDArray (NCHW) and the output
* with the shape of (N x C x height x width).
* The key idea of bilinear interpolation is to perform linear interpolation
* first in one direction, and then again in the other direction. See the
* `Bilinear interpolation
* for more details.
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data
* \param like Resize data to it's shape
* \param height output height (required, but ignored if scale_height is defined or mode
* \param width output width (required, but ignored if scale_width is defined or mode is
* \param scale_height sampling scale of the height (optional, used in modes "scale" and
* \param scale_width sampling scale of the width (optional, used in modes "scale" and
* \param mode resizing mode. "simple" - output height equals parameter "height" if
* "scale_height" parameter is not defined or input height multiplied by
* "scale_height" otherwise. Same for width;"odd_scale" - if original height or
* width is odd, then result height is calculated like result_h = (original_h - 1)
* * scale + 1; for scale > 1 the result shape would be like if we did
* deconvolution with kernel = (1, 1) and stride = (height_scale, width_scale);
* and for scale < 1 shape would be like we did convolution with kernel = (1, 1)
* and stride = (int(1 / height_scale), int( 1/ width_scale);"like" - resize first
* input to the height and width of second input; "to_even_down" - resize input to
* nearest lower even height and width (if original height is odd then result
* height = original height - 1);"to_even_up" - resize input to nearest bigger
* even height and width (if original height is odd then result height = original
* height + 1);"to_odd_down" - resize input to nearest odd height and width (if
* original height is odd then result height = original height - 1);"to_odd_up" -
* resize input to nearest odd height and width (if original height is odd then
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_BilinearResize2D(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol like,
int height = 1,
int width = 1,
mx_float scale_height = mx_float(),
mx_float scale_width = mx_float(),
_contrib_BilinearResize2DMode mode = _contrib_BilinearResize2DMode::kSize) {
static const char *_contrib_BilinearResize2DModeValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_BilinearResize2D")
.SetParam("height", height)
.SetParam("width", width)
.SetParam("scale_height", scale_height)
.SetParam("scale_width", scale_width)
.SetParam("mode", _contrib_BilinearResize2DModeValues[int(mode)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("like", like)
* \brief This operators implements the quadratic function.
* .. math::
* f(x) = ax^2+bx+c
* where :math:`x` is an input tensor and all operations
* in the function are element-wise.
* Example::
* x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
* y = quadratic(data=x, a=1, b=2, c=3)
* y = [[6, 11], [18, 27]]
* The storage type of ``quadratic`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - quadratic(csr, a, b, 0) = csr
* - quadratic(default, a, b, c) = default
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param a Coefficient of the quadratic term in the quadratic function.
* \param b Coefficient of the linear term in the quadratic function.
* \param c Constant term in the quadratic function.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quadratic(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float a = 0,
mx_float b = 0,
mx_float c = 0) {
return Operator("_contrib_quadratic")
.SetParam("a", a)
.SetParam("b", b)
.SetParam("c", c)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_backward_quadratic(const std::string& symbol_name) {
return Operator("_contrib_backward_quadratic")
* \brief Rescale the input by the square root of the channel dimension.
* out = data / sqrt(data.shape[-1])
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_div_sqrt_dim(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("_contrib_div_sqrt_dim")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns an array of indexes of the input array.
* For an input array with shape :math:`(d_1, d_2, ..., d_n)`, `index_array`
* :math:`(d_1, d_2, ..., d_n, n)` array `idx`, where
* :math:`idx[i_1, i_2, ..., i_n, :] = [i_1, i_2, ..., i_n]`.
* Additionally, when the parameter `axes` is specified, `idx` will be a
* :math:`(d_1, d_2, ..., d_n, m)` array where `m` is the length of `axes`, and
* equality will hold: :math:`idx[i_1, i_2, ..., i_n, j] = i_{axes[j]}`.
* Examples::
* x = mx.nd.ones((3, 2))
* mx.nd.contrib.index_array(x) = [[[0 0]
* [0 1]]
* [[1 0]
* [1 1]]
* [[2 0]
* [2 1]]]
* x = mx.nd.ones((3, 2, 2))
* mx.nd.contrib.index_array(x, axes=(1, 0)) = [[[[0 0]
* [0 0]]
* [[1 0]
* [1 0]]]
* [[[0 1]
* [0 1]]
* [[1 1]
* [1 1]]]
* [[[0 2]
* [0 2]]
* [[1 2]
* [1 2]]]]
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data
* \param axes The axes to include in the index array. Supports negative values.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_index_array(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axes = dmlc::optional<Shape>()) {
return Operator("_contrib_index_array")
.SetParam("axes", axes)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Copies the elements of a `new_tensor` into the `old_tensor`.
* This operator copies the elements by selecting the indices in the order given
* The output will be a new tensor containing the rest elements of old tensor and
* the copied elements of new tensor.
* For example, if `index[i] == j`, then the `i` th row of `new_tensor` is copied
* `j` th row of output.
* The `index` must be a vector and it must have the same size with the `0` th
* `new_tensor`. Also, the `0` th dimension of old_tensor must `>=` the `0` th
* `new_tensor`, or an error will be raised.
* Examples::
* x = mx.nd.zeros((5,3))
* t = mx.nd.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])
* index = mx.nd.array([0,4,2])
* mx.nd.contrib.index_copy(x, index, t)
* [[1. 2. 3.]
* [0. 0. 0.]
* [7. 8. 9.]
* [0. 0. 0.]
* [4. 5. 6.]]
* <NDArray 5x3 @cpu(0)>
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param old_tensor Old tensor
* \param index_vector Index vector
* \param new_tensor New tensor to be copied
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_index_copy(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol old_tensor,
Symbol index_vector,
Symbol new_tensor) {
return Operator("_contrib_index_copy")
.SetInput("old_tensor", old_tensor)
.SetInput("index_vector", index_vector)
.SetInput("new_tensor", new_tensor)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_backward_index_copy(const std::string& symbol_name) {
return Operator("_contrib_backward_index_copy")
* \brief
* This operator takes a 4D feature map as an input array and region proposals as
* then align the feature map over sub-regions of input and produces a fixed-sized
* This operator is typically used in Faster R-CNN & Mask R-CNN networks.
* Different from ROI pooling, ROI Align removes the harsh quantization, properly
* the extracted features with the input. RoIAlign computes the value of each
* by bilinear interpolation from the nearby grid points on the feature map. No
* performed on any coordinates involved in the RoI, its bins, or the sampling
* Bilinear interpolation is used to compute the exact values of the
* input features at four regularly sampled locations in each RoI bin.
* Then the feature map can be aggregated by avgpooling.
* References
* ----------
* He, Kaiming, et al. "Mask R-CNN." ICCV, 2017
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the pooling operator, a 4D Feature maps
* \param rois Bounding box coordinates, a 2D array
* \param pooled_size ROI Align output roi feature map height and width: (h, w)
* \param spatial_scale Ratio of input feature map height (or w) to raw image height (or
* \param sample_ratio Optional sampling ratio of ROI align, using adaptive size by
* \param position_sensitive Whether to perform position-sensitive RoI pooling.
* PSRoIPooling is first proposaled by R-FCN and it can reduce the input channels
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_ROIAlign(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol rois,
Shape pooled_size,
mx_float spatial_scale,
int sample_ratio = -1,
bool position_sensitive = false) {
return Operator("_contrib_ROIAlign")
.SetParam("pooled_size", pooled_size)
.SetParam("spatial_scale", spatial_scale)
.SetParam("sample_ratio", sample_ratio)
.SetParam("position_sensitive", position_sensitive)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("rois", rois)
* \brief Check if all the float numbers in the array are finite (used for AMP)
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Array
* \param init_output Initialize output to 1.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol all_finite(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
bool init_output = true) {
return Operator("all_finite")
.SetParam("init_output", init_output)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Check if all the float numbers in all the arrays are finite (used for AMP)
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Arrays
* \param num_arrays Number of arrays.
* \param init_output Initialize output to 1.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol multi_all_finite(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_arrays = 1,
bool init_output = true) {
return Operator("multi_all_finite")
.SetParam("num_arrays", num_arrays)
.SetParam("init_output", init_output)
* \brief Update function for Group AdaGrad optimizer.
* Referenced from *Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and
* and available at but
* uses only a single learning rate for every row of the parameter array.
* Updates are applied by::
* grad = clip(grad * rescale_grad, clip_gradient)
* history += mean(square(grad), axis=1, keepdims=True)
* div = grad / sqrt(history + float_stable_eps)
* weight -= div * lr
* Weights are updated lazily if the gradient is sparse.
* Note that non-zero values for the weight decay option are not supported.
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param history History
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \param epsilon Epsilon for numerical stability
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_group_adagrad_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol history,
mx_float lr,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1,
mx_float epsilon = 9.99999975e-06) {
return Operator("_contrib_group_adagrad_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetParam("epsilon", epsilon)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("history", history)
* \brief
* Given an n-d NDArray data, and a 1-d NDArray index,
* the operator produces an un-predeterminable shaped n-d NDArray out,
* which stands for the rows in x where the corresonding element in index is
* >>> data = mx.nd.array([[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6],[7, 8, 9]])
* >>> index = mx.nd.array([0, 1, 0])
* >>> out = mx.nd.contrib.boolean_mask(data, index)
* >>> out
* [[4. 5. 6.]]
* <NDArray 1x3 @cpu(0)>
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Data
* \param index Mask
* \param axis An integer that represents the axis in NDArray to mask from.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_boolean_mask(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol index,
int axis = 0) {
return Operator("_contrib_boolean_mask")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("index", index)
/*! \brief The input box encoding type.
* "corner" means boxes are encoded as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], "center" means
enum class _contrib_box_nmsInFormat {
kCenter = 0,
kCorner = 1
/*! \brief The output box encoding type.
* "corner" means boxes are encoded as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], "center" means
enum class _contrib_box_nmsOutFormat {
kCenter = 0,
kCorner = 1
* \brief Apply non-maximum suppression to input.
* The output will be sorted in descending order according to `score`. Boxes with
* overlaps larger than `overlap_thresh`, smaller scores and background boxes
* will be removed and filled with -1, the corresponding position will be recorded
* for backward propogation.
* During back-propagation, the gradient will be copied to the original
* position according to the input index. For positions that have been suppressed,
* the in_grad will be assigned 0.
* In summary, gradients are sticked to its boxes, will either be moved or
* according to its original index in input.
* Input requirements::
* 1. Input tensor have at least 2 dimensions, (n, k), any higher dims will be
* as batch, e.g. (a, b, c, d, n, k) == (a*b*c*d, n, k)
* 2. n is the number of boxes in each batch
* 3. k is the width of each box item.
* By default, a box is [id, score, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, ...],
* additional elements are allowed.
* - `id_index`: optional, use -1 to ignore, useful if `force_suppress=False`,
* we will skip highly overlapped boxes if one is `apple` while the other is `car`.
* - `background_id`: optional, default=-1, class id for background boxes, useful
* when `id_index >= 0` which means boxes with background id will be filtered
* - `coord_start`: required, default=2, the starting index of the 4 coordinates.
* Two formats are supported:
* - `corner`: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
* - `center`: [x, y, width, height]
* - `score_index`: required, default=1, box score/confidence.
* When two boxes overlap IOU > `overlap_thresh`, the one with smaller score will
* - `in_format` and `out_format`: default='corner', specify in/out box formats.
* Examples::
* x = [[0, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2], [1, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2],
* [0, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.14, 0.14], [2, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8]]
* box_nms(x, overlap_thresh=0.1, coord_start=2, score_index=1, id_index=0,
* force_suppress=True, in_format='corner', out_typ='corner') =
* [[2, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8], [0, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2],
* [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]]
* out_grad = [[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1], [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
* [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4]]
* # exe.backward
* in_grad = [[0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
* [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]]
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param overlap_thresh Overlapping(IoU) threshold to suppress object with smaller score.
* \param valid_thresh Filter input boxes to those whose scores greater than valid_thresh.
* \param topk Apply nms to topk boxes with descending scores, -1 to no restriction.
* \param coord_start Start index of the consecutive 4 coordinates.
* \param score_index Index of the scores/confidence of boxes.
* \param id_index Optional, index of the class categories, -1 to disable.
* \param background_id Optional, id of the background class which will be ignored in nms.
* \param force_suppress Optional, if set false and id_index is provided, nms will only
* \param in_format The input box encoding type.
* "corner" means boxes are encoded as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], "center" means
* \param out_format The output box encoding type.
* "corner" means boxes are encoded as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], "center" means
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_box_nms(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float overlap_thresh = 0.5,
mx_float valid_thresh = 0,
int topk = -1,
int coord_start = 2,
int score_index = 1,
int id_index = -1,
int background_id = -1,
bool force_suppress = false,
_contrib_box_nmsInFormat in_format = _contrib_box_nmsInFormat::kCorner,
_contrib_box_nmsOutFormat out_format = _contrib_box_nmsOutFormat::kCorner) {
static const char *_contrib_box_nmsInFormatValues[] = {
static const char *_contrib_box_nmsOutFormatValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_box_nms")
.SetParam("overlap_thresh", overlap_thresh)
.SetParam("valid_thresh", valid_thresh)
.SetParam("topk", topk)
.SetParam("coord_start", coord_start)
.SetParam("score_index", score_index)
.SetParam("id_index", id_index)
.SetParam("background_id", background_id)
.SetParam("force_suppress", force_suppress)
.SetParam("in_format", _contrib_box_nmsInFormatValues[int(in_format)])
.SetParam("out_format", _contrib_box_nmsOutFormatValues[int(out_format)])
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief The box encoding type.
* "corner" means boxes are encoded as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], "center" means
enum class _contrib_box_iouFormat {
kCenter = 0,
kCorner = 1
* \brief Bounding box overlap of two arrays.
* The overlap is defined as Intersection-over-Union, aka, IOU.
* - lhs: (a_1, a_2, ..., a_n, 4) array
* - rhs: (b_1, b_2, ..., b_n, 4) array
* - output: (a_1, a_2, ..., a_n, b_1, b_2, ..., b_n) array
* Note::
* Zero gradients are back-propagated in this op for now.
* Example::
* x = [[0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5]]
* y = [[0.25, 0.25, 0.75, 0.75]]
* box_iou(x, y, format='corner') = [[0.1428], [0.1428]]
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs The first input
* \param rhs The second input
* \param format The box encoding type.
* "corner" means boxes are encoded as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], "center" means
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_box_iou(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs,
_contrib_box_iouFormat format = _contrib_box_iouFormat::kCorner) {
static const char *_contrib_box_iouFormatValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_box_iou")
.SetParam("format", _contrib_box_iouFormatValues[int(format)])
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Compute bipartite matching.
* The matching is performed on score matrix with shape [B, N, M]
* - B: batch_size
* - N: number of rows to match
* - M: number of columns as reference to be matched against.
* Returns:
* x : matched column indices. -1 indicating non-matched elements in rows.
* y : matched row indices.
* Note::
* Zero gradients are back-propagated in this op for now.
* Example::
* s = [[0.5, 0.6], [0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.4]]
* x, y = bipartite_matching(x, threshold=1e-12, is_ascend=False)
* x = [1, -1, 0]
* y = [2, 0]
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param threshold Ignore matching when score < thresh, if is_ascend=false, or ignore
* \param is_ascend Use ascend order for scores instead of descending. Please set
* \param topk Limit the number of matches to topk, set -1 for no limit
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_bipartite_matching(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float threshold,
bool is_ascend = false,
int topk = -1) {
return Operator("_contrib_bipartite_matching")
.SetParam("threshold", threshold)
.SetParam("is_ascend", is_ascend)
.SetParam("topk", topk)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* Applies a 2D adaptive average pooling over a 4D input with the shape of (NCHW).
* The pooling kernel and stride sizes are automatically chosen for desired output
* - If a single integer is provided for output_size, the output size is \
* (N x C x output_size x output_size) for any input (NCHW).
* - If a tuple of integers (height, width) are provided for output_size, the
* (N x C x height x width) for any input (NCHW).
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data
* \param output_size int (output size) or a tuple of int for output (height, width).
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_AdaptiveAvgPooling2D(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape output_size = {}) {
return Operator("_contrib_AdaptiveAvgPooling2D")
.SetParam("output_size", output_size)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* Calculate the mean and variance of `data`.
* The mean and variance are calculated by aggregating the contents of data across
* If x is 1-D and axes = [0] this is just the mean and variance of a vector.
* Example:
* x = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
* mean, var = moments(data=x, axes=[0])
* mean = [2.5, 3.5, 4.5]
* var = [2.25, 2.25, 2.25]
* mean, var = moments(data=x, axes=[1])
* mean = [2.0, 5.0]
* var = [0.66666667, 0.66666667]
* mean, var = moments(data=x, axis=[0, 1])
* mean = [3.5]
* var = [2.9166667]
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param axes Array of ints. Axes along which to compute mean and variance.
* \param keepdims produce moments with the same dimensionality as the input.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol moments(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axes = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false) {
return Operator("moments")
.SetParam("axes", axes)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to the same as
enum class SoftmaxDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Applies the softmax function.
* The resulting array contains elements in the range (0,1) and the elements along
* .. math::
* softmax(\mathbf{z/t})_j = \frac{e^{z_j/t}}{\sum_{k=1}^K e^{z_k/t}}
* for :math:`j = 1, ..., K`
* t is the temperature parameter in softmax function. By default, t equals 1.0
* Example::
* x = [[ 1. 1. 1.]
* [ 1. 1. 1.]]
* softmax(x,axis=0) = [[ 0.5 0.5 0.5]
* [ 0.5 0.5 0.5]]
* softmax(x,axis=1) = [[ 0.33333334, 0.33333334, 0.33333334],
* [ 0.33333334, 0.33333334, 0.33333334]]
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \param axis The axis along which to compute softmax.
* \param temperature Temperature parameter in softmax
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to the same
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol softmax(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
int axis = -1,
dmlc::optional<double> temperature = dmlc::optional<double>(),
SoftmaxDtype dtype = SoftmaxDtype::kNone) {
static const char *SoftmaxDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("softmax")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("temperature", temperature)
.SetParam("dtype", SoftmaxDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to the same as
enum class SoftminDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Applies the softmin function.
* The resulting array contains elements in the range (0,1) and the elements along
* up to 1.
* .. math::
* softmin(\mathbf{z/t})_j = \frac{e^{-z_j/t}}{\sum_{k=1}^K e^{-z_k/t}}
* for :math:`j = 1, ..., K`
* t is the temperature parameter in softmax function. By default, t equals 1.0
* Example::
* x = [[ 1. 2. 3.]
* [ 3. 2. 1.]]
* softmin(x,axis=0) = [[ 0.88079703, 0.5, 0.11920292],
* [ 0.11920292, 0.5, 0.88079703]]
* softmin(x,axis=1) = [[ 0.66524094, 0.24472848, 0.09003057],
* [ 0.09003057, 0.24472848, 0.66524094]]
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \param axis The axis along which to compute softmax.
* \param temperature Temperature parameter in softmax
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to the same
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol softmin(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
int axis = -1,
dmlc::optional<double> temperature = dmlc::optional<double>(),
SoftminDtype dtype = SoftminDtype::kNone) {
static const char *SoftminDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("softmin")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("temperature", temperature)
.SetParam("dtype", SoftminDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to the same as
enum class Log_softmaxDtype {
kNone = 0,
kFloat16 = 1,
kFloat32 = 2,
kFloat64 = 3
* \brief Computes the log softmax of the input.
* This is equivalent to computing softmax followed by log.
* Examples::
* >>> x = mx.nd.array([1, 2, .1])
* >>> mx.nd.log_softmax(x).asnumpy()
* array([-1.41702998, -0.41702995, -2.31702995], dtype=float32)
* >>> x = mx.nd.array( [[1, 2, .1],[.1, 2, 1]] )
* >>> mx.nd.log_softmax(x, axis=0).asnumpy()
* array([[-0.34115392, -0.69314718, -1.24115396],
* [-1.24115396, -0.69314718, -0.34115392]], dtype=float32)
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \param axis The axis along which to compute softmax.
* \param temperature Temperature parameter in softmax
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to the same
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol log_softmax(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
int axis = -1,
dmlc::optional<double> temperature = dmlc::optional<double>(),
Log_softmaxDtype dtype = Log_softmaxDtype::kNone) {
static const char *Log_softmaxDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("log_softmax")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("temperature", temperature)
.SetParam("dtype", Log_softmaxDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief Whether to pick convolution algorithm by running performance test.
enum class DeconvolutionCudnnTune {
kNone = 0,
kFastest = 1,
kLimited_workspace = 2,
kOff = 3
/*! \brief Set layout for input, output and weight. Empty for default layout, NCW for 1d,
enum class DeconvolutionLayout {
kNone = 0,
kNCDHW = 1,
kNCHW = 2,
kNCW = 3,
kNDHWC = 4,
kNHWC = 5
* \brief Computes 1D or 2D transposed convolution (aka fractionally strided convolution)
* of the input tensor. This operation can be seen as the gradient of Convolution
* operation with respect to its input. Convolution usually reduces the size of
* the input. Transposed convolution works the other way, going from a smaller
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input tensor to the deconvolution operation.
* \param weight Weights representing the kernel.
* \param bias Bias added to the result after the deconvolution operation.
* \param kernel Deconvolution kernel size: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). This is same as
* \param num_filter Number of output filters.
* \param stride The stride used for the corresponding convolution: (w,), (h, w) or (d,
* \param dilate Dilation factor for each dimension of the input: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h,
* \param pad The amount of implicit zero padding added during convolution for each
* dimension of the input: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). ``(kernel-1)/2`` is usually
* a good choice. If `target_shape` is set, `pad` will be ignored and a padding
* \param adj Adjustment for output shape: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). If `target_shape`
* \param target_shape Shape of the output tensor: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w).
* \param num_group Number of groups partition.
* \param workspace Maximum temporary workspace allowed (MB) in deconvolution.This
* parameter has two usages. When CUDNN is not used, it determines the effective
* batch size of the deconvolution kernel. When CUDNN is used, it controls the
* maximum temporary storage used for tuning the best CUDNN kernel when
* \param no_bias Whether to disable bias parameter.
* \param cudnn_tune Whether to pick convolution algorithm by running performance test.
* \param cudnn_off Turn off cudnn for this layer.
* \param layout Set layout for input, output and weight. Empty for default layout, NCW
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Deconvolution(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol weight,
Symbol bias,
Shape kernel,
uint32_t num_filter,
Shape stride = {},
Shape dilate = {},
Shape pad = {},
Shape adj = {},
Shape target_shape = {},
uint32_t num_group = 1,
uint64_t workspace = 512,
bool no_bias = true,
DeconvolutionCudnnTune cudnn_tune = DeconvolutionCudnnTune::kNone,
bool cudnn_off = false,
DeconvolutionLayout layout = DeconvolutionLayout::kNone) {
static const char *DeconvolutionCudnnTuneValues[] = {
static const char *DeconvolutionLayoutValues[] = {
return Operator("Deconvolution")
.SetParam("kernel", kernel)
.SetParam("num_filter", num_filter)
.SetParam("stride", stride)
.SetParam("dilate", dilate)
.SetParam("pad", pad)
.SetParam("adj", adj)
.SetParam("target_shape", target_shape)
.SetParam("num_group", num_group)
.SetParam("workspace", workspace)
.SetParam("no_bias", no_bias)
.SetParam("cudnn_tune", DeconvolutionCudnnTuneValues[int(cudnn_tune)])
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetParam("layout", DeconvolutionLayoutValues[int(layout)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("bias", bias)
/*! \brief upsampling method
enum class UpSamplingSampleType {
kBilinear = 0,
kNearest = 1
/*! \brief How to handle multiple input. concat means concatenate upsampled images along
* the channel dimension. sum means add all images together, only available for
enum class UpSamplingMultiInputMode {
kConcat = 0,
kSum = 1
* \brief Upsamples the given input data.
* Two algorithms (``sample_type``) are available for upsampling:
* - Nearest Neighbor
* - Bilinear
* **Nearest Neighbor Upsampling**
* Input data is expected to be NCHW.
* Example::
* x = [[[[1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1.]]]]
* UpSampling(x, scale=2, sample_type='nearest') = [[[[1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]]]]
* **Bilinear Upsampling**
* Uses `deconvolution` algorithm under the hood. You need provide both input data
* Input data is expected to be NCHW.
* `num_filter` is expected to be same as the number of channels.
* Example::
* x = [[[[1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1.]]]]
* w = [[[[1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1.]]]]
* UpSampling(x, w, scale=2, sample_type='bilinear', num_filter=1) = [[[[1. 2. 2.
* [2. 4. 4. 4. 4. 2.]
* [2. 4. 4. 4. 4. 2.]
* [2. 4. 4. 4. 4. 2.]
* [2. 4. 4. 4. 4. 2.]
* [1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1.]]]]
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Array of tensors to upsample. For bilinear upsampling, there should be 2
* \param scale Up sampling scale
* \param sample_type upsampling method
* \param num_args Number of inputs to be upsampled. For nearest neighbor upsampling,
* this can be 1-N; the size of output will be(scale*h_0,scale*w_0) and all other
* inputs will be upsampled to thesame size. For bilinear upsampling this must be
* \param num_filter Input filter. Only used by bilinear sample_type.Since bilinear
* \param multi_input_mode How to handle multiple input. concat means concatenate
* upsampled images along the channel dimension. sum means add all images
* \param workspace Tmp workspace for deconvolution (MB)
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol UpSampling(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int scale,
UpSamplingSampleType sample_type,
int num_args,
int num_filter = 0,
UpSamplingMultiInputMode multi_input_mode = UpSamplingMultiInputMode::kConcat,
uint64_t workspace = 512) {
static const char *UpSamplingSampleTypeValues[] = {
static const char *UpSamplingMultiInputModeValues[] = {
return Operator("UpSampling")
.SetParam("scale", scale)
.SetParam("sample_type", UpSamplingSampleTypeValues[int(sample_type)])
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("num_filter", num_filter)
.SetParam("multi_input_mode", UpSamplingMultiInputModeValues[int(multi_input_mode)])
.SetParam("workspace", workspace)
* \brief Batch normalization.
* Normalizes a data batch by mean and variance, and applies a scale ``gamma`` as
* well as offset ``beta``.
* Assume the input has more than one dimension and we normalize along axis 1.
* We first compute the mean and variance along this axis:
* .. math::
* data\_mean[i] = mean(data[:,i,:,...]) \\
* data\_var[i] = var(data[:,i,:,...])
* Then compute the normalized output, which has the same shape as input, as
* .. math::
* out[:,i,:,...] = \frac{data[:,i,:,...] -
* Both *mean* and *var* returns a scalar by treating the input as a vector.
* Assume the input has size *k* on axis 1, then both ``gamma`` and ``beta``
* have shape *(k,)*. If ``output_mean_var`` is set to be true, then outputs both
* the inverse of ``data_var``, which are needed for the backward pass. Note that
* two outputs are blocked.
* Besides the inputs and the outputs, this operator accepts two auxiliary
* states, ``moving_mean`` and ``moving_var``, which are *k*-length
* vectors. They are global statistics for the whole dataset, which are updated
* by::
* moving_mean = moving_mean * momentum + data_mean * (1 - momentum)
* moving_var = moving_var * momentum + data_var * (1 - momentum)
* If ``use_global_stats`` is set to be true, then ``moving_mean`` and
* ``moving_var`` are used instead of ``data_mean`` and ``data_var`` to compute
* the output. It is often used during inference.
* The parameter ``axis`` specifies which axis of the input shape denotes
* the 'channel' (separately normalized groups). The default is 1. Specifying -1
* axis to be the last item in the input shape.
* Both ``gamma`` and ``beta`` are learnable parameters. But if ``fix_gamma`` is
* then set ``gamma`` to 1 and its gradient to 0.
* .. Note::
* When ``fix_gamma`` is set to True, no sparse support is provided. If
* the sparse tensors will fallback.
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to batch normalization
* \param gamma gamma array
* \param beta beta array
* \param moving_mean running mean of input
* \param moving_var running variance of input
* \param eps Epsilon to prevent div 0. Must be no less than CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON defined
* \param momentum Momentum for moving average
* \param fix_gamma Fix gamma while training
* \param use_global_stats Whether use global moving statistics instead of local
* \param output_mean_var Output the mean and inverse std
* \param axis Specify which shape axis the channel is specified
* \param cudnn_off Do not select CUDNN operator, if available
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol BatchNorm(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol gamma,
Symbol beta,
Symbol moving_mean,
Symbol moving_var,
double eps = 0.0010000000474974513,
mx_float momentum = 0.899999976,
bool fix_gamma = true,
bool use_global_stats = false,
bool output_mean_var = false,
int axis = 1,
bool cudnn_off = false) {
return Operator("BatchNorm")
.SetParam("eps", eps)
.SetParam("momentum", momentum)
.SetParam("fix_gamma", fix_gamma)
.SetParam("use_global_stats", use_global_stats)
.SetParam("output_mean_var", output_mean_var)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("gamma", gamma)
.SetInput("beta", beta)
.SetInput("moving_mean", moving_mean)
.SetInput("moving_var", moving_var)
/*! \brief Set the label that is reserved for blank label.If "first", 0-th label is
* reserved, and label values for tokens in the vocabulary are between ``1`` and
* ``alphabet_size-1``, and the padding mask is ``-1``. If "last", last label
* value ``alphabet_size-1`` is reserved for blank label instead, and label values
* for tokens in the vocabulary are between ``0`` and ``alphabet_size-2``, and the
enum class CTCLossBlankLabel {
kFirst = 0,
kLast = 1
* \brief Connectionist Temporal Classification Loss.
* .. note:: The existing alias ``contrib_CTCLoss`` is deprecated.
* The shapes of the inputs and outputs:
* - **data**: `(sequence_length, batch_size, alphabet_size)`
* - **label**: `(batch_size, label_sequence_length)`
* - **out**: `(batch_size)`
* The `data` tensor consists of sequences of activation vectors (without applying
* with i-th channel in the last dimension corresponding to i-th label
* for i between 0 and alphabet_size-1 (i.e always 0-indexed).
* Alphabet size should include one additional value reserved for blank label.
* When `blank_label` is ``"first"``, the ``0``-th channel is be reserved for
* activation of blank label, or otherwise if it is "last",
* reserved for blank label.
* ``label`` is an index matrix of integers. When `blank_label` is ``"first"``,
* the value 0 is then reserved for blank label, and should not be passed in this
* when `blank_label` is ``"last"``, the value `(alphabet_size-1)` is reserved for
* If a sequence of labels is shorter than *label_sequence_length*, use the special
* padding value at the end of the sequence to conform it to the correct
* length. The padding value is `0` when `blank_label` is ``"first"``, and `-1`
* For example, suppose the vocabulary is `[a, b, c]`, and in one batch we have
* 'ba', 'cbb', and 'abac'. When `blank_label` is ``"first"``, we can index the
* `{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}`, and we reserve the 0-th channel for blank label in
* The resulting `label` tensor should be padded to be::
* [[2, 1, 0, 0], [3, 2, 2, 0], [1, 2, 1, 3]]
* When `blank_label` is ``"last"``, we can index the labels as
* `{'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2}`, and we reserve the channel index 3 for blank label
* The resulting `label` tensor should be padded to be::
* [[1, 0, -1, -1], [2, 1, 1, -1], [0, 1, 0, 2]]
* ``out`` is a list of CTC loss values, one per example in the batch.
* See *Connectionist Temporal Classification: Labelling Unsegmented
* Sequence Data with Recurrent Neural Networks*, A. Graves *et al*. for more
* information on the definition and the algorithm.
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param label Ground-truth labels for the loss.
* \param data_lengths Lengths of data for each of the samples. Only required when
* \param label_lengths Lengths of labels for each of the samples. Only required when
* \param use_data_lengths Whether the data lenghts are decided by `data_lengths`. If
* \param use_label_lengths Whether the label lenghts are decided by `label_lengths`, or
* derived from `padding_mask`. If false, the lengths are derived from the first
* occurrence of the value of `padding_mask`. The value of `padding_mask` is ``0``
* when first CTC label is reserved for blank, and ``-1`` when last label is
* \param blank_label Set the label that is reserved for blank label.If "first", 0-th
* label is reserved, and label values for tokens in the vocabulary are between
* ``1`` and ``alphabet_size-1``, and the padding mask is ``-1``. If "last", last
* label value ``alphabet_size-1`` is reserved for blank label instead, and label
* values for tokens in the vocabulary are between ``0`` and ``alphabet_size-2``,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol CTCLoss(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol label,
Symbol data_lengths,
Symbol label_lengths,
bool use_data_lengths = false,
bool use_label_lengths = false,
CTCLossBlankLabel blank_label = CTCLossBlankLabel::kFirst) {
static const char *CTCLossBlankLabelValues[] = {
return Operator("CTCLoss")
.SetParam("use_data_lengths", use_data_lengths)
.SetParam("use_label_lengths", use_label_lengths)
.SetParam("blank_label", CTCLossBlankLabelValues[int(blank_label)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("label", label)
.SetInput("data_lengths", data_lengths)
.SetInput("label_lengths", label_lengths)
* \brief Applies local response normalization to the input.
* The local response normalization layer performs "lateral inhibition" by
* over local input regions.
* If :math:`a_{x,y}^{i}` is the activity of a neuron computed by applying kernel
* :math:`(x, y)` and then applying the ReLU nonlinearity, the response-normalized
* activity :math:`b_{x,y}^{i}` is given by the expression:
* .. math::
* b_{x,y}^{i} = \frac{a_{x,y}^{i}}{\Bigg({k + \frac{\alpha}{n} \sum_{j=max(0,
* where the sum runs over :math:`n` "adjacent" kernel maps at the same spatial
* number of kernels in the layer.
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to LRN
* \param nsize normalization window width in elements.
* \param alpha The variance scaling parameter :math:`lpha` in the LRN expression.
* \param beta The power parameter :math:`eta` in the LRN expression.
* \param knorm The parameter :math:`k` in the LRN expression.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol LRN(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
uint32_t nsize,
mx_float alpha = 9.99999975e-05,
mx_float beta = 0.75,
mx_float knorm = 2) {
return Operator("LRN")
.SetParam("nsize", nsize)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetParam("beta", beta)
.SetParam("knorm", knorm)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Layer normalization.
* Normalizes the channels of the input tensor by mean and variance, and applies a
* well as offset ``beta``.
* Assume the input has more than one dimension and we normalize along axis 1.
* We first compute the mean and variance along this axis and then
* compute the normalized output, which has the same shape as input, as following:
* .. math::
* out = \frac{data - mean(data, axis)}{\sqrt{var(data, axis) + \epsilon}} * gamma
* Both ``gamma`` and ``beta`` are learnable parameters.
* Unlike BatchNorm and InstanceNorm, the *mean* and *var* are computed along the
* Assume the input has size *k* on axis 1, then both ``gamma`` and ``beta``
* have shape *(k,)*. If ``output_mean_var`` is set to be true, then outputs both
* ``data_std``. Note that no gradient will be passed through these two outputs.
* The parameter ``axis`` specifies which axis of the input shape denotes
* the 'channel' (separately normalized groups). The default is -1, which sets
* axis to be the last item in the input shape.
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to layer normalization
* \param gamma gamma array
* \param beta beta array
* \param axis The axis to perform layer normalization. Usually, this should be be axis
* \param eps An `epsilon` parameter to prevent division by 0.
* \param output_mean_var Output the mean and std calculated along the given axis.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol LayerNorm(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol gamma,
Symbol beta,
int axis = -1,
mx_float eps = 9.99999975e-06,
bool output_mean_var = false) {
return Operator("LayerNorm")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("eps", eps)
.SetParam("output_mean_var", output_mean_var)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("gamma", gamma)
.SetInput("beta", beta)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data List of arrays to concatenate
* \param num_args Number of inputs to be concated.
* \param dim the dimension to be concated.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _rnn_param_concat(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_args,
int dim = 1) {
return Operator("_rnn_param_concat")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("dim", dim)
/*! \brief Whether to only turn on dropout during training or to also turn on for
enum class DropoutMode {
kAlways = 0,
kTraining = 1
* \brief Applies dropout operation to input array.
* - During training, each element of the input is set to zero with probability p.
* The whole array is rescaled by :math:`1/(1-p)` to keep the expected
* sum of the input unchanged.
* - During testing, this operator does not change the input if mode is 'training'.
* If mode is 'always', the same computaion as during training will be applied.
* Example::
* random.seed(998)
* input_array = array([[3., 0.5, -0.5, 2., 7.],
* [2., -0.4, 7., 3., 0.2]])
* a = symbol.Variable('a')
* dropout = symbol.Dropout(a, p = 0.2)
* executor = dropout.simple_bind(a = input_array.shape)
* ## If training
* executor.forward(is_train = True, a = input_array)
* executor.outputs
* [[ 3.75 0.625 -0. 2.5 8.75 ]
* [ 2.5 -0.5 8.75 3.75 0. ]]
* ## If testing
* executor.forward(is_train = False, a = input_array)
* executor.outputs
* [[ 3. 0.5 -0.5 2. 7. ]
* [ 2. -0.4 7. 3. 0.2 ]]
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input array to which dropout will be applied.
* \param p Fraction of the input that gets dropped out during training time.
* \param mode Whether to only turn on dropout during training or to also turn on for
* \param axes Axes for variational dropout kernel.
* \param cudnn_off Whether to turn off cudnn in dropout operator. This option is ignored
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Dropout(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float p = 0.5,
DropoutMode mode = DropoutMode::kTraining,
Shape axes = {},
dmlc::optional<bool> cudnn_off = dmlc::optional<bool>(0)) {
static const char *DropoutModeValues[] = {
return Operator("Dropout")
.SetParam("p", p)
.SetParam("mode", DropoutModeValues[int(mode)])
.SetParam("axes", axes)
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief Specifies how to compute the softmax. If set to ``instance``, it computes
* softmax for each instance. If set to ``channel``, It computes cross channel
enum class SoftmaxActivationMode {
kChannel = 0,
kInstance = 1
* \brief Applies softmax activation to input. This is intended for internal layers.
* .. note::
* This operator has been deprecated, please use `softmax`.
* If `mode` = ``instance``, this operator will compute a softmax for each
* This is the default mode.
* If `mode` = ``channel``, this operator will compute a k-class softmax at each
* of each instance, where `k` = ``num_channel``. This mode can only be used when
* has at least 3 dimensions.
* This can be used for `fully convolutional network`, `image segmentation`, etc.
* Example::
* >>> input_array = mx.nd.array([[3., 0.5, -0.5, 2., 7.],
* >>> [2., -.4, 7., 3., 0.2]])
* >>> softmax_act = mx.nd.SoftmaxActivation(input_array)
* >>> print softmax_act.asnumpy()
* [[ 1.78322066e-02 1.46375655e-03 5.38485940e-04 6.56010211e-03
* [ 6.56221947e-03 5.95310994e-04 9.73919690e-01 1.78379621e-02
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array.
* \param mode Specifies how to compute the softmax. If set to ``instance``, it computes
* softmax for each instance. If set to ``channel``, It computes cross channel
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol SoftmaxActivation(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
SoftmaxActivationMode mode = SoftmaxActivationMode::kInstance) {
static const char *SoftmaxActivationModeValues[] = {
return Operator("SoftmaxActivation")
.SetParam("mode", SoftmaxActivationModeValues[int(mode)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Crop an image NDArray of shape (H x W x C) or (N x H x W x C)
* to the given size.
* Example:
* .. code-block:: python
* image = mx.nd.random.uniform(0, 255, (4, 2, 3)).astype(dtype=np.uint8)
* mx.nd.image.crop(image, 1, 1, 2, 2)
* [[[144 34 4]
* [ 82 157 38]]
* [[156 111 230]
* [177 25 15]]]
* <NDArray 2x2x3 @cpu(0)>
* image = mx.nd.random.uniform(0, 255, (2, 4, 2, 3)).astype(dtype=np.uint8)
* mx.nd.image.crop(image, 1, 1, 2, 2)
* [[[[ 35 198 50]
* [242 94 168]]
* [[223 119 129]
* [249 14 154]]]
* [[[137 215 106]
* [ 79 174 133]]
* [[116 142 109]
* [ 35 239 50]]]]
* <NDArray 2x2x2x3 @cpu(0)>
* Defined in src/operator/image/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \param x Left boundary of the cropping area.
* \param y Top boundary of the cropping area.
* \param width Width of the cropping area.
* \param height Height of the cropping area.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _image_crop(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height) {
return Operator("_image_crop")
.SetParam("x", x)
.SetParam("y", y)
.SetParam("width", width)
.SetParam("height", height)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Converts an image NDArray of shape (H x W x C) or (N x H x W x C)
* with values in the range [0, 255] to a tensor NDArray of shape (C x H x W) or
* with values in the range [0, 1]
* Example:
* .. code-block:: python
* image = mx.nd.random.uniform(0, 255, (4, 2, 3)).astype(dtype=np.uint8)
* to_tensor(image)
* [[[ 0.85490197 0.72156864]
* [ 0.09019608 0.74117649]
* [ 0.61960787 0.92941177]
* [ 0.96470588 0.1882353 ]]
* [[ 0.6156863 0.73725492]
* [ 0.46666667 0.98039216]
* [ 0.44705883 0.45490196]
* [ 0.01960784 0.8509804 ]]
* [[ 0.39607844 0.03137255]
* [ 0.72156864 0.52941179]
* [ 0.16470589 0.7647059 ]
* [ 0.05490196 0.70588237]]]
* <NDArray 3x4x2 @cpu(0)>
* image = mx.nd.random.uniform(0, 255, (2, 4, 2, 3)).astype(dtype=np.uint8)
* to_tensor(image)
* [[[[0.11764706 0.5803922 ]
* [0.9411765 0.10588235]
* [0.2627451 0.73333335]
* [0.5647059 0.32156864]]
* [[0.7176471 0.14117648]
* [0.75686276 0.4117647 ]
* [0.18431373 0.45490196]
* [0.13333334 0.6156863 ]]
* [[0.6392157 0.5372549 ]
* [0.52156866 0.47058824]
* [0.77254903 0.21568628]
* [0.01568628 0.14901961]]]
* [[[0.6117647 0.38431373]
* [0.6784314 0.6117647 ]
* [0.69411767 0.96862745]
* [0.67058825 0.35686275]]
* [[0.21960784 0.9411765 ]
* [0.44705883 0.43529412]
* [0.09803922 0.6666667 ]
* [0.16862746 0.1254902 ]]
* [[0.6156863 0.9019608 ]
* [0.35686275 0.9019608 ]
* [0.05882353 0.6509804 ]
* [0.20784314 0.7490196 ]]]]
* <NDArray 2x3x4x2 @cpu(0)>
* Defined in src/operator/image/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input ndarray
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _image_to_tensor(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("_image_to_tensor")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Normalize an tensor of shape (C x H x W) or (N x C x H x W) with mean and
* standard deviation.
* Given mean `(m1, ..., mn)` and std `(s\ :sub:`1`\ , ..., s\ :sub:`n`)` for `n`
* this transform normalizes each channel of the input tensor with:
* .. math::
* output[i] = (input[i] - m\ :sub:`i`\ ) / s\ :sub:`i`
* If mean or std is scalar, the same value will be applied to all channels.
* Default value for mean is 0.0 and stand deviation is 1.0.
* Example:
* .. code-block:: python
* image = mx.nd.random.uniform(0, 1, (3, 4, 2))
* normalize(image, mean=(0, 1, 2), std=(3, 2, 1))
* [[[ 0.18293785 0.19761486]
* [ 0.23839645 0.28142193]
* [ 0.20092112 0.28598186]
* [ 0.18162774 0.28241724]]
* [[-0.2881726 -0.18821815]
* [-0.17705294 -0.30780914]
* [-0.2812064 -0.3512327 ]
* [-0.05411351 -0.4716435 ]]
* [[-1.0363373 -1.7273437 ]
* [-1.6165586 -1.5223348 ]
* [-1.208275 -1.1878313 ]
* [-1.4711051 -1.5200229 ]]]
* <NDArray 3x4x2 @cpu(0)>
* image = mx.nd.random.uniform(0, 1, (2, 3, 4, 2))
* normalize(image, mean=(0, 1, 2), std=(3, 2, 1))
* [[[[ 0.18934818 0.13092826]
* [ 0.3085322 0.27869293]
* [ 0.02367868 0.11246539]
* [ 0.0290431 0.2160573 ]]
* [[-0.4898908 -0.31587923]
* [-0.08369008 -0.02142242]
* [-0.11092162 -0.42982462]
* [-0.06499392 -0.06495637]]
* [[-1.0213816 -1.526392 ]
* [-1.2008414 -1.1990893 ]
* [-1.5385206 -1.4795225 ]
* [-1.2194707 -1.3211205 ]]]
* [[[ 0.03942481 0.24021089]
* [ 0.21330701 0.1940066 ]
* [ 0.04778443 0.17912441]
* [ 0.31488964 0.25287187]]
* [[-0.23907584 -0.4470462 ]
* [-0.29266903 -0.2631998 ]
* [-0.3677222 -0.40683383]
* [-0.11288315 -0.13154092]]
* [[-1.5438497 -1.7834496 ]
* [-1.431566 -1.8647819 ]
* [-1.9812102 -1.675859 ]
* [-1.3823645 -1.8503251 ]]]]
* <NDArray 2x3x4x2 @cpu(0)>
* Defined in src/operator/image/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param mean Sequence of means for each channel. Default value is 0.
* \param std Sequence of standard deviations for each channel. Default value is 1.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _image_normalize(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> mean = {0,0,0,0},
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> std = {1,1,1,1}) {
return Operator("_image_normalize")
.SetParam("mean", mean)
.SetParam("std", std)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* Defined in src/operator/image/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _image_flip_left_right(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("_image_flip_left_right")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* Defined in src/operator/image/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _image_random_flip_left_right(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("_image_random_flip_left_right")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* Defined in src/operator/image/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _image_flip_top_bottom(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("_image_flip_top_bottom")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* Defined in src/operator/image/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _image_random_flip_top_bottom(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("_image_random_flip_top_bottom")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* Defined in src/operator/image/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \param min_factor Minimum factor.
* \param max_factor Maximum factor.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _image_random_brightness(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float min_factor,
mx_float max_factor) {
return Operator("_image_random_brightness")
.SetParam("min_factor", min_factor)
.SetParam("max_factor", max_factor)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* Defined in src/operator/image/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \param min_factor Minimum factor.
* \param max_factor Maximum factor.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _image_random_contrast(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float min_factor,
mx_float max_factor) {
return Operator("_image_random_contrast")
.SetParam("min_factor", min_factor)
.SetParam("max_factor", max_factor)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* Defined in src/operator/image/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \param min_factor Minimum factor.
* \param max_factor Maximum factor.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _image_random_saturation(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float min_factor,
mx_float max_factor) {
return Operator("_image_random_saturation")
.SetParam("min_factor", min_factor)
.SetParam("max_factor", max_factor)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* Defined in src/operator/image/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \param min_factor Minimum factor.
* \param max_factor Maximum factor.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _image_random_hue(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float min_factor,
mx_float max_factor) {
return Operator("_image_random_hue")
.SetParam("min_factor", min_factor)
.SetParam("max_factor", max_factor)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* Defined in src/operator/image/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \param brightness How much to jitter brightness.
* \param contrast How much to jitter contrast.
* \param saturation How much to jitter saturation.
* \param hue How much to jitter hue.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _image_random_color_jitter(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float brightness,
mx_float contrast,
mx_float saturation,
mx_float hue) {
return Operator("_image_random_color_jitter")
.SetParam("brightness", brightness)
.SetParam("contrast", contrast)
.SetParam("saturation", saturation)
.SetParam("hue", hue)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Adjust the lighting level of the input. Follow the AlexNet style.
* Defined in src/operator/image/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \param alpha The lighting alphas for the R, G, B channels.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _image_adjust_lighting(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> alpha) {
return Operator("_image_adjust_lighting")
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Randomly add PCA noise. Follow the AlexNet style.
* Defined in src/operator/image/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \param alpha_std Level of the lighting noise.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _image_random_lighting(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float alpha_std = 0.0500000007) {
return Operator("_image_random_lighting")
.SetParam("alpha_std", alpha_std)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Resize an image NDArray of shape (H x W x C) or (N x H x W x C)
* to the given size
* Example:
* .. code-block:: python
* image = mx.nd.random.uniform(0, 255, (4, 2, 3)).astype(dtype=np.uint8)
* mx.nd.image.resize(image, (3, 3))
* [[[124 111 197]
* [158 80 155]
* [193 50 112]]
* [[110 100 113]
* [134 165 148]
* [157 231 182]]
* [[202 176 134]
* [174 191 149]
* [147 207 164]]]
* <NDArray 3x3x3 @cpu(0)>
* image = mx.nd.random.uniform(0, 255, (2, 4, 2, 3)).astype(dtype=np.uint8)
* mx.nd.image.resize(image, (2, 2))
* [[[[ 59 133 80]
* [187 114 153]]
* [[ 38 142 39]
* [207 131 124]]]
* [[[117 125 136]
* [191 166 150]]
* [[129 63 113]
* [182 109 48]]]]
* <NDArray 2x2x2x3 @cpu(0)>
* Defined in src/operator/image/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input.
* \param size Size of new image. Could be (width, height) or (size)
* \param keep_ratio Whether to resize the short edge or both edges to `size`, if size is
* \param interp Interpolation method for resizing. By default uses bilinear
* interpolationOptions are INTER_NEAREST - a nearest-neighbor
* interpolationINTER_LINEAR - a bilinear interpolationINTER_AREA - resampling
* using pixel area relationINTER_CUBIC - a bicubic interpolation over 4x4 pixel
* neighborhoodINTER_LANCZOS4 - a Lanczos interpolation over 8x8 pixel
* neighborhoodNote that the GPU version only support bilinear interpolation(1)
* and the result on cpu would be slightly different from gpu.It uses opencv
* resize function which tend to align center on cpuwhile using
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _image_resize(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape size = {},
bool keep_ratio = false,
int interp = 1) {
return Operator("_image_resize")
.SetParam("size", size)
.SetParam("keep_ratio", keep_ratio)
.SetParam("interp", interp)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Decode image with OpenCV.
* Note: return image in RGB by default, instead of OpenCV's default BGR.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param buf Buffer containing binary encoded image
* \param flag Convert decoded image to grayscale (0) or color (1).
* \param to_rgb Whether to convert decoded image to mxnet's default RGB format (instead
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _cvimdecode(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol buf,
int flag = 1,
bool to_rgb = true) {
return Operator("_cvimdecode")
.SetParam("flag", flag)
.SetParam("to_rgb", to_rgb)
.SetInput("buf", buf)
* \brief Read and decode image with OpenCV.
* Note: return image in RGB by default, instead of OpenCV's default BGR.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param filename Name of the image file to be loaded.
* \param flag Convert decoded image to grayscale (0) or color (1).
* \param to_rgb Whether to convert decoded image to mxnet's default RGB format (instead
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _cvimread(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::string& filename,
int flag = 1,
bool to_rgb = true) {
return Operator("_cvimread")
.SetParam("flag", flag)
.SetParam("to_rgb", to_rgb)
* \brief Resize image with OpenCV.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param src source image
* \param w Width of resized image.
* \param h Height of resized image.
* \param interp Interpolation method (default=cv2.INTER_LINEAR).
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _cvimresize(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol src,
int w,
int h,
int interp = 1) {
return Operator("_cvimresize")
.SetParam("w", w)
.SetParam("h", h)
.SetParam("interp", interp)
.SetInput("src", src)
* \brief Pad image border with OpenCV.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param src source image
* \param top Top margin.
* \param bot Bottom margin.
* \param left Left margin.
* \param right Right margin.
* \param type Filling type (default=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT).
* \param value (Deprecated! Use ``values`` instead.) Fill with single value.
* \param values Fill with value(RGB[A] or gray), up to 4 channels.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _cvcopyMakeBorder(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol src,
int top,
int bot,
int left,
int right,
int type = 0,
double value = 0,
nnvm::Tuple<double> values = {}) {
return Operator("_cvcopyMakeBorder")
.SetParam("top", top)
.SetParam("bot", bot)
.SetParam("left", left)
.SetParam("right", right)
.SetParam("type", type)
.SetParam("value", value)
.SetParam("values", values)
.SetInput("src", src)
* \brief Place holder for variable who cannot perform gradient
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _NoGradient(const std::string& symbol_name) {
return Operator("_NoGradient")
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data input data list
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _CachedOp(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data) {
return Operator("_CachedOp")
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data input data
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _copyto(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data) {
return Operator("_copyto")
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief the type of RNN to compute
enum class RNNMode {
kGru = 0,
kLstm = 1,
kRnn_relu = 2,
kRnn_tanh = 3
* \brief Applies recurrent layers to input data. Currently, vanilla RNN, LSTM and GRU are
* implemented, with both multi-layer and bidirectional support.
* When the input data is of type float32 and the environment variables
* and MXNET_CUDA_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION are set to 1, this operator will
* pseudo-float16 precision (float32 math with float16 I/O) precision in order to
* Tensor Cores on suitable NVIDIA GPUs. This can sometimes give significant
* **Vanilla RNN**
* Applies a single-gate recurrent layer to input X. Two kinds of activation
* ReLU and Tanh.
* With ReLU activation function:
* .. math::
* h_t = relu(W_{ih} * x_t + b_{ih} + W_{hh} * h_{(t-1)} + b_{hh})
* With Tanh activtion function:
* .. math::
* h_t = \tanh(W_{ih} * x_t + b_{ih} + W_{hh} * h_{(t-1)} + b_{hh})
* Reference paper: Finding structure in time - Elman, 1988.
* **LSTM**
* Long Short-Term Memory - Hochreiter, 1997.
* .. math::
* \begin{array}{ll}
* i_t = \mathrm{sigmoid}(W_{ii} x_t + b_{ii} + W_{hi} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hi}) \\
* f_t = \mathrm{sigmoid}(W_{if} x_t + b_{if} + W_{hf} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hf}) \\
* g_t = \tanh(W_{ig} x_t + b_{ig} + W_{hc} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hg}) \\
* o_t = \mathrm{sigmoid}(W_{io} x_t + b_{io} + W_{ho} h_{(t-1)} + b_{ho}) \\
* c_t = f_t * c_{(t-1)} + i_t * g_t \\
* h_t = o_t * \tanh(c_t)
* \end{array}
* **GRU**
* Gated Recurrent Unit - Cho et al. 2014.
* The definition of GRU here is slightly different from paper but compatible with
* .. math::
* \begin{array}{ll}
* r_t = \mathrm{sigmoid}(W_{ir} x_t + b_{ir} + W_{hr} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hr}) \\
* z_t = \mathrm{sigmoid}(W_{iz} x_t + b_{iz} + W_{hz} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hz}) \\
* n_t = \tanh(W_{in} x_t + b_{in} + r_t * (W_{hn} h_{(t-1)}+ b_{hn})) \\
* h_t = (1 - z_t) * n_t + z_t * h_{(t-1)} \\
* \end{array}
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to RNN
* \param parameters Vector of all RNN trainable parameters concatenated
* \param state initial hidden state of the RNN
* \param state_cell initial cell state for LSTM networks (only for LSTM)
* \param sequence_length Vector of valid sequence lengths for each element in batch.
* \param state_size size of the state for each layer
* \param num_layers number of stacked layers
* \param mode the type of RNN to compute
* \param bidirectional whether to use bidirectional recurrent layers
* \param p drop rate of the dropout on the outputs of each RNN layer, except the last
* \param state_outputs Whether to have the states as symbol outputs.
* \param projection_size size of project size
* \param lstm_state_clip_min Minimum clip value of LSTM states. This option must be used
* \param lstm_state_clip_max Maximum clip value of LSTM states. This option must be used
* \param lstm_state_clip_nan Whether to stop NaN from propagating in state by clipping
* \param use_sequence_length If set to true, this layer takes in an extra input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol RNN(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol parameters,
Symbol state,
Symbol state_cell,
Symbol sequence_length,
uint32_t state_size,
uint32_t num_layers,
RNNMode mode,
bool bidirectional = false,
mx_float p = 0,
bool state_outputs = false,
dmlc::optional<int> projection_size = dmlc::optional<int>(),
dmlc::optional<double> lstm_state_clip_min = dmlc::optional<double>(),
dmlc::optional<double> lstm_state_clip_max = dmlc::optional<double>(),
bool lstm_state_clip_nan = false,
bool use_sequence_length = false) {
static const char *RNNModeValues[] = {
return Operator("RNN")
.SetParam("state_size", state_size)
.SetParam("num_layers", num_layers)
.SetParam("mode", RNNModeValues[int(mode)])
.SetParam("bidirectional", bidirectional)
.SetParam("p", p)
.SetParam("state_outputs", state_outputs)
.SetParam("projection_size", projection_size)
.SetParam("lstm_state_clip_min", lstm_state_clip_min)
.SetParam("lstm_state_clip_max", lstm_state_clip_max)
.SetParam("lstm_state_clip_nan", lstm_state_clip_nan)
.SetParam("use_sequence_length", use_sequence_length)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("parameters", parameters)
.SetInput("state", state)
.SetInput("state_cell", state_cell)
.SetInput("sequence_length", sequence_length)
* \brief Update function for SignSGD optimizer.
* .. math::
* g_t = \nabla J(W_{t-1})\\
* W_t = W_{t-1} - \eta_t \text{sign}(g_t)
* It updates the weights using::
* weight = weight - learning_rate * sign(gradient)
* .. note::
* - sparse ndarray not supported for this optimizer yet.
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol signsgd_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
mx_float lr,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1) {
return Operator("signsgd_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
* \brief SIGN momentUM (Signum) optimizer.
* .. math::
* g_t = \nabla J(W_{t-1})\\
* m_t = \beta m_{t-1} + (1 - \beta) g_t\\
* W_t = W_{t-1} - \eta_t \text{sign}(m_t)
* It updates the weights using::
* state = momentum * state + (1-momentum) * gradient
* weight = weight - learning_rate * sign(state)
* Where the parameter ``momentum`` is the decay rate of momentum estimates at
* .. note::
* - sparse ndarray not supported for this optimizer yet.
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param mom Momentum
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param momentum The decay rate of momentum estimates at each epoch.
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \param wd_lh The amount of weight decay that does not go into gradient/momentum
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol signum_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol mom,
mx_float lr,
mx_float momentum = 0,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1,
mx_float wd_lh = 0) {
return Operator("signum_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("momentum", momentum)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetParam("wd_lh", wd_lh)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("mom", mom)
* \brief Update function for Stochastic Gradient Descent (SDG) optimizer.
* It updates the weights using::
* weight = weight - learning_rate * (gradient + wd * weight)
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Weights
* \param lrs Learning rates.
* \param wds Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term
* that penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \param num_weights Number of updated weights.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol multi_sgd_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> lrs,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> wds,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1,
int num_weights = 1) {
return Operator("multi_sgd_update")
.SetParam("lrs", lrs)
.SetParam("wds", wds)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetParam("num_weights", num_weights)
* \brief Momentum update function for Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer.
* Momentum update has better convergence rates on neural networks. Mathematically
* like below:
* .. math::
* v_1 = \alpha * \nabla J(W_0)\\
* v_t = \gamma v_{t-1} - \alpha * \nabla J(W_{t-1})\\
* W_t = W_{t-1} + v_t
* It updates the weights using::
* v = momentum * v - learning_rate * gradient
* weight += v
* Where the parameter ``momentum`` is the decay rate of momentum estimates at
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Weights, gradients and momentum
* \param lrs Learning rates.
* \param wds Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term
* that penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the
* \param momentum The decay rate of momentum estimates at each epoch.
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \param num_weights Number of updated weights.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol multi_sgd_mom_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> lrs,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> wds,
mx_float momentum = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1,
int num_weights = 1) {
return Operator("multi_sgd_mom_update")
.SetParam("lrs", lrs)
.SetParam("wds", wds)
.SetParam("momentum", momentum)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetParam("num_weights", num_weights)
* \brief Update function for multi-precision Stochastic Gradient Descent (SDG) optimizer.
* It updates the weights using::
* weight = weight - learning_rate * (gradient + wd * weight)
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Weights
* \param lrs Learning rates.
* \param wds Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term
* that penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \param num_weights Number of updated weights.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol multi_mp_sgd_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> lrs,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> wds,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1,
int num_weights = 1) {
return Operator("multi_mp_sgd_update")
.SetParam("lrs", lrs)
.SetParam("wds", wds)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetParam("num_weights", num_weights)
* \brief Momentum update function for multi-precision Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
* Momentum update has better convergence rates on neural networks. Mathematically
* like below:
* .. math::
* v_1 = \alpha * \nabla J(W_0)\\
* v_t = \gamma v_{t-1} - \alpha * \nabla J(W_{t-1})\\
* W_t = W_{t-1} + v_t
* It updates the weights using::
* v = momentum * v - learning_rate * gradient
* weight += v
* Where the parameter ``momentum`` is the decay rate of momentum estimates at
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Weights
* \param lrs Learning rates.
* \param wds Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term
* that penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the
* \param momentum The decay rate of momentum estimates at each epoch.
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \param num_weights Number of updated weights.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol multi_mp_sgd_mom_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> lrs,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> wds,
mx_float momentum = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1,
int num_weights = 1) {
return Operator("multi_mp_sgd_mom_update")
.SetParam("lrs", lrs)
.SetParam("wds", wds)
.SetParam("momentum", momentum)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetParam("num_weights", num_weights)
* \brief Update function for Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer.
* It updates the weights using::
* weight = weight - learning_rate * (gradient + wd * weight)
* However, if gradient is of ``row_sparse`` storage type and ``lazy_update`` is
* only the row slices whose indices appear in grad.indices are updated::
* for row in gradient.indices:
* weight[row] = weight[row] - learning_rate * (gradient[row] + wd * weight[row])
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \param lazy_update If true, lazy updates are applied if gradient's stype is row_sparse.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sgd_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
mx_float lr,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1,
bool lazy_update = true) {
return Operator("sgd_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetParam("lazy_update", lazy_update)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
* \brief Momentum update function for Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer.
* Momentum update has better convergence rates on neural networks. Mathematically
* like below:
* .. math::
* v_1 = \alpha * \nabla J(W_0)\\
* v_t = \gamma v_{t-1} - \alpha * \nabla J(W_{t-1})\\
* W_t = W_{t-1} + v_t
* It updates the weights using::
* v = momentum * v - learning_rate * gradient
* weight += v
* Where the parameter ``momentum`` is the decay rate of momentum estimates at
* However, if grad's storage type is ``row_sparse``, ``lazy_update`` is True and
* type is the same as momentum's storage type,
* only the row slices whose indices appear in grad.indices are updated (for both
* for row in gradient.indices:
* v[row] = momentum[row] * v[row] - learning_rate * gradient[row]
* weight[row] += v[row]
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param mom Momentum
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param momentum The decay rate of momentum estimates at each epoch.
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \param lazy_update If true, lazy updates are applied if gradient's stype is row_sparse
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sgd_mom_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol mom,
mx_float lr,
mx_float momentum = 0,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1,
bool lazy_update = true) {
return Operator("sgd_mom_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("momentum", momentum)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetParam("lazy_update", lazy_update)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("mom", mom)
* \brief Updater function for multi-precision sgd optimizer
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad gradient
* \param weight32 Weight32
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \param lazy_update If true, lazy updates are applied if gradient's stype is row_sparse.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol mp_sgd_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol weight32,
mx_float lr,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1,
bool lazy_update = true) {
return Operator("mp_sgd_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetParam("lazy_update", lazy_update)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("weight32", weight32)
* \brief Updater function for multi-precision sgd optimizer
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param mom Momentum
* \param weight32 Weight32
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param momentum The decay rate of momentum estimates at each epoch.
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \param lazy_update If true, lazy updates are applied if gradient's stype is row_sparse
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol mp_sgd_mom_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol mom,
Symbol weight32,
mx_float lr,
mx_float momentum = 0,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1,
bool lazy_update = true) {
return Operator("mp_sgd_mom_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("momentum", momentum)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetParam("lazy_update", lazy_update)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("mom", mom)
.SetInput("weight32", weight32)
* \brief The FTML optimizer described in
* *FTML - Follow the Moving Leader in Deep Learning*,
* available at
* .. math::
* g_t = \nabla J(W_{t-1})\\
* v_t = \beta_2 v_{t-1} + (1 - \beta_2) g_t^2\\
* d_t = \frac{ 1 - \beta_1^t }{ \eta_t } (\sqrt{ \frac{ v_t }{ 1 - \beta_2^t } }
* \sigma_t = d_t - \beta_1 d_{t-1}
* z_t = \beta_1 z_{ t-1 } + (1 - \beta_1^t) g_t - \sigma_t W_{t-1}
* W_t = - \frac{ z_t }{ d_t }
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param d Internal state ``d_t``
* \param v Internal state ``v_t``
* \param z Internal state ``z_t``
* \param lr Learning rate.
* \param t Number of update.
* \param beta1 Generally close to 0.5.
* \param beta2 Generally close to 1.
* \param epsilon Epsilon to prevent div 0.
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_grad Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol ftml_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol d,
Symbol v,
Symbol z,
mx_float lr,
int t,
mx_float beta1 = 0.600000024,
mx_float beta2 = 0.999000013,
double epsilon = 9.9999999392252903e-09,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_grad = -1) {
return Operator("ftml_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("t", t)
.SetParam("beta1", beta1)
.SetParam("beta2", beta2)
.SetParam("epsilon", epsilon)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_grad", clip_grad)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("d", d)
.SetInput("v", v)
.SetInput("z", z)
* \brief Update function for Adam optimizer. Adam is seen as a generalization
* of AdaGrad.
* Adam update consists of the following steps, where g represents gradient and m,
* are 1st and 2nd order moment estimates (mean and variance).
* .. math::
* g_t = \nabla J(W_{t-1})\\
* m_t = \beta_1 m_{t-1} + (1 - \beta_1) g_t\\
* v_t = \beta_2 v_{t-1} + (1 - \beta_2) g_t^2\\
* W_t = W_{t-1} - \alpha \frac{ m_t }{ \sqrt{ v_t } + \epsilon }
* It updates the weights using::
* m = beta1*m + (1-beta1)*grad
* v = beta2*v + (1-beta2)*(grad**2)
* w += - learning_rate * m / (sqrt(v) + epsilon)
* However, if grad's storage type is ``row_sparse``, ``lazy_update`` is True and
* type of weight is the same as those of m and v,
* only the row slices whose indices appear in grad.indices are updated (for w, m
* for row in grad.indices:
* m[row] = beta1*m[row] + (1-beta1)*grad[row]
* v[row] = beta2*v[row] + (1-beta2)*(grad[row]**2)
* w[row] += - learning_rate * m[row] / (sqrt(v[row]) + epsilon)
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param mean Moving mean
* \param var Moving variance
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param beta1 The decay rate for the 1st moment estimates.
* \param beta2 The decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates.
* \param epsilon A small constant for numerical stability.
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \param lazy_update If true, lazy updates are applied if gradient's stype is row_sparse
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol adam_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol mean,
Symbol var,
mx_float lr,
mx_float beta1 = 0.899999976,
mx_float beta2 = 0.999000013,
mx_float epsilon = 9.99999994e-09,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1,
bool lazy_update = true) {
return Operator("adam_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("beta1", beta1)
.SetParam("beta2", beta2)
.SetParam("epsilon", epsilon)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetParam("lazy_update", lazy_update)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("mean", mean)
.SetInput("var", var)
* \brief Update function for Nesterov Accelerated Gradient( NAG) optimizer.
* It updates the weights using the following formula,
* .. math::
* v_t = \gamma v_{t-1} + \eta * \nabla J(W_{t-1} - \gamma v_{t-1})\\
* W_t = W_{t-1} - v_t
* Where
* :math:`\eta` is the learning rate of the optimizer
* :math:`\gamma` is the decay rate of the momentum estimate
* :math:`\v_t` is the update vector at time step `t`
* :math:`\W_t` is the weight vector at time step `t`
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param mom Momentum
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param momentum The decay rate of momentum estimates at each epoch.
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol nag_mom_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol mom,
mx_float lr,
mx_float momentum = 0,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1) {
return Operator("nag_mom_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("momentum", momentum)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("mom", mom)
* \brief Update function for multi-precision Nesterov Accelerated Gradient( NAG)
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param mom Momentum
* \param weight32 Weight32
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param momentum The decay rate of momentum estimates at each epoch.
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol mp_nag_mom_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol mom,
Symbol weight32,
mx_float lr,
mx_float momentum = 0,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1) {
return Operator("mp_nag_mom_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("momentum", momentum)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("mom", mom)
.SetInput("weight32", weight32)
* \brief Update function for `RMSProp` optimizer.
* `RMSprop` is a variant of stochastic gradient descent where the gradients are
* divided by a cache which grows with the sum of squares of recent gradients?
* `RMSProp` is similar to `AdaGrad`, a popular variant of `SGD` which adaptively
* tunes the learning rate of each parameter. `AdaGrad` lowers the learning rate
* each parameter monotonically over the course of training.
* While this is analytically motivated for convex optimizations, it may not be
* for non-convex problems. `RMSProp` deals with this heuristically by allowing the
* learning rates to rebound as the denominator decays over time.
* Define the Root Mean Square (RMS) error criterion of the gradient as
* :math:`RMS[g]_t = \sqrt{E[g^2]_t + \epsilon}`, where :math:`g` represents
* gradient and :math:`E[g^2]_t` is the decaying average over past squared
* The :math:`E[g^2]_t` is given by:
* .. math::
* E[g^2]_t = \gamma * E[g^2]_{t-1} + (1-\gamma) * g_t^2
* The update step is
* .. math::
* \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t - \frac{\eta}{RMS[g]_t} g_t
* The RMSProp code follows the version in
* Tieleman & Hinton, 2012.
* Hinton suggests the momentum term :math:`\gamma` to be 0.9 and the learning rate
* :math:`\eta` to be 0.001.
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param n n
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param gamma1 The decay rate of momentum estimates.
* \param epsilon A small constant for numerical stability.
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \param clip_weights Clip weights to the range of [-clip_weights, clip_weights] If
* clip_weights <= 0, weight clipping is turned off. weights = max(min(weights,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol rmsprop_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol n,
mx_float lr,
mx_float gamma1 = 0.949999988,
mx_float epsilon = 9.99999994e-09,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1,
mx_float clip_weights = -1) {
return Operator("rmsprop_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("gamma1", gamma1)
.SetParam("epsilon", epsilon)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetParam("clip_weights", clip_weights)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("n", n)
* \brief Update function for RMSPropAlex optimizer.
* `RMSPropAlex` is non-centered version of `RMSProp`.
* Define :math:`E[g^2]_t` is the decaying average over past squared gradient and
* :math:`E[g]_t` is the decaying average over past gradient.
* .. math::
* E[g^2]_t = \gamma_1 * E[g^2]_{t-1} + (1 - \gamma_1) * g_t^2\\
* E[g]_t = \gamma_1 * E[g]_{t-1} + (1 - \gamma_1) * g_t\\
* \Delta_t = \gamma_2 * \Delta_{t-1} - \frac{\eta}{\sqrt{E[g^2]_t - E[g]_t^2 +
* The update step is
* .. math::
* \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + \Delta_t
* The RMSPropAlex code follows the version in
* Eq(38) - Eq(45) by Alex Graves, 2013.
* Graves suggests the momentum term :math:`\gamma_1` to be 0.95, :math:`\gamma_2`
* to be 0.9 and the learning rate :math:`\eta` to be 0.0001.
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param n n
* \param g g
* \param delta delta
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param gamma1 Decay rate.
* \param gamma2 Decay rate.
* \param epsilon A small constant for numerical stability.
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \param clip_weights Clip weights to the range of [-clip_weights, clip_weights] If
* clip_weights <= 0, weight clipping is turned off. weights = max(min(weights,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol rmspropalex_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol n,
Symbol g,
Symbol delta,
mx_float lr,
mx_float gamma1 = 0.949999988,
mx_float gamma2 = 0.899999976,
mx_float epsilon = 9.99999994e-09,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1,
mx_float clip_weights = -1) {
return Operator("rmspropalex_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("gamma1", gamma1)
.SetParam("gamma2", gamma2)
.SetParam("epsilon", epsilon)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetParam("clip_weights", clip_weights)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("n", n)
.SetInput("g", g)
.SetInput("delta", delta)
* \brief Update function for Ftrl optimizer.
* Referenced from *Ad Click Prediction: a View from the Trenches*, available at
* It updates the weights using::
* rescaled_grad = clip(grad * rescale_grad, clip_gradient)
* z += rescaled_grad - (sqrt(n + rescaled_grad**2) - sqrt(n)) * weight /
* n += rescaled_grad**2
* w = (sign(z) * lamda1 - z) / ((beta + sqrt(n)) / learning_rate + wd) * (abs(z)
* If w, z and n are all of ``row_sparse`` storage type,
* only the row slices whose indices appear in grad.indices are updated (for w, z
* for row in grad.indices:
* rescaled_grad[row] = clip(grad[row] * rescale_grad, clip_gradient)
* z[row] += rescaled_grad[row] - (sqrt(n[row] + rescaled_grad[row]**2) -
* n[row] += rescaled_grad[row]**2
* w[row] = (sign(z[row]) * lamda1 - z[row]) / ((beta + sqrt(n[row])) /
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param z z
* \param n Square of grad
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param lamda1 The L1 regularization coefficient.
* \param beta Per-Coordinate Learning Rate beta.
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol ftrl_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol z,
Symbol n,
mx_float lr,
mx_float lamda1 = 0.00999999978,
mx_float beta = 1,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1) {
return Operator("ftrl_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("lamda1", lamda1)
.SetParam("beta", beta)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("z", z)
.SetInput("n", n)
* \brief Update function for AdaGrad optimizer.
* Referenced from *Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and
* and available at
* Updates are applied by::
* rescaled_grad = clip(grad * rescale_grad, clip_gradient)
* history = history + square(rescaled_grad)
* w = w - learning_rate * rescaled_grad / sqrt(history + epsilon)
* Note that non-zero values for the weight decay option are not supported.
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param history History
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param epsilon epsilon
* \param wd weight decay
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sparse_adagrad_update(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol history,
mx_float lr,
mx_float epsilon = 1.00000001e-07,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1) {
return Operator("_sparse_adagrad_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("epsilon", epsilon)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("history", history)
* \brief Run a for loop over an NDArray with user-defined computation
* From:src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param fn Input graph.
* \param data The input arrays that include data arrays and states.
* \param num_args Number of inputs.
* \param num_outputs The number of outputs of the subgraph.
* \param num_out_data The number of output data of the subgraph.
* \param in_state_locs The locations of loop states among the inputs.
* \param in_data_locs The locations of input data among the inputs.
* \param remain_locs The locations of remaining data among the inputs.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _foreach(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol fn,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_args,
int num_outputs,
int num_out_data,
nnvm::Tuple<int64_t> in_state_locs,
nnvm::Tuple<int64_t> in_data_locs,
nnvm::Tuple<int64_t> remain_locs) {
return Operator("_foreach")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("num_outputs", num_outputs)
.SetParam("num_out_data", num_out_data)
.SetParam("in_state_locs", in_state_locs)
.SetParam("in_data_locs", in_data_locs)
.SetParam("remain_locs", remain_locs)
.SetInput("fn", fn)
* \brief Run a while loop over with user-defined condition and computation
* From:src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param cond Input graph for the loop condition.
* \param func Input graph for the loop body.
* \param data The input arrays that include data arrays and states.
* \param num_args Number of input arguments, including cond and func as two symbol
* \param num_outputs The number of outputs of the subgraph.
* \param num_out_data The number of outputs from the function body.
* \param max_iterations Maximum number of iterations.
* \param cond_input_locs The locations of cond's inputs in the given inputs.
* \param func_input_locs The locations of func's inputs in the given inputs.
* \param func_var_locs The locations of loop_vars among func's inputs.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _while_loop(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol cond,
Symbol func,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_args,
int num_outputs,
int num_out_data,
int max_iterations,
nnvm::Tuple<int64_t> cond_input_locs,
nnvm::Tuple<int64_t> func_input_locs,
nnvm::Tuple<int64_t> func_var_locs) {
return Operator("_while_loop")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("num_outputs", num_outputs)
.SetParam("num_out_data", num_out_data)
.SetParam("max_iterations", max_iterations)
.SetParam("cond_input_locs", cond_input_locs)
.SetParam("func_input_locs", func_input_locs)
.SetParam("func_var_locs", func_var_locs)
.SetInput("cond", cond)
.SetInput("func", func)
* \brief Run a if-then-else using user-defined condition and computation
* From:src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param cond Input graph for the condition.
* \param then_branch Input graph for the then branch.
* \param else_branch Input graph for the else branch.
* \param data The input arrays that include data arrays and states.
* \param num_args Number of input arguments, including cond, then and else as three
* \param num_outputs The number of outputs of the subgraph.
* \param cond_input_locs The locations of cond's inputs in the given inputs.
* \param then_input_locs The locations of then's inputs in the given inputs.
* \param else_input_locs The locations of else's inputs in the given inputs.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _cond(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol cond,
Symbol then_branch,
Symbol else_branch,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_args,
int num_outputs,
nnvm::Tuple<int64_t> cond_input_locs,
nnvm::Tuple<int64_t> then_input_locs,
nnvm::Tuple<int64_t> else_input_locs) {
return Operator("_cond")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("num_outputs", num_outputs)
.SetParam("cond_input_locs", cond_input_locs)
.SetParam("then_input_locs", then_input_locs)
.SetParam("else_input_locs", else_input_locs)
.SetInput("cond", cond)
.SetInput("then_branch", then_branch)
.SetInput("else_branch", else_branch)
/*! \brief Normalizes the gradient.
enum class SoftmaxOutputNormalization {
kBatch = 0,
kNull = 1,
kValid = 2
* \brief Computes the gradient of cross entropy loss with respect to softmax output.
* - This operator computes the gradient in two steps.
* The cross entropy loss does not actually need to be computed.
* - Applies softmax function on the input array.
* - Computes and returns the gradient of cross entropy loss w.r.t. the softmax
* - The softmax function, cross entropy loss and gradient is given by:
* - Softmax Function:
* .. math:: \text{softmax}(x)_i = \frac{exp(x_i)}{\sum_j exp(x_j)}
* - Cross Entropy Function:
* .. math:: \text{CE(label, output)} = - \sum_i \text{label}_i
* - The gradient of cross entropy loss w.r.t softmax output:
* .. math:: \text{gradient} = \text{output} - \text{label}
* - During forward propagation, the softmax function is computed for each
* For general *N*-D input arrays with shape :math:`(d_1, d_2, ..., d_n)`. The
* :math:`s=d_1 \cdot d_2 \cdot \cdot \cdot d_n`. We can use the parameters
* and `multi_output` to specify the way to compute softmax:
* - By default, `preserve_shape` is ``false``. This operator will reshape the
* into a 2-D array with shape :math:`(d_1, \frac{s}{d_1})` and then compute the
* each row in the reshaped array, and afterwards reshape it back to the original
* :math:`(d_1, d_2, ..., d_n)`.
* - If `preserve_shape` is ``true``, the softmax function will be computed along
* the last axis (`axis` = ``-1``).
* - If `multi_output` is ``true``, the softmax function will be computed along
* the second axis (`axis` = ``1``).
* - During backward propagation, the gradient of cross-entropy loss w.r.t softmax
* The provided label can be a one-hot label array or a probability label array.
* - If the parameter `use_ignore` is ``true``, `ignore_label` can specify input
* with a particular label to be ignored during backward propagation. **This has
* softmax `output` has same shape as `label`**.
* Example::
* data = [[1,2,3,4],[2,2,2,2],[3,3,3,3],[4,4,4,4]]
* label = [1,0,2,3]
* ignore_label = 1
* SoftmaxOutput(data=data, label = label,\
* multi_output=true, use_ignore=true,\
* ignore_label=ignore_label)
* ## forward softmax output
* [[ 0.0320586 0.08714432 0.23688284 0.64391428]
* [ 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 ]
* [ 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 ]
* [ 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 ]]
* ## backward gradient output
* [[ 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
* [-0.75 0.25 0.25 0.25]
* [ 0.25 0.25 -0.75 0.25]
* [ 0.25 0.25 0.25 -0.75]]
* ## notice that the first row is all 0 because label[0] is 1, which is equal to
* - The parameter `grad_scale` can be used to rescale the gradient, which is
* give each loss function different weights.
* - This operator also supports various ways to normalize the gradient by
* The `normalization` is applied if softmax output has different shape than the
* The `normalization` mode can be set to the followings:
* - ``'null'``: do nothing.
* - ``'batch'``: divide the gradient by the batch size.
* - ``'valid'``: divide the gradient by the number of instances which are not
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input array.
* \param label Ground truth label.
* \param grad_scale Scales the gradient by a float factor.
* \param ignore_label The instances whose `labels` == `ignore_label` will be ignored
* \param multi_output If set to ``true``, the softmax function will be computed along
* axis ``1``. This is applied when the shape of input array differs from the
* \param use_ignore If set to ``true``, the `ignore_label` value will not contribute to
* \param preserve_shape If set to ``true``, the softmax function will be computed along
* \param normalization Normalizes the gradient.
* \param out_grad Multiplies gradient with output gradient element-wise.
* \param smooth_alpha Constant for computing a label smoothed version of
* cross-entropyfor the backwards pass. This constant gets subtracted from
* theone-hot encoding of the gold label and distributed uniformly toall other
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol SoftmaxOutput(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol label,
mx_float grad_scale = 1,
mx_float ignore_label = -1,
bool multi_output = false,
bool use_ignore = false,
bool preserve_shape = false,
SoftmaxOutputNormalization normalization = SoftmaxOutputNormalization::kNull,
bool out_grad = false,
mx_float smooth_alpha = 0) {
static const char *SoftmaxOutputNormalizationValues[] = {
return Operator("SoftmaxOutput")
.SetParam("grad_scale", grad_scale)
.SetParam("ignore_label", ignore_label)
.SetParam("multi_output", multi_output)
.SetParam("use_ignore", use_ignore)
.SetParam("preserve_shape", preserve_shape)
.SetParam("normalization", SoftmaxOutputNormalizationValues[int(normalization)])
.SetParam("out_grad", out_grad)
.SetParam("smooth_alpha", smooth_alpha)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("label", label)
/*! \brief Activation function to be applied.
enum class LeakyReLUActType {
kElu = 0,
kGelu = 1,
kLeaky = 2,
kPrelu = 3,
kRrelu = 4,
kSelu = 5
* \brief Applies Leaky rectified linear unit activation element-wise to the input.
* Leaky ReLUs attempt to fix the "dying ReLU" problem by allowing a small `slope`
* when the input is negative and has a slope of one when input is positive.
* The following modified ReLU Activation functions are supported:
* - *elu*: Exponential Linear Unit. `y = x > 0 ? x : slope * (exp(x)-1)`
* - *selu*: Scaled Exponential Linear Unit. `y = lambda * (x > 0 ? x : alpha *
* *lambda = 1.0507009873554804934193349852946* and *alpha =
* - *leaky*: Leaky ReLU. `y = x > 0 ? x : slope * x`
* - *prelu*: Parametric ReLU. This is same as *leaky* except that `slope` is
* - *rrelu*: Randomized ReLU. same as *leaky* but the `slope` is uniformly and
* *[lower_bound, upper_bound)* for training, while fixed to be
* *(lower_bound+upper_bound)/2* for inference.
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to activation function.
* \param gamma Slope parameter for PReLU. Only required when act_type is 'prelu'. It
* should be either a vector of size 1, or the same size as the second dimension
* \param act_type Activation function to be applied.
* \param slope Init slope for the activation. (For leaky and elu only)
* \param lower_bound Lower bound of random slope. (For rrelu only)
* \param upper_bound Upper bound of random slope. (For rrelu only)
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol LeakyReLU(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol gamma,
LeakyReLUActType act_type = LeakyReLUActType::kLeaky,
mx_float slope = 0.25,
mx_float lower_bound = 0.125,
mx_float upper_bound = 0.333999991) {
static const char *LeakyReLUActTypeValues[] = {
return Operator("LeakyReLU")
.SetParam("act_type", LeakyReLUActTypeValues[int(act_type)])
.SetParam("slope", slope)
.SetParam("lower_bound", lower_bound)
.SetParam("upper_bound", upper_bound)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("gamma", gamma)
* \brief Computes and optimizes for squared loss during backward propagation.
* Just outputs ``data`` during forward propagation.
* If :math:`\hat{y}_i` is the predicted value of the i-th sample, and :math:`y_i`
* then the squared loss estimated over :math:`n` samples is defined as
* :math:`\text{SquaredLoss}(\textbf{Y}, \hat{\textbf{Y}} ) = \frac{1}{n}
* .. note::
* Use the LinearRegressionOutput as the final output layer of a net.
* The storage type of ``label`` can be ``default`` or ``csr``
* - LinearRegressionOutput(default, default) = default
* - LinearRegressionOutput(default, csr) = default
* By default, gradients of this loss function are scaled by factor `1/m`, where m
* The parameter `grad_scale` can be used to change this scale to `grad_scale/m`.
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the function.
* \param label Input label to the function.
* \param grad_scale Scale the gradient by a float factor
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol LinearRegressionOutput(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol label,
mx_float grad_scale = 1) {
return Operator("LinearRegressionOutput")
.SetParam("grad_scale", grad_scale)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("label", label)
* \brief Computes mean absolute error of the input.
* MAE is a risk metric corresponding to the expected value of the absolute error.
* If :math:`\hat{y}_i` is the predicted value of the i-th sample, and :math:`y_i`
* then the mean absolute error (MAE) estimated over :math:`n` samples is defined
* :math:`\text{MAE}(\textbf{Y}, \hat{\textbf{Y}} ) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}
* .. note::
* Use the MAERegressionOutput as the final output layer of a net.
* The storage type of ``label`` can be ``default`` or ``csr``
* - MAERegressionOutput(default, default) = default
* - MAERegressionOutput(default, csr) = default
* By default, gradients of this loss function are scaled by factor `1/m`, where m
* The parameter `grad_scale` can be used to change this scale to `grad_scale/m`.
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the function.
* \param label Input label to the function.
* \param grad_scale Scale the gradient by a float factor
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol MAERegressionOutput(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol label,
mx_float grad_scale = 1) {
return Operator("MAERegressionOutput")
.SetParam("grad_scale", grad_scale)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("label", label)
* \brief Applies a logistic function to the input.
* The logistic function, also known as the sigmoid function, is computed as
* :math:`\frac{1}{1+exp(-\textbf{x})}`.
* Commonly, the sigmoid is used to squash the real-valued output of a linear model
* :math:`wTx+b` into the [0,1] range so that it can be interpreted as a
* It is suitable for binary classification or probability prediction tasks.
* .. note::
* Use the LogisticRegressionOutput as the final output layer of a net.
* The storage type of ``label`` can be ``default`` or ``csr``
* - LogisticRegressionOutput(default, default) = default
* - LogisticRegressionOutput(default, csr) = default
* The loss function used is the Binary Cross Entropy Loss:
* :math:`-{(y\log(p) + (1 - y)\log(1 - p))}`
* Where `y` is the ground truth probability of positive outcome for a given
* example, and `p` the probability predicted by the model. By default, gradients
* of this loss function are scaled by factor `1/m`, where m is the number of
* The parameter `grad_scale` can be used to change this scale to `grad_scale/m`.
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the function.
* \param label Input label to the function.
* \param grad_scale Scale the gradient by a float factor
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol LogisticRegressionOutput(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol label,
mx_float grad_scale = 1) {
return Operator("LogisticRegressionOutput")
.SetParam("grad_scale", grad_scale)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("label", label)
/*! \brief Padding type to use. "constant" pads with `constant_value` "edge" pads using
* the edge values of the input array "reflect" pads by reflecting values with
enum class PadMode {
kConstant = 0,
kEdge = 1,
kReflect = 2
* \brief Pads an input array with a constant or edge values of the array.
* .. note:: `Pad` is deprecated. Use `pad` instead.
* .. note:: Current implementation only supports 4D and 5D input arrays with
* only on axes 1, 2 and 3. Expects axes 4 and 5 in `pad_width` to be zero.
* This operation pads an input array with either a `constant_value` or edge values
* along each axis of the input array. The amount of padding is specified by
* `pad_width` is a tuple of integer padding widths for each axis of the format
* ``(before_1, after_1, ... , before_N, after_N)``. The `pad_width` should be of
* where ``N`` is the number of dimensions of the array.
* For dimension ``N`` of the input array, ``before_N`` and ``after_N`` indicates
* to add before and after the elements of the array along dimension ``N``.
* The widths of the higher two dimensions ``before_1``, ``after_1``, ``before_2``,
* ``after_2`` must be 0.
* Example::
* x = [[[[ 1. 2. 3.]
* [ 4. 5. 6.]]
* [[ 7. 8. 9.]
* [ 10. 11. 12.]]]
* [[[ 11. 12. 13.]
* [ 14. 15. 16.]]
* [[ 17. 18. 19.]
* [ 20. 21. 22.]]]]
* pad(x,mode="edge", pad_width=(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1)) =
* [[[[ 1. 1. 2. 3. 3.]
* [ 1. 1. 2. 3. 3.]
* [ 4. 4. 5. 6. 6.]
* [ 4. 4. 5. 6. 6.]]
* [[ 7. 7. 8. 9. 9.]
* [ 7. 7. 8. 9. 9.]
* [ 10. 10. 11. 12. 12.]
* [ 10. 10. 11. 12. 12.]]]
* [[[ 11. 11. 12. 13. 13.]
* [ 11. 11. 12. 13. 13.]
* [ 14. 14. 15. 16. 16.]
* [ 14. 14. 15. 16. 16.]]
* [[ 17. 17. 18. 19. 19.]
* [ 17. 17. 18. 19. 19.]
* [ 20. 20. 21. 22. 22.]
* [ 20. 20. 21. 22. 22.]]]]
* pad(x, mode="constant", constant_value=0, pad_width=(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1)) =
* [[[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
* [ 0. 1. 2. 3. 0.]
* [ 0. 4. 5. 6. 0.]
* [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
* [[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
* [ 0. 7. 8. 9. 0.]
* [ 0. 10. 11. 12. 0.]
* [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]]
* [[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
* [ 0. 11. 12. 13. 0.]
* [ 0. 14. 15. 16. 0.]
* [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
* [[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
* [ 0. 17. 18. 19. 0.]
* [ 0. 20. 21. 22. 0.]
* [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]]]
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data An n-dimensional input array.
* \param mode Padding type to use. "constant" pads with `constant_value` "edge" pads
* using the edge values of the input array "reflect" pads by reflecting values
* \param pad_width Widths of the padding regions applied to the edges of each axis. It
* is a tuple of integer padding widths for each axis of the format ``(before_1,
* after_1, ... , before_N, after_N)``. It should be of length ``2*N`` where ``N``
* is the number of dimensions of the array.This is equivalent to pad_width in
* \param constant_value The value used for padding when `mode` is "constant".
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Pad(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
PadMode mode,
Shape pad_width,
double constant_value = 0) {
static const char *PadModeValues[] = {
return Operator("Pad")
.SetParam("mode", PadModeValues[int(mode)])
.SetParam("pad_width", pad_width)
.SetParam("constant_value", constant_value)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Apply a sparse regularization to the output a sigmoid activation function.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data.
* \param sparseness_target The sparseness target
* \param penalty The tradeoff parameter for the sparseness penalty
* \param momentum The momentum for running average
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol IdentityAttachKLSparseReg(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float sparseness_target = 0.100000001,
mx_float penalty = 0.00100000005,
mx_float momentum = 0.899999976) {
return Operator("IdentityAttachKLSparseReg")
.SetParam("sparseness_target", sparseness_target)
.SetParam("penalty", penalty)
.SetParam("momentum", momentum)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Batch normalization.
* This operator is DEPRECATED. Perform BatchNorm on the input.
* Normalizes a data batch by mean and variance, and applies a scale ``gamma`` as
* well as offset ``beta``.
* Assume the input has more than one dimension and we normalize along axis 1.
* We first compute the mean and variance along this axis:
* .. math::
* data\_mean[i] = mean(data[:,i,:,...]) \\
* data\_var[i] = var(data[:,i,:,...])
* Then compute the normalized output, which has the same shape as input, as
* .. math::
* out[:,i,:,...] = \frac{data[:,i,:,...] -
* Both *mean* and *var* returns a scalar by treating the input as a vector.
* Assume the input has size *k* on axis 1, then both ``gamma`` and ``beta``
* have shape *(k,)*. If ``output_mean_var`` is set to be true, then outputs both
* ``data_var`` as well, which are needed for the backward pass.
* Besides the inputs and the outputs, this operator accepts two auxiliary
* states, ``moving_mean`` and ``moving_var``, which are *k*-length
* vectors. They are global statistics for the whole dataset, which are updated
* by::
* moving_mean = moving_mean * momentum + data_mean * (1 - momentum)
* moving_var = moving_var * momentum + data_var * (1 - momentum)
* If ``use_global_stats`` is set to be true, then ``moving_mean`` and
* ``moving_var`` are used instead of ``data_mean`` and ``data_var`` to compute
* the output. It is often used during inference.
* Both ``gamma`` and ``beta`` are learnable parameters. But if ``fix_gamma`` is
* then set ``gamma`` to 1 and its gradient to 0.
* There's no sparse support for this operator, and it will exhibit problematic
* sparse tensors.
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to batch normalization
* \param gamma gamma array
* \param beta beta array
* \param eps Epsilon to prevent div 0
* \param momentum Momentum for moving average
* \param fix_gamma Fix gamma while training
* \param use_global_stats Whether use global moving statistics instead of local
* \param output_mean_var Output All,normal mean and var
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol BatchNorm_v1(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol gamma,
Symbol beta,
mx_float eps = 0.00100000005,
mx_float momentum = 0.899999976,
bool fix_gamma = true,
bool use_global_stats = false,
bool output_mean_var = false) {
return Operator("BatchNorm_v1")
.SetParam("eps", eps)
.SetParam("momentum", momentum)
.SetParam("fix_gamma", fix_gamma)
.SetParam("use_global_stats", use_global_stats)
.SetParam("output_mean_var", output_mean_var)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("gamma", gamma)
.SetInput("beta", beta)
* \brief Splits an array along a particular axis into multiple sub-arrays.
* .. note:: ``SliceChannel`` is deprecated. Use ``split`` instead.
* **Note** that `num_outputs` should evenly divide the length of the axis
* along which to split the array.
* Example::
* x = [[[ 1.]
* [ 2.]]
* [[ 3.]
* [ 4.]]
* [[ 5.]
* [ 6.]]]
* x.shape = (3, 2, 1)
* y = split(x, axis=1, num_outputs=2) // a list of 2 arrays with shape (3, 1, 1)
* y = [[[ 1.]]
* [[ 3.]]
* [[ 5.]]]
* [[[ 2.]]
* [[ 4.]]
* [[ 6.]]]
* y[0].shape = (3, 1, 1)
* z = split(x, axis=0, num_outputs=3) // a list of 3 arrays with shape (1, 2, 1)
* z = [[[ 1.]
* [ 2.]]]
* [[[ 3.]
* [ 4.]]]
* [[[ 5.]
* [ 6.]]]
* z[0].shape = (1, 2, 1)
* `squeeze_axis=1` removes the axis with length 1 from the shapes of the output
* **Note** that setting `squeeze_axis` to ``1`` removes axis with length 1 only
* along the `axis` which it is split.
* Also `squeeze_axis` can be set to true only if ``input.shape[axis] ==
* Example::
* z = split(x, axis=0, num_outputs=3, squeeze_axis=1) // a list of 3 arrays with
* z = [[ 1.]
* [ 2.]]
* [[ 3.]
* [ 4.]]
* [[ 5.]
* [ 6.]]
* z[0].shape = (2 ,1 )
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input
* \param num_outputs Number of splits. Note that this should evenly divide the length of
* \param axis Axis along which to split.
* \param squeeze_axis If true, Removes the axis with length 1 from the shapes of the
* output arrays. **Note** that setting `squeeze_axis` to ``true`` removes axis
* with length 1 only along the `axis` which it is split. Also `squeeze_axis` can
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol SliceChannel(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
int num_outputs,
int axis = 1,
bool squeeze_axis = false) {
return Operator("SliceChannel")
.SetParam("num_outputs", num_outputs)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("squeeze_axis", squeeze_axis)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Interchanges two axes of an array.
* Examples::
* x = [[1, 2, 3]])
* swapaxes(x, 0, 1) = [[ 1],
* [ 2],
* [ 3]]
* x = [[[ 0, 1],
* [ 2, 3]],
* [[ 4, 5],
* [ 6, 7]]] // (2,2,2) array
* swapaxes(x, 0, 2) = [[[ 0, 4],
* [ 2, 6]],
* [[ 1, 5],
* [ 3, 7]]]
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input array.
* \param dim1 the first axis to be swapped.
* \param dim2 the second axis to be swapped.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol SwapAxis(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
uint32_t dim1 = 0,
uint32_t dim2 = 0) {
return Operator("SwapAxis")
.SetParam("dim1", dim1)
.SetParam("dim2", dim2)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Calculate cross entropy of softmax output and one-hot label.
* - This operator computes the cross entropy in two steps:
* - Applies softmax function on the input array.
* - Computes and returns the cross entropy loss between the softmax output and
* - The softmax function and cross entropy loss is given by:
* - Softmax Function:
* .. math:: \text{softmax}(x)_i = \frac{exp(x_i)}{\sum_j exp(x_j)}
* - Cross Entropy Function:
* .. math:: \text{CE(label, output)} = - \sum_i \text{label}_i
* Example::
* x = [[1, 2, 3],
* [11, 7, 5]]
* label = [2, 0]
* softmax(x) = [[0.09003057, 0.24472848, 0.66524094],
* [0.97962922, 0.01794253, 0.00242826]]
* softmax_cross_entropy(data, label) = - log(0.66524084) - log(0.97962922) =
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data
* \param label Input label
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol softmax_cross_entropy(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol label) {
return Operator("softmax_cross_entropy")
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("label", label)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _CustomFunction(const std::string& symbol_name) {
return Operator("_CustomFunction")
* \brief Stub for implementing an operator implemented in native frontend language.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data for the custom operator.
* \param info
* \param need_top_grad Whether this layer needs out grad for backward. Should be false
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _Native(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
void* info,
bool need_top_grad = true) {
return Operator("_Native")
.SetParam("info", info)
.SetParam("need_top_grad", need_top_grad)
* \brief Stub for implementing an operator implemented in native frontend language with
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data for the custom operator.
* \param info
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _NDArray(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
void* info) {
return Operator("_NDArray")
.SetParam("info", info)
* \brief Apply CountSketch to input: map a d-dimension data to k-dimension data"
* .. note:: `count_sketch` is only available on GPU.
* Assume input data has shape (N, d), sign hash table s has shape (N, d),
* index hash table h has shape (N, d) and mapping dimension out_dim = k,
* each element in s is either +1 or -1, each element in h is random integer from
* Then the operator computs:
* .. math::
* out[h[i]] += data[i] * s[i]
* Example::
* out_dim = 5
* x = [[1.2, 2.5, 3.4],[3.2, 5.7, 6.6]]
* h = [[0, 3, 4]]
* s = [[1, -1, 1]]
* mx.contrib.ndarray.count_sketch(data=x, h=h, s=s, out_dim = 5) = [[1.2, 0, 0,
* [3.2, 0, 0, -5.7, 6.6]]
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the CountSketchOp.
* \param h The index vector
* \param s The sign vector
* \param out_dim The output dimension.
* \param processing_batch_size How many sketch vectors to process at one time.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_count_sketch(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol h,
Symbol s,
int out_dim,
int processing_batch_size = 32) {
return Operator("_contrib_count_sketch")
.SetParam("out_dim", out_dim)
.SetParam("processing_batch_size", processing_batch_size)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("h", h)
.SetInput("s", s)
* \brief Compute Multibox training targets
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param anchor Generated anchor boxes.
* \param label Object detection labels.
* \param cls_pred Class predictions.
* \param overlap_threshold Anchor-GT overlap threshold to be regarded as a positive
* \param ignore_label Label for ignored anchors.
* \param negative_mining_ratio Max negative to positive samples ratio, use -1 to disable
* \param negative_mining_thresh Threshold used for negative mining.
* \param minimum_negative_samples Minimum number of negative samples.
* \param variances Variances to be encoded in box regression target.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_MultiBoxTarget(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol anchor,
Symbol label,
Symbol cls_pred,
mx_float overlap_threshold = 0.5,
mx_float ignore_label = -1,
mx_float negative_mining_ratio = -1,
mx_float negative_mining_thresh = 0.5,
int minimum_negative_samples = 0,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> variances = {0.1,0.1,0.2,0.2}) {
return Operator("_contrib_MultiBoxTarget")
.SetParam("overlap_threshold", overlap_threshold)
.SetParam("ignore_label", ignore_label)
.SetParam("negative_mining_ratio", negative_mining_ratio)
.SetParam("negative_mining_thresh", negative_mining_thresh)
.SetParam("minimum_negative_samples", minimum_negative_samples)
.SetParam("variances", variances)
.SetInput("anchor", anchor)
.SetInput("label", label)
.SetInput("cls_pred", cls_pred)
* \brief Performs region-of-interest pooling on inputs. Resize bounding box coordinates
* by spatial_scale and crop input feature maps accordingly. The cropped feature
* maps are pooled by max pooling to a fixed size output indicated by pooled_size.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the pooling operator, a 4D Feature maps
* \param rois Bounding box coordinates, a 2D array of [[batch_index, x1, y1, x2, y2]].
* (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are top left and down right corners of designated region
* of interest. batch_index indicates the index of corresponding image in the
* \param spatial_scale Ratio of input feature map height (or w) to raw image height (or
* \param output_dim fix output dim
* \param pooled_size fix pooled size
* \param group_size fix group size
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_PSROIPooling(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol rois,
mx_float spatial_scale,
int output_dim,
int pooled_size,
int group_size = 0) {
return Operator("_contrib_PSROIPooling")
.SetParam("spatial_scale", spatial_scale)
.SetParam("output_dim", output_dim)
.SetParam("pooled_size", pooled_size)
.SetParam("group_size", group_size)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("rois", rois)
* \brief Performs deformable position-sensitive region-of-interest pooling on inputs.
* The DeformablePSROIPooling operation is described in
* .batch_size will change to the number of
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the pooling operator, a 4D Feature maps
* \param rois Bounding box coordinates, a 2D array of [[batch_index, x1, y1, x2, y2]].
* (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are top left and down right corners of designated region
* of interest. batch_index indicates the index of corresponding image in the
* \param trans transition parameter
* \param spatial_scale Ratio of input feature map height (or w) to raw image height (or
* \param output_dim fix output dim
* \param group_size fix group size
* \param pooled_size fix pooled size
* \param part_size fix part size
* \param sample_per_part fix samples per part
* \param trans_std fix transition std
* \param no_trans Whether to disable trans parameter.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_DeformablePSROIPooling(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol rois,
Symbol trans,
mx_float spatial_scale,
int output_dim,
int group_size,
int pooled_size,
int part_size = 0,
int sample_per_part = 1,
mx_float trans_std = 0,
bool no_trans = false) {
return Operator("_contrib_DeformablePSROIPooling")
.SetParam("spatial_scale", spatial_scale)
.SetParam("output_dim", output_dim)
.SetParam("group_size", group_size)
.SetParam("pooled_size", pooled_size)
.SetParam("part_size", part_size)
.SetParam("sample_per_part", sample_per_part)
.SetParam("trans_std", trans_std)
.SetParam("no_trans", no_trans)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("rois", rois)
.SetInput("trans", trans)
* \brief Apply 1D FFT to input"
* .. note:: `fft` is only available on GPU.
* Currently accept 2 input data shapes: (N, d) or (N1, N2, N3, d), data can only
* The output data has shape: (N, 2*d) or (N1, N2, N3, 2*d). The format is:
* Example::
* data = np.random.normal(0,1,(3,4))
* out = mx.contrib.ndarray.fft(data = mx.nd.array(data,ctx = mx.gpu(0)))
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the FFTOp.
* \param compute_size Maximum size of sub-batch to be forwarded at one time
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_fft(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
int compute_size = 128) {
return Operator("_contrib_fft")
.SetParam("compute_size", compute_size)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Generate prior(anchor) boxes from data, sizes and ratios.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data.
* \param sizes List of sizes of generated MultiBoxPriores.
* \param ratios List of aspect ratios of generated MultiBoxPriores.
* \param clip Whether to clip out-of-boundary boxes.
* \param steps Priorbox step across y and x, -1 for auto calculation.
* \param offsets Priorbox center offsets, y and x respectively
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_MultiBoxPrior(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> sizes = {1},
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> ratios = {1},
bool clip = false,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> steps = {-1,-1},
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> offsets = {0.5,0.5}) {
return Operator("_contrib_MultiBoxPrior")
.SetParam("sizes", sizes)
.SetParam("ratios", ratios)
.SetParam("clip", clip)
.SetParam("steps", steps)
.SetParam("offsets", offsets)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Generate region proposals via RPN
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param cls_prob Score of how likely proposal is object.
* \param bbox_pred BBox Predicted deltas from anchors for proposals
* \param im_info Image size and scale.
* \param rpn_pre_nms_top_n Number of top scoring boxes to keep before applying NMS to
* \param rpn_post_nms_top_n Number of top scoring boxes to keep after applying NMS to
* \param threshold NMS value, below which to suppress.
* \param rpn_min_size Minimum height or width in proposal
* \param scales Used to generate anchor windows by enumerating scales
* \param ratios Used to generate anchor windows by enumerating ratios
* \param feature_stride The size of the receptive field each unit in the convolution
* \param output_score Add score to outputs
* \param iou_loss Usage of IoU Loss
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_MultiProposal(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol cls_prob,
Symbol bbox_pred,
Symbol im_info,
int rpn_pre_nms_top_n = 6000,
int rpn_post_nms_top_n = 300,
mx_float threshold = 0.699999988,
int rpn_min_size = 16,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> scales = {4,8,16,32},
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> ratios = {0.5,1,2},
int feature_stride = 16,
bool output_score = false,
bool iou_loss = false) {
return Operator("_contrib_MultiProposal")
.SetParam("rpn_pre_nms_top_n", rpn_pre_nms_top_n)
.SetParam("rpn_post_nms_top_n", rpn_post_nms_top_n)
.SetParam("threshold", threshold)
.SetParam("rpn_min_size", rpn_min_size)
.SetParam("scales", scales)
.SetParam("ratios", ratios)
.SetParam("feature_stride", feature_stride)
.SetParam("output_score", output_score)
.SetParam("iou_loss", iou_loss)
.SetInput("cls_prob", cls_prob)
.SetInput("bbox_pred", bbox_pred)
.SetInput("im_info", im_info)
* \brief Generate region proposals via RPN
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param cls_prob Score of how likely proposal is object.
* \param bbox_pred BBox Predicted deltas from anchors for proposals
* \param im_info Image size and scale.
* \param rpn_pre_nms_top_n Number of top scoring boxes to keep before applying NMS to
* \param rpn_post_nms_top_n Number of top scoring boxes to keep after applying NMS to
* \param threshold NMS value, below which to suppress.
* \param rpn_min_size Minimum height or width in proposal
* \param scales Used to generate anchor windows by enumerating scales
* \param ratios Used to generate anchor windows by enumerating ratios
* \param feature_stride The size of the receptive field each unit in the convolution
* \param output_score Add score to outputs
* \param iou_loss Usage of IoU Loss
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_Proposal(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol cls_prob,
Symbol bbox_pred,
Symbol im_info,
int rpn_pre_nms_top_n = 6000,
int rpn_post_nms_top_n = 300,
mx_float threshold = 0.699999988,
int rpn_min_size = 16,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> scales = {4,8,16,32},
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> ratios = {0.5,1,2},
int feature_stride = 16,
bool output_score = false,
bool iou_loss = false) {
return Operator("_contrib_Proposal")
.SetParam("rpn_pre_nms_top_n", rpn_pre_nms_top_n)
.SetParam("rpn_post_nms_top_n", rpn_post_nms_top_n)
.SetParam("threshold", threshold)
.SetParam("rpn_min_size", rpn_min_size)
.SetParam("scales", scales)
.SetParam("ratios", ratios)
.SetParam("feature_stride", feature_stride)
.SetParam("output_score", output_score)
.SetParam("iou_loss", iou_loss)
.SetInput("cls_prob", cls_prob)
.SetInput("bbox_pred", bbox_pred)
.SetInput("im_info", im_info)
/*! \brief Set layout for input, output and weight. Empty for
* default layout: NCW for 1d, NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.
enum class _contrib_DeformableConvolutionLayout {
kNone = 0,
kNCDHW = 1,
kNCHW = 2,
kNCW = 3
* \brief Compute 2-D deformable convolution on 4-D input.
* The deformable convolution operation is described in
* For 2-D deformable convolution, the shapes are
* - **data**: *(batch_size, channel, height, width)*
* - **offset**: *(batch_size, num_deformable_group * kernel[0] * kernel[1] * 2,
* - **weight**: *(num_filter, channel, kernel[0], kernel[1])*
* - **bias**: *(num_filter,)*
* - **out**: *(batch_size, num_filter, out_height, out_width)*.
* Define::
* f(x,k,p,s,d) = floor((x+2*p-d*(k-1)-1)/s)+1
* then we have::
* out_height=f(height, kernel[0], pad[0], stride[0], dilate[0])
* out_width=f(width, kernel[1], pad[1], stride[1], dilate[1])
* If ``no_bias`` is set to be true, then the ``bias`` term is ignored.
* The default data ``layout`` is *NCHW*, namely *(batch_size, channle, height,
* width)*.
* If ``num_group`` is larger than 1, denoted by *g*, then split the input ``data``
* evenly into *g* parts along the channel axis, and also evenly split ``weight``
* along the first dimension. Next compute the convolution on the *i*-th part of
* the data with the *i*-th weight part. The output is obtained by concating all
* the *g* results.
* If ``num_deformable_group`` is larger than 1, denoted by *dg*, then split the
* input ``offset`` evenly into *dg* parts along the channel axis, and also evenly
* split ``data`` into *dg* parts along the channel axis. Next compute the
* deformable convolution, apply the *i*-th part of the offset on the *i*-th part
* of the data.
* Both ``weight`` and ``bias`` are learnable parameters.
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the DeformableConvolutionOp.
* \param offset Input offset to the DeformableConvolutionOp.
* \param weight Weight matrix.
* \param bias Bias parameter.
* \param kernel Convolution kernel size: (h, w) or (d, h, w)
* \param num_filter Convolution filter(channel) number
* \param stride Convolution stride: (h, w) or (d, h, w). Defaults to 1 for each
* \param dilate Convolution dilate: (h, w) or (d, h, w). Defaults to 1 for each
* \param pad Zero pad for convolution: (h, w) or (d, h, w). Defaults to no padding.
* \param num_group Number of group partitions.
* \param num_deformable_group Number of deformable group partitions.
* \param workspace Maximum temperal workspace allowed for convolution (MB).
* \param no_bias Whether to disable bias parameter.
* \param layout Set layout for input, output and weight. Empty for
* default layout: NCW for 1d, NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_DeformableConvolution(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol offset,
Symbol weight,
Symbol bias,
Shape kernel,
int num_filter,
Shape stride = {},
Shape dilate = {},
Shape pad = {},
int num_group = 1,
int num_deformable_group = 1,
uint64_t workspace = 1024,
bool no_bias = false,
_contrib_DeformableConvolutionLayout layout = _contrib_DeformableConvolutionLayout::kNone) {
static const char *_contrib_DeformableConvolutionLayoutValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_DeformableConvolution")
.SetParam("kernel", kernel)
.SetParam("num_filter", num_filter)
.SetParam("stride", stride)
.SetParam("dilate", dilate)
.SetParam("pad", pad)
.SetParam("num_group", num_group)
.SetParam("num_deformable_group", num_deformable_group)
.SetParam("workspace", workspace)
.SetParam("no_bias", no_bias)
.SetParam("layout", _contrib_DeformableConvolutionLayoutValues[int(layout)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("offset", offset)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("bias", bias)
* \brief Apply 1D ifft to input"
* .. note:: `ifft` is only available on GPU.
* Currently accept 2 input data shapes: (N, d) or (N1, N2, N3, d). Data is in
* Last dimension must be an even number.
* The output data has shape: (N, d/2) or (N1, N2, N3, d/2). It is only the real
* Example::
* data = np.random.normal(0,1,(3,4))
* out = mx.contrib.ndarray.ifft(data = mx.nd.array(data,ctx = mx.gpu(0)))
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the IFFTOp.
* \param compute_size Maximum size of sub-batch to be forwarded at one time
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_ifft(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
int compute_size = 128) {
return Operator("_contrib_ifft")
.SetParam("compute_size", compute_size)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Convert multibox detection predictions.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param cls_prob Class probabilities.
* \param loc_pred Location regression predictions.
* \param anchor Multibox prior anchor boxes
* \param clip Clip out-of-boundary boxes.
* \param threshold Threshold to be a positive prediction.
* \param background_id Background id.
* \param nms_threshold Non-maximum suppression threshold.
* \param force_suppress Suppress all detections regardless of class_id.
* \param variances Variances to be decoded from box regression output.
* \param nms_topk Keep maximum top k detections before nms, -1 for no limit.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_MultiBoxDetection(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol cls_prob,
Symbol loc_pred,
Symbol anchor,
bool clip = true,
mx_float threshold = 0.00999999978,
int background_id = 0,
mx_float nms_threshold = 0.5,
bool force_suppress = false,
nnvm::Tuple<mx_float> variances = {0.1,0.1,0.2,0.2},
int nms_topk = -1) {
return Operator("_contrib_MultiBoxDetection")
.SetParam("clip", clip)
.SetParam("threshold", threshold)
.SetParam("background_id", background_id)
.SetParam("nms_threshold", nms_threshold)
.SetParam("force_suppress", force_suppress)
.SetParam("variances", variances)
.SetParam("nms_topk", nms_topk)
.SetInput("cls_prob", cls_prob)
.SetInput("loc_pred", loc_pred)
.SetInput("anchor", anchor)
* \brief Applies instance normalization to the n-dimensional input array.
* This operator takes an n-dimensional input array where (n>2) and normalizes
* the input using the following formula:
* .. math::
* out = \frac{x - mean[data]}{ \sqrt{Var[data]} + \epsilon} * gamma + beta
* This layer is similar to batch normalization layer (`BatchNorm`)
* with two differences: first, the normalization is
* carried out per example (instance), not over a batch. Second, the
* same normalization is applied both at test and train time. This
* operation is also known as `contrast normalization`.
* If the input data is of shape [batch, channel, spacial_dim1, spacial_dim2, ...],
* `gamma` and `beta` parameters must be vectors of shape [channel].
* This implementation is based on paper:
* .. [1] Instance Normalization: The Missing Ingredient for Fast Stylization,
* D. Ulyanov, A. Vedaldi, V. Lempitsky, 2016 (arXiv:1607.08022v2).
* Examples::
* // Input of shape (2,1,2)
* x = [[[ 1.1, 2.2]],
* [[ 3.3, 4.4]]]
* // gamma parameter of length 1
* gamma = [1.5]
* // beta parameter of length 1
* beta = [0.5]
* // Instance normalization is calculated with the above formula
* InstanceNorm(x,gamma,beta) = [[[-0.997527 , 1.99752665]],
* [[-0.99752653, 1.99752724]]]
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data An n-dimensional input array (n > 2) of the form [batch, channel,
* \param gamma A vector of length 'channel', which multiplies the normalized input.
* \param beta A vector of length 'channel', which is added to the product of the
* \param eps An `epsilon` parameter to prevent division by 0.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol InstanceNorm(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol gamma,
Symbol beta,
mx_float eps = 0.00100000005) {
return Operator("InstanceNorm")
.SetParam("eps", eps)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("gamma", gamma)
.SetInput("beta", beta)
/*! \brief The type of transformation. For `affine`, input data should be an affine matrix
* of size (batch, 6). For `warp`, input data should be an optical flow of size
enum class GridGeneratorTransformType {
kAffine = 0,
kWarp = 1
* \brief Generates 2D sampling grid for bilinear sampling.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the function.
* \param transform_type The type of transformation. For `affine`, input data should be
* an affine matrix of size (batch, 6). For `warp`, input data should be an
* \param target_shape Specifies the output shape (H, W). This is required if
* transformation type is `affine`. If transformation type is `warp`, this
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol GridGenerator(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
GridGeneratorTransformType transform_type,
Shape target_shape = {0,0}) {
static const char *GridGeneratorTransformTypeValues[] = {
return Operator("GridGenerator")
.SetParam("transform_type", GridGeneratorTransformTypeValues[int(transform_type)])
.SetParam("target_shape", target_shape)
.SetInput("data", data)
/*! \brief Whether to pick convolution algo by running performance test.
* Leads to higher startup time but may give faster speed. Options are:
* 'off': no tuning
* 'limited_workspace': run test and pick the fastest algorithm that doesn't
* 'fastest': pick the fastest algorithm and ignore workspace limit.
* If set to None (default), behavior is determined by environment
* variable MXNET_CUDNN_AUTOTUNE_DEFAULT: 0 for off,
* 1 for limited workspace (default), 2 for fastest.
enum class Convolution_v1CudnnTune {
kNone = 0,
kFastest = 1,
kLimited_workspace = 2,
kOff = 3
/*! \brief Set layout for input, output and weight. Empty for
* default layout: NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.
enum class Convolution_v1Layout {
kNone = 0,
kNCDHW = 1,
kNCHW = 2,
kNDHWC = 3,
kNHWC = 4
* \brief This operator is DEPRECATED. Apply convolution to input then add a bias.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the ConvolutionV1Op.
* \param weight Weight matrix.
* \param bias Bias parameter.
* \param kernel convolution kernel size: (h, w) or (d, h, w)
* \param num_filter convolution filter(channel) number
* \param stride convolution stride: (h, w) or (d, h, w)
* \param dilate convolution dilate: (h, w) or (d, h, w)
* \param pad pad for convolution: (h, w) or (d, h, w)
* \param num_group Number of group partitions. Equivalent to slicing input into num_group
* partitions, apply convolution on each, then concatenate the results
* \param workspace Maximum temporary workspace allowed for convolution (MB).This
* parameter determines the effective batch size of the convolution kernel, which
* may be smaller than the given batch size. Also, the workspace will be
* \param no_bias Whether to disable bias parameter.
* \param cudnn_tune Whether to pick convolution algo by running performance test.
* Leads to higher startup time but may give faster speed. Options are:
* 'off': no tuning
* 'limited_workspace': run test and pick the fastest algorithm that doesn't
* 'fastest': pick the fastest algorithm and ignore workspace limit.
* If set to None (default), behavior is determined by environment
* variable MXNET_CUDNN_AUTOTUNE_DEFAULT: 0 for off,
* 1 for limited workspace (default), 2 for fastest.
* \param cudnn_off Turn off cudnn for this layer.
* \param layout Set layout for input, output and weight. Empty for
* default layout: NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Convolution_v1(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol weight,
Symbol bias,
Shape kernel,
uint32_t num_filter,
Shape stride = {},
Shape dilate = {},
Shape pad = {},
uint32_t num_group = 1,
uint64_t workspace = 1024,
bool no_bias = false,
Convolution_v1CudnnTune cudnn_tune = Convolution_v1CudnnTune::kNone,
bool cudnn_off = false,
Convolution_v1Layout layout = Convolution_v1Layout::kNone) {
static const char *Convolution_v1CudnnTuneValues[] = {
static const char *Convolution_v1LayoutValues[] = {
return Operator("Convolution_v1")
.SetParam("kernel", kernel)
.SetParam("num_filter", num_filter)
.SetParam("stride", stride)
.SetParam("dilate", dilate)
.SetParam("pad", pad)
.SetParam("num_group", num_group)
.SetParam("workspace", workspace)
.SetParam("no_bias", no_bias)
.SetParam("cudnn_tune", Convolution_v1CudnnTuneValues[int(cudnn_tune)])
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetParam("layout", Convolution_v1LayoutValues[int(layout)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("bias", bias)
* \brief
* .. note:: `Crop` is deprecated. Use `slice` instead.
* Crop the 2nd and 3rd dim of input data, with the corresponding size of h_w or
* with width and height of the second input symbol, i.e., with one input, we need
* specify the crop height and width, otherwise the second input symbol's size
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Tensor or List of Tensors, the second input will be used as crop_like
* \param num_args Number of inputs for crop, if equals one, then we will use the h_wfor
* crop height and width, else if equals two, then we will use the heightand width
* \param offset crop offset coordinate: (y, x)
* \param h_w crop height and width: (h, w)
* \param center_crop If set to true, then it will use be the center_crop,or it will crop
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Crop(const std::string& symbol_name,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_args,
Shape offset = {0,0},
Shape h_w = {0,0},
bool center_crop = false) {
return Operator("Crop")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("offset", offset)
.SetParam("h_w", h_w)
.SetParam("center_crop", center_crop)
/*! \brief transformation type
enum class SpatialTransformerTransformType {
kAffine = 0
/*! \brief sampling type
enum class SpatialTransformerSamplerType {
kBilinear = 0
* \brief Applies a spatial transformer to input feature map.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the SpatialTransformerOp.
* \param loc localisation net, the output dim should be 6 when transform_type is affine.
* \param transform_type transformation type
* \param sampler_type sampling type
* \param target_shape output shape(h, w) of spatial transformer: (y, x)
* \param cudnn_off whether to turn cudnn off
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol SpatialTransformer(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol loc,
SpatialTransformerTransformType transform_type,
SpatialTransformerSamplerType sampler_type,
Shape target_shape = {0,0},
dmlc::optional<bool> cudnn_off = dmlc::optional<bool>()) {
static const char *SpatialTransformerTransformTypeValues[] = {
static const char *SpatialTransformerSamplerTypeValues[] = {
return Operator("SpatialTransformer")
.SetParam("transform_type", SpatialTransformerTransformTypeValues[int(transform_type)])
.SetParam("sampler_type", SpatialTransformerSamplerTypeValues[int(sampler_type)])
.SetParam("target_shape", target_shape)
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("loc", loc)
* \brief Performs region of interest(ROI) pooling on the input array.
* ROI pooling is a variant of a max pooling layer, in which the output size is
* region of interest is a parameter. Its purpose is to perform max pooling on the
* of non-uniform sizes to obtain fixed-size feature maps. ROI pooling is a
* layer mostly used in training a `Fast R-CNN` network for object detection.
* This operator takes a 4D feature map as an input array and region proposals as
* then it pools over sub-regions of input and produces a fixed-sized output array
* regardless of the ROI size.
* To crop the feature map accordingly, you can resize the bounding box coordinates
* by changing the parameters `rois` and `spatial_scale`.
* The cropped feature maps are pooled by standard max pooling operation to a
* indicated by a `pooled_size` parameter. batch_size will change to the number of
* bounding boxes after `ROIPooling`.
* The size of each region of interest doesn't have to be perfectly divisible by
* the number of pooling sections(`pooled_size`).
* Example::
* x = [[[[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.],
* [ 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11.],
* [ 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17.],
* [ 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., 23.],
* [ 24., 25., 26., 27., 28., 29.],
* [ 30., 31., 32., 33., 34., 35.],
* [ 36., 37., 38., 39., 40., 41.],
* [ 42., 43., 44., 45., 46., 47.]]]]
* // region of interest i.e. bounding box coordinates.
* y = [[0,0,0,4,4]]
* // returns array of shape (2,2) according to the given roi with max pooling.
* ROIPooling(x, y, (2,2), 1.0) = [[[[ 14., 16.],
* [ 26., 28.]]]]
* // region of interest is changed due to the change in `spacial_scale` parameter.
* ROIPooling(x, y, (2,2), 0.7) = [[[[ 7., 9.],
* [ 19., 21.]]]]
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data The input array to the pooling operator, a 4D Feature maps
* \param rois Bounding box coordinates, a 2D array of [[batch_index, x1, y1, x2, y2]],
* where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are top left and bottom right corners of designated
* region of interest. `batch_index` indicates the index of corresponding image in
* \param pooled_size ROI pooling output shape (h,w)
* \param spatial_scale Ratio of input feature map height (or w) to raw image height (or
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol ROIPooling(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol rois,
Shape pooled_size,
mx_float spatial_scale) {
return Operator("ROIPooling")
.SetParam("pooled_size", pooled_size)
.SetParam("spatial_scale", spatial_scale)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("rois", rois)
* \brief Special op to copy data cross device
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _CrossDeviceCopy(const std::string& symbol_name) {
return Operator("_CrossDeviceCopy")
* \brief Applies bilinear sampling to input feature map.
* Bilinear Sampling is the key of [NIPS2015] \"Spatial Transformer Networks\".
* except that the operator has the backward pass.
* Given :math:`data` and :math:`grid`, then the output is computed by
* .. math::
* x_{src} = grid[batch, 0, y_{dst}, x_{dst}] \\
* y_{src} = grid[batch, 1, y_{dst}, x_{dst}] \\
* output[batch, channel, y_{dst}, x_{dst}] = G(data[batch, channel, y_{src},
* :math:`x_{dst}`, :math:`y_{dst}` enumerate all spatial locations in
* The out-boundary points will be padded with zeros.The shape of the output will
* The operator assumes that :math:`data` has 'NCHW' layout and :math:`grid` has
* BilinearSampler often cooperates with GridGenerator which generates sampling
* GridGenerator supports two kinds of transformation: ``affine`` and ``warp``.
* If users want to design a CustomOp to manipulate :math:`grid`, please firstly
* Example 1::
* ## Zoom out data two times
* data = array([[[[1, 4, 3, 6],
* [1, 8, 8, 9],
* [0, 4, 1, 5],
* [1, 0, 1, 3]]]])
* affine_matrix = array([[2, 0, 0],
* [0, 2, 0]])
* affine_matrix = reshape(affine_matrix, shape=(1, 6))
* grid = GridGenerator(data=affine_matrix, transform_type='affine',
* out = BilinearSampler(data, grid)
* out
* [[[[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
* [ 0, 3.5, 6.5, 0],
* [ 0, 1.25, 2.5, 0],
* [ 0, 0, 0, 0]]]
* Example 2::
* ## shift data horizontally by -1 pixel
* data = array([[[[1, 4, 3, 6],
* [1, 8, 8, 9],
* [0, 4, 1, 5],
* [1, 0, 1, 3]]]])
* warp_maxtrix = array([[[[1, 1, 1, 1],
* [1, 1, 1, 1],
* [1, 1, 1, 1],
* [1, 1, 1, 1]],
* [[0, 0, 0, 0],
* [0, 0, 0, 0],
* [0, 0, 0, 0],
* [0, 0, 0, 0]]]])
* grid = GridGenerator(data=warp_matrix, transform_type='warp')
* out = BilinearSampler(data, grid)
* out
* [[[[ 4, 3, 6, 0],
* [ 8, 8, 9, 0],
* [ 4, 1, 5, 0],
* [ 0, 1, 3, 0]]]
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the BilinearsamplerOp.
* \param grid Input grid to the BilinearsamplerOp.grid has two channels: x_src, y_src
* \param cudnn_off whether to turn cudnn off
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol BilinearSampler(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol grid,
dmlc::optional<bool> cudnn_off = dmlc::optional<bool>()) {
return Operator("BilinearSampler")
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("grid", grid)
* \brief Takes the last element of a sequence.
* This function takes an n-dimensional input array of the form
* [max_sequence_length, batch_size, other_feature_dims] and returns a
* of the form [batch_size, other_feature_dims].
* Parameter `sequence_length` is used to handle variable-length sequences.
* an input array of positive ints of dimension [batch_size]. To use this
* set `use_sequence_length` to `True`, otherwise each example in the batch is
* to have the max sequence length.
* .. note:: Alternatively, you can also use `take` operator.
* Example::
* x = [[[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 4., 5., 6.],
* [ 7., 8., 9.]],
* [[ 10., 11., 12.],
* [ 13., 14., 15.],
* [ 16., 17., 18.]],
* [[ 19., 20., 21.],
* [ 22., 23., 24.],
* [ 25., 26., 27.]]]
* // returns last sequence when sequence_length parameter is not used
* SequenceLast(x) = [[ 19., 20., 21.],
* [ 22., 23., 24.],
* [ 25., 26., 27.]]
* // sequence_length is used
* SequenceLast(x, sequence_length=[1,1,1], use_sequence_length=True) =
* [[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 4., 5., 6.],
* [ 7., 8., 9.]]
* // sequence_length is used
* SequenceLast(x, sequence_length=[1,2,3], use_sequence_length=True) =
* [[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 13., 14., 15.],
* [ 25., 26., 27.]]
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data n-dimensional input array of the form [max_sequence_length, batch_size,
* \param sequence_length vector of sequence lengths of the form [batch_size]
* \param use_sequence_length If set to true, this layer takes in an extra input
* \param axis The sequence axis. Only values of 0 and 1 are currently supported.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol SequenceLast(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol sequence_length,
bool use_sequence_length = false,
int axis = 0) {
return Operator("SequenceLast")
.SetParam("use_sequence_length", use_sequence_length)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("sequence_length", sequence_length)
/*! \brief Pooling type to be applied.
enum class Pooling_v1PoolType {
kAvg = 0,
kMax = 1,
kSum = 2
/*! \brief Pooling convention to be applied.
enum class Pooling_v1PoolingConvention {
kFull = 0,
kValid = 1
* \brief This operator is DEPRECATED.
* Perform pooling on the input.
* The shapes for 2-D pooling is
* - **data**: *(batch_size, channel, height, width)*
* - **out**: *(batch_size, num_filter, out_height, out_width)*, with::
* out_height = f(height, kernel[0], pad[0], stride[0])
* out_width = f(width, kernel[1], pad[1], stride[1])
* The definition of *f* depends on ``pooling_convention``, which has two options:
* - **valid** (default)::
* f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1
* - **full**, which is compatible with Caffe::
* f(x, k, p, s) = ceil((x+2*p-k)/s)+1
* But ``global_pool`` is set to be true, then do a global pooling, namely reset
* ``kernel=(height, width)``.
* Three pooling options are supported by ``pool_type``:
* - **avg**: average pooling
* - **max**: max pooling
* - **sum**: sum pooling
* 1-D pooling is special case of 2-D pooling with *weight=1* and
* *kernel[1]=1*.
* For 3-D pooling, an additional *depth* dimension is added before
* *height*. Namely the input data will have shape *(batch_size, channel, depth,
* height, width)*.
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data to the pooling operator.
* \param kernel pooling kernel size: (y, x) or (d, y, x)
* \param pool_type Pooling type to be applied.
* \param global_pool Ignore kernel size, do global pooling based on current input
* \param pooling_convention Pooling convention to be applied.
* \param stride stride: for pooling (y, x) or (d, y, x)
* \param pad pad for pooling: (y, x) or (d, y, x)
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Pooling_v1(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Shape kernel = {},
Pooling_v1PoolType pool_type = Pooling_v1PoolType::kMax,
bool global_pool = false,
Pooling_v1PoolingConvention pooling_convention = Pooling_v1PoolingConvention::kValid,
Shape stride = {},
Shape pad = {}) {
static const char *Pooling_v1PoolTypeValues[] = {
static const char *Pooling_v1PoolingConventionValues[] = {
return Operator("Pooling_v1")
.SetParam("kernel", kernel)
.SetParam("pool_type", Pooling_v1PoolTypeValues[int(pool_type)])
.SetParam("global_pool", global_pool)
.SetParam("pooling_convention", Pooling_v1PoolingConventionValues[int(pooling_convention)])
.SetParam("stride", stride)
.SetParam("pad", pad)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Reverses the elements of each sequence.
* This function takes an n-dimensional input array of the form
* and returns an array of the same shape.
* Parameter `sequence_length` is used to handle variable-length sequences.
* `sequence_length` should be an input array of positive ints of dimension
* To use this parameter, set `use_sequence_length` to `True`,
* otherwise each example in the batch is assumed to have the max sequence length.
* Example::
* x = [[[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 4., 5., 6.]],
* [[ 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 10., 11., 12.]],
* [[ 13., 14., 15.],
* [ 16., 17., 18.]]]
* // Batch 1
* B1 = [[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 13., 14., 15.]]
* // Batch 2
* B2 = [[ 4., 5., 6.],
* [ 10., 11., 12.],
* [ 16., 17., 18.]]
* // returns reverse sequence when sequence_length parameter is not used
* SequenceReverse(x) = [[[ 13., 14., 15.],
* [ 16., 17., 18.]],
* [[ 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 10., 11., 12.]],
* [[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 4., 5., 6.]]]
* // sequence_length [2,2] means 2 rows of
* // both batch B1 and B2 will be reversed.
* SequenceReverse(x, sequence_length=[2,2], use_sequence_length=True) =
* [[[ 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 10., 11., 12.]],
* [[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 4., 5., 6.]],
* [[ 13., 14., 15.],
* [ 16., 17., 18.]]]
* // sequence_length [2,3] means 2 of batch B2 and 3 of batch B3
* // will be reversed.
* SequenceReverse(x, sequence_length=[2,3], use_sequence_length=True) =
* [[[ 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 16., 17., 18.]],
* [[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 10., 11., 12.]],
* [[ 13., 14, 15.],
* [ 4., 5., 6.]]]
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data n-dimensional input array of the form [max_sequence_length, batch_size,
* \param sequence_length vector of sequence lengths of the form [batch_size]
* \param use_sequence_length If set to true, this layer takes in an extra input
* \param axis The sequence axis. Only 0 is currently supported.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol SequenceReverse(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol sequence_length,
bool use_sequence_length = false,
int axis = 0) {
return Operator("SequenceReverse")
.SetParam("use_sequence_length", use_sequence_length)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("sequence_length", sequence_length)
/*! \brief If this is set to null, the output gradient will not be normalized. If this is
* set to batch, the output gradient will be divided by the batch size. If this is
* set to valid, the output gradient will be divided by the number of valid input
enum class MakeLossNormalization {
kBatch = 0,
kNull = 1,
kValid = 2
* \brief Make your own loss function in network construction.
* This operator accepts a customized loss function symbol as a terminal loss and
* the symbol should be an operator with no backward dependency.
* The output of this function is the gradient of loss with respect to the input
* For example, if you are a making a cross entropy loss function. Assume ``out``
* predicted output and ``label`` is the true label, then the cross entropy can be
* cross_entropy = label * log(out) + (1 - label) * log(1 - out)
* loss = MakeLoss(cross_entropy)
* We will need to use ``MakeLoss`` when we are creating our own loss function or
* combine multiple loss functions. Also we may want to stop some variables'
* from backpropagation. See more detail in ``BlockGrad`` or ``stop_gradient``.
* In addition, we can give a scale to the loss by setting ``grad_scale``,
* so that the gradient of the loss will be rescaled in the backpropagation.
* .. note:: This operator should be used as a Symbol instead of NDArray.
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input array.
* \param grad_scale Gradient scale as a supplement to unary and binary operators
* \param valid_thresh clip each element in the array to 0 when it is less than
* \param normalization If this is set to null, the output gradient will not be
* normalized. If this is set to batch, the output gradient will be divided by the
* batch size. If this is set to valid, the output gradient will be divided by the
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol MakeLoss(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float grad_scale = 1,
mx_float valid_thresh = 0,
MakeLossNormalization normalization = MakeLossNormalization::kNull) {
static const char *MakeLossNormalizationValues[] = {
return Operator("MakeLoss")
.SetParam("grad_scale", grad_scale)
.SetParam("valid_thresh", valid_thresh)
.SetParam("normalization", MakeLossNormalizationValues[int(normalization)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes support vector machine based transformation of the input.
* This tutorial demonstrates using SVM as output layer for classification instead
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input data for SVM transformation.
* \param label Class label for the input data.
* \param margin The loss function penalizes outputs that lie outside this margin.
* \param regularization_coefficient Regularization parameter for the SVM. This balances
* \param use_linear Whether to use L1-SVM objective. L2-SVM objective is used by default.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol SVMOutput(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol label,
mx_float margin = 1,
mx_float regularization_coefficient = 1,
bool use_linear = false) {
return Operator("SVMOutput")
.SetParam("margin", margin)
.SetParam("regularization_coefficient", regularization_coefficient)
.SetParam("use_linear", use_linear)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("label", label)
* \brief Applies correlation to inputs.
* The correlation layer performs multiplicative patch comparisons between two
* Given two multi-channel feature maps :math:`f_{1}, f_{2}`, with :math:`w`,
* the correlation layer lets the network compare each patch from :math:`f_{1}`
* For now we consider only a single comparison of two patches. The 'correlation'
* :math:`x_{2}` in the second map is then defined as:
* .. math::
* c(x_{1}, x_{2}) = \sum_{o \in [-k,k] \times [-k,k]} <f_{1}(x_{1} + o),
* for a square patch of size :math:`K:=2k+1`.
* Note that the equation above is identical to one step of a convolution in
* neural networks, but instead of convolving data with a filter, it convolves
* data. For this reason, it has no training weights.
* Computing :math:`c(x_{1}, x_{2})` involves :math:`c * K^{2}` multiplications.
* Given a maximum displacement :math:`d`, for each location :math:`x_{1}` it
* computes correlations :math:`c(x_{1}, x_{2})` only in a neighborhood of size
* by limiting the range of :math:`x_{2}`. We use strides :math:`s_{1}, s_{2}`, to
* quantize :math:`x_{1}` globally and to quantize :math:`x_{2}` within the
* centered around :math:`x_{1}`.
* The final output is defined by the following expression:
* .. math::
* out[n, q, i, j] = c(x_{i, j}, x_{q})
* where :math:`i` and :math:`j` enumerate spatial locations in :math:`f_{1}`, and
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data1 Input data1 to the correlation.
* \param data2 Input data2 to the correlation.
* \param kernel_size kernel size for Correlation must be an odd number
* \param max_displacement Max displacement of Correlation
* \param stride1 stride1 quantize data1 globally
* \param stride2 stride2 quantize data2 within the neighborhood centered around data1
* \param pad_size pad for Correlation
* \param is_multiply operation type is either multiplication or subduction
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Correlation(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data1,
Symbol data2,
uint32_t kernel_size = 1,
uint32_t max_displacement = 1,
uint32_t stride1 = 1,
uint32_t stride2 = 1,
uint32_t pad_size = 0,
bool is_multiply = true) {
return Operator("Correlation")
.SetParam("kernel_size", kernel_size)
.SetParam("max_displacement", max_displacement)
.SetParam("stride1", stride1)
.SetParam("stride2", stride2)
.SetParam("pad_size", pad_size)
.SetParam("is_multiply", is_multiply)
.SetInput("data1", data1)
.SetInput("data2", data2)
/*! \brief Specify the dimension along which to compute L2 norm.
enum class L2NormalizationMode {
kChannel = 0,
kInstance = 1,
kSpatial = 2
* \brief Normalize the input array using the L2 norm.
* For 1-D NDArray, it computes::
* out = data / sqrt(sum(data ** 2) + eps)
* For N-D NDArray, if the input array has shape (N, N, ..., N),
* with ``mode`` = ``instance``, it normalizes each instance in the
* array by its L2 norm.::
* for i in 0...N
* out[i,:,:,...,:] = data[i,:,:,...,:] / sqrt(sum(data[i,:,:,...,:] ** 2) + eps)
* with ``mode`` = ``channel``, it normalizes each channel in the array by its L2
* for i in 0...N
* out[:,i,:,...,:] = data[:,i,:,...,:] / sqrt(sum(data[:,i,:,...,:] ** 2) + eps)
* with ``mode`` = ``spatial``, it normalizes the cross channel norm for each
* in the array by its L2 norm.::
* for dim in 2...N
* for i in 0...N
* out[.....,i,...] = take(out, indices=i, axis=dim) / sqrt(sum(take(out,
* -dim-
* Example::
* x = [[[1,2],
* [3,4]],
* [[2,2],
* [5,6]]]
* L2Normalization(x, mode='instance')
* =[[[ 0.18257418 0.36514837]
* [ 0.54772252 0.73029673]]
* [[ 0.24077171 0.24077171]
* [ 0.60192931 0.72231513]]]
* L2Normalization(x, mode='channel')
* =[[[ 0.31622776 0.44721359]
* [ 0.94868326 0.89442718]]
* [[ 0.37139067 0.31622776]
* [ 0.92847669 0.94868326]]]
* L2Normalization(x, mode='spatial')
* =[[[ 0.44721359 0.89442718]
* [ 0.60000002 0.80000001]]
* [[ 0.70710677 0.70710677]
* [ 0.6401844 0.76822126]]]
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data Input array to normalize.
* \param eps A small constant for numerical stability.
* \param mode Specify the dimension along which to compute L2 norm.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol L2Normalization(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
mx_float eps = 1.00000001e-10,
L2NormalizationMode mode = L2NormalizationMode::kInstance) {
static const char *L2NormalizationModeValues[] = {
return Operator("L2Normalization")
.SetParam("eps", eps)
.SetParam("mode", L2NormalizationModeValues[int(mode)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Sets all elements outside the sequence to a constant value.
* This function takes an n-dimensional input array of the form
* [max_sequence_length, batch_size, other_feature_dims] and returns an array of
* Parameter `sequence_length` is used to handle variable-length sequences.
* should be an input array of positive ints of dimension [batch_size].
* To use this parameter, set `use_sequence_length` to `True`,
* otherwise each example in the batch is assumed to have the max sequence length
* this operator works as the `identity` operator.
* Example::
* x = [[[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 4., 5., 6.]],
* [[ 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 10., 11., 12.]],
* [[ 13., 14., 15.],
* [ 16., 17., 18.]]]
* // Batch 1
* B1 = [[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 13., 14., 15.]]
* // Batch 2
* B2 = [[ 4., 5., 6.],
* [ 10., 11., 12.],
* [ 16., 17., 18.]]
* // works as identity operator when sequence_length parameter is not used
* SequenceMask(x) = [[[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 4., 5., 6.]],
* [[ 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 10., 11., 12.]],
* [[ 13., 14., 15.],
* [ 16., 17., 18.]]]
* // sequence_length [1,1] means 1 of each batch will be kept
* // and other rows are masked with default mask value = 0
* SequenceMask(x, sequence_length=[1,1], use_sequence_length=True) =
* [[[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 4., 5., 6.]],
* [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]],
* [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]]
* // sequence_length [2,3] means 2 of batch B1 and 3 of batch B2 will be kept
* // and other rows are masked with value = 1
* SequenceMask(x, sequence_length=[2,3], use_sequence_length=True, value=1) =
* [[[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 4., 5., 6.]],
* [[ 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 10., 11., 12.]],
* [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 16., 17., 18.]]]
* Defined in src/operator/
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param data n-dimensional input array of the form [max_sequence_length, batch_size,
* \param sequence_length vector of sequence lengths of the form [batch_size]
* \param use_sequence_length If set to true, this layer takes in an extra input
* \param value The value to be used as a mask.
* \param axis The sequence axis. Only values of 0 and 1 are currently supported.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol SequenceMask(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
Symbol sequence_length,
bool use_sequence_length = false,
mx_float value = 0,
int axis = 0) {
return Operator("SequenceMask")
.SetParam("use_sequence_length", use_sequence_length)
.SetParam("value", value)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("sequence_length", sequence_length)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param src Source input to the function.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _set_value(const std::string& symbol_name,
mx_float src) {
return Operator("_set_value")
.SetParam("src", src)
* \brief
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs Left operand to the function.
* \param rhs Right operand to the function.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _onehot_encode(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_onehot_encode")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Fill one element of each line(row for python, column for R/Julia) in lhs
* according to index indicated by rhs and values indicated by mhs. This function
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param lhs Left operand to the function.
* \param mhs Middle operand to the function.
* \param rhs Right operand to the function.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol fill_element_0index(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol lhs,
Symbol mhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("fill_element_0index")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("mhs", mhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Decode an image, clip to (x0, y0, x1, y1), subtract mean, and write to buffer
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol
* \param mean image mean
* \param index buffer position for output
* \param x0 x0
* \param y0 y0
* \param x1 x1
* \param y1 y1
* \param c channel
* \param size length of str_img
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _imdecode(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol mean,
int index,
int x0,
int y0,
int x1,
int y1,
int c,
int size) {
return Operator("_imdecode")
.SetParam("index", index)
.SetParam("x0", x0)
.SetParam("y0", y0)
.SetParam("x1", x1)
.SetParam("y1", y1)
.SetParam("c", c)
.SetParam("size", size)
.SetInput("mean", mean)
* \brief Returns result of first array elements raised to powers from second array,
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_power(x, y) = [[ 2., 2., 2.],
* [ 4., 4., 4.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_power(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_power")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns element-wise maximum of the input arrays with broadcasting.
* This function compares two input arrays and returns a new array having the
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_maximum(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_maximum(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_maximum")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns element-wise minimum of the input arrays with broadcasting.
* This function compares two input arrays and returns a new array having the
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_maximum(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_minimum(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_minimum")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle, given its "legs"
* with broadcasting.
* It is equivalent to doing :math:`sqrt(x_1^2 + x_2^2)`.
* Example::
* x = [[ 3., 3., 3.]]
* y = [[ 4.],
* [ 4.]]
* broadcast_hypot(x, y) = [[ 5., 5., 5.],
* [ 5., 5., 5.]]
* z = [[ 0.],
* [ 4.]]
* broadcast_hypot(x, z) = [[ 3., 3., 3.],
* [ 5., 5., 5.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_hypot(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_hypot")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _power(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_power")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _maximum(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_maximum")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _minimum(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_minimum")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Given the "legs" of a right triangle, return its hypotenuse.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _hypot(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_hypot")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Computes the square sum of array elements over a given axis
* for row-sparse matrix. This is a temporary solution for fusing ops square and
* sum together for row-sparse matrix to save memory for storing gradients.
* It will become deprecated once the functionality of fusing operators is finished
* in the future.
* Example::
* dns = mx.nd.array([[0, 0], [1, 2], [0, 0], [3, 4], [0, 0]])
* rsp = dns.tostype('row_sparse')
* sum = mx.nd._internal._square_sum(rsp, axis=1)
* sum = [0, 5, 0, 25, 0]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _square_sum(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("_square_sum")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Adds arguments element-wise.
* The storage type of ``elemwise_add`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - elemwise_add(row_sparse, row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - elemwise_add(csr, csr) = csr
* - elemwise_add(default, csr) = default
* - elemwise_add(csr, default) = default
* - elemwise_add(default, rsp) = default
* - elemwise_add(rsp, default) = default
* - otherwise, ``elemwise_add`` generates output with default storage
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol elemwise_add(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("elemwise_add")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _grad_add(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_grad_add")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Subtracts arguments element-wise.
* The storage type of ``elemwise_sub`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - elemwise_sub(row_sparse, row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - elemwise_sub(csr, csr) = csr
* - elemwise_sub(default, csr) = default
* - elemwise_sub(csr, default) = default
* - elemwise_sub(default, rsp) = default
* - elemwise_sub(rsp, default) = default
* - otherwise, ``elemwise_sub`` generates output with default storage
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol elemwise_sub(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("elemwise_sub")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Multiplies arguments element-wise.
* The storage type of ``elemwise_mul`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - elemwise_mul(default, default) = default
* - elemwise_mul(row_sparse, row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - elemwise_mul(default, row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - elemwise_mul(row_sparse, default) = row_sparse
* - elemwise_mul(csr, csr) = csr
* - otherwise, ``elemwise_mul`` generates output with default storage
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol elemwise_mul(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("elemwise_mul")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Divides arguments element-wise.
* The storage type of ``elemwise_div`` output is always dense
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol elemwise_div(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("elemwise_div")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _mod(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_mod")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Dot product of two arrays.
* ``dot``'s behavior depends on the input array dimensions:
* - 1-D arrays: inner product of vectors
* - 2-D arrays: matrix multiplication
* - N-D arrays: a sum product over the last axis of the first input and the first
* axis of the second input
* For example, given 3-D ``x`` with shape `(n,m,k)` and ``y`` with shape
* result array will have shape `(n,m,r,s)`. It is computed by::
* dot(x,y)[i,j,a,b] = sum(x[i,j,:]*y[:,a,b])
* Example::
* x = reshape([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7], shape=(2,2,2))
* y = reshape([7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0], shape=(2,2,2))
* dot(x,y)[0,0,1,1] = 0
* sum(x[0,0,:]*y[:,1,1]) = 0
* The storage type of ``dot`` output depends on storage types of inputs,
* forward_stype option for output storage type. Implemented sparse operations
* - dot(default, default, transpose_a=True/False, transpose_b=True/False) =
* - dot(csr, default, transpose_a=True) = default
* - dot(csr, default, transpose_a=True) = row_sparse
* - dot(csr, default) = default
* - dot(csr, row_sparse) = default
* - dot(default, csr) = csr (CPU only)
* - dot(default, csr, forward_stype='default') = default
* - dot(default, csr, transpose_b=True, forward_stype='default') = default
* If the combination of input storage types and forward_stype does not match any
* above patterns, ``dot`` will fallback and generate output with default storage.
* .. Note::
* If the storage type of the lhs is "csr", the storage type of gradient w.r.t rhs
* "row_sparse". Only a subset of optimizers support sparse gradients, including
* and Adam. Note that by default lazy updates is turned on, which may perform
* from standard updates. For more details, please check the Optimization API at:
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs The first input
* \param rhs The second input
* \param transpose_a If true then transpose the first input before dot.
* \param transpose_b If true then transpose the second input before dot.
* \param forward_stype The desired storage type of the forward output given by user, if
* thecombination of input storage types and this hint does not matchany
* implemented ones, the dot operator will perform fallback operationand still
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol dot(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs,
bool transpose_a = false,
bool transpose_b = false,
DotForwardStype forward_stype = DotForwardStype::kNone) {
static const char *DotForwardStypeValues[] = {
return Operator("dot")
.SetParam("transpose_a", transpose_a)
.SetParam("transpose_b", transpose_b)
.SetParam("forward_stype", DotForwardStypeValues[int(forward_stype)])
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Batchwise dot product.
* ``batch_dot`` is used to compute dot product of ``x`` and ``y`` when ``x`` and
* ``y`` are data in batch, namely 3D arrays in shape of `(batch_size, :, :)`.
* For example, given ``x`` with shape `(batch_size, n, m)` and ``y`` with shape
* `(batch_size, m, k)`, the result array will have shape `(batch_size, n, k)`,
* which is computed by::
* batch_dot(x,y)[i,:,:] = dot(x[i,:,:], y[i,:,:])
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs The first input
* \param rhs The second input
* \param transpose_a If true then transpose the first input before dot.
* \param transpose_b If true then transpose the second input before dot.
* \param forward_stype The desired storage type of the forward output given by user, if
* thecombination of input storage types and this hint does not matchany
* implemented ones, the dot operator will perform fallback operationand still
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol batch_dot(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs,
bool transpose_a = false,
bool transpose_b = false,
Batch_dotForwardStype forward_stype = Batch_dotForwardStype::kNone) {
static const char *Batch_dotForwardStypeValues[] = {
return Operator("batch_dot")
.SetParam("transpose_a", transpose_a)
.SetParam("transpose_b", transpose_b)
.SetParam("forward_stype", Batch_dotForwardStypeValues[int(forward_stype)])
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief fill target with zeros without default dtype
* \param shape The shape of the output
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n).Only used for
* \param dtype Target data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _zeros_without_dtype(Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
int dtype = -1) {
return Operator("_zeros_without_dtype")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", dtype)
* \brief fill target with zeros
* \param shape The shape of the output
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n).Only used for
* \param dtype Target data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _zeros(Shape shape = {},
const std::string& ctx = "",
_zerosDtype dtype = _zerosDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *_zerosDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_zeros")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _zerosDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief Return a 2-D array with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
* \param N Number of rows in the output.
* \param M Number of columns in the output. If 0, defaults to N
* \param k Index of the diagonal. 0 (the default) refers to the main diagonal.A positive
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n).Only used for
* \param dtype Target data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _eye(int64_t N,
int64_t M = 0,
int64_t k = 0,
const std::string& ctx = "",
_eyeDtype dtype = _eyeDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *_eyeDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_eye")
.SetParam("N", N)
.SetParam("M", M)
.SetParam("k", k)
.SetParam("dtype", _eyeDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief fill target with ones
* \param shape The shape of the output
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n).Only used for
* \param dtype Target data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _ones(Shape shape = {},
const std::string& ctx = "",
_onesDtype dtype = _onesDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *_onesDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_ones")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _onesDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief fill target with a scalar value
* \param value Value with which to fill newly created tensor
* \param shape The shape of the output
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n).Only used for
* \param dtype Target data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _full(double value,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_fullDtype dtype = _fullDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *_fullDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_full")
.SetParam("value", value)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _fullDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief Return evenly spaced values within a given interval. Similar to Numpy
* \param start Start of interval. The interval includes this value. The default start
* \param stop End of interval. The interval does not include this value, except in some
* cases where step is not an integer and floating point round-off affects the
* \param step Spacing between values.
* \param repeat The repeating time of all elements. E.g repeat=3, the element a will be
* \param infer_range When set to True, infer the stop position from the start, step,
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n).Only used for
* \param dtype Target data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _arange(double start,
dmlc::optional<double> stop = dmlc::optional<double>(),
double step = 1,
int repeat = 1,
bool infer_range = false,
const std::string& ctx = "",
_arangeDtype dtype = _arangeDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *_arangeDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_arange")
.SetParam("start", start)
.SetParam("stop", stop)
.SetParam("step", step)
.SetParam("repeat", repeat)
.SetParam("infer_range", infer_range)
.SetParam("dtype", _arangeDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief Return an array with evenly spaced values. If axis is not given, the output will
* have the same shape as the input array. Otherwise, the output will be a 1-D
* the specified axis in input shape.
* Examples::
* x = [[0.14883883 0.7772398 0.94865847 0.7225052 ]
* [0.23729339 0.6112595 0.66538996 0.5132841 ]
* [0.30822644 0.9912457 0.15502319 0.7043658 ]]
* <NDArray 3x4 @cpu(0)>
* out = mx.nd.contrib.arange_like(x, start=0)
* [[ 0. 1. 2. 3.]
* [ 4. 5. 6. 7.]
* [ 8. 9. 10. 11.]]
* <NDArray 3x4 @cpu(0)>
* out = mx.nd.contrib.arange_like(x, start=0, axis=-1)
* [0. 1. 2. 3.]
* <NDArray 4 @cpu(0)>
* \param data The input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_arange_like(Symbol data) {
return Operator("_contrib_arange_like")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Return evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval. Similar to Numpy
* \param start Start of interval. The interval includes this value. The default start
* \param stop End of interval. The interval does not include this value, except in some
* cases where step is not an integer and floating point round-off affects the
* \param step Spacing between values.
* \param repeat The repeating time of all elements. E.g repeat=3, the element a will be
* \param infer_range When set to True, infer the stop position from the start, step,
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n).Only used for
* \param dtype Target data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linspace(double start,
dmlc::optional<double> stop = dmlc::optional<double>(),
double step = 1,
int repeat = 1,
bool infer_range = false,
const std::string& ctx = "",
_linspaceDtype dtype = _linspaceDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *_linspaceDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_linspace")
.SetParam("start", start)
.SetParam("stop", stop)
.SetParam("step", step)
.SetParam("repeat", repeat)
.SetParam("infer_range", infer_range)
.SetParam("dtype", _linspaceDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief Return an array of zeros with the same shape, type and storage type
* as the input array.
* The storage type of ``zeros_like`` output depends on the storage type of the
* - zeros_like(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - zeros_like(csr) = csr
* - zeros_like(default) = default
* Examples::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* zeros_like(x) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* \param data The input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol zeros_like(Symbol data) {
return Operator("zeros_like")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Return an array of ones with the same shape and type
* as the input array.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* ones_like(x) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* \param data The input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol ones_like(Symbol data) {
return Operator("ones_like")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Adds all input arguments element-wise.
* .. math::
* add\_n(a_1, a_2, ..., a_n) = a_1 + a_2 + ... + a_n
* ``add_n`` is potentially more efficient than calling ``add`` by `n` times.
* The storage type of ``add_n`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - add_n(row_sparse, row_sparse, ..) = row_sparse
* - add_n(default, csr, default) = default
* - add_n(any input combinations longer than 4 (>4) with at least one default
* - otherwise, ``add_n`` falls all inputs back to default storage and generates
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param args Positional input arguments
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol add_n(const std::vector<Symbol>& args) {
return Operator("add_n")
* \brief Performs general matrix multiplication and accumulation.
* Input are tensors *A*, *B*, *C*, each of dimension *n >= 2* and having the same
* on the leading *n-2* dimensions.
* If *n=2*, the BLAS3 function *gemm* is performed:
* *out* = *alpha* \* *op*\ (*A*) \* *op*\ (*B*) + *beta* \* *C*
* Here, *alpha* and *beta* are scalar parameters, and *op()* is either the
* matrix transposition (depending on *transpose_a*, *transpose_b*).
* If *n>2*, *gemm* is performed separately for a batch of matrices. The column
* are given by the last dimensions of the tensors, the row indices by the axis
* parameter. By default, the trailing two dimensions will be used for matrix
* For a non-default axis parameter, the operation performed is equivalent to a
* calls. For example let *A*, *B*, *C* be 5 dimensional tensors. Then gemm(*A*,
* to the following without the overhead of the additional swapaxis operations::
* A1 = swapaxes(A, dim1=1, dim2=3)
* B1 = swapaxes(B, dim1=1, dim2=3)
* C = swapaxes(C, dim1=1, dim2=3)
* C = gemm(A1, B1, C)
* C = swapaxis(C, dim1=1, dim2=3)
* When the input data is of type float32 and the environment variables
* and MXNET_CUDA_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION are set to 1, this operator will
* pseudo-float16 precision (float32 math with float16 I/O) precision in order to
* Tensor Cores on suitable NVIDIA GPUs. This can sometimes give significant
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix multiply-add
* A = [[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]]
* B = [[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]]
* C = [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]
* gemm(A, B, C, transpose_b=True, alpha=2.0, beta=10.0)
* = [[14.0, 14.0, 14.0], [14.0, 14.0, 14.0]]
* // Batch matrix multiply-add
* A = [[[1.0, 1.0]], [[0.1, 0.1]]]
* B = [[[1.0, 1.0]], [[0.1, 0.1]]]
* C = [[[10.0]], [[0.01]]]
* gemm(A, B, C, transpose_b=True, alpha=2.0 , beta=10.0)
* = [[[104.0]], [[0.14]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param A Tensor of input matrices
* \param B Tensor of input matrices
* \param C Tensor of input matrices
* \param transpose_a Multiply with transposed of first input (A).
* \param transpose_b Multiply with transposed of second input (B).
* \param alpha Scalar factor multiplied with A*B.
* \param beta Scalar factor multiplied with C.
* \param axis Axis corresponding to the matrix rows.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_gemm(Symbol A,
Symbol B,
Symbol C,
bool transpose_a = false,
bool transpose_b = false,
double alpha = 1,
double beta = 1,
int axis = -2) {
return Operator("_linalg_gemm")
.SetParam("transpose_a", transpose_a)
.SetParam("transpose_b", transpose_b)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetParam("beta", beta)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("A", A)
.SetInput("B", B)
.SetInput("C", C)
* \brief Performs general matrix multiplication.
* Input are tensors *A*, *B*, each of dimension *n >= 2* and having the same shape
* on the leading *n-2* dimensions.
* If *n=2*, the BLAS3 function *gemm* is performed:
* *out* = *alpha* \* *op*\ (*A*) \* *op*\ (*B*)
* Here *alpha* is a scalar parameter and *op()* is either the identity or the
* transposition (depending on *transpose_a*, *transpose_b*).
* If *n>2*, *gemm* is performed separately for a batch of matrices. The column
* are given by the last dimensions of the tensors, the row indices by the axis
* parameter. By default, the trailing two dimensions will be used for matrix
* For a non-default axis parameter, the operation performed is equivalent to a
* calls. For example let *A*, *B* be 5 dimensional tensors. Then gemm(*A*, *B*,
* the following without the overhead of the additional swapaxis operations::
* A1 = swapaxes(A, dim1=1, dim2=3)
* B1 = swapaxes(B, dim1=1, dim2=3)
* C = gemm2(A1, B1)
* C = swapaxis(C, dim1=1, dim2=3)
* When the input data is of type float32 and the environment variables
* and MXNET_CUDA_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION are set to 1, this operator will
* pseudo-float16 precision (float32 math with float16 I/O) precision in order to
* Tensor Cores on suitable NVIDIA GPUs. This can sometimes give significant
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix multiply
* A = [[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]]
* B = [[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]]
* gemm2(A, B, transpose_b=True, alpha=2.0)
* = [[4.0, 4.0, 4.0], [4.0, 4.0, 4.0]]
* // Batch matrix multiply
* A = [[[1.0, 1.0]], [[0.1, 0.1]]]
* B = [[[1.0, 1.0]], [[0.1, 0.1]]]
* gemm2(A, B, transpose_b=True, alpha=2.0)
* = [[[4.0]], [[0.04 ]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param A Tensor of input matrices
* \param B Tensor of input matrices
* \param transpose_a Multiply with transposed of first input (A).
* \param transpose_b Multiply with transposed of second input (B).
* \param alpha Scalar factor multiplied with A*B.
* \param axis Axis corresponding to the matrix row indices.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_gemm2(Symbol A,
Symbol B,
bool transpose_a = false,
bool transpose_b = false,
double alpha = 1,
int axis = -2) {
return Operator("_linalg_gemm2")
.SetParam("transpose_a", transpose_a)
.SetParam("transpose_b", transpose_b)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("A", A)
.SetInput("B", B)
* \brief Performs Cholesky factorization of a symmetric positive-definite matrix.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, the Cholesky factor *B* of the symmetric, positive definite matrix
* computed. *B* is triangular (entries of upper or lower triangle are all zero),
* positive diagonal entries, and:
* *A* = *B* \* *B*\ :sup:`T` if *lower* = *true*
* *A* = *B*\ :sup:`T` \* *B* if *lower* = *false*
* If *n>2*, *potrf* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions for
* (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix factorization
* A = [[4.0, 1.0], [1.0, 4.25]]
* potrf(A) = [[2.0, 0], [0.5, 2.0]]
* // Batch matrix factorization
* A = [[[4.0, 1.0], [1.0, 4.25]], [[16.0, 4.0], [4.0, 17.0]]]
* potrf(A) = [[[2.0, 0], [0.5, 2.0]], [[4.0, 0], [1.0, 4.0]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param A Tensor of input matrices to be decomposed
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_potrf(Symbol A) {
return Operator("_linalg_potrf")
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Performs matrix inversion from a Cholesky factorization.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, *A* is a triangular matrix (entries of upper or lower triangle are
* with positive diagonal. We compute:
* *out* = *A*\ :sup:`-T` \* *A*\ :sup:`-1` if *lower* = *true*
* *out* = *A*\ :sup:`-1` \* *A*\ :sup:`-T` if *lower* = *false*
* In other words, if *A* is the Cholesky factor of a symmetric positive definite
* *B* (obtained by *potrf*), then
* *out* = *B*\ :sup:`-1`
* If *n>2*, *potri* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions for
* (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* .. note:: Use this operator only if you are certain you need the inverse of
* cannot use the Cholesky factor *A* (*potrf*), together with backsubstitution
* (*trsm*). The latter is numerically much safer, and also cheaper.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix inverse
* A = [[2.0, 0], [0.5, 2.0]]
* potri(A) = [[0.26563, -0.0625], [-0.0625, 0.25]]
* // Batch matrix inverse
* A = [[[2.0, 0], [0.5, 2.0]], [[4.0, 0], [1.0, 4.0]]]
* potri(A) = [[[0.26563, -0.0625], [-0.0625, 0.25]],
* [[0.06641, -0.01562], [-0.01562, 0,0625]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param A Tensor of lower triangular matrices
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_potri(Symbol A) {
return Operator("_linalg_potri")
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Performs multiplication with a lower triangular matrix.
* Input are tensors *A*, *B*, each of dimension *n >= 2* and having the same shape
* on the leading *n-2* dimensions.
* If *n=2*, *A* must be triangular. The operator performs the BLAS3 function
* *trmm*:
* *out* = *alpha* \* *op*\ (*A*) \* *B*
* if *rightside=False*, or
* *out* = *alpha* \* *B* \* *op*\ (*A*)
* if *rightside=True*. Here, *alpha* is a scalar parameter, and *op()* is either
* identity or the matrix transposition (depending on *transpose*).
* If *n>2*, *trmm* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions for all
* (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single triangular matrix multiply
* A = [[1.0, 0], [1.0, 1.0]]
* B = [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]
* trmm(A, B, alpha=2.0) = [[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [4.0, 4.0, 4.0]]
* // Batch triangular matrix multiply
* A = [[[1.0, 0], [1.0, 1.0]], [[1.0, 0], [1.0, 1.0]]]
* B = [[[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]], [[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]]]
* trmm(A, B, alpha=2.0) = [[[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [4.0, 4.0, 4.0]],
* [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param A Tensor of lower triangular matrices
* \param B Tensor of matrices
* \param transpose Use transposed of the triangular matrix
* \param rightside Multiply triangular matrix from the right to non-triangular one.
* \param lower True if the triangular matrix is lower triangular, false if it is upper
* \param alpha Scalar factor to be applied to the result.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_trmm(Symbol A,
Symbol B,
bool transpose = false,
bool rightside = false,
bool lower = true,
double alpha = 1) {
return Operator("_linalg_trmm")
.SetParam("transpose", transpose)
.SetParam("rightside", rightside)
.SetParam("lower", lower)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetInput("A", A)
.SetInput("B", B)
* \brief Solves matrix equation involving a lower triangular matrix.
* Input are tensors *A*, *B*, each of dimension *n >= 2* and having the same shape
* on the leading *n-2* dimensions.
* If *n=2*, *A* must be triangular. The operator performs the BLAS3 function
* *trsm*, solving for *out* in:
* *op*\ (*A*) \* *out* = *alpha* \* *B*
* if *rightside=False*, or
* *out* \* *op*\ (*A*) = *alpha* \* *B*
* if *rightside=True*. Here, *alpha* is a scalar parameter, and *op()* is either
* identity or the matrix transposition (depending on *transpose*).
* If *n>2*, *trsm* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions for all
* (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix solve
* A = [[1.0, 0], [1.0, 1.0]]
* B = [[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [4.0, 4.0, 4.0]]
* trsm(A, B, alpha=0.5) = [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]
* // Batch matrix solve
* A = [[[1.0, 0], [1.0, 1.0]], [[1.0, 0], [1.0, 1.0]]]
* B = [[[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [4.0, 4.0, 4.0]],
* [[4.0, 4.0, 4.0], [8.0, 8.0, 8.0]]]
* trsm(A, B, alpha=0.5) = [[[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]],
* [[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param A Tensor of lower triangular matrices
* \param B Tensor of matrices
* \param transpose Use transposed of the triangular matrix
* \param rightside Multiply triangular matrix from the right to non-triangular one.
* \param lower True if the triangular matrix is lower triangular, false if it is upper
* \param alpha Scalar factor to be applied to the result.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_trsm(Symbol A,
Symbol B,
bool transpose = false,
bool rightside = false,
bool lower = true,
double alpha = 1) {
return Operator("_linalg_trsm")
.SetParam("transpose", transpose)
.SetParam("rightside", rightside)
.SetParam("lower", lower)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetInput("A", A)
.SetInput("B", B)
* \brief Computes the sum of the logarithms of the diagonal elements of a square matrix.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, *A* must be square with positive diagonal entries. We sum the natural
* logarithms of the diagonal elements, the result has shape (1,).
* If *n>2*, *sumlogdiag* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions
* inputs (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix reduction
* A = [[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 7.0]]
* sumlogdiag(A) = [1.9459]
* // Batch matrix reduction
* A = [[[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 7.0]], [[3.0, 0], [0, 17.0]]]
* sumlogdiag(A) = [1.9459, 3.9318]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param A Tensor of square matrices
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_sumlogdiag(Symbol A) {
return Operator("_linalg_sumlogdiag")
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Extracts the diagonal entries of a square matrix.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, then *A* represents a single square matrix which diagonal elements
* If *n>2*, then *A* represents a batch of square matrices on the trailing two
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix diagonal extraction
* A = [[1.0, 2.0],
* [3.0, 4.0]]
* extractdiag(A) = [1.0, 4.0]
* extractdiag(A, 1) = [2.0]
* // Batch matrix diagonal extraction
* A = [[[1.0, 2.0],
* [3.0, 4.0]],
* [[5.0, 6.0],
* [7.0, 8.0]]]
* extractdiag(A) = [[1.0, 4.0],
* [5.0, 8.0]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param A Tensor of square matrices
* \param offset Offset of the diagonal versus the main diagonal. 0 corresponds to the
* main diagonal, a negative/positive value to diagonals below/above the main
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_extractdiag(Symbol A,
int offset = 0) {
return Operator("_linalg_extractdiag")
.SetParam("offset", offset)
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Constructs a square matrix with the input as diagonal.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 1*.
* If *n=1*, then *A* represents the diagonal entries of a single square matrix.
* If *n>1*, then *A* represents a batch of diagonals of square matrices. The
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single diagonal matrix construction
* A = [1.0, 2.0]
* makediag(A) = [[1.0, 0.0],
* [0.0, 2.0]]
* makediag(A, 1) = [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 2.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
* // Batch diagonal matrix construction
* A = [[1.0, 2.0],
* [3.0, 4.0]]
* makediag(A) = [[[1.0, 0.0],
* [0.0, 2.0]],
* [[3.0, 0.0],
* [0.0, 4.0]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param A Tensor of diagonal entries
* \param offset Offset of the diagonal versus the main diagonal. 0 corresponds to the
* main diagonal, a negative/positive value to diagonals below/above the main
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_makediag(Symbol A,
int offset = 0) {
return Operator("_linalg_makediag")
.SetParam("offset", offset)
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Extracts a triangular sub-matrix from a square matrix.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, then *A* represents a single square matrix from which a triangular
* If *n>2*, then *A* represents a batch of square matrices on the trailing two
* dimensions. The extracted triangular sub-matrices are returned as an
* The *offset* and *lower* parameters determine the triangle to be extracted:
* - When *offset = 0* either the lower or upper triangle with respect to the main
* - When *offset = k > 0* the upper triangle with respect to the k-th diagonal
* - When *offset = k < 0* the lower triangle with respect to the k-th diagonal
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single triagonal extraction
* A = [[1.0, 2.0],
* [3.0, 4.0]]
* extracttrian(A) = [1.0, 3.0, 4.0]
* extracttrian(A, lower=False) = [1.0, 2.0, 4.0]
* extracttrian(A, 1) = [2.0]
* extracttrian(A, -1) = [3.0]
* // Batch triagonal extraction
* A = [[[1.0, 2.0],
* [3.0, 4.0]],
* [[5.0, 6.0],
* [7.0, 8.0]]]
* extracttrian(A) = [[1.0, 3.0, 4.0],
* [5.0, 7.0, 8.0]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param A Tensor of square matrices
* \param offset Offset of the diagonal versus the main diagonal. 0 corresponds to the
* main diagonal, a negative/positive value to diagonals below/above the main
* \param lower Refer to the lower triangular matrix if lower=true, refer to the upper
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_extracttrian(Symbol A,
int offset = 0,
bool lower = true) {
return Operator("_linalg_extracttrian")
.SetParam("offset", offset)
.SetParam("lower", lower)
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Constructs a square matrix with the input representing a specific triangular
* This is basically the inverse of *linalg.extracttrian*. Input is a tensor *A*
* If *n=1*, then *A* represents the entries of a triangular matrix which is lower
* triangular if *offset<0* or *offset=0*, *lower=true*. The resulting matrix is
* matrix with the entries outside the triangle set to zero and then adding
* diagonal with zero entries to the square matrix.
* If *n>1*, then *A* represents a batch of triangular sub-matrices. The batch of
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix construction
* A = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
* maketrian(A) = [[1.0, 0.0],
* [2.0, 3.0]]
* maketrian(A, lower=false) = [[1.0, 2.0],
* [0.0, 3.0]]
* maketrian(A, offset=1) = [[0.0, 1.0, 2.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 3.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
* maketrian(A, offset=-1) = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
* [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
* [2.0, 3.0, 0.0]]
* // Batch matrix construction
* A = [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
* [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]
* maketrian(A) = [[[1.0, 0.0],
* [2.0, 3.0]],
* [[4.0, 0.0],
* [5.0, 6.0]]]
* maketrian(A, offset=1) = [[[0.0, 1.0, 2.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 3.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]],
* [[0.0, 4.0, 5.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 6.0],
* [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param A Tensor of triangular matrices stored as vectors
* \param offset Offset of the diagonal versus the main diagonal. 0 corresponds to the
* main diagonal, a negative/positive value to diagonals below/above the main
* \param lower Refer to the lower triangular matrix if lower=true, refer to the upper
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_maketrian(Symbol A,
int offset = 0,
bool lower = true) {
return Operator("_linalg_maketrian")
.SetParam("offset", offset)
.SetParam("lower", lower)
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Multiplication of matrix with its transpose.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, the operator performs the BLAS3 function *syrk*:
* *out* = *alpha* \* *A* \* *A*\ :sup:`T`
* if *transpose=False*, or
* *out* = *alpha* \* *A*\ :sup:`T` \ \* *A*
* if *transpose=True*.
* If *n>2*, *syrk* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions for all
* inputs (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix multiply
* A = [[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]
* syrk(A, alpha=1., transpose=False)
* = [[14., 32.],
* [32., 77.]]
* syrk(A, alpha=1., transpose=True)
* = [[17., 22., 27.],
* [22., 29., 36.],
* [27., 36., 45.]]
* // Batch matrix multiply
* A = [[[1., 1.]], [[0.1, 0.1]]]
* syrk(A, alpha=2., transpose=False) = [[[4.]], [[0.04]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param A Tensor of input matrices
* \param transpose Use transpose of input matrix.
* \param alpha Scalar factor to be applied to the result.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_syrk(Symbol A,
bool transpose = false,
double alpha = 1) {
return Operator("_linalg_syrk")
.SetParam("transpose", transpose)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief LQ factorization for general matrix.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, we compute the LQ factorization (LAPACK *gelqf*, followed by
* must have shape *(x, y)* with *x <= y*, and must have full rank *=x*. The LQ
* factorization consists of *L* with shape *(x, x)* and *Q* with shape *(x, y)*,
* that:
* *A* = *L* \* *Q*
* Here, *L* is lower triangular (upper triangle equal to zero) with nonzero
* and *Q* is row-orthonormal, meaning that
* *Q* \* *Q*\ :sup:`T`
* is equal to the identity matrix of shape *(x, x)*.
* If *n>2*, *gelqf* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions for all
* inputs (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single LQ factorization
* A = [[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]
* Q, L = gelqf(A)
* Q = [[-0.26726124, -0.53452248, -0.80178373],
* [0.87287156, 0.21821789, -0.43643578]]
* L = [[-3.74165739, 0.],
* [-8.55235974, 1.96396101]]
* // Batch LQ factorization
* A = [[[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]],
* [[7., 8., 9.], [10., 11., 12.]]]
* Q, L = gelqf(A)
* Q = [[[-0.26726124, -0.53452248, -0.80178373],
* [0.87287156, 0.21821789, -0.43643578]],
* [[-0.50257071, -0.57436653, -0.64616234],
* [0.7620735, 0.05862104, -0.64483142]]]
* L = [[[-3.74165739, 0.],
* [-8.55235974, 1.96396101]],
* [[-13.92838828, 0.],
* [-19.09768702, 0.52758934]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param A Tensor of input matrices to be factorized
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_gelqf(Symbol A) {
return Operator("_linalg_gelqf")
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Eigendecomposition for symmetric matrix.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, *A* must be symmetric, of shape *(x, x)*. We compute the
* resulting in the orthonormal matrix *U* of eigenvectors, shape *(x, x)*, and the
* vector *L* of eigenvalues, shape *(x,)*, so that:
* *U* \* *A* = *diag(L)* \* *U*
* Here:
* *U* \* *U*\ :sup:`T` = *U*\ :sup:`T` \* *U* = *I*
* where *I* is the identity matrix. Also, *L(0) <= L(1) <= L(2) <= ...*
* If *n>2*, *syevd* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions of *A*
* mode). In this case, *U* has *n* dimensions like *A*, and *L* has *n-1*
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* .. note:: Derivatives for this operator are defined only if *A* is such that
* eigenvalues are distinct, and the eigengaps are not too small. If you need
* gradients, do not apply this operator to matrices with multiple eigenvalues.
* Examples::
* // Single symmetric eigendecomposition
* A = [[1., 2.], [2., 4.]]
* U, L = syevd(A)
* U = [[0.89442719, -0.4472136],
* [0.4472136, 0.89442719]]
* L = [0., 5.]
* // Batch symmetric eigendecomposition
* A = [[[1., 2.], [2., 4.]],
* [[1., 2.], [2., 5.]]]
* U, L = syevd(A)
* U = [[[0.89442719, -0.4472136],
* [0.4472136, 0.89442719]],
* [[0.92387953, -0.38268343],
* [0.38268343, 0.92387953]]]
* L = [[0., 5.],
* [0.17157288, 5.82842712]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param A Tensor of input matrices to be factorized
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_syevd(Symbol A) {
return Operator("_linalg_syevd")
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief Compute the inverse of a matrix.
* Input is a tensor *A* of dimension *n >= 2*.
* If *n=2*, *A* is a square matrix. We compute:
* *out* = *A*\ :sup:`-1`
* If *n>2*, *inverse* is performed separately on the trailing two dimensions
* for all inputs (batch mode).
* .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
* Examples::
* // Single matrix inversion
* A = [[1., 4.], [2., 3.]]
* inverse(A) = [[-0.6, 0.8], [0.4, -0.2]]
* // Batch matrix inversion
* A = [[[1., 4.], [2., 3.]],
* [[1., 3.], [2., 4.]]]
* inverse(A) = [[[-0.6, 0.8], [0.4, -0.2]],
* [[-2., 1.5], [1., -0.5]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param A Tensor of square matrix
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _linalg_inverse(Symbol A) {
return Operator("_linalg_inverse")
.SetInput("A", A)
* \brief This operators implements the histogram function.
* Example::
* x = [[0, 1], [2, 2], [3, 4]]
* histo, bin_edges = histogram(data=x, bin_bounds=[], bin_cnt=5, range=(0,5))
* histo = [1, 1, 2, 1, 1]
* bin_edges = [0., 1., 2., 3., 4.]
* histo, bin_edges = histogram(data=x, bin_bounds=[0., 2.1, 3.])
* histo = [4, 1]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param bins Input ndarray
* \param bin_cnt Number of bins for uniform case
* \param range The lower and upper range of the bins. if not provided, range is simply
* (a.min(), a.max()). values outside the range are ignored. the first element of
* the range must be less than or equal to the second. range affects the automatic
* bin computation as well. while bin width is computed to be optimal based on the
* actual data within range, the bin count will fill the entire range including
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _histogram(Symbol data,
Symbol bins,
dmlc::optional<int> bin_cnt = dmlc::optional<int>(),
int64_t range = int64_t()) {
return Operator("_histogram")
.SetParam("bin_cnt", bin_cnt)
.SetParam("range", range)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("bins", bins)
* \brief Returns indices of the maximum values along an axis.
* In the case of multiple occurrences of maximum values, the indices
* are returned.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 0., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 5.]]
* // argmax along axis 0
* argmax(x, axis=0) = [ 1., 1., 1.]
* // argmax along axis 1
* argmax(x, axis=1) = [ 2., 2.]
* // argmax along axis 1 keeping same dims as an input array
* argmax(x, axis=1, keepdims=True) = [[ 2.],
* [ 2.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis along which to perform the reduction. Negative values means
* indexing from right to left. ``Requires axis to be set as int, because global
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axis is left in the result as
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol argmax(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>(),
bool keepdims = false) {
return Operator("argmax")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns indices of the minimum values along an axis.
* In the case of multiple occurrences of minimum values, the indices
* are returned.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 0., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 5.]]
* // argmin along axis 0
* argmin(x, axis=0) = [ 0., 0., 0.]
* // argmin along axis 1
* argmin(x, axis=1) = [ 0., 0.]
* // argmin along axis 1 keeping same dims as an input array
* argmin(x, axis=1, keepdims=True) = [[ 0.],
* [ 0.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis along which to perform the reduction. Negative values means
* indexing from right to left. ``Requires axis to be set as int, because global
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axis is left in the result as
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol argmin(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>(),
bool keepdims = false) {
return Operator("argmin")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns argmax indices of each channel from the input array.
* The result will be an NDArray of shape (num_channel,).
* In case of multiple occurrences of the maximum values, the indices
* are returned.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 0., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 5.]]
* argmax_channel(x) = [ 2., 2.]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol argmax_channel(Symbol data) {
return Operator("argmax_channel")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Picks elements from an input array according to the input indices along the
* Given an input array of shape ``(d0, d1)`` and indices of shape ``(i0,)``, the
* an output array of shape ``(i0,)`` with::
* output[i] = input[i, indices[i]]
* By default, if any index mentioned is too large, it is replaced by the index
* the last element along an axis (the `clip` mode).
* This function supports n-dimensional input and (n-1)-dimensional indices arrays.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6.]]
* // picks elements with specified indices along axis 0
* pick(x, y=[0,1], 0) = [ 1., 4.]
* // picks elements with specified indices along axis 1
* pick(x, y=[0,1,0], 1) = [ 1., 4., 5.]
* y = [[ 1.],
* [ 0.],
* [ 2.]]
* // picks elements with specified indices along axis 1 using 'wrap' mode
* // to place indicies that would normally be out of bounds
* pick(x, y=[2,-1,-2], 1, mode='wrap') = [ 1., 4., 5.]
* y = [[ 1.],
* [ 0.],
* [ 2.]]
* // picks elements with specified indices along axis 1 and dims are maintained
* pick(x,y, 1, keepdims=True) = [[ 2.],
* [ 3.],
* [ 6.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array
* \param index The index array
* \param axis int or None. The axis to picking the elements. Negative values means
* indexing from right to left. If is `None`, the elements in the index w.r.t the
* \param keepdims If true, the axis where we pick the elements is left in the result as
* \param mode Specify how out-of-bound indices behave. Default is "clip". "clip" means
* clip to the range. So, if all indices mentioned are too large, they are
* replaced by the index that addresses the last element along an axis. "wrap"
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol pick(Symbol data,
Symbol index,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>(-1),
bool keepdims = false,
PickMode mode = PickMode::kClip) {
static const char *PickModeValues[] = {
return Operator("pick")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("mode", PickModeValues[int(mode)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("index", index)
* \brief Divides arguments element-wise. If the left-hand-side input is 'row_sparse',
* only the values which exist in the left-hand sparse array are computed. The
* are ignored.
* The storage type of ``_scatter_elemwise_div`` output depends on storage types
* - _scatter_elemwise_div(row_sparse, row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - _scatter_elemwise_div(row_sparse, dense) = row_sparse
* - _scatter_elemwise_div(row_sparse, csr) = row_sparse
* - otherwise, ``_scatter_elemwise_div`` behaves exactly like elemwise_div and
* with default storage
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _scatter_elemwise_div(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_scatter_elemwise_div")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Adds a scalar to a tensor element-wise. If the left-hand-side input is
* 'row_sparse' or 'csr', then only the values which exist in the left-hand sparse
* The 'missing' values are ignored.
* The storage type of ``_scatter_plus_scalar`` output depends on storage types of
* - _scatter_plus_scalar(row_sparse, scalar) = row_sparse
* - _scatter_plus_scalar(csr, scalar) = csr
* - otherwise, ``_scatter_plus_scalar`` behaves exactly like _plus_scalar and
* with default storage
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _scatter_plus_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_scatter_plus_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Subtracts a scalar to a tensor element-wise. If the left-hand-side input is
* 'row_sparse' or 'csr', then only the values which exist in the left-hand sparse
* The 'missing' values are ignored.
* The storage type of ``_scatter_minus_scalar`` output depends on storage types
* - _scatter_minus_scalar(row_sparse, scalar) = row_sparse
* - _scatter_minus_scalar(csr, scalar) = csr
* - otherwise, ``_scatter_minus_scalar`` behaves exactly like _minus_scalar and
* with default storage
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _scatter_minus_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_scatter_minus_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise sum of the input arrays with broadcasting.
* `broadcast_plus` is an alias to the function `broadcast_add`.
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_add(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 2., 2., 2.]]
* broadcast_plus(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 2., 2., 2.]]
* Supported sparse operations:
* broadcast_add(csr, dense(1D)) = dense
* broadcast_add(dense(1D), csr) = dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_add(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_add")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns element-wise difference of the input arrays with broadcasting.
* `broadcast_minus` is an alias to the function `broadcast_sub`.
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_sub(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* broadcast_minus(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* Supported sparse operations:
* broadcast_sub/minus(csr, dense(1D)) = dense
* broadcast_sub/minus(dense(1D), csr) = dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_sub(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_sub")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns element-wise product of the input arrays with broadcasting.
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_mul(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* Supported sparse operations:
* broadcast_mul(csr, dense(1D)) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_mul(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_mul")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns element-wise division of the input arrays with broadcasting.
* Example::
* x = [[ 6., 6., 6.],
* [ 6., 6., 6.]]
* y = [[ 2.],
* [ 3.]]
* broadcast_div(x, y) = [[ 3., 3., 3.],
* [ 2., 2., 2.]]
* Supported sparse operations:
* broadcast_div(csr, dense(1D)) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_div(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_div")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns element-wise modulo of the input arrays with broadcasting.
* Example::
* x = [[ 8., 8., 8.],
* [ 8., 8., 8.]]
* y = [[ 2.],
* [ 3.]]
* broadcast_mod(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 2., 2., 2.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_mod(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_mod")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Computes rectified linear activation.
* .. math::
* max(features, 0)
* The storage type of ``relu`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - relu(default) = default
* - relu(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - relu(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol relu(Symbol data) {
return Operator("relu")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes sigmoid of x element-wise.
* .. math::
* y = 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
* The storage type of ``sigmoid`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sigmoid(Symbol data) {
return Operator("sigmoid")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes hard sigmoid of x element-wise.
* .. math::
* y = max(0, min(1, alpha * x + beta))
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \param alpha Slope of hard sigmoid
* \param beta Bias of hard sigmoid.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol hard_sigmoid(Symbol data,
mx_float alpha = 0.200000003,
mx_float beta = 0.5) {
return Operator("hard_sigmoid")
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetParam("beta", beta)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes softsign of x element-wise.
* .. math::
* y = x / (1 + abs(x))
* The storage type of ``softsign`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol softsign(Symbol data) {
return Operator("softsign")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns a copy of the input.
* From:src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _copy(Symbol data) {
return Operator("_copy")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Stops gradient computation.
* Stops the accumulated gradient of the inputs from flowing through this operator
* in the backward direction. In other words, this operator prevents the
* of its inputs to be taken into account for computing gradients.
* Example::
* v1 = [1, 2]
* v2 = [0, 1]
* a = Variable('a')
* b = Variable('b')
* b_stop_grad = stop_gradient(3 * b)
* loss = MakeLoss(b_stop_grad + a)
* executor = loss.simple_bind(ctx=cpu(), a=(1,2), b=(1,2))
* executor.forward(is_train=True, a=v1, b=v2)
* executor.outputs
* [ 1. 5.]
* executor.backward()
* executor.grad_arrays
* [ 0. 0.]
* [ 1. 1.]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol BlockGrad(Symbol data) {
return Operator("BlockGrad")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Make your own loss function in network construction.
* This operator accepts a customized loss function symbol as a terminal loss and
* the symbol should be an operator with no backward dependency.
* The output of this function is the gradient of loss with respect to the input
* For example, if you are a making a cross entropy loss function. Assume ``out``
* predicted output and ``label`` is the true label, then the cross entropy can be
* cross_entropy = label * log(out) + (1 - label) * log(1 - out)
* loss = make_loss(cross_entropy)
* We will need to use ``make_loss`` when we are creating our own loss function or
* combine multiple loss functions. Also we may want to stop some variables'
* from backpropagation. See more detail in ``BlockGrad`` or ``stop_gradient``.
* The storage type of ``make_loss`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - make_loss(default) = default
* - make_loss(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol make_loss(Symbol data) {
return Operator("make_loss")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param lhs First input.
* \param rhs Second input.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _identity_with_attr_like_rhs(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_identity_with_attr_like_rhs")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Reshape some or all dimensions of `lhs` to have the same shape as some or all
* Returns a **view** of the `lhs` array with a new shape without altering any
* Example::
* x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
* y = [[0, -4], [3, 2], [2, 2]]
* reshape_like(x, y) = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
* More precise control over how dimensions are inherited is achieved by
* slices over the `lhs` and `rhs` array dimensions. Only the sliced `lhs`
* are reshaped to the `rhs` sliced dimensions, with the non-sliced `lhs`
* Examples::
* - lhs shape = (30,7), rhs shape = (15,2,4), lhs_begin=0, lhs_end=1,
* - lhs shape = (3, 5), rhs shape = (1,15,4), lhs_begin=0, lhs_end=2,
* Negative indices are supported, and `None` can be used for either `lhs_end` or
* Example::
* - lhs shape = (30, 12), rhs shape = (4, 2, 2, 3), lhs_begin=-1, lhs_end=None,
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input.
* \param rhs Second input.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol reshape_like(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("reshape_like")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns a 1D int64 array containing the shape of data.
* Example::
* shape_array([[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8]]) = [2,4]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Input Array.
* \param lhs_begin Defaults to 0. The beginning index along which the lhs dimensions are
* \param lhs_end Defaults to None. The ending index along which the lhs dimensions are
* \param rhs_begin Defaults to 0. The beginning index along which the rhs dimensions are
* \param rhs_end Defaults to None. The ending index along which the rhs dimensions are
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol shape_array(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<int> lhs_begin = dmlc::optional<int>(),
dmlc::optional<int> lhs_end = dmlc::optional<int>(),
dmlc::optional<int> rhs_begin = dmlc::optional<int>(),
dmlc::optional<int> rhs_end = dmlc::optional<int>()) {
return Operator("shape_array")
.SetParam("lhs_begin", lhs_begin)
.SetParam("lhs_end", lhs_end)
.SetParam("rhs_begin", rhs_begin)
.SetParam("rhs_end", rhs_end)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns a 1D int64 array containing the size of data.
* Example::
* size_array([[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8]]) = [8]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Input Array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol size_array(Symbol data) {
return Operator("size_array")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Casts all elements of the input to a new type.
* .. note:: ``Cast`` is deprecated. Use ``cast`` instead.
* Example::
* cast([0.9, 1.3], dtype='int32') = [0, 1]
* cast([1e20, 11.1], dtype='float16') = [inf, 11.09375]
* cast([300, 11.1, 10.9, -1, -3], dtype='uint8') = [44, 11, 10, 255, 253]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input.
* \param dtype Output data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Cast(Symbol data,
CastDtype dtype) {
static const char *CastDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("Cast")
.SetParam("dtype", CastDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Numerical negative of the argument, element-wise.
* The storage type of ``negative`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - negative(default) = default
* - negative(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - negative(csr) = csr
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol negative(Symbol data) {
return Operator("negative")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the reciprocal of the argument, element-wise.
* Calculates 1/x.
* Example::
* reciprocal([-2, 1, 3, 1.6, 0.2]) = [-0.5, 1.0, 0.33333334, 0.625, 5.0]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol reciprocal(Symbol data) {
return Operator("reciprocal")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise absolute value of the input.
* Example::
* abs([-2, 0, 3]) = [2, 0, 3]
* The storage type of ``abs`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - abs(default) = default
* - abs(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - abs(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol abs(Symbol data) {
return Operator("abs")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise sign of the input.
* Example::
* sign([-2, 0, 3]) = [-1, 0, 1]
* The storage type of ``sign`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - sign(default) = default
* - sign(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - sign(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sign(Symbol data) {
return Operator("sign")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise rounded value to the nearest integer of the input.
* Example::
* round([-1.5, 1.5, -1.9, 1.9, 2.1]) = [-2., 2., -2., 2., 2.]
* The storage type of ``round`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - round(default) = default
* - round(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - round(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol round(Symbol data) {
return Operator("round")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise rounded value to the nearest integer of the input.
* .. note::
* - For input ``n.5`` ``rint`` returns ``n`` while ``round`` returns ``n+1``.
* - For input ``-n.5`` both ``rint`` and ``round`` returns ``-n-1``.
* Example::
* rint([-1.5, 1.5, -1.9, 1.9, 2.1]) = [-2., 1., -2., 2., 2.]
* The storage type of ``rint`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - rint(default) = default
* - rint(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - rint(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol rint(Symbol data) {
return Operator("rint")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise ceiling of the input.
* The ceil of the scalar x is the smallest integer i, such that i >= x.
* Example::
* ceil([-2.1, -1.9, 1.5, 1.9, 2.1]) = [-2., -1., 2., 2., 3.]
* The storage type of ``ceil`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - ceil(default) = default
* - ceil(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - ceil(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol ceil(Symbol data) {
return Operator("ceil")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise floor of the input.
* The floor of the scalar x is the largest integer i, such that i <= x.
* Example::
* floor([-2.1, -1.9, 1.5, 1.9, 2.1]) = [-3., -2., 1., 1., 2.]
* The storage type of ``floor`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - floor(default) = default
* - floor(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - floor(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol floor(Symbol data) {
return Operator("floor")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Return the element-wise truncated value of the input.
* The truncated value of the scalar x is the nearest integer i which is closer to
* zero than x is. In short, the fractional part of the signed number x is
* Example::
* trunc([-2.1, -1.9, 1.5, 1.9, 2.1]) = [-2., -1., 1., 1., 2.]
* The storage type of ``trunc`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - trunc(default) = default
* - trunc(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - trunc(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol trunc(Symbol data) {
return Operator("trunc")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise rounded value to the nearest \
* integer towards zero of the input.
* Example::
* fix([-2.1, -1.9, 1.9, 2.1]) = [-2., -1., 1., 2.]
* The storage type of ``fix`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - fix(default) = default
* - fix(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - fix(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol fix(Symbol data) {
return Operator("fix")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise squared value of the input.
* .. math::
* square(x) = x^2
* Example::
* square([2, 3, 4]) = [4, 9, 16]
* The storage type of ``square`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - square(default) = default
* - square(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - square(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol square(Symbol data) {
return Operator("square")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise square-root value of the input.
* .. math::
* \textrm{sqrt}(x) = \sqrt{x}
* Example::
* sqrt([4, 9, 16]) = [2, 3, 4]
* The storage type of ``sqrt`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - sqrt(default) = default
* - sqrt(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - sqrt(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sqrt(Symbol data) {
return Operator("sqrt")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise inverse square-root value of the input.
* .. math::
* rsqrt(x) = 1/\sqrt{x}
* Example::
* rsqrt([4,9,16]) = [0.5, 0.33333334, 0.25]
* The storage type of ``rsqrt`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol rsqrt(Symbol data) {
return Operator("rsqrt")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise cube-root value of the input.
* .. math::
* cbrt(x) = \sqrt[3]{x}
* Example::
* cbrt([1, 8, -125]) = [1, 2, -5]
* The storage type of ``cbrt`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - cbrt(default) = default
* - cbrt(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - cbrt(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol cbrt(Symbol data) {
return Operator("cbrt")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise gauss error function of the input.
* Example::
* erf([0, -1., 10.]) = [0., -0.8427, 1.]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol erf(Symbol data) {
return Operator("erf")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise inverse gauss error function of the input.
* Example::
* erfinv([0, 0.5., -1.]) = [0., 0.4769, -inf]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol erfinv(Symbol data) {
return Operator("erfinv")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise inverse cube-root value of the input.
* .. math::
* rcbrt(x) = 1/\sqrt[3]{x}
* Example::
* rcbrt([1,8,-125]) = [1.0, 0.5, -0.2]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol rcbrt(Symbol data) {
return Operator("rcbrt")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise exponential value of the input.
* .. math::
* exp(x) = e^x \approx 2.718^x
* Example::
* exp([0, 1, 2]) = [1., 2.71828175, 7.38905621]
* The storage type of ``exp`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol exp(Symbol data) {
return Operator("exp")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise Natural logarithmic value of the input.
* The natural logarithm is logarithm in base *e*, so that ``log(exp(x)) = x``
* The storage type of ``log`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol log(Symbol data) {
return Operator("log")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise Base-10 logarithmic value of the input.
* ``10**log10(x) = x``
* The storage type of ``log10`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol log10(Symbol data) {
return Operator("log10")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise Base-2 logarithmic value of the input.
* ``2**log2(x) = x``
* The storage type of ``log2`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol log2(Symbol data) {
return Operator("log2")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise ``log(1 + x)`` value of the input.
* This function is more accurate than ``log(1 + x)`` for small ``x`` so that
* :math:`1+x\approx 1`
* The storage type of ``log1p`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - log1p(default) = default
* - log1p(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - log1p(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol log1p(Symbol data) {
return Operator("log1p")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns ``exp(x) - 1`` computed element-wise on the input.
* This function provides greater precision than ``exp(x) - 1`` for small values
* The storage type of ``expm1`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - expm1(default) = default
* - expm1(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - expm1(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol expm1(Symbol data) {
return Operator("expm1")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the gamma function (extension of the factorial function \
* to the reals), computed element-wise on the input array.
* The storage type of ``gamma`` output is always dense
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol gamma(Symbol data) {
return Operator("gamma")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise log of the absolute value of the gamma function \
* of the input.
* The storage type of ``gammaln`` output is always dense
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol gammaln(Symbol data) {
return Operator("gammaln")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the result of logical NOT (!) function
* Example:
* logical_not([-2., 0., 1.]) = [0., 1., 0.]
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol logical_not(Symbol data) {
return Operator("logical_not")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Pick rows specified by user input index array from a row sparse matrix
* and save them in the output sparse matrix.
* Example::
* data = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
* indices = [0, 1, 3]
* shape = (4, 2)
* rsp_in = row_sparse_array(data, indices)
* to_retain = [0, 3]
* rsp_out = retain(rsp_in, to_retain)
* = [[1, 2], [5, 6]]
* rsp_out.indices = [0, 3]
* The storage type of ``retain`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - retain(row_sparse, default) = row_sparse
* - otherwise, ``retain`` is not supported
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array for sparse_retain operator.
* \param indices The index array of rows ids that will be retained.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sparse_retain(Symbol data,
Symbol indices) {
return Operator("_sparse_retain")
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("indices", indices)
* \brief Cast function between low precision float/FP32 used by AMP.
* It casts only between low precision float/FP32 and does not do anything for
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input.
* \param dtype Output data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol amp_cast(Symbol data,
Amp_castDtype dtype) {
static const char *Amp_castDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("amp_cast")
.SetParam("dtype", Amp_castDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Cast function used by AMP, that casts its inputs to the common widest type.
* It casts only between low precision float/FP32 and does not do anything for
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Weights
* \param num_outputs Number of input/output pairs to be casted to the widest type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol amp_multicast(const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_outputs) {
return Operator("amp_multicast")
.SetParam("num_outputs", num_outputs)
* \brief Returns the top *k* elements in an input array along the given axis.
* The returned elements will be sorted.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 0.3, 0.2, 0.4],
* [ 0.1, 0.3, 0.2]]
* // returns an index of the largest element on last axis
* topk(x) = [[ 2.],
* [ 1.]]
* // returns the value of top-2 largest elements on last axis
* topk(x, ret_typ='value', k=2) = [[ 0.4, 0.3],
* [ 0.3, 0.2]]
* // returns the value of top-2 smallest elements on last axis
* topk(x, ret_typ='value', k=2, is_ascend=1) = [[ 0.2 , 0.3],
* [ 0.1 , 0.2]]
* // returns the value of top-2 largest elements on axis 0
* topk(x, axis=0, ret_typ='value', k=2) = [[ 0.3, 0.3, 0.4],
* [ 0.1, 0.2, 0.2]]
* // flattens and then returns list of both values and indices
* topk(x, ret_typ='both', k=2) = [[[ 0.4, 0.3], [ 0.3, 0.2]] , [[ 2., 0.], [
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array
* \param axis Axis along which to choose the top k indices. If not given, the flattened
* \param k Number of top elements to select, should be always smaller than or equal to
* \param ret_typ The return type.
* "value" means to return the top k values, "indices" means to return the indices
* of the top k values, "mask" means to return a mask array containing 0 and 1. 1
* means the top k values. "both" means to return a list of both values and
* \param is_ascend Whether to choose k largest or k smallest elements. Top K largest
* \param dtype DType of the output indices when ret_typ is "indices" or "both". An error
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol topk(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>(-1),
int k = 1,
TopkRetTyp ret_typ = TopkRetTyp::kIndices,
bool is_ascend = false,
TopkDtype dtype = TopkDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *TopkRetTypValues[] = {
static const char *TopkDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("topk")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("k", k)
.SetParam("ret_typ", TopkRetTypValues[int(ret_typ)])
.SetParam("is_ascend", is_ascend)
.SetParam("dtype", TopkDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns a sorted copy of an input array along the given axis.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 1, 4],
* [ 3, 1]]
* // sorts along the last axis
* sort(x) = [[ 1., 4.],
* [ 1., 3.]]
* // flattens and then sorts
* sort(x, axis=None) = [ 1., 1., 3., 4.]
* // sorts along the first axis
* sort(x, axis=0) = [[ 1., 1.],
* [ 3., 4.]]
* // in a descend order
* sort(x, is_ascend=0) = [[ 4., 1.],
* [ 3., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array
* \param axis Axis along which to choose sort the input tensor. If not given, the
* \param is_ascend Whether to sort in ascending or descending order.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sort(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>(-1),
bool is_ascend = true) {
return Operator("sort")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("is_ascend", is_ascend)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the indices that would sort an input array along the given axis.
* This function performs sorting along the given axis and returns an array of
* as an input array that index data in sorted order.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 0.3, 0.2, 0.4],
* [ 0.1, 0.3, 0.2]]
* // sort along axis -1
* argsort(x) = [[ 1., 0., 2.],
* [ 0., 2., 1.]]
* // sort along axis 0
* argsort(x, axis=0) = [[ 1., 0., 1.]
* [ 0., 1., 0.]]
* // flatten and then sort
* argsort(x, axis=None) = [ 3., 1., 5., 0., 4., 2.]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array
* \param axis Axis along which to sort the input tensor. If not given, the flattened
* \param is_ascend Whether to sort in ascending or descending order.
* \param dtype DType of the output indices. It is only valid when ret_typ is "indices"
* or "both". An error will be raised if the selected data type cannot precisely
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol argsort(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>(-1),
bool is_ascend = true,
ArgsortDtype dtype = ArgsortDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *ArgsortDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("argsort")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("is_ascend", is_ascend)
.SetParam("dtype", ArgsortDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _plus_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_plus_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _minus_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_minus_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _rminus_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_rminus_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Multiply an array with a scalar.
* ``_mul_scalar`` only operates on data array of input if input is sparse.
* For example, if input of shape (100, 100) has only 2 non zero elements,
* i.e. = [5, 6], scalar = nan,
* it will result = [nan, nan] instead of 10000 nans.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _mul_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_mul_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Divide an array with a scalar.
* ``_div_scalar`` only operates on data array of input if input is sparse.
* For example, if input of shape (100, 100) has only 2 non zero elements,
* i.e. = [5, 6], scalar = nan,
* it will result = [nan, nan] instead of 10000 nans.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _div_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_div_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _rdiv_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_rdiv_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _mod_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_mod_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _rmod_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_rmod_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Maps integer indices to vector representations (embeddings).
* This operator maps words to real-valued vectors in a high-dimensional space,
* called word embeddings. These embeddings can capture semantic and syntactic
* For example, it has been noted that in the learned embedding spaces, similar
* to be close to each other and dissimilar words far apart.
* For an input array of shape (d1, ..., dK),
* the shape of an output array is (d1, ..., dK, output_dim).
* All the input values should be integers in the range [0, input_dim).
* If the input_dim is ip0 and output_dim is op0, then shape of the embedding
* (ip0, op0).
* By default, if any index mentioned is too large, it is replaced by the index
* the last vector in an embedding matrix.
* Examples::
* input_dim = 4
* output_dim = 5
* // Each row in weight matrix y represents a word. So, y = (w0,w1,w2,w3)
* y = [[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 10., 11., 12., 13., 14.],
* [ 15., 16., 17., 18., 19.]]
* // Input array x represents n-grams(2-gram). So, x = [(w1,w3), (w0,w2)]
* x = [[ 1., 3.],
* [ 0., 2.]]
* // Mapped input x to its vector representation y.
* Embedding(x, y, 4, 5) = [[[ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 15., 16., 17., 18., 19.]],
* [[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 10., 11., 12., 13., 14.]]]
* The storage type of weight can be either row_sparse or default.
* .. Note::
* If "sparse_grad" is set to True, the storage type of gradient w.r.t weights
* "row_sparse". Only a subset of optimizers support sparse gradients, including
* and Adam. Note that by default lazy updates is turned on, which may perform
* from standard updates. For more details, please check the Optimization API at:
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array to the embedding operator.
* \param weight The embedding weight matrix.
* \param input_dim Vocabulary size of the input indices.
* \param output_dim Dimension of the embedding vectors.
* \param dtype Data type of weight.
* \param sparse_grad Compute row sparse gradient in the backward calculation. If set to
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Embedding(Symbol data,
Symbol weight,
int input_dim,
int output_dim,
EmbeddingDtype dtype = EmbeddingDtype::kFloat32,
bool sparse_grad = false) {
static const char *EmbeddingDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("Embedding")
.SetParam("input_dim", input_dim)
.SetParam("output_dim", output_dim)
.SetParam("dtype", EmbeddingDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetParam("sparse_grad", sparse_grad)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
* \brief Maps integer indices to vector representations (embeddings).
* note:: ``contrib.SparseEmbedding`` is deprecated, use ``Embedding`` instead.
* This operator maps words to real-valued vectors in a high-dimensional space,
* called word embeddings. These embeddings can capture semantic and syntactic
* For example, it has been noted that in the learned embedding spaces, similar
* to be close to each other and dissimilar words far apart.
* For an input array of shape (d1, ..., dK),
* the shape of an output array is (d1, ..., dK, output_dim).
* All the input values should be integers in the range [0, input_dim).
* If the input_dim is ip0 and output_dim is op0, then shape of the embedding
* (ip0, op0).
* The storage type of the gradient will be `row_sparse`.
* .. Note::
* `SparseEmbedding` is designed for the use case where `input_dim` is very large
* The operator is available on both CPU and GPU.
* When `deterministic` is set to `True`, the accumulation of gradients follows a
* deterministic order if a feature appears multiple times in the input. However,
* accumulation is usually slower when the order is enforced on GPU.
* When the operator is used on the GPU, the recommended value for `deterministic`
* Examples::
* input_dim = 4
* output_dim = 5
* // Each row in weight matrix y represents a word. So, y = (w0,w1,w2,w3)
* y = [[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 10., 11., 12., 13., 14.],
* [ 15., 16., 17., 18., 19.]]
* // Input array x represents n-grams(2-gram). So, x = [(w1,w3), (w0,w2)]
* x = [[ 1., 3.],
* [ 0., 2.]]
* // Mapped input x to its vector representation y.
* SparseEmbedding(x, y, 4, 5) = [[[ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 15., 16., 17., 18., 19.]],
* [[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 10., 11., 12., 13., 14.]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array to the embedding operator.
* \param weight The embedding weight matrix.
* \param input_dim Vocabulary size of the input indices.
* \param output_dim Dimension of the embedding vectors.
* \param dtype Data type of weight.
* \param sparse_grad Compute row sparse gradient in the backward calculation. If set to
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_SparseEmbedding(Symbol data,
Symbol weight,
int input_dim,
int output_dim,
_contrib_SparseEmbeddingDtype dtype = _contrib_SparseEmbeddingDtype::kFloat32,
bool sparse_grad = false) {
static const char *_contrib_SparseEmbeddingDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_SparseEmbedding")
.SetParam("input_dim", input_dim)
.SetParam("output_dim", output_dim)
.SetParam("dtype", _contrib_SparseEmbeddingDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetParam("sparse_grad", sparse_grad)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
* \brief Takes elements from an input array along the given axis.
* This function slices the input array along a particular axis with the provided
* Given data tensor of rank r >= 1, and indices tensor of rank q, gather entries
* dimension of data (by default outer-most one as axis=0) indexed by indices, and
* in an output tensor of rank q + (r - 1).
* Examples::
* x = [4. 5. 6.]
* // Trivial case, take the second element along the first axis.
* take(x, [1]) = [ 5. ]
* // The other trivial case, axis=-1, take the third element along the first axis
* take(x, [3], axis=-1, mode='clip') = [ 6. ]
* x = [[ 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6.]]
* // In this case we will get rows 0 and 1, then 1 and 2. Along axis 0
* take(x, [[0,1],[1,2]]) = [[[ 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4.]],
* [[ 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6.]]]
* // In this case we will get rows 0 and 1, then 1 and 2 (calculated by wrapping
* // Along axis 1
* take(x, [[0, 3], [-1, -2]], axis=1, mode='wrap') = [[[ 1. 2.]
* [ 2. 1.]]
* [[ 3. 4.]
* [ 4. 3.]]
* [[ 5. 6.]
* [ 6. 5.]]]
* The storage type of ``take`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - take(default, default) = default
* - take(csr, default, axis=0) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param a The input array.
* \param indices The indices of the values to be extracted.
* \param axis The axis of input array to be taken.For input tensor of rank r, it could
* \param mode Specify how out-of-bound indices bahave. Default is "clip". "clip" means
* clip to the range. So, if all indices mentioned are too large, they are
* replaced by the index that addresses the last element along an axis. "wrap"
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol take(Symbol a,
Symbol indices,
int axis = 0,
TakeMode mode = TakeMode::kClip) {
static const char *TakeModeValues[] = {
return Operator("take")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("mode", TakeModeValues[int(mode)])
.SetInput("a", a)
.SetInput("indices", indices)
* \brief Takes elements from a data batch.
* .. note::
* `batch_take` is deprecated. Use `pick` instead.
* Given an input array of shape ``(d0, d1)`` and indices of shape ``(i0,)``, the
* an output array of shape ``(i0,)`` with::
* output[i] = input[i, indices[i]]
* Examples::
* x = [[ 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6.]]
* // takes elements with specified indices
* batch_take(x, [0,1,0]) = [ 1. 4. 5.]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param a The input array
* \param indices The index array
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol batch_take(Symbol a,
Symbol indices) {
return Operator("batch_take")
.SetInput("a", a)
.SetInput("indices", indices)
* \brief Returns a one-hot array.
* The locations represented by `indices` take value `on_value`, while all
* other locations take value `off_value`.
* `one_hot` operation with `indices` of shape ``(i0, i1)`` and `depth` of ``d``
* in an output array of shape ``(i0, i1, d)`` with::
* output[i,j,:] = off_value
* output[i,j,indices[i,j]] = on_value
* Examples::
* one_hot([1,0,2,0], 3) = [[ 0. 1. 0.]
* [ 1. 0. 0.]
* [ 0. 0. 1.]
* [ 1. 0. 0.]]
* one_hot([1,0,2,0], 3, on_value=8, off_value=1,
* dtype='int32') = [[1 8 1]
* [8 1 1]
* [1 1 8]
* [8 1 1]]
* one_hot([[1,0],[1,0],[2,0]], 3) = [[[ 0. 1. 0.]
* [ 1. 0. 0.]]
* [[ 0. 1. 0.]
* [ 1. 0. 0.]]
* [[ 0. 0. 1.]
* [ 1. 0. 0.]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param indices array of locations where to set on_value
* \param depth Depth of the one hot dimension.
* \param on_value The value assigned to the locations represented by indices.
* \param off_value The value assigned to the locations not represented by indices.
* \param dtype DType of the output
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol one_hot(Symbol indices,
int depth,
double on_value = 1,
double off_value = 0,
One_hotDtype dtype = One_hotDtype::kFloat32) {
static const char *One_hotDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("one_hot")
.SetParam("depth", depth)
.SetParam("on_value", on_value)
.SetParam("off_value", off_value)
.SetParam("dtype", One_hotDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("indices", indices)
* \brief Gather elements or slices from `data` and store to a tensor whose
* shape is defined by `indices`.
* Given `data` with shape `(X_0, X_1, ..., X_{N-1})` and indices with shape
* `(M, Y_0, ..., Y_{K-1})`, the output will have shape `(Y_0, ..., Y_{K-1}, X_M,
* where `M <= N`. If `M == N`, output shape will simply be `(Y_0, ..., Y_{K-1})`.
* The elements in output is defined as follows::
* output[y_0, ..., y_{K-1}, x_M, ..., x_{N-1}] = data[indices[0, y_0, ...,
* ...,
* indices[M-1, y_0, ..., y_{K-1}],
* x_M, ..., x_{N-1}]
* Examples::
* data = [[0, 1], [2, 3]]
* indices = [[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]
* gather_nd(data, indices) = [2, 3, 0]
* data = [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]
* indices = [[0, 1], [1, 0]]
* gather_nd(data, indices) = [[3, 4], [5, 6]]
* \param data data
* \param indices indices
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol gather_nd(Symbol data,
Symbol indices) {
return Operator("gather_nd")
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("indices", indices)
* \brief Scatters data into a new tensor according to indices.
* Given `data` with shape `(Y_0, ..., Y_{K-1}, X_M, ..., X_{N-1})` and indices
* `(M, Y_0, ..., Y_{K-1})`, the output will have shape `(X_0, X_1, ..., X_{N-1})`,
* where `M <= N`. If `M == N`, data shape should simply be `(Y_0, ..., Y_{K-1})`.
* The elements in output is defined as follows::
* output[indices[0, y_0, ..., y_{K-1}],
* ...,
* indices[M-1, y_0, ..., y_{K-1}],
* x_M, ..., x_{N-1}] = data[y_0, ..., y_{K-1}, x_M, ..., x_{N-1}]
* all other entries in output are 0.
* .. warning::
* If the indices have duplicates, the result will be non-deterministic and
* the gradient of `scatter_nd` will not be correct!!
* Examples::
* data = [2, 3, 0]
* indices = [[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]
* shape = (2, 2)
* scatter_nd(data, indices, shape) = [[0, 0], [2, 3]]
* data = [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]
* indices = [[0, 1], [1, 1]]
* shape = (2, 2, 2, 2)
* scatter_nd(data, indices, shape) = [[[[0, 0],
* [0, 0]],
* [[1, 2],
* [3, 4]]],
* [[[0, 0],
* [0, 0]],
* [[5, 6],
* [7, 8]]]]
* \param data data
* \param indices indices
* \param shape Shape of output.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol scatter_nd(Symbol data,
Symbol indices,
Shape shape) {
return Operator("scatter_nd")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("indices", indices)
* \brief This operator has the same functionality as scatter_nd
* except that it does not reset the elements not indexed by the input
* index `NDArray` in the input data `NDArray`. output should be explicitly
* given and be the same as lhs.
* .. note:: This operator is for internal use only.
* Examples::
* data = [2, 3, 0]
* indices = [[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]
* out = [[1, 1], [1, 1]]
* _scatter_set_nd(lhs=out, rhs=data, indices=indices, out=out)
* out = [[0, 1], [2, 3]]
* \param lhs source input
* \param rhs value to assign
* \param indices indices
* \param shape Shape of output.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _scatter_set_nd(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs,
Symbol indices,
Shape shape) {
return Operator("_scatter_set_nd")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
.SetInput("indices", indices)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **equal to** (==) comparison operation with
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_equal(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_equal(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **not equal to** (!=) comparison operation
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_not_equal(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_not_equal(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_not_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **greater than** (>) comparison operation
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_greater(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_greater(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_greater")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **greater than or equal to** (>=) comparison
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_greater_equal(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_greater_equal(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_greater_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **lesser than** (<) comparison operation
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_lesser(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_lesser(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_lesser")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **lesser than or equal to** (<=) comparison
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_lesser_equal(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_lesser_equal(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_lesser_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **logical and** with broadcasting.
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* y = [[ 0.],
* [ 1.]]
* broadcast_logical_and(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 1., 1., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_logical_and(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_logical_and")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **logical or** with broadcasting.
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 0.],
* [ 1., 1., 0.]]
* y = [[ 1.],
* [ 0.]]
* broadcast_logical_or(x, y) = [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 0.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_logical_or(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_logical_or")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Returns the result of element-wise **logical xor** with broadcasting.
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 1., 0.],
* [ 1., 1., 0.]]
* y = [[ 1.],
* [ 0.]]
* broadcast_logical_xor(x, y) = [[ 0., 0., 1.],
* [ 1., 1., 0.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input to the function
* \param rhs Second input to the function
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_logical_xor(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("broadcast_logical_xor")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Extracts a diagonal or constructs a diagonal array.
* ``diag``'s behavior depends on the input array dimensions:
* - 1-D arrays: constructs a 2-D array with the input as its diagonal, all other
* - N-D arrays: extracts the diagonals of the sub-arrays with axes specified by
* The output shape would be decided by removing the axes numbered ``axis1`` and
* input shape and appending to the result a new axis with the size of the
* For example, when the input shape is `(2, 3, 4, 5)`, ``axis1`` and ``axis2``
* respectively and ``k`` is 0, the resulting shape would be `(3, 5, 2)`.
* Examples::
* x = [[1, 2, 3],
* [4, 5, 6]]
* diag(x) = [1, 5]
* diag(x, k=1) = [2, 6]
* diag(x, k=-1) = [4]
* x = [1, 2, 3]
* diag(x) = [[1, 0, 0],
* [0, 2, 0],
* [0, 0, 3]]
* diag(x, k=1) = [[0, 1, 0],
* [0, 0, 2],
* [0, 0, 0]]
* diag(x, k=-1) = [[0, 0, 0],
* [1, 0, 0],
* [0, 2, 0]]
* x = [[[1, 2],
* [3, 4]],
* [[5, 6],
* [7, 8]]]
* diag(x) = [[1, 7],
* [2, 8]]
* diag(x, k=1) = [[3],
* [4]]
* diag(x, axis1=-2, axis2=-1) = [[1, 4],
* [5, 8]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param k Diagonal in question. The default is 0. Use k>0 for diagonals above the main
* diagonal, and k<0 for diagonals below the main diagonal. If input has shape (S0
* \param axis1 The first axis of the sub-arrays of interest. Ignored when the input is a
* \param axis2 The second axis of the sub-arrays of interest. Ignored when the input is
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol diag(Symbol data,
int k = 0,
int axis1 = 0,
int axis2 = 1) {
return Operator("diag")
.SetParam("k", k)
.SetParam("axis1", axis1)
.SetParam("axis2", axis2)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the sum of array elements over given axes.
* .. Note::
* `sum` and `sum_axis` are equivalent.
* For ndarray of csr storage type summation along axis 0 and axis 1 is supported.
* Setting keepdims or exclude to True will cause a fallback to dense operator.
* Example::
* data = [[[1, 2], [2, 3], [1, 3]],
* [[1, 4], [4, 3], [5, 2]],
* [[7, 1], [7, 2], [7, 3]]]
* sum(data, axis=1)
* [[ 4. 8.]
* [ 10. 9.]
* [ 21. 6.]]
* sum(data, axis=[1,2])
* [ 12. 19. 27.]
* data = [[1, 2, 0],
* [3, 0, 1],
* [4, 1, 0]]
* csr = cast_storage(data, 'csr')
* sum(csr, axis=0)
* [ 8. 3. 1.]
* sum(csr, axis=1)
* [ 3. 4. 5.]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sum(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("sum")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the mean of array elements over given axes.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol mean(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("mean")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the product of array elements over given axes.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol prod(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("prod")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the sum of array elements over given axes treating Not a Numbers
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol nansum(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("nansum")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the product of array elements over given axes treating Not a Numbers
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol nanprod(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("nanprod")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the max of array elements over given axes.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol max(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("max")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the min of array elements over given axes.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on all the axes
* specified in the tuple.
* If `exclude` is true, reduction will be performed on the axes that are
* NOT in axis instead.
* Negative values means indexing from right to left.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axes are left in the result as
* \param exclude Whether to perform reduction on axis that are NOT in axis instead.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol min(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false,
bool exclude = false) {
return Operator("min")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetParam("exclude", exclude)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Broadcasts the input array over particular axes.
* Broadcasting is allowed on axes with size 1, such as from `(2,1,3,1)` to
* `(2,8,3,9)`. Elements will be duplicated on the broadcasted axes.
* Example::
* // given x of shape (1,2,1)
* x = [[[ 1.],
* [ 2.]]]
* // broadcast x on on axis 2
* broadcast_axis(x, axis=2, size=3) = [[[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 2., 2., 2.]]]
* // broadcast x on on axes 0 and 2
* broadcast_axis(x, axis=(0,2), size=(2,3)) = [[[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 2., 2., 2.]],
* [[ 1., 1., 1.],
* [ 2., 2., 2.]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input
* \param axis The axes to perform the broadcasting.
* \param size Target sizes of the broadcasting axes.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_axis(Symbol data,
Shape axis = {},
Shape size = {}) {
return Operator("broadcast_axis")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("size", size)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Broadcasts the input array to a new shape.
* Broadcasting is a mechanism that allows NDArrays to perform arithmetic
* with arrays of different shapes efficiently without creating multiple copies of
* Also see, `Broadcasting
* <>`_ for more
* Broadcasting is allowed on axes with size 1, such as from `(2,1,3,1)` to
* `(2,8,3,9)`. Elements will be duplicated on the broadcasted axes.
* For example::
* broadcast_to([[1,2,3]], shape=(2,3)) = [[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 1., 2., 3.]])
* The dimension which you do not want to change can also be kept as `0` which
* So with `shape=(2,0)`, we will obtain the same result as in the above example.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input
* \param shape The shape of the desired array. We can set the dim to zero if it's same
* as the original. E.g `A = broadcast_to(B, shape=(10, 0, 0))` has the same
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_to(Symbol data,
Shape shape = {}) {
return Operator("broadcast_to")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _broadcast_backward() {
return Operator("_broadcast_backward")
* \brief Broadcasts lhs to have the same shape as rhs.
* Broadcasting is a mechanism that allows NDArrays to perform arithmetic
* with arrays of different shapes efficiently without creating multiple copies of
* Also see, `Broadcasting
* <>`_ for more
* Broadcasting is allowed on axes with size 1, such as from `(2,1,3,1)` to
* `(2,8,3,9)`. Elements will be duplicated on the broadcasted axes.
* For example::
* broadcast_like([[1,2,3]], [[5,6,7],[7,8,9]]) = [[ 1., 2., 3.],
* [ 1., 2., 3.]])
* broadcast_like([9], [1,2,3,4,5], lhs_axes=(0,), rhs_axes=(-1,)) = [9,9,9,9,9]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs First input.
* \param rhs Second input.
* \param lhs_axes Axes to perform broadcast on in the first input array
* \param rhs_axes Axes to copy from the second input array
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol broadcast_like(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs,
dmlc::optional<Shape> lhs_axes = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
dmlc::optional<Shape> rhs_axes = dmlc::optional<Shape>()) {
return Operator("broadcast_like")
.SetParam("lhs_axes", lhs_axes)
.SetParam("rhs_axes", rhs_axes)
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Computes the norm on an NDArray.
* This operator computes the norm on an NDArray with the specified axis, depending
* on the value of the ord parameter. By default, it computes the L2 norm on the
* array. Currently only ord=2 supports sparse ndarrays.
* Examples::
* x = [[[1, 2],
* [3, 4]],
* [[2, 2],
* [5, 6]]]
* norm(x, ord=2, axis=1) = [[3.1622777 4.472136 ]
* [5.3851647 6.3245554]]
* norm(x, ord=1, axis=1) = [[4., 6.],
* [7., 8.]]
* rsp = x.cast_storage('row_sparse')
* norm(rsp) = [5.47722578]
* csr = x.cast_storage('csr')
* norm(csr) = [5.47722578]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input
* \param ord Order of the norm. Currently ord=1 and ord=2 is supported.
* \param axis The axis or axes along which to perform the reduction.
* The default, `axis=()`, will compute over all elements into a
* scalar array with shape `(1,)`.
* If `axis` is int, a reduction is performed on a particular axis.
* If `axis` is a 2-tuple, it specifies the axes that hold 2-D matrices,
* and the matrix norms of these matrices are computed.
* \param out_dtype The data type of the output.
* \param keepdims If this is set to `True`, the reduced axis is left in the result as
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol norm(Symbol data,
int ord = 2,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
NormOutDtype out_dtype = NormOutDtype::kNone,
bool keepdims = false) {
static const char *NormOutDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("norm")
.SetParam("ord", ord)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("out_dtype", NormOutDtypeValues[int(out_dtype)])
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _equal(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _not_equal(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_not_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _greater(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_greater")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _greater_equal(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_greater_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _lesser(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_lesser")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _lesser_equal(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_lesser_equal")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _logical_and(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_logical_and")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _logical_or(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_logical_or")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _logical_xor(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_logical_xor")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Return the elements, either from x or y, depending on the condition.
* Given three ndarrays, condition, x, and y, return an ndarray with the elements
* depending on the elements from condition are true or false. x and y must have
* If condition has the same shape as x, each element in the output array is from
* corresponding element in the condition is true, and from y if false.
* If condition does not have the same shape as x, it must be a 1D array whose
* the same as x's first dimension size. Each row of the output array is from x's
* if the corresponding element from condition is true, and from y's row if false.
* Note that all non-zero values are interpreted as ``True`` in condition.
* Examples::
* x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
* y = [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
* cond = [[0, 1], [-1, 0]]
* where(cond, x, y) = [[5, 2], [3, 8]]
* csr_cond = cast_storage(cond, 'csr')
* where(csr_cond, x, y) = [[5, 2], [3, 8]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param condition condition array
* \param x
* \param y
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol where(Symbol condition,
Symbol x,
Symbol y) {
return Operator("where")
.SetInput("condition", condition)
.SetInput("x", x)
.SetInput("y", y)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _maximum_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_maximum_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _minimum_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_minimum_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _power_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_power_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _rpower_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_rpower_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _hypot_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_hypot_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Calculate Smooth L1 Loss(lhs, scalar) by summing
* .. math::
* f(x) =
* \begin{cases}
* (\sigma x)^2/2,& \text{if }x < 1/\sigma^2\\
* |x|-0.5/\sigma^2,& \text{otherwise}
* \end{cases}
* where :math:`x` is an element of the tensor *lhs* and :math:`\sigma` is the
* Example::
* smooth_l1([1, 2, 3, 4]) = [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5]
* smooth_l1([1, 2, 3, 4], scalar=1) = [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol smooth_l1(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("smooth_l1")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Reshapes the input array.
* .. note:: ``Reshape`` is deprecated, use ``reshape``
* Given an array and a shape, this function returns a copy of the array in the
* The shape is a tuple of integers such as (2,3,4). The size of the new shape
* Example::
* reshape([1,2,3,4], shape=(2,2)) = [[1,2], [3,4]]
* Some dimensions of the shape can take special values from the set {0, -1, -2,
* - ``0`` copy this dimension from the input to the output shape.
* Example::
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (4,0,2), output shape = (4,3,2)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (2,0,0), output shape = (2,3,4)
* - ``-1`` infers the dimension of the output shape by using the remainder of the
* keeping the size of the new array same as that of the input array.
* At most one dimension of shape can be -1.
* Example::
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (6,1,-1), output shape = (6,1,4)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (3,-1,8), output shape = (3,1,8)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape=(-1,), output shape = (24,)
* - ``-2`` copy all/remainder of the input dimensions to the output shape.
* Example::
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (-2,), output shape = (2,3,4)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (2,-2), output shape = (2,3,4)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (-2,1,1), output shape = (2,3,4,1,1)
* - ``-3`` use the product of two consecutive dimensions of the input shape as
* Example::
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (-3,4), output shape = (6,4)
* - input shape = (2,3,4,5), shape = (-3,-3), output shape = (6,20)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (0,-3), output shape = (2,12)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (-3,-2), output shape = (6,4)
* - ``-4`` split one dimension of the input into two dimensions passed subsequent
* Example::
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (-4,1,2,-2), output shape =(1,2,3,4)
* - input shape = (2,3,4), shape = (2,-4,-1,3,-2), output shape = (2,1,3,4)
* If the argument `reverse` is set to 1, then the special values are inferred
* Example::
* - without reverse=1, for input shape = (10,5,4), shape = (-1,0), output shape
* - with reverse=1, output shape will be (50,4).
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Input data to reshape.
* \param shape The target shape
* \param reverse If true then the special values are inferred from right to left
* \param target_shape (Deprecated! Use ``shape`` instead.) Target new shape. One and
* \param keep_highest (Deprecated! Use ``shape`` instead.) Whether keep the highest dim
* unchanged.If set to true, then the first dim in target_shape is ignored,and
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Reshape(Symbol data,
Shape shape = {},
bool reverse = false,
Shape target_shape = {},
bool keep_highest = false) {
return Operator("Reshape")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("reverse", reverse)
.SetParam("target_shape", target_shape)
.SetParam("keep_highest", keep_highest)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Flattens the input array into a 2-D array by collapsing the higher dimensions.
* .. note:: `Flatten` is deprecated. Use `flatten` instead.
* For an input array with shape ``(d1, d2, ..., dk)``, `flatten` operation
* the input array into an output array of shape ``(d1, d2*...*dk)``.
* Note that the bahavior of this function is different from numpy.ndarray.flatten,
* which behaves similar to mxnet.ndarray.reshape((-1,)).
* Example::
* x = [[
* [1,2,3],
* [4,5,6],
* [7,8,9]
* ],
* [ [1,2,3],
* [4,5,6],
* [7,8,9]
* ]],
* flatten(x) = [[ 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Flatten(Symbol data) {
return Operator("Flatten")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Permutes the dimensions of an array.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 1, 2],
* [ 3, 4]]
* transpose(x) = [[ 1., 3.],
* [ 2., 4.]]
* x = [[[ 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4.]],
* [[ 5., 6.],
* [ 7., 8.]]]
* transpose(x) = [[[ 1., 5.],
* [ 3., 7.]],
* [[ 2., 6.],
* [ 4., 8.]]]
* transpose(x, axes=(1,0,2)) = [[[ 1., 2.],
* [ 5., 6.]],
* [[ 3., 4.],
* [ 7., 8.]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Source input
* \param axes Target axis order. By default the axes will be inverted.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol transpose(Symbol data,
Shape axes = {}) {
return Operator("transpose")
.SetParam("axes", axes)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Inserts a new axis of size 1 into the array shape
* For example, given ``x`` with shape ``(2,3,4)``, then ``expand_dims(x, axis=1)``
* will return a new array with shape ``(2,1,3,4)``.
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Source input
* \param axis Position where new axis is to be inserted. Suppose that the input
* `NDArray`'s dimension is `ndim`, the range of the inserted axis is `[-ndim,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol expand_dims(Symbol data,
int axis) {
return Operator("expand_dims")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Slices a region of the array.
* .. note:: ``crop`` is deprecated. Use ``slice`` instead.
* This function returns a sliced array between the indices given
* by `begin` and `end` with the corresponding `step`.
* For an input array of ``shape=(d_0, d_1, ..., d_n-1)``,
* slice operation with ``begin=(b_0, b_1...b_m-1)``,
* ``end=(e_0, e_1, ..., e_m-1)``, and ``step=(s_0, s_1, ..., s_m-1)``,
* where m <= n, results in an array with the shape
* ``(|e_0-b_0|/|s_0|, ..., |e_m-1-b_m-1|/|s_m-1|, d_m, ..., d_n-1)``.
* The resulting array's *k*-th dimension contains elements
* from the *k*-th dimension of the input array starting
* from index ``b_k`` (inclusive) with step ``s_k``
* until reaching ``e_k`` (exclusive).
* If the *k*-th elements are `None` in the sequence of `begin`, `end`,
* and `step`, the following rule will be used to set default values.
* If `s_k` is `None`, set `s_k=1`. If `s_k > 0`, set `b_k=0`, `e_k=d_k`;
* else, set `b_k=d_k-1`, `e_k=-1`.
* The storage type of ``slice`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - slice(csr) = csr
* - otherwise, ``slice`` generates output with default storage
* .. note:: When input data storage type is csr, it only supports
* step=(), or step=(None,), or step=(1,) to generate a csr output.
* For other step parameter values, it falls back to slicing
* a dense tensor.
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6., 7., 8.],
* [ 9., 10., 11., 12.]]
* slice(x, begin=(0,1), end=(2,4)) = [[ 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 6., 7., 8.]]
* slice(x, begin=(None, 0), end=(None, 3), step=(-1, 2)) = [[9., 11.],
* [5., 7.],
* [1., 3.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Source input
* \param begin starting indices for the slice operation, supports negative indices.
* \param end ending indices for the slice operation, supports negative indices.
* \param step step for the slice operation, supports negative values.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol slice(Symbol data,
Shape begin,
Shape end,
Shape step = {}) {
return Operator("slice")
.SetParam("begin", begin)
.SetParam("end", end)
.SetParam("step", step)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Assign the rhs to a cropped subset of lhs.
* Requirements
* ------------
* - output should be explicitly given and be the same as lhs.
* - lhs and rhs are of the same data type, and on the same device.
* From:src/operator/tensor/
* \param lhs Source input
* \param rhs value to assign
* \param begin starting indices for the slice operation, supports negative indices.
* \param end ending indices for the slice operation, supports negative indices.
* \param step step for the slice operation, supports negative values.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _slice_assign(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs,
Shape begin,
Shape end,
Shape step = {}) {
return Operator("_slice_assign")
.SetParam("begin", begin)
.SetParam("end", end)
.SetParam("step", step)
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief (Assign the scalar to a cropped subset of the input.
* Requirements
* ------------
* - output should be explicitly given and be the same as input
* )
* From:src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Source input
* \param begin starting indices for the slice operation, supports negative indices.
* \param end ending indices for the slice operation, supports negative indices.
* \param scalar The scalar value for assignment.
* \param step step for the slice operation, supports negative values.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _slice_assign_scalar(Symbol data,
Shape begin,
Shape end,
double scalar = 0,
Shape step = {}) {
return Operator("_slice_assign_scalar")
.SetParam("begin", begin)
.SetParam("end", end)
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetParam("step", step)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Slices along a given axis.
* Returns an array slice along a given `axis` starting from the `begin` index
* to the `end` index.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6., 7., 8.],
* [ 9., 10., 11., 12.]]
* slice_axis(x, axis=0, begin=1, end=3) = [[ 5., 6., 7., 8.],
* [ 9., 10., 11., 12.]]
* slice_axis(x, axis=1, begin=0, end=2) = [[ 1., 2.],
* [ 5., 6.],
* [ 9., 10.]]
* slice_axis(x, axis=1, begin=-3, end=-1) = [[ 2., 3.],
* [ 6., 7.],
* [ 10., 11.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Source input
* \param axis Axis along which to be sliced, supports negative indexes.
* \param begin The beginning index along the axis to be sliced, supports negative
* \param end The ending index along the axis to be sliced, supports negative indexes.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol slice_axis(Symbol data,
int axis,
int begin,
dmlc::optional<int> end) {
return Operator("slice_axis")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("begin", begin)
.SetParam("end", end)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Slices a region of the array like the shape of another array.
* This function is similar to ``slice``, however, the `begin` are always `0`s
* and `end` of specific axes are inferred from the second input `shape_like`.
* Given the second `shape_like` input of ``shape=(d_0, d_1, ..., d_n-1)``,
* a ``slice_like`` operator with default empty `axes`, it performs the
* following operation:
* `` out = slice(input, begin=(0, 0, ..., 0), end=(d_0, d_1, ..., d_n-1))``.
* When `axes` is not empty, it is used to speficy which axes are being sliced.
* Given a 4-d input data, ``slice_like`` operator with ``axes=(0, 2, -1)``
* will perform the following operation:
* `` out = slice(input, begin=(0, 0, 0, 0), end=(d_0, None, d_2, d_3))``.
* Note that it is allowed to have first and second input with different
* however, you have to make sure the `axes` are specified and not exceeding the
* dimension limits.
* For example, given `input_1` with ``shape=(2,3,4,5)`` and `input_2` with
* ``shape=(1,2,3)``, it is not allowed to use:
* `` out = slice_like(a, b)`` because ndim of `input_1` is 4, and ndim of
* is 3.
* The following is allowed in this situation:
* `` out = slice_like(a, b, axes=(0, 2))``
* Example::
* x = [[ 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6., 7., 8.],
* [ 9., 10., 11., 12.]]
* y = [[ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* slice_like(x, y) = [[ 1., 2., 3.]
* [ 5., 6., 7.]]
* slice_like(x, y, axes=(0, 1)) = [[ 1., 2., 3.]
* [ 5., 6., 7.]]
* slice_like(x, y, axes=(0)) = [[ 1., 2., 3., 4.]
* [ 5., 6., 7., 8.]]
* slice_like(x, y, axes=(-1)) = [[ 1., 2., 3.]
* [ 5., 6., 7.]
* [ 9., 10., 11.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Source input
* \param shape_like Shape like input
* \param axes List of axes on which input data will be sliced according to the
* corresponding size of the second input. By default will slice on all axes.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol slice_like(Symbol data,
Symbol shape_like,
Shape axes = {}) {
return Operator("slice_like")
.SetParam("axes", axes)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("shape_like", shape_like)
* \brief Clips (limits) the values in an array.
* Given an interval, values outside the interval are clipped to the interval
* Clipping ``x`` between `a_min` and `a_x` would be::
* clip(x, a_min, a_max) = max(min(x, a_max), a_min))
* Example::
* x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
* clip(x,1,8) = [ 1., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 8.]
* The storage type of ``clip`` output depends on storage types of inputs and the
* parameter values:
* - clip(default) = default
* - clip(row_sparse, a_min <= 0, a_max >= 0) = row_sparse
* - clip(csr, a_min <= 0, a_max >= 0) = csr
* - clip(row_sparse, a_min < 0, a_max < 0) = default
* - clip(row_sparse, a_min > 0, a_max > 0) = default
* - clip(csr, a_min < 0, a_max < 0) = csr
* - clip(csr, a_min > 0, a_max > 0) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Input array.
* \param a_min Minimum value
* \param a_max Maximum value
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol clip(Symbol data,
mx_float a_min,
mx_float a_max) {
return Operator("clip")
.SetParam("a_min", a_min)
.SetParam("a_max", a_max)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Repeats elements of an array.
* By default, ``repeat`` flattens the input array into 1-D and then repeats the
* elements::
* x = [[ 1, 2],
* [ 3, 4]]
* repeat(x, repeats=2) = [ 1., 1., 2., 2., 3., 3., 4., 4.]
* The parameter ``axis`` specifies the axis along which to perform repeat::
* repeat(x, repeats=2, axis=1) = [[ 1., 1., 2., 2.],
* [ 3., 3., 4., 4.]]
* repeat(x, repeats=2, axis=0) = [[ 1., 2.],
* [ 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4.],
* [ 3., 4.]]
* repeat(x, repeats=2, axis=-1) = [[ 1., 1., 2., 2.],
* [ 3., 3., 4., 4.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Input data array
* \param repeats The number of repetitions for each element.
* \param axis The axis along which to repeat values. The negative numbers are
* interpreted counting from the backward. By default, use the flattened input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol repeat(Symbol data,
int repeats,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>()) {
return Operator("repeat")
.SetParam("repeats", repeats)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Repeats the whole array multiple times.
* If ``reps`` has length *d*, and input array has dimension of *n*. There are
* three cases:
* - **n=d**. Repeat *i*-th dimension of the input by ``reps[i]`` times::
* x = [[1, 2],
* [3, 4]]
* tile(x, reps=(2,3)) = [[ 1., 2., 1., 2., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 3., 4., 3., 4.],
* [ 1., 2., 1., 2., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 3., 4., 3., 4.]]
* - **n>d**. ``reps`` is promoted to length *n* by pre-pending 1's to it. Thus for
* an input shape ``(2,3)``, ``repos=(2,)`` is treated as ``(1,2)``::
* tile(x, reps=(2,)) = [[ 1., 2., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 3., 4.]]
* - **n<d**. The input is promoted to be d-dimensional by prepending new axes. So
* shape ``(2,2)`` array is promoted to ``(1,2,2)`` for 3-D replication::
* tile(x, reps=(2,2,3)) = [[[ 1., 2., 1., 2., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 3., 4., 3., 4.],
* [ 1., 2., 1., 2., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 3., 4., 3., 4.]],
* [[ 1., 2., 1., 2., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 3., 4., 3., 4.],
* [ 1., 2., 1., 2., 1., 2.],
* [ 3., 4., 3., 4., 3., 4.]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Input data array
* \param reps The number of times for repeating the tensor a. Each dim size of reps must
* be a positive integer. If reps has length d, the result will have dimension of
* max(d, a.ndim); If a.ndim < d, a is promoted to be d-dimensional by prepending
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol tile(Symbol data,
Shape reps) {
return Operator("tile")
.SetParam("reps", reps)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Reverses the order of elements along given axis while preserving array shape.
* Note: reverse and flip are equivalent. We use reverse in the following examples.
* Examples::
* x = [[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
* [ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]]
* reverse(x, axis=0) = [[ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.],
* [ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.]]
* reverse(x, axis=1) = [[ 4., 3., 2., 1., 0.],
* [ 9., 8., 7., 6., 5.]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Input data array
* \param axis The axis which to reverse elements.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol reverse(Symbol data,
Shape axis) {
return Operator("reverse")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Join a sequence of arrays along a new axis.
* The axis parameter specifies the index of the new axis in the dimensions of the
* result. For example, if axis=0 it will be the first dimension and if axis=-1 it
* will be the last dimension.
* Examples::
* x = [1, 2]
* y = [3, 4]
* stack(x, y) = [[1, 2],
* [3, 4]]
* stack(x, y, axis=1) = [[1, 3],
* [2, 4]]
* \param data List of arrays to stack
* \param num_args Number of inputs to be stacked.
* \param axis The axis in the result array along which the input arrays are stacked.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol stack(const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_args,
int axis = 0) {
return Operator("stack")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
* \brief Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of an array.
* Same behavior of defining the output tensor shape as numpy.squeeze for the most
* See the following note for exception.
* Examples::
* data = [[[0], [1], [2]]]
* squeeze(data) = [0, 1, 2]
* squeeze(data, axis=0) = [[0], [1], [2]]
* squeeze(data, axis=2) = [[0, 1, 2]]
* squeeze(data, axis=(0, 2)) = [0, 1, 2]
* .. Note::
* The output of this operator will keep at least one dimension not removed. For
* squeeze([[[4]]]) = [4], while in numpy.squeeze, the output will become a scalar.
* \param data data to squeeze
* \param axis Selects a subset of the single-dimensional entries in the shape. If an
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol squeeze(const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axis = dmlc::optional<Shape>()) {
return Operator("squeeze")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
* \brief Rearranges(permutes) data from depth into blocks of spatial data.
* Similar to ONNX DepthToSpace operator:
* The output is a new tensor where the values from depth dimension are moved in
* to height and width dimension. The reverse of this operation is
* .. math::
* \begin{gather*}
* x \prime = reshape(x, [N, block\_size, block\_size, C / (block\_size ^ 2), H *
* x \prime \prime = transpose(x \prime, [0, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2]) \\
* y = reshape(x \prime \prime, [N, C / (block\_size ^ 2), H * block\_size, W *
* \end{gather*}
* where :math:`x` is an input tensor with default layout as :math:`[N, C, H, W]`:
* and :math:`y` is the output tensor of layout :math:`[N, C / (block\_size ^ 2),
* Example::
* x = [[[[0, 1, 2],
* [3, 4, 5]],
* [[6, 7, 8],
* [9, 10, 11]],
* [[12, 13, 14],
* [15, 16, 17]],
* [[18, 19, 20],
* [21, 22, 23]]]]
* depth_to_space(x, 2) = [[[[0, 6, 1, 7, 2, 8],
* [12, 18, 13, 19, 14, 20],
* [3, 9, 4, 10, 5, 11],
* [15, 21, 16, 22, 17, 23]]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param block_size Blocks of [block_size. block_size] are moved
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol depth_to_space(Symbol data,
int block_size) {
return Operator("depth_to_space")
.SetParam("block_size", block_size)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Rearranges(permutes) blocks of spatial data into depth.
* Similar to ONNX SpaceToDepth operator:
* The output is a new tensor where the values from height and width dimension are
* moved to the depth dimension. The reverse of this operation is
* .. math::
* \begin{gather*}
* x \prime = reshape(x, [N, C, H / block\_size, block\_size, W / block\_size,
* x \prime \prime = transpose(x \prime, [0, 3, 5, 1, 2, 4]) \\
* y = reshape(x \prime \prime, [N, C * (block\_size ^ 2), H / block\_size, W /
* \end{gather*}
* where :math:`x` is an input tensor with default layout as :math:`[N, C, H, W]`:
* and :math:`y` is the output tensor of layout :math:`[N, C * (block\_size ^ 2),
* Example::
* x = [[[[0, 6, 1, 7, 2, 8],
* [12, 18, 13, 19, 14, 20],
* [3, 9, 4, 10, 5, 11],
* [15, 21, 16, 22, 17, 23]]]]
* space_to_depth(x, 2) = [[[[0, 1, 2],
* [3, 4, 5]],
* [[6, 7, 8],
* [9, 10, 11]],
* [[12, 13, 14],
* [15, 16, 17]],
* [[18, 19, 20],
* [21, 22, 23]]]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param block_size Blocks of [block_size. block_size] are moved
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol space_to_depth(Symbol data,
int block_size) {
return Operator("space_to_depth")
.SetParam("block_size", block_size)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Splits an array along a particular axis into multiple sub-arrays.
* Example::
* x = [[[ 1.]
* [ 2.]]
* [[ 3.]
* [ 4.]]
* [[ 5.]
* [ 6.]]]
* x.shape = (3, 2, 1)
* y = split_v2(x, axis=1, indices_or_sections=2) // a list of 2 arrays with shape
* y = [[[ 1.]]
* [[ 3.]]
* [[ 5.]]]
* [[[ 2.]]
* [[ 4.]]
* [[ 6.]]]
* y[0].shape = (3, 1, 1)
* z = split_v2(x, axis=0, indices_or_sections=3) // a list of 3 arrays with shape
* z = [[[ 1.]
* [ 2.]]]
* [[[ 3.]
* [ 4.]]]
* [[[ 5.]
* [ 6.]]]
* z[0].shape = (1, 2, 1)
* w = split_v2(x, axis=0, indices_or_sections=(1,)) // a list of 2 arrays with
* w = [[[ 1.]
* [ 2.]]]
* [[[3.]
* [4.]]
* [[5.]
* [6.]]]
* w[0].shape = (1, 2, 1)
* w[1].shape = (2, 2, 1)
* `squeeze_axis=True` removes the axis with length 1 from the shapes of the
* **Note** that setting `squeeze_axis` to ``1`` removes axis with length 1 only
* along the `axis` which it is split.
* Also `squeeze_axis` can be set to true only if ``input.shape[axis] ==
* Example::
* z = split_v2(x, axis=0, indices_or_sections=3, squeeze_axis=1) // a list of 3
* z = [[ 1.]
* [ 2.]]
* [[ 3.]
* [ 4.]]
* [[ 5.]
* [ 6.]]
* z[0].shape = (2, 1)
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input
* \param indices Indices of splits. The elements should denote the boundaries of at
* \param axis Axis along which to split.
* \param squeeze_axis If true, Removes the axis with length 1 from the shapes of the
* output arrays. **Note** that setting `squeeze_axis` to ``true`` removes axis
* with length 1 only along the `axis` which it is split. Also `squeeze_axis` can
* \param sections Number of sections if equally splitted. Default to 0 which means split
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _split_v2(Symbol data,
Shape indices,
int axis = 1,
bool squeeze_axis = false,
int sections = 0) {
return Operator("_split_v2")
.SetParam("indices", indices)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("squeeze_axis", squeeze_axis)
.SetParam("sections", sections)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _split_v2_backward() {
return Operator("_split_v2_backward")
* \brief Casts tensor storage type to the new type.
* When an NDArray with default storage type is cast to csr or row_sparse storage,
* the result is compact, which means:
* - for csr, zero values will not be retained
* - for row_sparse, row slices of all zeros will not be retained
* The storage type of ``cast_storage`` output depends on stype parameter:
* - cast_storage(csr, 'default') = default
* - cast_storage(row_sparse, 'default') = default
* - cast_storage(default, 'csr') = csr
* - cast_storage(default, 'row_sparse') = row_sparse
* - cast_storage(csr, 'csr') = csr
* - cast_storage(row_sparse, 'row_sparse') = row_sparse
* Example::
* dense = [[ 0., 1., 0.],
* [ 2., 0., 3.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.],
* [ 0., 0., 0.]]
* # cast to row_sparse storage type
* rsp = cast_storage(dense, 'row_sparse')
* rsp.indices = [0, 1]
* rsp.values = [[ 0., 1., 0.],
* [ 2., 0., 3.]]
* # cast to csr storage type
* csr = cast_storage(dense, 'csr')
* csr.indices = [1, 0, 2]
* csr.values = [ 1., 2., 3.]
* csr.indptr = [0, 1, 3, 3, 3]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input.
* \param stype Output storage type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol cast_storage(Symbol data,
Cast_storageStype stype) {
static const char *Cast_storageStypeValues[] = {
return Operator("cast_storage")
.SetParam("stype", Cast_storageStypeValues[int(stype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Converts a batch of index arrays into an array of flat indices. The operator
* follows numpy conventions so a single multi index is given by a column of the
* input matrix. The leading dimension may be left unspecified by using -1 as
* Examples::
* A = [[3,6,6],[4,5,1]]
* ravel(A, shape=(7,6)) = [22,41,37]
* ravel(A, shape=(-1,6)) = [22,41,37]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Batch of multi-indices
* \param shape Shape of the array into which the multi-indices apply.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _ravel_multi_index(Symbol data,
Shape shape = Shape()) {
return Operator("_ravel_multi_index")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Converts an array of flat indices into a batch of index arrays. The operator
* follows numpy conventions so a single multi index is given by a column of the
* output matrix. The leading dimension may be left unspecified by using -1 as
* Examples::
* A = [22,41,37]
* unravel(A, shape=(7,6)) = [[3,6,6],[4,5,1]]
* unravel(A, shape=(-1,6)) = [[3,6,6],[4,5,1]]
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data Array of flat indices
* \param shape Shape of the array into which the multi-indices apply.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _unravel_index(Symbol data,
Shape shape = Shape()) {
return Operator("_unravel_index")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _equal_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_equal_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _not_equal_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_not_equal_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _greater_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_greater_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _greater_equal_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_greater_equal_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _lesser_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_lesser_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _lesser_equal_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_lesser_equal_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _logical_and_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_logical_and_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _logical_or_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_logical_or_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _logical_xor_scalar(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_logical_xor_scalar")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the element-wise sine of the input array.
* The input should be in radians (:math:`2\pi` rad equals 360 degrees).
* .. math::
* sin([0, \pi/4, \pi/2]) = [0, 0.707, 1]
* The storage type of ``sin`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - sin(default) = default
* - sin(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - sin(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sin(Symbol data) {
return Operator("sin")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the element-wise cosine of the input array.
* The input should be in radians (:math:`2\pi` rad equals 360 degrees).
* .. math::
* cos([0, \pi/4, \pi/2]) = [1, 0.707, 0]
* The storage type of ``cos`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol cos(Symbol data) {
return Operator("cos")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the element-wise tangent of the input array.
* The input should be in radians (:math:`2\pi` rad equals 360 degrees).
* .. math::
* tan([0, \pi/4, \pi/2]) = [0, 1, -inf]
* The storage type of ``tan`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - tan(default) = default
* - tan(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - tan(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol tan(Symbol data) {
return Operator("tan")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise inverse sine of the input array.
* The input should be in the range `[-1, 1]`.
* The output is in the closed interval of [:math:`-\pi/2`, :math:`\pi/2`].
* .. math::
* arcsin([-1, -.707, 0, .707, 1]) = [-\pi/2, -\pi/4, 0, \pi/4, \pi/2]
* The storage type of ``arcsin`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - arcsin(default) = default
* - arcsin(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - arcsin(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol arcsin(Symbol data) {
return Operator("arcsin")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise inverse cosine of the input array.
* The input should be in range `[-1, 1]`.
* The output is in the closed interval :math:`[0, \pi]`
* .. math::
* arccos([-1, -.707, 0, .707, 1]) = [\pi, 3\pi/4, \pi/2, \pi/4, 0]
* The storage type of ``arccos`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol arccos(Symbol data) {
return Operator("arccos")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns element-wise inverse tangent of the input array.
* The output is in the closed interval :math:`[-\pi/2, \pi/2]`
* .. math::
* arctan([-1, 0, 1]) = [-\pi/4, 0, \pi/4]
* The storage type of ``arctan`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - arctan(default) = default
* - arctan(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - arctan(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol arctan(Symbol data) {
return Operator("arctan")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Converts each element of the input array from radians to degrees.
* .. math::
* degrees([0, \pi/2, \pi, 3\pi/2, 2\pi]) = [0, 90, 180, 270, 360]
* The storage type of ``degrees`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - degrees(default) = default
* - degrees(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - degrees(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol degrees(Symbol data) {
return Operator("degrees")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Converts each element of the input array from degrees to radians.
* .. math::
* radians([0, 90, 180, 270, 360]) = [0, \pi/2, \pi, 3\pi/2, 2\pi]
* The storage type of ``radians`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - radians(default) = default
* - radians(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - radians(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol radians(Symbol data) {
return Operator("radians")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the hyperbolic sine of the input array, computed element-wise.
* .. math::
* sinh(x) = 0.5\times(exp(x) - exp(-x))
* The storage type of ``sinh`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - sinh(default) = default
* - sinh(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - sinh(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol sinh(Symbol data) {
return Operator("sinh")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the input array, computed element-wise.
* .. math::
* cosh(x) = 0.5\times(exp(x) + exp(-x))
* The storage type of ``cosh`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol cosh(Symbol data) {
return Operator("cosh")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the input array, computed element-wise.
* .. math::
* tanh(x) = sinh(x) / cosh(x)
* The storage type of ``tanh`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - tanh(default) = default
* - tanh(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - tanh(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol tanh(Symbol data) {
return Operator("tanh")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the element-wise inverse hyperbolic sine of the input array, \
* computed element-wise.
* The storage type of ``arcsinh`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - arcsinh(default) = default
* - arcsinh(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - arcsinh(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol arcsinh(Symbol data) {
return Operator("arcsinh")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the element-wise inverse hyperbolic cosine of the input array, \
* computed element-wise.
* The storage type of ``arccosh`` output is always dense
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol arccosh(Symbol data) {
return Operator("arccosh")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns the element-wise inverse hyperbolic tangent of the input array, \
* computed element-wise.
* The storage type of ``arctanh`` output depends upon the input storage type:
* - arctanh(default) = default
* - arctanh(row_sparse) = row_sparse
* - arctanh(csr) = csr
* Defined in src/operator/tensor/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol arctanh(Symbol data) {
return Operator("arctanh")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple multinomial distributions.
* *data* is an *n* dimensional array whose last dimension has length *k*, where
* *k* is the number of possible outcomes of each multinomial distribution. This
* operator will draw *shape* samples from each distribution. If shape is empty
* one sample will be drawn from each distribution.
* If *get_prob* is true, a second array containing log likelihood of the drawn
* samples will also be returned. This is usually used for reinforcement learning
* where you can provide reward as head gradient for this array to estimate
* gradient.
* Note that the input distribution must be normalized, i.e. *data* must sum to
* 1 along its last axis.
* Examples::
* probs = [[0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], [0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0]]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_multinomial(probs) = [3, 0]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_multinomial(probs, shape=(2)) = [[4, 2],
* [0, 0]]
* // requests log likelihood
* sample_multinomial(probs, get_prob=True) = [2, 1], [0.2, 0.3]
* \param data Distribution probabilities. Must sum to one on the last axis.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param get_prob Whether to also return the log probability of sampled result. This is
* usually used for differentiating through stochastic variables, e.g. in
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_multinomial(Symbol data,
Shape shape = {},
bool get_prob = false,
_sample_multinomialDtype dtype = _sample_multinomialDtype::kInt32) {
static const char *_sample_multinomialDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_multinomial")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("get_prob", get_prob)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_multinomialDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple
* uniform distributions on the intervals given by *[low,high)*.
* The parameters of the distributions are provided as input arrays.
* Let *[s]* be the shape of the input arrays, *n* be the dimension of *[s]*, *[t]*
* be the shape specified as the parameter of the operator, and *m* be the
* of *[t]*. Then the output will be a *(n+m)*-dimensional array with shape
* For any valid *n*-dimensional index *i* with respect to the input arrays,
* will be an *m*-dimensional array that holds randomly drawn samples from the
* which is parameterized by the input values at index *i*. If the shape parameter
* operator is not set, then one sample will be drawn per distribution and the
* has the same shape as the input arrays.
* Examples::
* low = [ 0.0, 2.5 ]
* high = [ 1.0, 3.7 ]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_uniform(low, high) = [ 0.40451524, 3.18687344]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_uniform(low, high, shape=(2)) = [[ 0.40451524, 0.18017688],
* [ 3.18687344, 3.68352246]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param low Lower bounds of the distributions.
* \param high Upper bounds of the distributions.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_uniform(Symbol low,
Symbol high,
Shape shape = Shape(),
_sample_uniformDtype dtype = _sample_uniformDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_sample_uniformDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_uniform")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_uniformDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("low", low)
.SetInput("high", high)
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple
* normal distributions with parameters *mu* (mean) and *sigma* (standard
* The parameters of the distributions are provided as input arrays.
* Let *[s]* be the shape of the input arrays, *n* be the dimension of *[s]*, *[t]*
* be the shape specified as the parameter of the operator, and *m* be the
* of *[t]*. Then the output will be a *(n+m)*-dimensional array with shape
* For any valid *n*-dimensional index *i* with respect to the input arrays,
* will be an *m*-dimensional array that holds randomly drawn samples from the
* which is parameterized by the input values at index *i*. If the shape parameter
* operator is not set, then one sample will be drawn per distribution and the
* has the same shape as the input arrays.
* Examples::
* mu = [ 0.0, 2.5 ]
* sigma = [ 1.0, 3.7 ]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_normal(mu, sigma) = [-0.56410581, 0.95934606]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_normal(mu, sigma, shape=(2)) = [[-0.56410581, 0.2928229 ],
* [ 0.95934606, 4.48287058]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param mu Means of the distributions.
* \param sigma Standard deviations of the distributions.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_normal(Symbol mu,
Symbol sigma,
Shape shape = Shape(),
_sample_normalDtype dtype = _sample_normalDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_sample_normalDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_normal")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_normalDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("mu", mu)
.SetInput("sigma", sigma)
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple
* gamma distributions with parameters *alpha* (shape) and *beta* (scale).
* The parameters of the distributions are provided as input arrays.
* Let *[s]* be the shape of the input arrays, *n* be the dimension of *[s]*, *[t]*
* be the shape specified as the parameter of the operator, and *m* be the
* of *[t]*. Then the output will be a *(n+m)*-dimensional array with shape
* For any valid *n*-dimensional index *i* with respect to the input arrays,
* will be an *m*-dimensional array that holds randomly drawn samples from the
* which is parameterized by the input values at index *i*. If the shape parameter
* operator is not set, then one sample will be drawn per distribution and the
* has the same shape as the input arrays.
* Examples::
* alpha = [ 0.0, 2.5 ]
* beta = [ 1.0, 0.7 ]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_gamma(alpha, beta) = [ 0. , 2.25797319]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_gamma(alpha, beta, shape=(2)) = [[ 0. , 0. ],
* [ 2.25797319, 1.70734084]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param alpha Alpha (shape) parameters of the distributions.
* \param beta Beta (scale) parameters of the distributions.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_gamma(Symbol alpha,
Symbol beta,
Shape shape = Shape(),
_sample_gammaDtype dtype = _sample_gammaDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_sample_gammaDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_gamma")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_gammaDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("alpha", alpha)
.SetInput("beta", beta)
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple
* exponential distributions with parameters lambda (rate).
* The parameters of the distributions are provided as an input array.
* Let *[s]* be the shape of the input array, *n* be the dimension of *[s]*, *[t]*
* be the shape specified as the parameter of the operator, and *m* be the
* of *[t]*. Then the output will be a *(n+m)*-dimensional array with shape
* For any valid *n*-dimensional index *i* with respect to the input array,
* will be an *m*-dimensional array that holds randomly drawn samples from the
* which is parameterized by the input value at index *i*. If the shape parameter
* operator is not set, then one sample will be drawn per distribution and the
* has the same shape as the input array.
* Examples::
* lam = [ 1.0, 8.5 ]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_exponential(lam) = [ 0.51837951, 0.09994757]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_exponential(lam, shape=(2)) = [[ 0.51837951, 0.19866663],
* [ 0.09994757, 0.50447971]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param lam Lambda (rate) parameters of the distributions.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_exponential(Symbol lam,
Shape shape = Shape(),
_sample_exponentialDtype dtype = _sample_exponentialDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_sample_exponentialDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_exponential")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_exponentialDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("lam", lam)
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple
* Poisson distributions with parameters lambda (rate).
* The parameters of the distributions are provided as an input array.
* Let *[s]* be the shape of the input array, *n* be the dimension of *[s]*, *[t]*
* be the shape specified as the parameter of the operator, and *m* be the
* of *[t]*. Then the output will be a *(n+m)*-dimensional array with shape
* For any valid *n*-dimensional index *i* with respect to the input array,
* will be an *m*-dimensional array that holds randomly drawn samples from the
* which is parameterized by the input value at index *i*. If the shape parameter
* operator is not set, then one sample will be drawn per distribution and the
* has the same shape as the input array.
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Examples::
* lam = [ 1.0, 8.5 ]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_poisson(lam) = [ 0., 13.]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_poisson(lam, shape=(2)) = [[ 0., 4.],
* [ 13., 8.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param lam Lambda (rate) parameters of the distributions.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_poisson(Symbol lam,
Shape shape = Shape(),
_sample_poissonDtype dtype = _sample_poissonDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_sample_poissonDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_poisson")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_poissonDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("lam", lam)
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple
* negative binomial distributions with parameters *k* (failure limit) and *p*
* The parameters of the distributions are provided as input arrays.
* Let *[s]* be the shape of the input arrays, *n* be the dimension of *[s]*, *[t]*
* be the shape specified as the parameter of the operator, and *m* be the
* of *[t]*. Then the output will be a *(n+m)*-dimensional array with shape
* For any valid *n*-dimensional index *i* with respect to the input arrays,
* will be an *m*-dimensional array that holds randomly drawn samples from the
* which is parameterized by the input values at index *i*. If the shape parameter
* operator is not set, then one sample will be drawn per distribution and the
* has the same shape as the input arrays.
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Examples::
* k = [ 20, 49 ]
* p = [ 0.4 , 0.77 ]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_negative_binomial(k, p) = [ 15., 16.]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_negative_binomial(k, p, shape=(2)) = [[ 15., 50.],
* [ 16., 12.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param k Limits of unsuccessful experiments.
* \param p Failure probabilities in each experiment.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_negative_binomial(Symbol k,
Symbol p,
Shape shape = Shape(),
_sample_negative_binomialDtype dtype = _sample_negative_binomialDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_sample_negative_binomialDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_negative_binomial")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_negative_binomialDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("k", k)
.SetInput("p", p)
* \brief Concurrent sampling from multiple
* generalized negative binomial distributions with parameters *mu* (mean) and
* The parameters of the distributions are provided as input arrays.
* Let *[s]* be the shape of the input arrays, *n* be the dimension of *[s]*, *[t]*
* be the shape specified as the parameter of the operator, and *m* be the
* of *[t]*. Then the output will be a *(n+m)*-dimensional array with shape
* For any valid *n*-dimensional index *i* with respect to the input arrays,
* will be an *m*-dimensional array that holds randomly drawn samples from the
* which is parameterized by the input values at index *i*. If the shape parameter
* operator is not set, then one sample will be drawn per distribution and the
* has the same shape as the input arrays.
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Examples::
* mu = [ 2.0, 2.5 ]
* alpha = [ 1.0, 0.1 ]
* // Draw a single sample for each distribution
* sample_generalized_negative_binomial(mu, alpha) = [ 0., 3.]
* // Draw a vector containing two samples for each distribution
* sample_generalized_negative_binomial(mu, alpha, shape=(2)) = [[ 0., 3.],
* [ 3., 1.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param mu Means of the distributions.
* \param alpha Alpha (dispersion) parameters of the distributions.
* \param shape Shape to be sampled from each random distribution.
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_generalized_negative_binomial(Symbol mu,
Symbol alpha,
Shape shape = Shape(),
_sample_generalized_negative_binomialDtype dtype = _sample_generalized_negative_binomialDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_sample_generalized_negative_binomialDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_sample_generalized_negative_binomial")
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _sample_generalized_negative_binomialDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("mu", mu)
.SetInput("alpha", alpha)
* \brief Draw random samples from an an approximately log-uniform
* or Zipfian distribution without replacement.
* This operation takes a 2-D shape `(batch_size, num_sampled)`,
* and randomly generates *num_sampled* samples from the range of integers [0,
* for each instance in the batch.
* The elements in each instance are drawn without replacement from the base
* The base distribution for this operator is an approximately log-uniform or
* P(class) = (log(class + 2) - log(class + 1)) / log(range_max + 1)
* Additionaly, it also returns the number of trials used to obtain `num_sampled`
* each instance in the batch.
* Example::
* samples, trials = _sample_unique_zipfian(750000, shape=(4, 8192))
* unique(samples[0]) = 8192
* unique(samples[3]) = 8192
* trials[0] = 16435
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param range_max The number of possible classes.
* \param shape 2-D shape of the output, where shape[0] is the batch size, and shape[1]
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _sample_unique_zipfian(int range_max,
Shape shape = Shape()) {
return Operator("_sample_unique_zipfian")
.SetParam("range_max", range_max)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
* \brief Draw random samples from a uniform distribution.
* .. note:: The existing alias ``uniform`` is deprecated.
* Samples are uniformly distributed over the half-open interval *[low, high)*
* (includes *low*, but excludes *high*).
* Example::
* uniform(low=0, high=1, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 0.60276335, 0.85794562],
* [ 0.54488319, 0.84725171]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param low Lower bound of the distribution.
* \param high Upper bound of the distribution.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_uniform(mx_float low = 0,
mx_float high = 1,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_uniformDtype dtype = _random_uniformDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_uniformDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_uniform")
.SetParam("low", low)
.SetParam("high", high)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_uniformDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief Draw random samples from a normal (Gaussian) distribution.
* .. note:: The existing alias ``normal`` is deprecated.
* Samples are distributed according to a normal distribution parametrized by
* (standard deviation).
* Example::
* normal(loc=0, scale=1, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 1.89171135, -1.16881478],
* [-1.23474145, 1.55807114]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param loc Mean of the distribution.
* \param scale Standard deviation of the distribution.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_normal(mx_float loc = 0,
mx_float scale = 1,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_normalDtype dtype = _random_normalDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_normalDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_normal")
.SetParam("loc", loc)
.SetParam("scale", scale)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_normalDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief Draw random samples from a gamma distribution.
* Samples are distributed according to a gamma distribution parametrized by
* Example::
* gamma(alpha=9, beta=0.5, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 7.10486984, 3.37695289],
* [ 3.91697288, 3.65933681]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param alpha Alpha parameter (shape) of the gamma distribution.
* \param beta Beta parameter (scale) of the gamma distribution.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_gamma(mx_float alpha = 1,
mx_float beta = 1,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_gammaDtype dtype = _random_gammaDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_gammaDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_gamma")
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetParam("beta", beta)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_gammaDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief Draw random samples from an exponential distribution.
* Samples are distributed according to an exponential distribution parametrized
* Example::
* exponential(lam=4, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 0.0097189 , 0.08999364],
* [ 0.04146638, 0.31715935]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param lam Lambda parameter (rate) of the exponential distribution.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_exponential(mx_float lam = 1,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_exponentialDtype dtype = _random_exponentialDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_exponentialDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_exponential")
.SetParam("lam", lam)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_exponentialDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief Draw random samples from a Poisson distribution.
* Samples are distributed according to a Poisson distribution parametrized by
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Example::
* poisson(lam=4, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 5., 2.],
* [ 4., 6.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param lam Lambda parameter (rate) of the Poisson distribution.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_poisson(mx_float lam = 1,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_poissonDtype dtype = _random_poissonDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_poissonDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_poisson")
.SetParam("lam", lam)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_poissonDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief Draw random samples from a negative binomial distribution.
* Samples are distributed according to a negative binomial distribution
* *k* (limit of unsuccessful experiments) and *p* (failure probability in each
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Example::
* negative_binomial(k=3, p=0.4, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 4., 7.],
* [ 2., 5.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param k Limit of unsuccessful experiments.
* \param p Failure probability in each experiment.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_negative_binomial(int k = 1,
mx_float p = 1,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_negative_binomialDtype dtype = _random_negative_binomialDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_negative_binomialDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_negative_binomial")
.SetParam("k", k)
.SetParam("p", p)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_negative_binomialDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief Draw random samples from a generalized negative binomial distribution.
* Samples are distributed according to a generalized negative binomial
* *mu* (mean) and *alpha* (dispersion). *alpha* is defined as *1/k* where *k* is
* number of unsuccessful experiments (generalized to real numbers).
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Example::
* generalized_negative_binomial(mu=2.0, alpha=0.3, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 2., 1.],
* [ 6., 4.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param mu Mean of the negative binomial distribution.
* \param alpha Alpha (dispersion) parameter of the negative binomial distribution.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to float32
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_generalized_negative_binomial(mx_float mu = 1,
mx_float alpha = 1,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_generalized_negative_binomialDtype dtype = _random_generalized_negative_binomialDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_generalized_negative_binomialDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_generalized_negative_binomial")
.SetParam("mu", mu)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_generalized_negative_binomialDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief Draw random samples from a discrete uniform distribution.
* Samples are uniformly distributed over the half-open interval *[low, high)*
* (includes *low*, but excludes *high*).
* Example::
* randint(low=0, high=5, shape=(2,2)) = [[ 0, 2],
* [ 3, 1]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param low Lower bound of the distribution.
* \param high Upper bound of the distribution.
* \param shape Shape of the output.
* \param ctx Context of output, in format [cpu|gpu|cpu_pinned](n). Only used for
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to int32 if
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_randint(int64_t low,
int64_t high,
Shape shape = Shape(),
const std::string& ctx = "",
_random_randintDtype dtype = _random_randintDtype::kNone) {
static const char *_random_randintDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_random_randint")
.SetParam("low", low)
.SetParam("high", high)
.SetParam("shape", shape)
.SetParam("dtype", _random_randintDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
* \brief Draw random samples from a uniform distribution according to the input array
* Samples are uniformly distributed over the half-open interval *[low, high)*
* (includes *low*, but excludes *high*).
* Example::
* uniform(low=0, high=1, data=ones(2,2)) = [[ 0.60276335, 0.85794562],
* [ 0.54488319, 0.84725171]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param data The input
* \param low Lower bound of the distribution.
* \param high Upper bound of the distribution.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_uniform_like(Symbol data,
mx_float low = 0,
mx_float high = 1) {
return Operator("_random_uniform_like")
.SetParam("low", low)
.SetParam("high", high)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Draw random samples from a normal (Gaussian) distribution according to the
* Samples are distributed according to a normal distribution parametrized by
* (standard deviation).
* Example::
* normal(loc=0, scale=1, data=ones(2,2)) = [[ 1.89171135, -1.16881478],
* [-1.23474145, 1.55807114]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param data The input
* \param loc Mean of the distribution.
* \param scale Standard deviation of the distribution.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_normal_like(Symbol data,
mx_float loc = 0,
mx_float scale = 1) {
return Operator("_random_normal_like")
.SetParam("loc", loc)
.SetParam("scale", scale)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Draw random samples from a gamma distribution according to the input array
* Samples are distributed according to a gamma distribution parametrized by
* Example::
* gamma(alpha=9, beta=0.5, data=ones(2,2)) = [[ 7.10486984, 3.37695289],
* [ 3.91697288, 3.65933681]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param data The input
* \param alpha Alpha parameter (shape) of the gamma distribution.
* \param beta Beta parameter (scale) of the gamma distribution.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_gamma_like(Symbol data,
mx_float alpha = 1,
mx_float beta = 1) {
return Operator("_random_gamma_like")
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetParam("beta", beta)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Draw random samples from an exponential distribution according to the input
* Samples are distributed according to an exponential distribution parametrized
* Example::
* exponential(lam=4, data=ones(2,2)) = [[ 0.0097189 , 0.08999364],
* [ 0.04146638, 0.31715935]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param data The input
* \param lam Lambda parameter (rate) of the exponential distribution.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_exponential_like(Symbol data,
mx_float lam = 1) {
return Operator("_random_exponential_like")
.SetParam("lam", lam)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Draw random samples from a Poisson distribution according to the input array
* Samples are distributed according to a Poisson distribution parametrized by
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Example::
* poisson(lam=4, data=ones(2,2)) = [[ 5., 2.],
* [ 4., 6.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param data The input
* \param lam Lambda parameter (rate) of the Poisson distribution.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_poisson_like(Symbol data,
mx_float lam = 1) {
return Operator("_random_poisson_like")
.SetParam("lam", lam)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Draw random samples from a negative binomial distribution according to the
* Samples are distributed according to a negative binomial distribution
* *k* (limit of unsuccessful experiments) and *p* (failure probability in each
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Example::
* negative_binomial(k=3, p=0.4, data=ones(2,2)) = [[ 4., 7.],
* [ 2., 5.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param data The input
* \param k Limit of unsuccessful experiments.
* \param p Failure probability in each experiment.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_negative_binomial_like(Symbol data,
int k = 1,
mx_float p = 1) {
return Operator("_random_negative_binomial_like")
.SetParam("k", k)
.SetParam("p", p)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Draw random samples from a generalized negative binomial distribution according
* input array shape.
* Samples are distributed according to a generalized negative binomial
* *mu* (mean) and *alpha* (dispersion). *alpha* is defined as *1/k* where *k* is
* number of unsuccessful experiments (generalized to real numbers).
* Samples will always be returned as a floating point data type.
* Example::
* generalized_negative_binomial(mu=2.0, alpha=0.3, data=ones(2,2)) = [[ 2., 1.],
* [ 6., 4.]]
* Defined in src/operator/random/
* \param data The input
* \param mu Mean of the negative binomial distribution.
* \param alpha Alpha (dispersion) parameter of the negative binomial distribution.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _random_generalized_negative_binomial_like(Symbol data,
mx_float mu = 1,
mx_float alpha = 1) {
return Operator("_random_generalized_negative_binomial_like")
.SetParam("mu", mu)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Randomly shuffle the elements.
* This shuffles the array along the first axis.
* The order of the elements in each subarray does not change.
* For example, if a 2D array is given, the order of the rows randomly changes,
* but the order of the elements in each row does not change.
* \param data Data to be shuffled.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _shuffle(Symbol data) {
return Operator("_shuffle")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief elemwise_add operator for input dataA and input dataB data type of int8,
* and accumulates in type int32 for the output. For each argument, two more
* float32 must be provided representing the thresholds of quantizing argument
* type float32 to int8. The final outputs contain result in int32, and min
* and max thresholds representing the threholds for quantizing the float32 output
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propogation. DO NOT use it in training.
* \param lhs first input
* \param rhs second input
* \param lhs_min 3rd input
* \param lhs_max 4th input
* \param rhs_min 5th input
* \param rhs_max 6th input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantized_elemwise_add(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs,
Symbol lhs_min,
Symbol lhs_max,
Symbol rhs_min,
Symbol rhs_max) {
return Operator("_contrib_quantized_elemwise_add")
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
.SetInput("lhs_min", lhs_min)
.SetInput("lhs_max", lhs_max)
.SetInput("rhs_min", rhs_min)
.SetInput("rhs_max", rhs_max)
* \brief Dequantize the input tensor into a float tensor.
* min_range and max_range are scalar floats that specify the range for
* the output data.
* When input data type is `uint8`, the output is calculated using the following
* `out[i] = in[i] * (max_range - min_range) / 255.0`,
* When input data type is `int8`, the output is calculate using the following
* by keep zero centered for the quantized value:
* `out[i] = in[i] * MaxAbs(min_range, max_range) / 127.0`,
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propogation. DO NOT use it in training.
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param data A ndarray/symbol of type `uint8`
* \param min_range The minimum scalar value possibly produced for the input in float32
* \param max_range The maximum scalar value possibly produced for the input in float32
* \param out_type Output data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_dequantize(Symbol data,
Symbol min_range,
Symbol max_range,
_contrib_dequantizeOutType out_type = _contrib_dequantizeOutType::kFloat32) {
static const char *_contrib_dequantizeOutTypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_dequantize")
.SetParam("out_type", _contrib_dequantizeOutTypeValues[int(out_type)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("min_range", min_range)
.SetInput("max_range", max_range)
* \brief Convolution operator for input, weight and bias data type of int8,
* and accumulates in type int32 for the output. For each argument, two more
* float32 must be provided representing the thresholds of quantizing argument
* type float32 to int8. The final outputs contain the convolution result in
* and max thresholds representing the threholds for quantizing the float32 output
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propogation. DO NOT use it in training.
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param data Input data.
* \param weight weight.
* \param bias bias.
* \param min_data Minimum value of data.
* \param max_data Maximum value of data.
* \param min_weight Minimum value of weight.
* \param max_weight Maximum value of weight.
* \param min_bias Minimum value of bias.
* \param max_bias Maximum value of bias.
* \param kernel Convolution kernel size: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w)
* \param num_filter Convolution filter(channel) number
* \param stride Convolution stride: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). Defaults to 1 for each
* \param dilate Convolution dilate: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). Defaults to 1 for each
* \param pad Zero pad for convolution: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). Defaults to no padding.
* \param num_group Number of group partitions.
* \param workspace Maximum temporary workspace allowed (MB) in convolution.This
* parameter has two usages. When CUDNN is not used, it determines the effective
* batch size of the convolution kernel. When CUDNN is used, it controls the
* maximum temporary storage used for tuning the best CUDNN kernel when
* \param no_bias Whether to disable bias parameter.
* \param cudnn_tune Whether to pick convolution algo by running performance test.
* \param cudnn_off Turn off cudnn for this layer.
* \param layout Set layout for input, output and weight. Empty for
* default layout: NCW for 1d, NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.NHWC and NDHWC are
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantized_conv(Symbol data,
Symbol weight,
Symbol bias,
Symbol min_data,
Symbol max_data,
Symbol min_weight,
Symbol max_weight,
Symbol min_bias,
Symbol max_bias,
Shape kernel,
uint32_t num_filter,
Shape stride = {},
Shape dilate = {},
Shape pad = {},
uint32_t num_group = 1,
uint64_t workspace = 1024,
bool no_bias = false,
_contrib_quantized_convCudnnTune cudnn_tune = _contrib_quantized_convCudnnTune::kNone,
bool cudnn_off = false,
_contrib_quantized_convLayout layout = _contrib_quantized_convLayout::kNone) {
static const char *_contrib_quantized_convCudnnTuneValues[] = {
static const char *_contrib_quantized_convLayoutValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_quantized_conv")
.SetParam("kernel", kernel)
.SetParam("num_filter", num_filter)
.SetParam("stride", stride)
.SetParam("dilate", dilate)
.SetParam("pad", pad)
.SetParam("num_group", num_group)
.SetParam("workspace", workspace)
.SetParam("no_bias", no_bias)
.SetParam("cudnn_tune", _contrib_quantized_convCudnnTuneValues[int(cudnn_tune)])
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetParam("layout", _contrib_quantized_convLayoutValues[int(layout)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("bias", bias)
.SetInput("min_data", min_data)
.SetInput("max_data", max_data)
.SetInput("min_weight", min_weight)
.SetInput("max_weight", max_weight)
.SetInput("min_bias", min_bias)
.SetInput("max_bias", max_bias)
* \brief Compute *N*-D convolution on *(N+2)*-D input.
* In the 2-D convolution, given input data with shape *(batch_size,
* channel, height, width)*, the output is computed by
* .. math::
* out[n,i,:,:] = bias[i] + \sum_{j=0}^{channel} data[n,j,:,:] \star
* weight[i,j,:,:]
* where :math:`\star` is the 2-D cross-correlation operator.
* For general 2-D convolution, the shapes are
* - **data**: *(batch_size, channel, height, width)*
* - **weight**: *(num_filter, channel, kernel[0], kernel[1])*
* - **bias**: *(num_filter,)*
* - **out**: *(batch_size, num_filter, out_height, out_width)*.
* Define::
* f(x,k,p,s,d) = floor((x+2*p-d*(k-1)-1)/s)+1
* then we have::
* out_height=f(height, kernel[0], pad[0], stride[0], dilate[0])
* out_width=f(width, kernel[1], pad[1], stride[1], dilate[1])
* If ``no_bias`` is set to be true, then the ``bias`` term is ignored.
* The default data ``layout`` is *NCHW*, namely *(batch_size, channel, height,
* width)*. We can choose other layouts such as *NWC*.
* If ``num_group`` is larger than 1, denoted by *g*, then split the input ``data``
* evenly into *g* parts along the channel axis, and also evenly split ``weight``
* along the first dimension. Next compute the convolution on the *i*-th part of
* the data with the *i*-th weight part. The output is obtained by concatenating
* the *g* results.
* 1-D convolution does not have *height* dimension but only *width* in space.
* - **data**: *(batch_size, channel, width)*
* - **weight**: *(num_filter, channel, kernel[0])*
* - **bias**: *(num_filter,)*
* - **out**: *(batch_size, num_filter, out_width)*.
* 3-D convolution adds an additional *depth* dimension besides *height* and
* *width*. The shapes are
* - **data**: *(batch_size, channel, depth, height, width)*
* - **weight**: *(num_filter, channel, kernel[0], kernel[1], kernel[2])*
* - **bias**: *(num_filter,)*
* - **out**: *(batch_size, num_filter, out_depth, out_height, out_width)*.
* Both ``weight`` and ``bias`` are learnable parameters.
* There are other options to tune the performance.
* - **cudnn_tune**: enable this option leads to higher startup time but may give
* faster speed. Options are
* - **off**: no tuning
* - **limited_workspace**:run test and pick the fastest algorithm that doesn't
* exceed workspace limit.
* - **fastest**: pick the fastest algorithm and ignore workspace limit.
* - **None** (default): the behavior is determined by environment variable
* ``MXNET_CUDNN_AUTOTUNE_DEFAULT``. 0 for off, 1 for limited workspace
* (default), 2 for fastest.
* - **workspace**: A large number leads to more (GPU) memory usage but may improve
* the performance.
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param data Input data to the ConvolutionOp.
* \param weight Weight matrix.
* \param bias Bias parameter.
* \param kernel Convolution kernel size: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w)
* \param num_filter Convolution filter(channel) number
* \param stride Convolution stride: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). Defaults to 1 for each
* \param dilate Convolution dilate: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). Defaults to 1 for each
* \param pad Zero pad for convolution: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). Defaults to no padding.
* \param num_group Number of group partitions.
* \param workspace Maximum temporary workspace allowed (MB) in convolution.This
* parameter has two usages. When CUDNN is not used, it determines the effective
* batch size of the convolution kernel. When CUDNN is used, it controls the
* maximum temporary storage used for tuning the best CUDNN kernel when
* \param no_bias Whether to disable bias parameter.
* \param cudnn_tune Whether to pick convolution algo by running performance test.
* \param cudnn_off Turn off cudnn for this layer.
* \param layout Set layout for input, output and weight. Empty for
* default layout: NCW for 1d, NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.NHWC and NDHWC are
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Convolution(Symbol data,
Symbol weight,
Symbol bias,
Shape kernel,
uint32_t num_filter,
Shape stride = {},
Shape dilate = {},
Shape pad = {},
uint32_t num_group = 1,
uint64_t workspace = 1024,
bool no_bias = false,
ConvolutionCudnnTune cudnn_tune = ConvolutionCudnnTune::kNone,
bool cudnn_off = false,
ConvolutionLayout layout = ConvolutionLayout::kNone) {
static const char *ConvolutionCudnnTuneValues[] = {
static const char *ConvolutionLayoutValues[] = {
return Operator("Convolution")
.SetParam("kernel", kernel)
.SetParam("num_filter", num_filter)
.SetParam("stride", stride)
.SetParam("dilate", dilate)
.SetParam("pad", pad)
.SetParam("num_group", num_group)
.SetParam("workspace", workspace)
.SetParam("no_bias", no_bias)
.SetParam("cudnn_tune", ConvolutionCudnnTuneValues[int(cudnn_tune)])
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetParam("layout", ConvolutionLayoutValues[int(layout)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("bias", bias)
* \brief
* \param data A ndarray/symbol of type `float32`
* \param min_data The minimum scalar value possibly produced for the data
* \param max_data The maximum scalar value possibly produced for the data
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantized_flatten(Symbol data,
Symbol min_data,
Symbol max_data) {
return Operator("_contrib_quantized_flatten")
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("min_data", min_data)
.SetInput("max_data", max_data)
* \brief Fully Connected operator for input, weight and bias data type of int8,
* and accumulates in type int32 for the output. For each argument, two more
* float32 must be provided representing the thresholds of quantizing argument
* type float32 to int8. The final outputs contain the convolution result in
* and max thresholds representing the threholds for quantizing the float32 output
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propogation. DO NOT use it in training.
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param data Input data.
* \param weight weight.
* \param bias bias.
* \param min_data Minimum value of data.
* \param max_data Maximum value of data.
* \param min_weight Minimum value of weight.
* \param max_weight Maximum value of weight.
* \param min_bias Minimum value of bias.
* \param max_bias Maximum value of bias.
* \param num_hidden Number of hidden nodes of the output.
* \param no_bias Whether to disable bias parameter.
* \param flatten Whether to collapse all but the first axis of the input data tensor.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantized_fully_connected(Symbol data,
Symbol weight,
Symbol bias,
Symbol min_data,
Symbol max_data,
Symbol min_weight,
Symbol max_weight,
Symbol min_bias,
Symbol max_bias,
int num_hidden,
bool no_bias = false,
bool flatten = true) {
return Operator("_contrib_quantized_fully_connected")
.SetParam("num_hidden", num_hidden)
.SetParam("no_bias", no_bias)
.SetParam("flatten", flatten)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("bias", bias)
.SetInput("min_data", min_data)
.SetInput("max_data", max_data)
.SetInput("min_weight", min_weight)
.SetInput("max_weight", max_weight)
.SetInput("min_bias", min_bias)
.SetInput("max_bias", max_bias)
* \brief Applies a linear transformation: :math:`Y = XW^T + b`.
* If ``flatten`` is set to be true, then the shapes are:
* - **data**: `(batch_size, x1, x2, ..., xn)`
* - **weight**: `(num_hidden, x1 * x2 * ... * xn)`
* - **bias**: `(num_hidden,)`
* - **out**: `(batch_size, num_hidden)`
* If ``flatten`` is set to be false, then the shapes are:
* - **data**: `(x1, x2, ..., xn, input_dim)`
* - **weight**: `(num_hidden, input_dim)`
* - **bias**: `(num_hidden,)`
* - **out**: `(x1, x2, ..., xn, num_hidden)`
* The learnable parameters include both ``weight`` and ``bias``.
* If ``no_bias`` is set to be true, then the ``bias`` term is ignored.
* .. Note::
* The sparse support for FullyConnected is limited to forward evaluation with
* weight and bias, where the length of `weight.indices` and `bias.indices` must
* to `num_hidden`. This could be useful for model inference with `row_sparse`
* trained with importance sampling or noise contrastive estimation.
* To compute linear transformation with 'csr' sparse data, is
* of sparse.FullyConnected.
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param data Input data.
* \param weight Weight matrix.
* \param bias Bias parameter.
* \param num_hidden Number of hidden nodes of the output.
* \param no_bias Whether to disable bias parameter.
* \param flatten Whether to collapse all but the first axis of the input data tensor.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol FullyConnected(Symbol data,
Symbol weight,
Symbol bias,
int num_hidden,
bool no_bias = false,
bool flatten = true) {
return Operator("FullyConnected")
.SetParam("num_hidden", num_hidden)
.SetParam("no_bias", no_bias)
.SetParam("flatten", flatten)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("bias", bias)
* \brief Pooling operator for input and output data type of int8.
* The input and output data comes with min and max thresholds for quantizing
* the float32 data into int8.
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propogation. DO NOT use it in training.
* This operator only supports `pool_type` of `avg` or `max`.
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param data Input data.
* \param min_data Minimum value of data.
* \param max_data Maximum value of data.
* \param kernel Pooling kernel size: (y, x) or (d, y, x)
* \param pool_type Pooling type to be applied.
* \param global_pool Ignore kernel size, do global pooling based on current input
* \param cudnn_off Turn off cudnn pooling and use MXNet pooling operator.
* \param pooling_convention Pooling convention to be applied.
* \param stride Stride: for pooling (y, x) or (d, y, x). Defaults to 1 for each
* \param pad Pad for pooling: (y, x) or (d, y, x). Defaults to no padding.
* \param p_value Value of p for Lp pooling, can be 1 or 2, required for Lp Pooling.
* \param count_include_pad Only used for AvgPool, specify whether to count padding
* elements for averagecalculation. For example, with a 5*5 kernel on a 3*3 corner
* of a image,the sum of the 9 valid elements will be divided by 25 if this is set
* \param layout Set layout for input and output. Empty for
* default layout: NCW for 1d, NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantized_pooling(Symbol data,
Symbol min_data,
Symbol max_data,
Shape kernel = {},
_contrib_quantized_poolingPoolType pool_type = _contrib_quantized_poolingPoolType::kMax,
bool global_pool = false,
bool cudnn_off = false,
_contrib_quantized_poolingPoolingConvention pooling_convention = _contrib_quantized_poolingPoolingConvention::kValid,
Shape stride = {},
Shape pad = {},
dmlc::optional<int> p_value = dmlc::optional<int>(),
dmlc::optional<bool> count_include_pad = dmlc::optional<bool>(),
_contrib_quantized_poolingLayout layout = _contrib_quantized_poolingLayout::kNone) {
static const char *_contrib_quantized_poolingPoolTypeValues[] = {
static const char *_contrib_quantized_poolingPoolingConventionValues[] = {
static const char *_contrib_quantized_poolingLayoutValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_quantized_pooling")
.SetParam("kernel", kernel)
.SetParam("pool_type", _contrib_quantized_poolingPoolTypeValues[int(pool_type)])
.SetParam("global_pool", global_pool)
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetParam("pooling_convention", _contrib_quantized_poolingPoolingConventionValues[int(pooling_convention)])
.SetParam("stride", stride)
.SetParam("pad", pad)
.SetParam("p_value", p_value)
.SetParam("count_include_pad", count_include_pad)
.SetParam("layout", _contrib_quantized_poolingLayoutValues[int(layout)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("min_data", min_data)
.SetInput("max_data", max_data)
* \brief Performs pooling on the input.
* The shapes for 1-D pooling are
* - **data** and **out**: *(batch_size, channel, width)* (NCW layout) or
* *(batch_size, width, channel)* (NWC layout),
* The shapes for 2-D pooling are
* - **data** and **out**: *(batch_size, channel, height, width)* (NCHW layout) or
* *(batch_size, height, width, channel)* (NHWC layout),
* out_height = f(height, kernel[0], pad[0], stride[0])
* out_width = f(width, kernel[1], pad[1], stride[1])
* The definition of *f* depends on ``pooling_convention``, which has two options:
* - **valid** (default)::
* f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1
* - **full**, which is compatible with Caffe::
* f(x, k, p, s) = ceil((x+2*p-k)/s)+1
* When ``global_pool`` is set to be true, then global pooling is performed. It
* ``kernel=(height, width)`` and set the appropiate padding to 0.
* Three pooling options are supported by ``pool_type``:
* - **avg**: average pooling
* - **max**: max pooling
* - **sum**: sum pooling
* - **lp**: Lp pooling
* For 3-D pooling, an additional *depth* dimension is added before
* *height*. Namely the input data and output will have shape *(batch_size,
* height, width)* (NCDHW layout) or *(batch_size, depth, height, width, channel)*
* Notes on Lp pooling:
* Lp pooling was first introduced by this paper:
* L-1 pooling is simply sum pooling, while L-inf pooling is simply max pooling.
* We can see that Lp pooling stands between those two, in practice the most
* For each window ``X``, the mathematical expression for Lp pooling is:
* :math:`f(X) = \sqrt[p]{\sum_{x}^{X} x^p}`
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param data Input data to the pooling operator.
* \param kernel Pooling kernel size: (y, x) or (d, y, x)
* \param pool_type Pooling type to be applied.
* \param global_pool Ignore kernel size, do global pooling based on current input
* \param cudnn_off Turn off cudnn pooling and use MXNet pooling operator.
* \param pooling_convention Pooling convention to be applied.
* \param stride Stride: for pooling (y, x) or (d, y, x). Defaults to 1 for each
* \param pad Pad for pooling: (y, x) or (d, y, x). Defaults to no padding.
* \param p_value Value of p for Lp pooling, can be 1 or 2, required for Lp Pooling.
* \param count_include_pad Only used for AvgPool, specify whether to count padding
* elements for averagecalculation. For example, with a 5*5 kernel on a 3*3 corner
* of a image,the sum of the 9 valid elements will be divided by 25 if this is set
* \param layout Set layout for input and output. Empty for
* default layout: NCW for 1d, NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Pooling(Symbol data,
Shape kernel = {},
PoolingPoolType pool_type = PoolingPoolType::kMax,
bool global_pool = false,
bool cudnn_off = false,
PoolingPoolingConvention pooling_convention = PoolingPoolingConvention::kValid,
Shape stride = {},
Shape pad = {},
dmlc::optional<int> p_value = dmlc::optional<int>(),
dmlc::optional<bool> count_include_pad = dmlc::optional<bool>(),
PoolingLayout layout = PoolingLayout::kNone) {
static const char *PoolingPoolTypeValues[] = {
static const char *PoolingPoolingConventionValues[] = {
static const char *PoolingLayoutValues[] = {
return Operator("Pooling")
.SetParam("kernel", kernel)
.SetParam("pool_type", PoolingPoolTypeValues[int(pool_type)])
.SetParam("global_pool", global_pool)
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetParam("pooling_convention", PoolingPoolingConventionValues[int(pooling_convention)])
.SetParam("stride", stride)
.SetParam("pad", pad)
.SetParam("p_value", p_value)
.SetParam("count_include_pad", count_include_pad)
.SetParam("layout", PoolingLayoutValues[int(layout)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Quantize a input tensor from float to `out_type`,
* with user-specified `min_calib_range` and `max_calib_range` or the input range
* Output `min_range` and `max_range` are scalar floats that specify the range for
* When out_type is `uint8`, the output is calculated using the following equation:
* `out[i] = (in[i] - min_range) * range(OUTPUT_TYPE) / (max_range - min_range) +
* where `range(T) = numeric_limits<T>::max() - numeric_limits<T>::min()`.
* When out_type is `int8`, the output is calculate using the following equation
* by keep zero centered for the quantized value:
* `out[i] = sign(in[i]) * min(abs(in[i] * scale + 0.5f, quantized_range)`,
* where
* `quantized_range = MinAbs(max(int8), min(int8))` and
* `scale = quantized_range / MaxAbs(min_range, max_range).`
* When out_type is `auto`, the output type is automatically determined by
* If min_calib_range < 0.0f, the output type will be int8, otherwise will be
* If min_calib_range isn't presented, the output type will be int8.
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propagation. DO NOT use it in training.
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param data A ndarray/symbol of type `float32`
* \param out_type Output data type. `auto` can be specified to automatically determine
* \param min_calib_range The minimum scalar value in the form of float32. If present, it
* \param max_calib_range The maximum scalar value in the form of float32. If present, it
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantize_v2(Symbol data,
_contrib_quantize_v2OutType out_type = _contrib_quantize_v2OutType::kInt8,
mx_float min_calib_range = mx_float(),
mx_float max_calib_range = mx_float()) {
static const char *_contrib_quantize_v2OutTypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_quantize_v2")
.SetParam("out_type", _contrib_quantize_v2OutTypeValues[int(out_type)])
.SetParam("min_calib_range", min_calib_range)
.SetParam("max_calib_range", max_calib_range)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Joins input arrays along a given axis.
* The dimensions of the input arrays should be the same except the axis along
* which they will be concatenated.
* The dimension of the output array along the concatenated axis will be equal
* to the sum of the corresponding dimensions of the input arrays.
* All inputs with different min/max will be rescaled by using largest [min, max]
* If any input holds int8, then the output will be int8. Otherwise output will be
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param data List of arrays to concatenate
* \param num_args Number of inputs to be concated.
* \param dim the dimension to be concated.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantized_concat(const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_args,
int dim = 1) {
return Operator("_contrib_quantized_concat")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("dim", dim)
* \brief Joins input arrays along a given axis.
* .. note:: `Concat` is deprecated. Use `concat` instead.
* The dimensions of the input arrays should be the same except the axis along
* which they will be concatenated.
* The dimension of the output array along the concatenated axis will be equal
* to the sum of the corresponding dimensions of the input arrays.
* The storage type of ``concat`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - concat(csr, csr, ..., csr, dim=0) = csr
* - otherwise, ``concat`` generates output with default storage
* Example::
* x = [[1,1],[2,2]]
* y = [[3,3],[4,4],[5,5]]
* z = [[6,6], [7,7],[8,8]]
* concat(x,y,z,dim=0) = [[ 1., 1.],
* [ 2., 2.],
* [ 3., 3.],
* [ 4., 4.],
* [ 5., 5.],
* [ 6., 6.],
* [ 7., 7.],
* [ 8., 8.]]
* Note that you cannot concat x,y,z along dimension 1 since dimension
* 0 is not the same for all the input arrays.
* concat(y,z,dim=1) = [[ 3., 3., 6., 6.],
* [ 4., 4., 7., 7.],
* [ 5., 5., 8., 8.]]
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param data List of arrays to concatenate
* \param num_args Number of inputs to be concated.
* \param dim the dimension to be concated.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Concat(const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_args,
int dim = 1) {
return Operator("Concat")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("dim", dim)
* \brief Given data that is quantized in int32 and the corresponding thresholds,
* requantize the data into int8 using min and max thresholds either calculated at
* or from calibration. It's highly recommended to pre-calucate the min and max
* through calibration since it is able to save the runtime of the operator and
* inference accuracy.
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propogation. DO NOT use it in training.
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param data A ndarray/symbol of type `int32`
* \param min_range The original minimum scalar value in the form of float32 used for
* \param max_range The original maximum scalar value in the form of float32 used for
* \param out_type Output data type. `auto` can be specified to automatically determine
* \param min_calib_range The minimum scalar value in the form of float32 obtained
* through calibration. If present, it will be used to requantize the int32 data
* \param max_calib_range The maximum scalar value in the form of float32 obtained
* through calibration. If present, it will be used to requantize the int32 data
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_requantize(Symbol data,
Symbol min_range,
Symbol max_range,
_contrib_requantizeOutType out_type = _contrib_requantizeOutType::kInt8,
mx_float min_calib_range = mx_float(),
mx_float max_calib_range = mx_float()) {
static const char *_contrib_requantizeOutTypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_requantize")
.SetParam("out_type", _contrib_requantizeOutTypeValues[int(out_type)])
.SetParam("min_calib_range", min_calib_range)
.SetParam("max_calib_range", max_calib_range)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("min_range", min_range)
.SetInput("max_range", max_range)
* \brief Activation operator for input and output data type of int8.
* The input and output data comes with min and max thresholds for quantizing
* the float32 data into int8.
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propogation. DO NOT use it in training.
* This operator only supports `relu`
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param data Input data.
* \param min_data Minimum value of data.
* \param max_data Maximum value of data.
* \param act_type Activation function to be applied.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantized_act(Symbol data,
Symbol min_data,
Symbol max_data,
_contrib_quantized_actActType act_type) {
static const char *_contrib_quantized_actActTypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_quantized_act")
.SetParam("act_type", _contrib_quantized_actActTypeValues[int(act_type)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("min_data", min_data)
.SetInput("max_data", max_data)
* \brief Applies an activation function element-wise to the input.
* The following activation functions are supported:
* - `relu`: Rectified Linear Unit, :math:`y = max(x, 0)`
* - `sigmoid`: :math:`y = \frac{1}{1 + exp(-x)}`
* - `tanh`: Hyperbolic tangent, :math:`y = \frac{exp(x) - exp(-x)}{exp(x) +
* - `softrelu`: Soft ReLU, or SoftPlus, :math:`y = log(1 + exp(x))`
* - `softsign`: :math:`y = \frac{x}{1 + abs(x)}`
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param data The input array.
* \param act_type Activation function to be applied.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Activation(Symbol data,
ActivationActType act_type) {
static const char *ActivationActTypeValues[] = {
return Operator("Activation")
.SetParam("act_type", ActivationActTypeValues[int(act_type)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Quantize a input tensor from float to `out_type`,
* with user-specified `min_range` and `max_range`.
* min_range and max_range are scalar floats that specify the range for
* the input data.
* When out_type is `uint8`, the output is calculated using the following equation:
* `out[i] = (in[i] - min_range) * range(OUTPUT_TYPE) / (max_range - min_range) +
* where `range(T) = numeric_limits<T>::max() - numeric_limits<T>::min()`.
* When out_type is `int8`, the output is calculate using the following equation
* by keep zero centered for the quantized value:
* `out[i] = sign(in[i]) * min(abs(in[i] * scale + 0.5f, quantized_range)`,
* where
* `quantized_range = MinAbs(max(int8), min(int8))` and
* `scale = quantized_range / MaxAbs(min_range, max_range).`
* .. Note::
* This operator only supports forward propagation. DO NOT use it in training.
* Defined in src/operator/quantization/
* \param data A ndarray/symbol of type `float32`
* \param min_range The minimum scalar value possibly produced for the input
* \param max_range The maximum scalar value possibly produced for the input
* \param out_type Output data type.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quantize(Symbol data,
Symbol min_range,
Symbol max_range,
_contrib_quantizeOutType out_type = _contrib_quantizeOutType::kUint8) {
static const char *_contrib_quantizeOutTypeValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_quantize")
.SetParam("out_type", _contrib_quantizeOutTypeValues[int(out_type)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("min_range", min_range)
.SetInput("max_range", max_range)
* \brief Apply a custom operator implemented in a frontend language (like Python).
* Custom operators should override required methods like `forward` and `backward`.
* The custom operator must be registered before it can be used.
* Please check the tutorial here:
* Defined in src/operator/custom/
* \param data Input data for the custom operator.
* \param op_type Name of the custom operator. This is the name that is passed to
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Custom(const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
const std::string& op_type) {
return Operator("Custom")
* \brief Batch normalization.
* Normalizes a data batch by mean and variance, and applies a scale ``gamma`` as
* well as offset ``beta``.
* Standard BN [1]_ implementation only normalize the data within each device.
* SyncBN normalizes the input within the whole mini-batch.
* We follow the sync-onece implmentation described in the paper [2]_.
* Assume the input has more than one dimension and we normalize along axis 1.
* We first compute the mean and variance along this axis:
* .. math::
* data\_mean[i] = mean(data[:,i,:,...]) \\
* data\_var[i] = var(data[:,i,:,...])
* Then compute the normalized output, which has the same shape as input, as
* .. math::
* out[:,i,:,...] = \frac{data[:,i,:,...] -
* Both *mean* and *var* returns a scalar by treating the input as a vector.
* Assume the input has size *k* on axis 1, then both ``gamma`` and ``beta``
* have shape *(k,)*. If ``output_mean_var`` is set to be true, then outputs both
* ``data_var`` as well, which are needed for the backward pass.
* Besides the inputs and the outputs, this operator accepts two auxiliary
* states, ``moving_mean`` and ``moving_var``, which are *k*-length
* vectors. They are global statistics for the whole dataset, which are updated
* by::
* moving_mean = moving_mean * momentum + data_mean * (1 - momentum)
* moving_var = moving_var * momentum + data_var * (1 - momentum)
* If ``use_global_stats`` is set to be true, then ``moving_mean`` and
* ``moving_var`` are used instead of ``data_mean`` and ``data_var`` to compute
* the output. It is often used during inference.
* Both ``gamma`` and ``beta`` are learnable parameters. But if ``fix_gamma`` is
* then set ``gamma`` to 1 and its gradient to 0.
* Reference:
* .. [1] Ioffe, Sergey, and Christian Szegedy. "Batch normalization: Accelerating
* deep network training by reducing internal covariate shift." *ICML 2015*
* .. [2] Hang Zhang, Kristin Dana, Jianping Shi, Zhongyue Zhang, Xiaogang Wang, \
* Ambrish Tyagi, and Amit Agrawal. "Context Encoding for Semantic Segmentation."
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data Input data to batch normalization
* \param gamma gamma array
* \param beta beta array
* \param moving_mean running mean of input
* \param moving_var running variance of input
* \param key Hash key for synchronization, please set the same hash key for same layer,
* \param eps Epsilon to prevent div 0
* \param momentum Momentum for moving average
* \param fix_gamma Fix gamma while training
* \param use_global_stats Whether use global moving statistics instead of local
* \param output_mean_var Output All,normal mean and var
* \param ndev The count of GPU devices
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_SyncBatchNorm(Symbol data,
Symbol gamma,
Symbol beta,
Symbol moving_mean,
Symbol moving_var,
const std::string& key,
mx_float eps = 0.00100000005,
mx_float momentum = 0.899999976,
bool fix_gamma = true,
bool use_global_stats = false,
bool output_mean_var = false,
int ndev = 1) {
return Operator("_contrib_SyncBatchNorm")
.SetParam("eps", eps)
.SetParam("momentum", momentum)
.SetParam("fix_gamma", fix_gamma)
.SetParam("use_global_stats", use_global_stats)
.SetParam("output_mean_var", output_mean_var)
.SetParam("ndev", ndev)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("gamma", gamma)
.SetInput("beta", beta)
.SetInput("moving_mean", moving_mean)
.SetInput("moving_var", moving_var)
* \brief This operator samples sub-graphs from a csr graph via an
* uniform probability. The operator is designed for DGL.
* The operator outputs three sets of NDArrays to represent the sampled results
* (the number of NDArrays in each set is the same as the number of seed NDArrays):
* 1) a set of 1D NDArrays containing the sampled vertices, 2) a set of
* the sampled edges, 3) a set of 1D NDArrays indicating the layer where a vertex
* The first set of 1D NDArrays have a length of max_num_vertices+1. The last
* indicate the acutal number of vertices in a subgraph. The third set of NDArrays
* of max_num_vertices, and the valid number of vertices is the same as the ones
* Example:
* .. code:: python
* shape = (5, 5)
* data_np = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],
* indices_np = np.array([1,2,3,4,0,2,3,4,0,1,3,4,0,1,2,4,0,1,2,3], dtype=np.int64)
* indptr_np = np.array([0,4,8,12,16,20], dtype=np.int64)
* a = mx.nd.sparse.csr_matrix((data_np, indices_np, indptr_np), shape=shape)
* a.asnumpy()
* seed = mx.nd.array([0,1,2,3,4], dtype=np.int64)
* out = mx.nd.contrib.dgl_csr_neighbor_uniform_sample(a, seed, num_args=2,
* out[0]
* [0 1 2 3 4 5]
* <NDArray 6 @cpu(0)>
* out[1].asnumpy()
* array([[ 0, 1, 0, 3, 0],
* [ 5, 0, 0, 7, 0],
* [ 9, 0, 0, 11, 0],
* [13, 0, 15, 0, 0],
* [17, 0, 19, 0, 0]])
* out[2]
* [0 0 0 0 0]
* <NDArray 5 @cpu(0)>
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param csr_matrix csr matrix
* \param seed_arrays seed vertices
* \param num_args Number of input NDArray.
* \param num_hops Number of hops.
* \param num_neighbor Number of neighbor.
* \param max_num_vertices Max number of vertices.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_dgl_csr_neighbor_uniform_sample(Symbol csr_matrix,
const std::vector<Symbol>& seed_arrays,
int num_args,
int64_t num_hops = 1,
int64_t num_neighbor = 2,
int64_t max_num_vertices = 100) {
return Operator("_contrib_dgl_csr_neighbor_uniform_sample")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("num_hops", num_hops)
.SetParam("num_neighbor", num_neighbor)
.SetParam("max_num_vertices", max_num_vertices)
.SetInput("csr_matrix", csr_matrix)
* \brief This operator samples sub-graph from a csr graph via an
* non-uniform probability. The operator is designed for DGL.
* The operator outputs four sets of NDArrays to represent the sampled results
* (the number of NDArrays in each set is the same as the number of seed NDArrays):
* 1) a set of 1D NDArrays containing the sampled vertices, 2) a set of
* the sampled edges, 3) a set of 1D NDArrays with the probability that vertices
* 4) a set of 1D NDArrays indicating the layer where a vertex is sampled.
* The first set of 1D NDArrays have a length of max_num_vertices+1. The last
* indicate the acutal number of vertices in a subgraph. The third and fourth set
* of max_num_vertices, and the valid number of vertices is the same as the ones
* Example:
* .. code:: python
* shape = (5, 5)
* prob = mx.nd.array([0.9, 0.8, 0.2, 0.4, 0.1], dtype=np.float32)
* data_np = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],
* indices_np = np.array([1,2,3,4,0,2,3,4,0,1,3,4,0,1,2,4,0,1,2,3], dtype=np.int64)
* indptr_np = np.array([0,4,8,12,16,20], dtype=np.int64)
* a = mx.nd.sparse.csr_matrix((data_np, indices_np, indptr_np), shape=shape)
* seed = mx.nd.array([0,1,2,3,4], dtype=np.int64)
* out = mx.nd.contrib.dgl_csr_neighbor_non_uniform_sample(a, prob, seed,
* out[0]
* [0 1 2 3 4 5]
* <NDArray 6 @cpu(0)>
* out[1].asnumpy()
* array([[ 0, 1, 2, 0, 0],
* [ 5, 0, 6, 0, 0],
* [ 9, 10, 0, 0, 0],
* [13, 14, 0, 0, 0],
* [ 0, 18, 19, 0, 0]])
* out[2]
* [0.9 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.1]
* <NDArray 5 @cpu(0)>
* out[3]
* [0 0 0 0 0]
* <NDArray 5 @cpu(0)>
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param csr_matrix csr matrix
* \param probability probability vector
* \param seed_arrays seed vertices
* \param num_args Number of input NDArray.
* \param num_hops Number of hops.
* \param num_neighbor Number of neighbor.
* \param max_num_vertices Max number of vertices.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_dgl_csr_neighbor_non_uniform_sample(Symbol csr_matrix,
Symbol probability,
const std::vector<Symbol>& seed_arrays,
int num_args,
int64_t num_hops = 1,
int64_t num_neighbor = 2,
int64_t max_num_vertices = 100) {
return Operator("_contrib_dgl_csr_neighbor_non_uniform_sample")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("num_hops", num_hops)
.SetParam("num_neighbor", num_neighbor)
.SetParam("max_num_vertices", max_num_vertices)
.SetInput("csr_matrix", csr_matrix)
.SetInput("probability", probability)
* \brief This operator constructs an induced subgraph for
* a given set of vertices from a graph. The operator accepts multiple
* sets of vertices as input. For each set of vertices, it returns a pair
* of CSR matrices if return_mapping is True: the first matrix contains edges
* with new edge Ids, the second matrix contains edges with the original
* edge Ids.
* Example:
* .. code:: python
* x=[[1, 0, 0, 2],
* [3, 0, 4, 0],
* [0, 5, 0, 0],
* [0, 6, 7, 0]]
* v = [0, 1, 2]
* dgl_subgraph(x, v, return_mapping=True) =
* [[1, 0, 0],
* [2, 0, 3],
* [0, 4, 0]],
* [[1, 0, 0],
* [3, 0, 4],
* [0, 5, 0]]
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param graph Input graph where we sample vertices.
* \param data The input arrays that include data arrays and states.
* \param num_args Number of input arguments, including all symbol inputs.
* \param return_mapping Return mapping of vid and eid between the subgraph and the
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_dgl_subgraph(Symbol graph,
const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_args,
bool return_mapping) {
return Operator("_contrib_dgl_subgraph")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("return_mapping", return_mapping)
.SetInput("graph", graph)
* \brief This operator implements the edge_id function for a graph
* stored in a CSR matrix (the value of the CSR stores the edge Id of the graph).
* output[i] = input[u[i], v[i]] if there is an edge between u[i] and v[i]],
* otherwise output[i] will be -1. Both u and v should be 1D vectors.
* Example:
* .. code:: python
* x = [[ 1, 0, 0 ],
* [ 0, 2, 0 ],
* [ 0, 0, 3 ]]
* u = [ 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2 ]
* v = [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2 ]
* edge_id(x, u, v) = [ 1, -1, 2, -1, -1, 3 ]
* The storage type of ``edge_id`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - edge_id(csr, default, default) = default
* - default and rsp inputs are not supported
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param u u ndarray
* \param v v ndarray
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_edge_id(Symbol data,
Symbol u,
Symbol v) {
return Operator("_contrib_edge_id")
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("u", u)
.SetInput("v", v)
* \brief This operator converts a CSR matrix whose values are edge Ids
* to an adjacency matrix whose values are ones. The output CSR matrix always has
* the data value of float32.
* Example:
* .. code:: python
* x = [[ 1, 0, 0 ],
* [ 0, 2, 0 ],
* [ 0, 0, 3 ]]
* dgl_adjacency(x) =
* [[ 1, 0, 0 ],
* [ 0, 1, 0 ],
* [ 0, 0, 1 ]]
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data Input ndarray
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_dgl_adjacency(Symbol data) {
return Operator("_contrib_dgl_adjacency")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief This operator compacts a CSR matrix generated by
* dgl_csr_neighbor_uniform_sample and dgl_csr_neighbor_non_uniform_sample.
* The CSR matrices generated by these two operators may have many empty
* rows at the end and many empty columns. This operator removes these
* empty rows and empty columns.
* Example:
* .. code:: python
* shape = (5, 5)
* data_np = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],
* indices_np = np.array([1,2,3,4,0,2,3,4,0,1,3,4,0,1,2,4,0,1,2,3], dtype=np.int64)
* indptr_np = np.array([0,4,8,12,16,20], dtype=np.int64)
* a = mx.nd.sparse.csr_matrix((data_np, indices_np, indptr_np), shape=shape)
* seed = mx.nd.array([0,1,2,3,4], dtype=np.int64)
* out = mx.nd.contrib.dgl_csr_neighbor_uniform_sample(a, seed, num_args=2,
* num_neighbor=2, max_num_vertices=6)
* subg_v = out[0]
* subg = out[1]
* compact = mx.nd.contrib.dgl_graph_compact(subg, subg_v,
* graph_sizes=(subg_v[-1].asnumpy()[0]), return_mapping=False)
* compact.asnumpy()
* array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
* [2, 0, 3, 0, 0],
* [0, 4, 0, 0, 5],
* [0, 6, 0, 0, 7],
* [8, 9, 0, 0, 0]])
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param graph_data Input graphs and input vertex Ids.
* \param num_args Number of input arguments.
* \param return_mapping Return mapping of vid and eid between the subgraph and the
* \param graph_sizes the number of vertices in each graph.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_dgl_graph_compact(const std::vector<Symbol>& graph_data,
int num_args,
bool return_mapping,
nnvm::Tuple<int64_t> graph_sizes) {
return Operator("_contrib_dgl_graph_compact")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("return_mapping", return_mapping)
.SetParam("graph_sizes", graph_sizes)
* \brief Computes the Khatri-Rao product of the input matrices.
* Given a collection of :math:`n` input matrices,
* .. math::
* A_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{M_1 \times M}, \ldots, A_n \in \mathbb{R}^{M_n \times N},
* the (column-wise) Khatri-Rao product is defined as the matrix,
* .. math::
* X = A_1 \otimes \cdots \otimes A_n \in \mathbb{R}^{(M_1 \cdots M_n) \times N},
* where the :math:`k` th column is equal to the column-wise outer product
* :math:`{A_1}_k \otimes \cdots \otimes {A_n}_k` where :math:`{A_i}_k` is the kth
* column of the ith matrix.
* Example::
* >>> A = mx.nd.array([[1, -1],
* >>> [2, -3]])
* >>> B = mx.nd.array([[1, 4],
* >>> [2, 5],
* >>> [3, 6]])
* >>> C = mx.nd.khatri_rao(A, B)
* >>> print(C.asnumpy())
* [[ 1. -4.]
* [ 2. -5.]
* [ 3. -6.]
* [ 2. -12.]
* [ 4. -15.]
* [ 6. -18.]]
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param args Positional input matrices
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol khatri_rao(const std::vector<Symbol>& args) {
return Operator("khatri_rao")
* \brief Computes the log likelihood of a univariate Hawkes process.
* The log likelihood is calculated on point process observations represented
* as *ragged* matrices for *lags* (interarrival times w.r.t. the previous point),
* and *marks* (identifiers for the process ID). Note that each mark is considered
* i.e., computes the joint likelihood of a set of Hawkes processes determined by
* .. math::
* \lambda_k^*(t) = \lambda_k + \alpha_k \sum_{\{t_i < t, y_i = k\}} \beta_k
* where :math:`\lambda_k` specifies the background intensity ``lda``,
* :math:`\alpha_k` specifies the *branching ratio* or ``alpha``, and
* ``lags`` and ``marks`` are two NDArrays of shape (N, T) and correspond to the
* representation of the point process observation, the first dimension
* corresponds to the batch index, and the second to the sequence. These are
* "left-aligned" *ragged* matrices (the first index of the second dimension is
* the beginning of every sequence. The length of each sequence is given by
* ``valid_length``, of shape (N,) where ``valid_length[i]`` corresponds to the
* ``max_time`` is the length of the observation period of the point process. That
* is, specifying ``max_time[i] = 5`` computes the likelihood of the i-th sample
* as observed on the time interval :math:`(0, 5]`. Naturally, the sum of all
* The input ``state`` specifies the *memory* of the Hawkes process. Invoking the
* .. math::
* s_k(t) = \sum_{t_i < t} \exp(-\beta_k (t - t_i)).
* The ``state`` to be provided is :math:`s_k(0)` and carries the added intensity
* due to past events before the current batch. :math:`s_k(T)` is returned from
* Example::
* # define the Hawkes process parameters
* lda = nd.array([1.5, 2.0, 3.0]).tile((N, 1))
* alpha = nd.array([0.2, 0.3, 0.4]) # branching ratios should be < 1
* beta = nd.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
* # the "data", or observations
* ia_times = nd.array([[6, 7, 8, 9], [1, 2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5, 6], [8, 9, 10, 11]])
* marks = nd.zeros((N, T)).astype(np.int32)
* # starting "state" of the process
* states = nd.zeros((N, K))
* valid_length = nd.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) # number of valid points in each sequence
* max_time = nd.ones((N,)) * 100.0 # length of the observation period
* A = nd.contrib.hawkesll(
* lda, alpha, beta, states, ia_times, marks, valid_length, max_time
* )
* References:
* - Bacry, E., Mastromatteo, I., & Muzy, J. F. (2015).
* Hawkes processes in finance. Market Microstructure and Liquidity
* , 1(01), 1550005.
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param lda Shape (N, K) The intensity for each of the K processes, for each sample
* \param alpha Shape (K,) The infectivity factor (branching ratio) for each process
* \param beta Shape (K,) The decay parameter for each process
* \param state Shape (N, K) the Hawkes state for each process
* \param lags Shape (N, T) the interarrival times
* \param marks Shape (N, T) the marks (process ids)
* \param valid_length The number of valid points in the process
* \param max_time the length of the interval where the processes were sampled
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_hawkesll(Symbol lda,
Symbol alpha,
Symbol beta,
Symbol state,
Symbol lags,
Symbol marks,
Symbol valid_length,
Symbol max_time) {
return Operator("_contrib_hawkesll")
.SetInput("lda", lda)
.SetInput("alpha", alpha)
.SetInput("beta", beta)
.SetInput("state", state)
.SetInput("lags", lags)
.SetInput("marks", marks)
.SetInput("valid_length", valid_length)
.SetInput("max_time", max_time)
* \brief
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_backward_hawkesll() {
return Operator("_contrib_backward_hawkesll")
* \brief Number of stored values for a sparse tensor, including explicit zeros.
* This operator only supports CSR matrix on CPU.
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data Input
* \param axis Select between the number of values across the whole matrix, in each
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_getnnz(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<int> axis = dmlc::optional<int>()) {
return Operator("_contrib_getnnz")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief This operator implements the gradient multiplier function.
* In forward pass it acts as an identity transform. During backpropagation it
* multiplies the gradient from the subsequent level by a scalar factor lambda and
* the preceding layer.
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data The input array.
* \param scalar lambda multiplier
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_gradientmultiplier(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_contrib_gradientmultiplier")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \param data source input
* \param scalar scalar input
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_backward_gradientmultiplier(Symbol data,
mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_contrib_backward_gradientmultiplier")
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Update function for multi-precision AdamW optimizer.
* AdamW is seen as a modification of Adam by decoupling the weight decay from the
* optimization steps taken w.r.t. the loss function.
* Adam update consists of the following steps, where g represents gradient and m,
* are 1st and 2nd order moment estimates (mean and variance).
* .. math::
* g_t = \nabla J(W_{t-1})\\
* m_t = \beta_1 m_{t-1} + (1 - \beta_1) g_t\\
* v_t = \beta_2 v_{t-1} + (1 - \beta_2) g_t^2\\
* W_t = W_{t-1} - \eta_t (\alpha \frac{ m_t }{ \sqrt{ v_t } + \epsilon } + wd
* It updates the weights using::
* m = beta1*m + (1-beta1)*grad
* v = beta2*v + (1-beta2)*(grad**2)
* w -= eta * (learning_rate * m / (sqrt(v) + epsilon) + w * wd)
* Note that gradient is rescaled to grad = rescale_grad * grad. If rescale_grad
* the update is skipped.
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param mean Moving mean
* \param var Moving variance
* \param weight32 Weight32
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to rescale_grad * grad. If NaN, Inf, or 0, the
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param eta Learning rate schedule multiplier
* \param beta1 The decay rate for the 1st moment estimates.
* \param beta2 The decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates.
* \param epsilon A small constant for numerical stability.
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _mp_adamw_update(Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol mean,
Symbol var,
Symbol weight32,
Symbol rescale_grad,
mx_float lr,
mx_float eta,
mx_float beta1 = 0.899999976,
mx_float beta2 = 0.999000013,
mx_float epsilon = 9.99999994e-09,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1) {
return Operator("_mp_adamw_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("eta", eta)
.SetParam("beta1", beta1)
.SetParam("beta2", beta2)
.SetParam("epsilon", epsilon)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("mean", mean)
.SetInput("var", var)
.SetInput("weight32", weight32)
.SetInput("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
* \brief Update function for AdamW optimizer. AdamW is seen as a modification of
* Adam by decoupling the weight decay from the optimization steps taken w.r.t.
* Adam update consists of the following steps, where g represents gradient and m,
* are 1st and 2nd order moment estimates (mean and variance).
* .. math::
* g_t = \nabla J(W_{t-1})\\
* m_t = \beta_1 m_{t-1} + (1 - \beta_1) g_t\\
* v_t = \beta_2 v_{t-1} + (1 - \beta_2) g_t^2\\
* W_t = W_{t-1} - \eta_t (\alpha \frac{ m_t }{ \sqrt{ v_t } + \epsilon } + wd
* It updates the weights using::
* m = beta1*m + (1-beta1)*grad
* v = beta2*v + (1-beta2)*(grad**2)
* w -= eta * (learning_rate * m / (sqrt(v) + epsilon) + w * wd)
* Note that gradient is rescaled to grad = rescale_grad * grad. If rescale_grad
* the update is skipped.
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param mean Moving mean
* \param var Moving variance
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to rescale_grad * grad. If NaN, Inf, or 0, the
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param eta Learning rate schedule multiplier
* \param beta1 The decay rate for the 1st moment estimates.
* \param beta2 The decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates.
* \param epsilon A small constant for numerical stability.
* \param wd Weight decay augments the objective function with a regularization term that
* penalizes large weights. The penalty scales with the square of the magnitude of
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _adamw_update(Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol mean,
Symbol var,
Symbol rescale_grad,
mx_float lr,
mx_float eta,
mx_float beta1 = 0.899999976,
mx_float beta2 = 0.999000013,
mx_float epsilon = 9.99999994e-09,
mx_float wd = 0,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1) {
return Operator("_adamw_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("eta", eta)
.SetParam("beta1", beta1)
.SetParam("beta2", beta2)
.SetParam("epsilon", epsilon)
.SetParam("wd", wd)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("mean", mean)
.SetInput("var", var)
.SetInput("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
* \brief
* Perform 2D resizing (upsampling or downsampling) for 4D input using bilinear
* Expected input is a 4 dimensional NDArray (NCHW) and the output
* with the shape of (N x C x height x width).
* The key idea of bilinear interpolation is to perform linear interpolation
* first in one direction, and then again in the other direction. See the
* `Bilinear interpolation
* for more details.
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data Input data
* \param like Resize data to it's shape
* \param height output height (required, but ignored if scale_height is defined or mode
* \param width output width (required, but ignored if scale_width is defined or mode is
* \param scale_height sampling scale of the height (optional, used in modes "scale" and
* \param scale_width sampling scale of the width (optional, used in modes "scale" and
* \param mode resizing mode. "simple" - output height equals parameter "height" if
* "scale_height" parameter is not defined or input height multiplied by
* "scale_height" otherwise. Same for width;"odd_scale" - if original height or
* width is odd, then result height is calculated like result_h = (original_h - 1)
* * scale + 1; for scale > 1 the result shape would be like if we did
* deconvolution with kernel = (1, 1) and stride = (height_scale, width_scale);
* and for scale < 1 shape would be like we did convolution with kernel = (1, 1)
* and stride = (int(1 / height_scale), int( 1/ width_scale);"like" - resize first
* input to the height and width of second input; "to_even_down" - resize input to
* nearest lower even height and width (if original height is odd then result
* height = original height - 1);"to_even_up" - resize input to nearest bigger
* even height and width (if original height is odd then result height = original
* height + 1);"to_odd_down" - resize input to nearest odd height and width (if
* original height is odd then result height = original height - 1);"to_odd_up" -
* resize input to nearest odd height and width (if original height is odd then
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_BilinearResize2D(Symbol data,
Symbol like,
int height = 1,
int width = 1,
mx_float scale_height = mx_float(),
mx_float scale_width = mx_float(),
_contrib_BilinearResize2DMode mode = _contrib_BilinearResize2DMode::kSize) {
static const char *_contrib_BilinearResize2DModeValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_BilinearResize2D")
.SetParam("height", height)
.SetParam("width", width)
.SetParam("scale_height", scale_height)
.SetParam("scale_width", scale_width)
.SetParam("mode", _contrib_BilinearResize2DModeValues[int(mode)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("like", like)
* \brief This operators implements the quadratic function.
* .. math::
* f(x) = ax^2+bx+c
* where :math:`x` is an input tensor and all operations
* in the function are element-wise.
* Example::
* x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
* y = quadratic(data=x, a=1, b=2, c=3)
* y = [[6, 11], [18, 27]]
* The storage type of ``quadratic`` output depends on storage types of inputs
* - quadratic(csr, a, b, 0) = csr
* - quadratic(default, a, b, c) = default
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param a Coefficient of the quadratic term in the quadratic function.
* \param b Coefficient of the linear term in the quadratic function.
* \param c Constant term in the quadratic function.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_quadratic(Symbol data,
mx_float a = 0,
mx_float b = 0,
mx_float c = 0) {
return Operator("_contrib_quadratic")
.SetParam("a", a)
.SetParam("b", b)
.SetParam("c", c)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_backward_quadratic() {
return Operator("_contrib_backward_quadratic")
* \brief Rescale the input by the square root of the channel dimension.
* out = data / sqrt(data.shape[-1])
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data The input array.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_div_sqrt_dim(Symbol data) {
return Operator("_contrib_div_sqrt_dim")
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Returns an array of indexes of the input array.
* For an input array with shape :math:`(d_1, d_2, ..., d_n)`, `index_array`
* :math:`(d_1, d_2, ..., d_n, n)` array `idx`, where
* :math:`idx[i_1, i_2, ..., i_n, :] = [i_1, i_2, ..., i_n]`.
* Additionally, when the parameter `axes` is specified, `idx` will be a
* :math:`(d_1, d_2, ..., d_n, m)` array where `m` is the length of `axes`, and
* equality will hold: :math:`idx[i_1, i_2, ..., i_n, j] = i_{axes[j]}`.
* Examples::
* x = mx.nd.ones((3, 2))
* mx.nd.contrib.index_array(x) = [[[0 0]
* [0 1]]
* [[1 0]
* [1 1]]
* [[2 0]
* [2 1]]]
* x = mx.nd.ones((3, 2, 2))
* mx.nd.contrib.index_array(x, axes=(1, 0)) = [[[[0 0]
* [0 0]]
* [[1 0]
* [1 0]]]
* [[[0 1]
* [0 1]]
* [[1 1]
* [1 1]]]
* [[[0 2]
* [0 2]]
* [[1 2]
* [1 2]]]]
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data Input data
* \param axes The axes to include in the index array. Supports negative values.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_index_array(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axes = dmlc::optional<Shape>()) {
return Operator("_contrib_index_array")
.SetParam("axes", axes)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Copies the elements of a `new_tensor` into the `old_tensor`.
* This operator copies the elements by selecting the indices in the order given
* The output will be a new tensor containing the rest elements of old tensor and
* the copied elements of new tensor.
* For example, if `index[i] == j`, then the `i` th row of `new_tensor` is copied
* `j` th row of output.
* The `index` must be a vector and it must have the same size with the `0` th
* `new_tensor`. Also, the `0` th dimension of old_tensor must `>=` the `0` th
* `new_tensor`, or an error will be raised.
* Examples::
* x = mx.nd.zeros((5,3))
* t = mx.nd.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])
* index = mx.nd.array([0,4,2])
* mx.nd.contrib.index_copy(x, index, t)
* [[1. 2. 3.]
* [0. 0. 0.]
* [7. 8. 9.]
* [0. 0. 0.]
* [4. 5. 6.]]
* <NDArray 5x3 @cpu(0)>
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param old_tensor Old tensor
* \param index_vector Index vector
* \param new_tensor New tensor to be copied
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_index_copy(Symbol old_tensor,
Symbol index_vector,
Symbol new_tensor) {
return Operator("_contrib_index_copy")
.SetInput("old_tensor", old_tensor)
.SetInput("index_vector", index_vector)
.SetInput("new_tensor", new_tensor)
* \brief
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_backward_index_copy() {
return Operator("_contrib_backward_index_copy")
* \brief
* This operator takes a 4D feature map as an input array and region proposals as
* then align the feature map over sub-regions of input and produces a fixed-sized
* This operator is typically used in Faster R-CNN & Mask R-CNN networks.
* Different from ROI pooling, ROI Align removes the harsh quantization, properly
* the extracted features with the input. RoIAlign computes the value of each
* by bilinear interpolation from the nearby grid points on the feature map. No
* performed on any coordinates involved in the RoI, its bins, or the sampling
* Bilinear interpolation is used to compute the exact values of the
* input features at four regularly sampled locations in each RoI bin.
* Then the feature map can be aggregated by avgpooling.
* References
* ----------
* He, Kaiming, et al. "Mask R-CNN." ICCV, 2017
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data Input data to the pooling operator, a 4D Feature maps
* \param rois Bounding box coordinates, a 2D array
* \param pooled_size ROI Align output roi feature map height and width: (h, w)
* \param spatial_scale Ratio of input feature map height (or w) to raw image height (or
* \param sample_ratio Optional sampling ratio of ROI align, using adaptive size by
* \param position_sensitive Whether to perform position-sensitive RoI pooling.
* PSRoIPooling is first proposaled by R-FCN and it can reduce the input channels
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_ROIAlign(Symbol data,
Symbol rois,
Shape pooled_size,
mx_float spatial_scale,
int sample_ratio = -1,
bool position_sensitive = false) {
return Operator("_contrib_ROIAlign")
.SetParam("pooled_size", pooled_size)
.SetParam("spatial_scale", spatial_scale)
.SetParam("sample_ratio", sample_ratio)
.SetParam("position_sensitive", position_sensitive)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("rois", rois)
* \brief Check if all the float numbers in the array are finite (used for AMP)
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data Array
* \param init_output Initialize output to 1.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol all_finite(Symbol data,
bool init_output = true) {
return Operator("all_finite")
.SetParam("init_output", init_output)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Check if all the float numbers in all the arrays are finite (used for AMP)
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data Arrays
* \param num_arrays Number of arrays.
* \param init_output Initialize output to 1.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol multi_all_finite(const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int num_arrays = 1,
bool init_output = true) {
return Operator("multi_all_finite")
.SetParam("num_arrays", num_arrays)
.SetParam("init_output", init_output)
* \brief Update function for Group AdaGrad optimizer.
* Referenced from *Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and
* and available at but
* uses only a single learning rate for every row of the parameter array.
* Updates are applied by::
* grad = clip(grad * rescale_grad, clip_gradient)
* history += mean(square(grad), axis=1, keepdims=True)
* div = grad / sqrt(history + float_stable_eps)
* weight -= div * lr
* Weights are updated lazily if the gradient is sparse.
* Note that non-zero values for the weight decay option are not supported.
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param weight Weight
* \param grad Gradient
* \param history History
* \param lr Learning rate
* \param rescale_grad Rescale gradient to grad = rescale_grad*grad.
* \param clip_gradient Clip gradient to the range of [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] If
* clip_gradient <= 0, gradient clipping is turned off. grad = max(min(grad,
* \param epsilon Epsilon for numerical stability
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_group_adagrad_update(Symbol weight,
Symbol grad,
Symbol history,
mx_float lr,
mx_float rescale_grad = 1,
mx_float clip_gradient = -1,
mx_float epsilon = 9.99999975e-06) {
return Operator("_contrib_group_adagrad_update")
.SetParam("lr", lr)
.SetParam("rescale_grad", rescale_grad)
.SetParam("clip_gradient", clip_gradient)
.SetParam("epsilon", epsilon)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("grad", grad)
.SetInput("history", history)
* \brief
* Given an n-d NDArray data, and a 1-d NDArray index,
* the operator produces an un-predeterminable shaped n-d NDArray out,
* which stands for the rows in x where the corresonding element in index is
* >>> data = mx.nd.array([[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6],[7, 8, 9]])
* >>> index = mx.nd.array([0, 1, 0])
* >>> out = mx.nd.contrib.boolean_mask(data, index)
* >>> out
* [[4. 5. 6.]]
* <NDArray 1x3 @cpu(0)>
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data Data
* \param index Mask
* \param axis An integer that represents the axis in NDArray to mask from.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_boolean_mask(Symbol data,
Symbol index,
int axis = 0) {
return Operator("_contrib_boolean_mask")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("index", index)
* \brief Apply non-maximum suppression to input.
* The output will be sorted in descending order according to `score`. Boxes with
* overlaps larger than `overlap_thresh`, smaller scores and background boxes
* will be removed and filled with -1, the corresponding position will be recorded
* for backward propogation.
* During back-propagation, the gradient will be copied to the original
* position according to the input index. For positions that have been suppressed,
* the in_grad will be assigned 0.
* In summary, gradients are sticked to its boxes, will either be moved or
* according to its original index in input.
* Input requirements::
* 1. Input tensor have at least 2 dimensions, (n, k), any higher dims will be
* as batch, e.g. (a, b, c, d, n, k) == (a*b*c*d, n, k)
* 2. n is the number of boxes in each batch
* 3. k is the width of each box item.
* By default, a box is [id, score, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, ...],
* additional elements are allowed.
* - `id_index`: optional, use -1 to ignore, useful if `force_suppress=False`,
* we will skip highly overlapped boxes if one is `apple` while the other is `car`.
* - `background_id`: optional, default=-1, class id for background boxes, useful
* when `id_index >= 0` which means boxes with background id will be filtered
* - `coord_start`: required, default=2, the starting index of the 4 coordinates.
* Two formats are supported:
* - `corner`: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
* - `center`: [x, y, width, height]
* - `score_index`: required, default=1, box score/confidence.
* When two boxes overlap IOU > `overlap_thresh`, the one with smaller score will
* - `in_format` and `out_format`: default='corner', specify in/out box formats.
* Examples::
* x = [[0, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2], [1, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2],
* [0, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.14, 0.14], [2, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8]]
* box_nms(x, overlap_thresh=0.1, coord_start=2, score_index=1, id_index=0,
* force_suppress=True, in_format='corner', out_typ='corner') =
* [[2, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8], [0, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2],
* [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]]
* out_grad = [[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1], [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
* [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4]]
* # exe.backward
* in_grad = [[0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
* [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]]
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data The input
* \param overlap_thresh Overlapping(IoU) threshold to suppress object with smaller score.
* \param valid_thresh Filter input boxes to those whose scores greater than valid_thresh.
* \param topk Apply nms to topk boxes with descending scores, -1 to no restriction.
* \param coord_start Start index of the consecutive 4 coordinates.
* \param score_index Index of the scores/confidence of boxes.
* \param id_index Optional, index of the class categories, -1 to disable.
* \param background_id Optional, id of the background class which will be ignored in nms.
* \param force_suppress Optional, if set false and id_index is provided, nms will only
* \param in_format The input box encoding type.
* "corner" means boxes are encoded as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], "center" means
* \param out_format The output box encoding type.
* "corner" means boxes are encoded as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], "center" means
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_box_nms(Symbol data,
mx_float overlap_thresh = 0.5,
mx_float valid_thresh = 0,
int topk = -1,
int coord_start = 2,
int score_index = 1,
int id_index = -1,
int background_id = -1,
bool force_suppress = false,
_contrib_box_nmsInFormat in_format = _contrib_box_nmsInFormat::kCorner,
_contrib_box_nmsOutFormat out_format = _contrib_box_nmsOutFormat::kCorner) {
static const char *_contrib_box_nmsInFormatValues[] = {
static const char *_contrib_box_nmsOutFormatValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_box_nms")
.SetParam("overlap_thresh", overlap_thresh)
.SetParam("valid_thresh", valid_thresh)
.SetParam("topk", topk)
.SetParam("coord_start", coord_start)
.SetParam("score_index", score_index)
.SetParam("id_index", id_index)
.SetParam("background_id", background_id)
.SetParam("force_suppress", force_suppress)
.SetParam("in_format", _contrib_box_nmsInFormatValues[int(in_format)])
.SetParam("out_format", _contrib_box_nmsOutFormatValues[int(out_format)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Bounding box overlap of two arrays.
* The overlap is defined as Intersection-over-Union, aka, IOU.
* - lhs: (a_1, a_2, ..., a_n, 4) array
* - rhs: (b_1, b_2, ..., b_n, 4) array
* - output: (a_1, a_2, ..., a_n, b_1, b_2, ..., b_n) array
* Note::
* Zero gradients are back-propagated in this op for now.
* Example::
* x = [[0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5]]
* y = [[0.25, 0.25, 0.75, 0.75]]
* box_iou(x, y, format='corner') = [[0.1428], [0.1428]]
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param lhs The first input
* \param rhs The second input
* \param format The box encoding type.
* "corner" means boxes are encoded as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], "center" means
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_box_iou(Symbol lhs,
Symbol rhs,
_contrib_box_iouFormat format = _contrib_box_iouFormat::kCorner) {
static const char *_contrib_box_iouFormatValues[] = {
return Operator("_contrib_box_iou")
.SetParam("format", _contrib_box_iouFormatValues[int(format)])
.SetInput("lhs", lhs)
.SetInput("rhs", rhs)
* \brief Compute bipartite matching.
* The matching is performed on score matrix with shape [B, N, M]
* - B: batch_size
* - N: number of rows to match
* - M: number of columns as reference to be matched against.
* Returns:
* x : matched column indices. -1 indicating non-matched elements in rows.
* y : matched row indices.
* Note::
* Zero gradients are back-propagated in this op for now.
* Example::
* s = [[0.5, 0.6], [0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.4]]
* x, y = bipartite_matching(x, threshold=1e-12, is_ascend=False)
* x = [1, -1, 0]
* y = [2, 0]
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data The input
* \param threshold Ignore matching when score < thresh, if is_ascend=false, or ignore
* \param is_ascend Use ascend order for scores instead of descending. Please set
* \param topk Limit the number of matches to topk, set -1 for no limit
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_bipartite_matching(Symbol data,
mx_float threshold,
bool is_ascend = false,
int topk = -1) {
return Operator("_contrib_bipartite_matching")
.SetParam("threshold", threshold)
.SetParam("is_ascend", is_ascend)
.SetParam("topk", topk)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* Applies a 2D adaptive average pooling over a 4D input with the shape of (NCHW).
* The pooling kernel and stride sizes are automatically chosen for desired output
* - If a single integer is provided for output_size, the output size is \
* (N x C x output_size x output_size) for any input (NCHW).
* - If a tuple of integers (height, width) are provided for output_size, the
* (N x C x height x width) for any input (NCHW).
* Defined in src/operator/contrib/
* \param data Input data
* \param output_size int (output size) or a tuple of int for output (height, width).
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol _contrib_AdaptiveAvgPooling2D(Symbol data,
Shape output_size = {}) {
return Operator("_contrib_AdaptiveAvgPooling2D")
.SetParam("output_size", output_size)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief
* Calculate the mean and variance of `data`.
* The mean and variance are calculated by aggregating the contents of data across
* If x is 1-D and axes = [0] this is just the mean and variance of a vector.
* Example:
* x = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
* mean, var = moments(data=x, axes=[0])
* mean = [2.5, 3.5, 4.5]
* var = [2.25, 2.25, 2.25]
* mean, var = moments(data=x, axes=[1])
* mean = [2.0, 5.0]
* var = [0.66666667, 0.66666667]
* mean, var = moments(data=x, axis=[0, 1])
* mean = [3.5]
* var = [2.9166667]
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param axes Array of ints. Axes along which to compute mean and variance.
* \param keepdims produce moments with the same dimensionality as the input.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol moments(Symbol data,
dmlc::optional<Shape> axes = dmlc::optional<Shape>(),
bool keepdims = false) {
return Operator("moments")
.SetParam("axes", axes)
.SetParam("keepdims", keepdims)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Applies the softmax function.
* The resulting array contains elements in the range (0,1) and the elements along
* .. math::
* softmax(\mathbf{z/t})_j = \frac{e^{z_j/t}}{\sum_{k=1}^K e^{z_k/t}}
* for :math:`j = 1, ..., K`
* t is the temperature parameter in softmax function. By default, t equals 1.0
* Example::
* x = [[ 1. 1. 1.]
* [ 1. 1. 1.]]
* softmax(x,axis=0) = [[ 0.5 0.5 0.5]
* [ 0.5 0.5 0.5]]
* softmax(x,axis=1) = [[ 0.33333334, 0.33333334, 0.33333334],
* [ 0.33333334, 0.33333334, 0.33333334]]
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param data The input array.
* \param axis The axis along which to compute softmax.
* \param temperature Temperature parameter in softmax
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to the same
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol softmax(Symbol data,
int axis = -1,
dmlc::optional<double> temperature = dmlc::optional<double>(),
SoftmaxDtype dtype = SoftmaxDtype::kNone) {
static const char *SoftmaxDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("softmax")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("temperature", temperature)
.SetParam("dtype", SoftmaxDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Applies the softmin function.
* The resulting array contains elements in the range (0,1) and the elements along
* up to 1.
* .. math::
* softmin(\mathbf{z/t})_j = \frac{e^{-z_j/t}}{\sum_{k=1}^K e^{-z_k/t}}
* for :math:`j = 1, ..., K`
* t is the temperature parameter in softmax function. By default, t equals 1.0
* Example::
* x = [[ 1. 2. 3.]
* [ 3. 2. 1.]]
* softmin(x,axis=0) = [[ 0.88079703, 0.5, 0.11920292],
* [ 0.11920292, 0.5, 0.88079703]]
* softmin(x,axis=1) = [[ 0.66524094, 0.24472848, 0.09003057],
* [ 0.09003057, 0.24472848, 0.66524094]]
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param data The input array.
* \param axis The axis along which to compute softmax.
* \param temperature Temperature parameter in softmax
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to the same
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol softmin(Symbol data,
int axis = -1,
dmlc::optional<double> temperature = dmlc::optional<double>(),
SoftminDtype dtype = SoftminDtype::kNone) {
static const char *SoftminDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("softmin")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("temperature", temperature)
.SetParam("dtype", SoftminDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes the log softmax of the input.
* This is equivalent to computing softmax followed by log.
* Examples::
* >>> x = mx.nd.array([1, 2, .1])
* >>> mx.nd.log_softmax(x).asnumpy()
* array([-1.41702998, -0.41702995, -2.31702995], dtype=float32)
* >>> x = mx.nd.array( [[1, 2, .1],[.1, 2, 1]] )
* >>> mx.nd.log_softmax(x, axis=0).asnumpy()
* array([[-0.34115392, -0.69314718, -1.24115396],
* [-1.24115396, -0.69314718, -0.34115392]], dtype=float32)
* \param data The input array.
* \param axis The axis along which to compute softmax.
* \param temperature Temperature parameter in softmax
* \param dtype DType of the output in case this can't be inferred. Defaults to the same
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol log_softmax(Symbol data,
int axis = -1,
dmlc::optional<double> temperature = dmlc::optional<double>(),
Log_softmaxDtype dtype = Log_softmaxDtype::kNone) {
static const char *Log_softmaxDtypeValues[] = {
return Operator("log_softmax")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("temperature", temperature)
.SetParam("dtype", Log_softmaxDtypeValues[int(dtype)])
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Computes 1D or 2D transposed convolution (aka fractionally strided convolution)
* of the input tensor. This operation can be seen as the gradient of Convolution
* operation with respect to its input. Convolution usually reduces the size of
* the input. Transposed convolution works the other way, going from a smaller
* \param data Input tensor to the deconvolution operation.
* \param weight Weights representing the kernel.
* \param bias Bias added to the result after the deconvolution operation.
* \param kernel Deconvolution kernel size: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). This is same as
* \param num_filter Number of output filters.
* \param stride The stride used for the corresponding convolution: (w,), (h, w) or (d,
* \param dilate Dilation factor for each dimension of the input: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h,
* \param pad The amount of implicit zero padding added during convolution for each
* dimension of the input: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). ``(kernel-1)/2`` is usually
* a good choice. If `target_shape` is set, `pad` will be ignored and a padding
* \param adj Adjustment for output shape: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w). If `target_shape`
* \param target_shape Shape of the output tensor: (w,), (h, w) or (d, h, w).
* \param num_group Number of groups partition.
* \param workspace Maximum temporary workspace allowed (MB) in deconvolution.This
* parameter has two usages. When CUDNN is not used, it determines the effective
* batch size of the deconvolution kernel. When CUDNN is used, it controls the
* maximum temporary storage used for tuning the best CUDNN kernel when
* \param no_bias Whether to disable bias parameter.
* \param cudnn_tune Whether to pick convolution algorithm by running performance test.
* \param cudnn_off Turn off cudnn for this layer.
* \param layout Set layout for input, output and weight. Empty for default layout, NCW
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Deconvolution(Symbol data,
Symbol weight,
Symbol bias,
Shape kernel,
uint32_t num_filter,
Shape stride = {},
Shape dilate = {},
Shape pad = {},
Shape adj = {},
Shape target_shape = {},
uint32_t num_group = 1,
uint64_t workspace = 512,
bool no_bias = true,
DeconvolutionCudnnTune cudnn_tune = DeconvolutionCudnnTune::kNone,
bool cudnn_off = false,
DeconvolutionLayout layout = DeconvolutionLayout::kNone) {
static const char *DeconvolutionCudnnTuneValues[] = {
static const char *DeconvolutionLayoutValues[] = {
return Operator("Deconvolution")
.SetParam("kernel", kernel)
.SetParam("num_filter", num_filter)
.SetParam("stride", stride)
.SetParam("dilate", dilate)
.SetParam("pad", pad)
.SetParam("adj", adj)
.SetParam("target_shape", target_shape)
.SetParam("num_group", num_group)
.SetParam("workspace", workspace)
.SetParam("no_bias", no_bias)
.SetParam("cudnn_tune", DeconvolutionCudnnTuneValues[int(cudnn_tune)])
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetParam("layout", DeconvolutionLayoutValues[int(layout)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("weight", weight)
.SetInput("bias", bias)
* \brief Upsamples the given input data.
* Two algorithms (``sample_type``) are available for upsampling:
* - Nearest Neighbor
* - Bilinear
* **Nearest Neighbor Upsampling**
* Input data is expected to be NCHW.
* Example::
* x = [[[[1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1.]]]]
* UpSampling(x, scale=2, sample_type='nearest') = [[[[1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]]]]
* **Bilinear Upsampling**
* Uses `deconvolution` algorithm under the hood. You need provide both input data
* Input data is expected to be NCHW.
* `num_filter` is expected to be same as the number of channels.
* Example::
* x = [[[[1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1.]]]]
* w = [[[[1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1.]
* [1. 1. 1. 1.]]]]
* UpSampling(x, w, scale=2, sample_type='bilinear', num_filter=1) = [[[[1. 2. 2.
* [2. 4. 4. 4. 4. 2.]
* [2. 4. 4. 4. 4. 2.]
* [2. 4. 4. 4. 4. 2.]
* [2. 4. 4. 4. 4. 2.]
* [1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1.]]]]
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param data Array of tensors to upsample. For bilinear upsampling, there should be 2
* \param scale Up sampling scale
* \param sample_type upsampling method
* \param num_args Number of inputs to be upsampled. For nearest neighbor upsampling,
* this can be 1-N; the size of output will be(scale*h_0,scale*w_0) and all other
* inputs will be upsampled to thesame size. For bilinear upsampling this must be
* \param num_filter Input filter. Only used by bilinear sample_type.Since bilinear
* \param multi_input_mode How to handle multiple input. concat means concatenate
* upsampled images along the channel dimension. sum means add all images
* \param workspace Tmp workspace for deconvolution (MB)
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol UpSampling(const std::vector<Symbol>& data,
int scale,
UpSamplingSampleType sample_type,
int num_args,
int num_filter = 0,
UpSamplingMultiInputMode multi_input_mode = UpSamplingMultiInputMode::kConcat,
uint64_t workspace = 512) {
static const char *UpSamplingSampleTypeValues[] = {
static const char *UpSamplingMultiInputModeValues[] = {
return Operator("UpSampling")
.SetParam("scale", scale)
.SetParam("sample_type", UpSamplingSampleTypeValues[int(sample_type)])
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("num_filter", num_filter)
.SetParam("multi_input_mode", UpSamplingMultiInputModeValues[int(multi_input_mode)])
.SetParam("workspace", workspace)
* \brief Batch normalization.
* Normalizes a data batch by mean and variance, and applies a scale ``gamma`` as
* well as offset ``beta``.
* Assume the input has more than one dimension and we normalize along axis 1.
* We first compute the mean and variance along this axis:
* .. math::
* data\_mean[i] = mean(data[:,i,:,...]) \\
* data\_var[i] = var(data[:,i,:,...])
* Then compute the normalized output, which has the same shape as input, as
* .. math::
* out[:,i,:,...] = \frac{data[:,i,:,...] -
* Both *mean* and *var* returns a scalar by treating the input as a vector.
* Assume the input has size *k* on axis 1, then both ``gamma`` and ``beta``
* have shape *(k,)*. If ``output_mean_var`` is set to be true, then outputs both
* the inverse of ``data_var``, which are needed for the backward pass. Note that
* two outputs are blocked.
* Besides the inputs and the outputs, this operator accepts two auxiliary
* states, ``moving_mean`` and ``moving_var``, which are *k*-length
* vectors. They are global statistics for the whole dataset, which are updated
* by::
* moving_mean = moving_mean * momentum + data_mean * (1 - momentum)
* moving_var = moving_var * momentum + data_var * (1 - momentum)
* If ``use_global_stats`` is set to be true, then ``moving_mean`` and
* ``moving_var`` are used instead of ``data_mean`` and ``data_var`` to compute
* the output. It is often used during inference.
* The parameter ``axis`` specifies which axis of the input shape denotes
* the 'channel' (separately normalized groups). The default is 1. Specifying -1
* axis to be the last item in the input shape.
* Both ``gamma`` and ``beta`` are learnable parameters. But if ``fix_gamma`` is
* then set ``gamma`` to 1 and its gradient to 0.
* .. Note::
* When ``fix_gamma`` is set to True, no sparse support is provided. If
* the sparse tensors will fallback.
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param data Input data to batch normalization
* \param gamma gamma array
* \param beta beta array
* \param moving_mean running mean of input
* \param moving_var running variance of input
* \param eps Epsilon to prevent div 0. Must be no less than CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON defined
* \param momentum Momentum for moving average
* \param fix_gamma Fix gamma while training
* \param use_global_stats Whether use global moving statistics instead of local
* \param output_mean_var Output the mean and inverse std
* \param axis Specify which shape axis the channel is specified
* \param cudnn_off Do not select CUDNN operator, if available
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol BatchNorm(Symbol data,
Symbol gamma,
Symbol beta,
Symbol moving_mean,
Symbol moving_var,
double eps = 0.0010000000474974513,
mx_float momentum = 0.899999976,
bool fix_gamma = true,
bool use_global_stats = false,
bool output_mean_var = false,
int axis = 1,
bool cudnn_off = false) {
return Operator("BatchNorm")
.SetParam("eps", eps)
.SetParam("momentum", momentum)
.SetParam("fix_gamma", fix_gamma)
.SetParam("use_global_stats", use_global_stats)
.SetParam("output_mean_var", output_mean_var)
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("cudnn_off", cudnn_off)
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("gamma", gamma)
.SetInput("beta", beta)
.SetInput("moving_mean", moving_mean)
.SetInput("moving_var", moving_var)
* \brief Connectionist Temporal Classification Loss.
* .. note:: The existing alias ``contrib_CTCLoss`` is deprecated.
* The shapes of the inputs and outputs:
* - **data**: `(sequence_length, batch_size, alphabet_size)`
* - **label**: `(batch_size, label_sequence_length)`
* - **out**: `(batch_size)`
* The `data` tensor consists of sequences of activation vectors (without applying
* with i-th channel in the last dimension corresponding to i-th label
* for i between 0 and alphabet_size-1 (i.e always 0-indexed).
* Alphabet size should include one additional value reserved for blank label.
* When `blank_label` is ``"first"``, the ``0``-th channel is be reserved for
* activation of blank label, or otherwise if it is "last",
* reserved for blank label.
* ``label`` is an index matrix of integers. When `blank_label` is ``"first"``,
* the value 0 is then reserved for blank label, and should not be passed in this
* when `blank_label` is ``"last"``, the value `(alphabet_size-1)` is reserved for
* If a sequence of labels is shorter than *label_sequence_length*, use the special
* padding value at the end of the sequence to conform it to the correct
* length. The padding value is `0` when `blank_label` is ``"first"``, and `-1`
* For example, suppose the vocabulary is `[a, b, c]`, and in one batch we have
* 'ba', 'cbb', and 'abac'. When `blank_label` is ``"first"``, we can index the
* `{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}`, and we reserve the 0-th channel for blank label in
* The resulting `label` tensor should be padded to be::
* [[2, 1, 0, 0], [3, 2, 2, 0], [1, 2, 1, 3]]
* When `blank_label` is ``"last"``, we can index the labels as
* `{'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2}`, and we reserve the channel index 3 for blank label
* The resulting `label` tensor should be padded to be::
* [[1, 0, -1, -1], [2, 1, 1, -1], [0, 1, 0, 2]]
* ``out`` is a list of CTC loss values, one per example in the batch.
* See *Connectionist Temporal Classification: Labelling Unsegmented
* Sequence Data with Recurrent Neural Networks*, A. Graves *et al*. for more
* information on the definition and the algorithm.
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param data Input ndarray
* \param label Ground-truth labels for the loss.
* \param data_lengths Lengths of data for each of the samples. Only required when
* \param label_lengths Lengths of labels for each of the samples. Only required when
* \param use_data_lengths Whether the data lenghts are decided by `data_lengths`. If
* \param use_label_lengths Whether the label lenghts are decided by `label_lengths`, or
* derived from `padding_mask`. If false, the lengths are derived from the first
* occurrence of the value of `padding_mask`. The value of `padding_mask` is ``0``
* when first CTC label is reserved for blank, and ``-1`` when last label is
* \param blank_label Set the label that is reserved for blank label.If "first", 0-th
* label is reserved, and label values for tokens in the vocabulary are between
* ``1`` and ``alphabet_size-1``, and the padding mask is ``-1``. If "last", last
* label value ``alphabet_size-1`` is reserved for blank label instead, and label
* values for tokens in the vocabulary are between ``0`` and ``alphabet_size-2``,
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol CTCLoss(Symbol data,
Symbol label,
Symbol data_lengths,
Symbol label_lengths,
bool use_data_lengths = false,
bool use_label_lengths = false,
CTCLossBlankLabel blank_label = CTCLossBlankLabel::kFirst) {
static const char *CTCLossBlankLabelValues[] = {
return Operator("CTCLoss")
.SetParam("use_data_lengths", use_data_lengths)
.SetParam("use_label_lengths", use_label_lengths)
.SetParam("blank_label", CTCLossBlankLabelValues[int(blank_label)])
.SetInput("data", data)
.SetInput("label", label)
.SetInput("data_lengths", data_lengths)
.SetInput("label_lengths", label_lengths)
* \brief Applies local response normalization to the input.
* The local response normalization layer performs "lateral inhibition" by
* over local input regions.
* If :math:`a_{x,y}^{i}` is the activity of a neuron computed by applying kernel
* :math:`(x, y)` and then applying the ReLU nonlinearity, the response-normalized
* activity :math:`b_{x,y}^{i}` is given by the expression:
* .. math::
* b_{x,y}^{i} = \frac{a_{x,y}^{i}}{\Bigg({k + \frac{\alpha}{n} \sum_{j=max(0,
* where the sum runs over :math:`n` "adjacent" kernel maps at the same spatial
* number of kernels in the layer.
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param data Input data to LRN
* \param nsize normalization window width in elements.
* \param alpha The variance scaling parameter :math:`lpha` in the LRN expression.
* \param beta The power parameter :math:`eta` in the LRN expression.
* \param knorm The parameter :math:`k` in the LRN expression.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol LRN(Symbol data,
uint32_t nsize,
mx_float alpha = 9.99999975e-05,
mx_float beta = 0.75,
mx_float knorm = 2) {
return Operator("LRN")
.SetParam("nsize", nsize)
.SetParam("alpha", alpha)
.SetParam("beta", beta)
.SetParam("knorm", knorm)
.SetInput("data", data)
* \brief Layer normalization.
* Normalizes the channels of the input tensor by mean and variance, and applies a
* well as offset ``beta``.
* Assume the input has more than one dimension and we normalize along axis 1.
* We first compute the mean and variance along this axis and then
* compute the normalized output, which has the same shape as input, as following:
* .. math::
* out = \frac{data - mean(data, axis)}{\sqrt{var(data, axis) + \epsilon}} * gamma
* Both ``gamma`` and ``beta`` are learnable parameters.
* Unlike BatchNorm and InstanceNorm, the *mean* and *var* are computed along the
* Assume the input has size *k* on axis 1, then both ``gamma`` and ``beta``
* have shape *(k,)*. If ``output_mean_var`` is set to be true, then outputs both
* ``data_std``. Note that no gradient will be passed through these two outputs.
* The parameter ``axis`` specifies which axis of the input shape denotes
* the 'channel' (separately normalized groups). The default is -1, which sets
* axis to be the last item in the input shape.
* Defined in src/operator/nn/
* \param data Input data to layer normalization
* \param gamma gamma array
* \param beta beta array
* \param axis The axis to perform layer normalization. Usually, this should be be axis
* \param eps An `epsilon` parameter to prevent division by 0.
* \param output_mean_var Output the mean and std calculated along the given axis.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol LayerNorm(Symbol data,
Symbol gamma,
Symbol beta,
int axis = -1,
mx_float eps = 9.99999975e-06,
bool output_mean_var = false) {
return Operator("LayerNorm")
.SetParam("axis", axis)
.SetParam("eps", eps)
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