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wkentdag /
Last active August 16, 2016 18:51 — forked from jescalan/
Differences between jade and the spike-standards stack

Spike v0.11.0 Migration Guide

In this release of spike, we switch posthtml for reshape. Reshape is a complete rewrite of posthtml by the static-dev team with several significant differences:

  • It returns a function by default, so that its results can be used as client-side templates
  • It has a much more clear and robust error reporting system, reporting errors that include the line/col in the original source, and exposing a code snippet to show where it came from
  • It has more clearly written documentation, more thorough tests, consistent code style, and 100% coverage on all core modules

However, as a consequence of this move, the jade plugin is no longer available. The jade plugin was always a hack, and had several crippling caveats. In addition, jade does not fit well with reshape's philosophy of breaking functionality down into small modules. As such, we have replaced ja

Study these screenshots:

Fork this gist (one fork per team).

Sketch out an object model for this application. Don't worry about view, network, database, etc.; your concern is only to represent the essential information of this application as classes and attributes. You can use the following attribute types:

  • numbers, strings, dates
  • other model classes