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Created December 29, 2014 19:19
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I was thinking the upstream services essentially become proxies that get configured with the endpoint url
To instantiate
val mtpService = new UpstreamServiceProxy(authService, URI.create("https://localhost:8081/mtp"))
Class definition of UpstreamServiceProxy
package com.lookout.borderpatrol
import com.lookout.borderpatrol.BorderPatrolApp.{NeedsAuthResponse, Response}
import com.twitter.finagle.{Http, Service}
import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request => FinagleRequest, Response => FinagleResponse}
import com.twitter.util.{Await, Future}
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http._
* Created by wkimeria on 12/28/14.
class UpstreamServiceProxy (authService: Service[HttpRequest, HttpResponse], uri: URI) extends Service[HttpRequest, FinagleResponse] {
val endPoint: URI = uri
def apply(request: HttpRequest) = {
println("------------------------------ UpstreamServiceProxy " + request.getUri + "----------------------------->")
val resp = Http.fetchUrl(endPoint.toURL) //TODO This needs to be the appropriate HTTP Verb
val response = new Response(Await.result(resp))
val modifiedResponse = response.status match {
case HttpResponseStatus.UNAUTHORIZED => {
println("returning a 401")
new NeedsAuthResponse(new DefaultHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.UNAUTHORIZED))
case _ => response
val r = Future.value(modifiedResponse)
println("<----------------------------- UpstreamService ------------------------------")
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