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Created January 30, 2023 21:09
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Crunchy Data Tailwind config
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
:root {
--gray-50: 250 250 250;
--gray-100: 244 244 245;
--gray-200: 228 228 231;
--gray-300: 161 161 170;
--gray-400: 212 212 216;
--gray-500: 113 113 122;
--gray-600: 82 82 91;
--gray-700: 63 63 70;
--gray-800: 39 39 42;
--gray-900: 24 24 27;
--gray-1000: 6 9 14;
--gray-1100: 2 2 3;
--brand: 43 103 240
--brand: var(--brand);
--danger: 220 38 38; /** danger-600 **/
--danger-hover: 185 28 28; /** danger-700 **/
--info: 2 132 199; /** info-600 **/
--info-hover: 3 105 161; /** info-700 **/
--success: 5 150 105; /** success-600 **/
--success-hover: 4 120 87; /** success-700 **/
--warning: 245 158 11; /** warning-500 **/
--warning-hover: 217 119 6; /** warning-600 **/
--text-secondary: var(--gray-500);
--text-primary: var(--gray-900);
/** BORDER **/
--border-default: var(--gray-200);
--bg-base: var(--gray-100);
--bg-layer-1: 255 255 255;
--bg-layer-2: var(--gray-50);
--bg-border: var(--border-default);
/** RING **/
--ring-default: var(--brand);
--ring-ghost: var(--gray-300);
--font-sans: 'Arimo';
--font-display: 'Plus Jakarta Sans';
--font-mono: ui-monospace;
--s-text-primary: rgb(var(--text-primary));
--s-text-secondary: rgb(var(--text-secondary))
--s-border-radius: theme('');
--s-primary: theme('colors.crunchy.DEFAULT');
--s-danger: theme('colors.danger.500');
--s-warning: theme('colors.warning.500');
--s-success: theme('colors.success.500');
.dark {
--text-secondary: var(--gray-400);
--text-primary: 255 255 255;
/** BORDER **/
--border-default: var(--gray-700);
--bg-base: var(--gray-1100);
--bg-layer-1: var(--gray-1000);
--bg-layer-2: var(--gray-900);
--bg-border: var(--border-default);
/** RING **/
--ring-ghost: var(--gray-700);
--s-text-primary: rgb(var(--text-primary));
--s-text-secondary: rgb(var(--text-secondary))
const { red, emerald, blue, zinc, amber } = require('tailwindcss/colors')
const defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme')
/** @typedef {import('tailwindcss/tailwind-config').TailwindConfig} TailwindConfig */
/** @typedef {import('@utils/type').TailwindColor} TailwindColor */
* @template T
* @typedef {T extends TailwindConfig ? T : never} AsTailwindConfig
* Type helper for our Tailwind config.
* This returns the type for the config object itself, rather than the generic `TailwindConfig`
* type.
* @type {<T>(config: AsTailwindConfig<T>) => T}
const castConfig = config => config
* Function used to apply opacity modifiers to css variable colors
* @param {string} variable
* @returns string
function withOpacityValue(variable) {
return ({ opacityValue }) => {
if (opacityValue === undefined) {
return `rgb(var(${variable}))`
return `rgb(var(${variable}) / ${opacityValue})`
const crunchy = {
'brighter': '#00D6F1',
'bright': '#00A7FF',
'DEFAULT': '#2B67F0',
'dark-hover': '#092E83',
'dark': '#07215D',
* @type TailwindColor
const danger = red
* @type TailwindColor
const info = blue
* @type TailwindColor
const success = emerald
* @type TailwindColor
const warning = amber
* @type TailwindColor
const gray = zinc
const config = castConfig({
content: [
safelist: ['even:bg-gray-50', 'bg-gray-50'],
darkMode: 'class', // or 'media' or 'class'
theme: {
touchAction: {
none: 'none',
extend: {
backgroundColor: {
base: withOpacityValue('--bg-base'),
layer: {
'1': withOpacityValue('--bg-layer-1'),
'2': withOpacityValue('--bg-layer-2'),
border: withOpacityValue('--border-default'),
borderColor: {
DEFAULT: withOpacityValue('--border-default'),
borderWidth: {
'3': '3px',
colors: {
gray: {
'1000': '#06090E',
'1100': '#020203',
accent: {
bright: '#8FFFDB',
dark: '#4FD1A8',
danger: {
DEFAULT: withOpacityValue('--danger'),
hover: withOpacityValue('--danger-hover'),
info: {,
DEFAULT: withOpacityValue('--info'),
hover: withOpacityValue('--info-hover'),
success: {
DEFAULT: withOpacityValue('--success'),
hover: withOpacityValue('--success-hover'),
warning: {
DEFAULT: withOpacityValue('--warning'),
hover: withOpacityValue('--warning-hover'),
ringColor: {
DEFAULT: withOpacityValue('--ring-default'),
ghost: withOpacityValue('--ring-ghost'),
danger: withOpacityValue('--danger'),
rotate: {
'20': '20deg',
'-20': '-20deg',
fontFamily: {
display: ['var(--font-display)', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
sans: ['var(--font-sans)', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
textColor: {
secondary: withOpacityValue('--text-secondary'),
primary: withOpacityValue('--text-primary'),
transitionDuration: {
'0': '0ms',
transitionProperty: {
left: 'left',
width: 'width',
screens: {
print: { raw: 'print' },
plugins: [
// Allow access to form styles via CSS classes.
require('@tailwindcss/forms')({ strategy: 'class' }),
module.exports = config
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