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Last active July 1, 2024 06:49
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Remote Jupyter Notebook via SSH

Main steps

Total 4 steps for connect & exit Jupyter Notebook with a SSH server:

  1. SSH to the Server. Run:

    jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8888
  2. Open another terminal window on your local machine, input:

    ssh -NL localhost:1234:localhost:8888 <remoteuser@server>

    It listens port 1234 (you can change this number) on local machine, which is forwarded from port 8888 of the remote machine.

    The <remoteuser@server> doesn't need to be a format with "@" symbol in it. It can be specified in c:\users\<username>\.ssh\config, I think you must have learned it if you are a SSH user.

  3. Open browser on your local machine, input localhost:1234, and copy the token from the step 1. If you don't want a token, set a password instead using jupter notebook password.

  4. After things are done, CTRL + C to terminate the remote SSH Jupyter server. To stop local machine's port listening on 1234, use netstat to find the PID of process on the port 1234:

    # If local is Linux
    sudo netstat -lpn | grep :1234
    kill <PID number>

    For Windows, things are similar:

    # If local is Windows, close the terminal directly and reopen one with Administrator:
    ## If using CMD
    netstat -ano | findstr :1234
    ## If using Powershell
    Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 1234).OwningProcess

    then kill it with taskkill /PID <PID number> /F.

Make life easier: alias on Linux

As an alternative, you can write the first step's command into ~/.bash_aliases file if the remote machine is running on Linux:

alias jupyterremote='jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8888'

Then you can input jupterremote in terminal instead this long command. Here, ~/.bash_aliases is the file I'm using due to following setting in my ~/.bashrc:

if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
        . ~/.bash_aliases

You might have ~/.bash_alias or something similar. If not, you can create a new one.

Save your life: alias on Windows

This part takes more effort to achieve. But we can still set an alias for Windows. In your PowerShell's $profile (see below for details), enter:

function JupyterListening {
        $remote = "sshserver",
        $localport = 1234,
        $remoteport = 8888
    ssh -NL localhost:$localport:localhost:$remoteport $remote
New-Alias jupyterlisten JupyterListening

# Find PID of precess on given port
function FindPortPID {
	param($port = 1234)
    Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort $port).OwningProcess
New-Alias findport FindPortPID

Then you are free to go. In the step 2 of the main process, you only need jupyterlisten to listen the port. If you are connecting to a different remote or using different ports, use its full-formatted command:

jupyterlisten -remote <servername> -localport 1234 -remoteport 8888

The altimate simple commands

Under local Windows & server Linux environment:

PS > ssh sshserver
user@sshserver:~$ jupyterremote

Open another powershell:


Open browser, enter localhost:1234 (or you can bookmark it). Then enjoy Jupyter running on remote.

Make sure local machine can run script

Open a PowerShell and run:

Get-ExecutionPolicy -List

If you see Undefined, you may need to change the setting (See Microsoft Help). For example, use:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

then your machine will allow local and remote signed script to run. We need this since we want the New-Alias command automatically be excuted every time opening a PowerShell terminal.

Create a pre-load script for PowerShell

PowerShell will automatically search for a script on opening. This script is located at:

echo $profile

By default, this file doesn't exist. You need to create one by yourself. But be careful: ISE and normal shell use different pre-load scripts (in same folder, but different filenames)! So please run a Powershell normally (e.g. right click start menu), and type:

notepad $profile

then Windows will ask you to create a file. Confirm the creation. Then edit & save it.

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