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Last active November 27, 2017 01:26
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Greta test
library(msmod) # for eucs dataset
sc = function(x) scale(x)[, 1] / 2 # center and scale covariates by 2 sds
# Fit glmer model
m_glmer = glmer(
present ~ sc(logit_rock) + (1 + sc(logit_rock) | species),
data = eucs, family = stats::binomial
# No rowsum method for greta arrays?
rsum = function(x) {
ans = rep(0, nrow(x))
for (i in seq_len(ncol(x))) ans = ans + x[, i]
# Prep data
y = eucs$present
x = cbind(1, sc(eucs$logit_rock))
g = as.numeric(factor(eucs$species))
n_g = length(unique(g))
n_b = ncol(as.matrix(x))
# Fit Greta model
m = normal(0, 1, n_b)
s = greta_array(dim = c(n_b, n_b))
diag(s) = normal(0, 1, n_b, c(0, Inf))
s = s %*% s %*% lkj_correlation(1, n_b)
#b = multivariate_normal(m, s, n_g)
# Whitening?
b = t(m)[rep(1, n_g), ] + normal(0, 1, c(n_g, n_b)) %*% chol(s)
distribution(y) = bernoulli(ilogit(rsum(b[g, ] * x)))
m_greta = model(m, s, b)
samples_greta =
warmup = 1000#,
# Inital values from glmer model (doesn't work for whitening trans?)
# initial_values =
# setNames(
# unlist(c(
# fixef(m_glmer),
# coef(m_glmer)$species,
# diag(summary(m_glmer)$varcor$species),
# attr(summary(m_glmer)$varcor$species, "cor")[lower.tri(diag(2))]
# )),
# names(m_greta$dag$example_parameters())
# )
bayesplot::mcmc_trace(samples_greta, regex_pars = "m")
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