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Created July 18, 2020 00:21
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Parts of a Class

The class name

The attributes (properties of the class). The properties have this format:

-name: string
-age: int
-id: -int

The dash meansthe attribute is private to that class. Setting it with a plus means it is public to any other class. Like this:

+name: string
+age: int
+id: -int

private is - public is + protected is # (protected means it can only be accessed by the same class or subclasses)

The methods are below the attributes and look like this:


Generally, attributes are private or protected and methods are often public.

Clear arrow (Inheritance)

The clear arrows is a subclass that points to the parent class. THe subclass inherits the attributes of the parent.

Line (Association)

A line prepresents an association between classes. The line could have text that described the association. A line between User and Food could have the text "eats" to describe the association between a user and food.

Clear Diamond (Aggregation)

This is an aggregation. An aggregation is a special type of association that specifies a thing and its parts.

A User might be part of a Squad, but doesn't have to be. The clear diamond in that case would point to the Squad from the User

Black Diamond (Composition)

When a child object can't exist without its parent object. THe black diamond would point to the parent from the child.


You can set number values to relationships using syntax such as 1..* (one to many).

0..1 Zero to one (optional)

n specific number

0..* zero to many

1..* one to many

m..n specific number range

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