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Created June 26, 2020 01:12
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# Parts of a Class
The class name
The attributes (properties of the class). The properties have this format:
-name: string
-age: int
-id: -int
The dash meansthe attribute is private to that class. Setting it with a plus means it is public to any other class. Like this:
+name: string
+age: int
+id: -int
private is -
public is +
protected is # (protected means it can only be accessed by the same class or subclasses)
The methods are below the attributes and look like this:
Generally, attributes are private or protected and methods are often public.
# Clear arrow (Inheritance)
The clear arrows is a subclass that points to the parent class. THe subclass inherits the attributes of the parent.
# Line (Association)
A line prepresents an association between classes. The line could have text that described the association. A line between User and Food could have the text "eats"
to describe the association between a user and food.
# Clear Diamond (Aggregation)
This is an aggregation. An aggregation is a special type of association that specifies a thing and its parts.
A User might be part of a Squad, but doesn't have to be. The clear diamond in that case would point to the Squad from the User
# Black Diamond (Composition)
When a child object can't exist without its parent object.
THe black diamond would point to the parent from the child.
# Multiplicity.
You can set number values to relationships using syntax such as 1..* (one to many).
0..1 Zero to one (optional)
n specific number
0..* zero to many
1..* one to many
m..n specific number range
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