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Last active October 12, 2016 18:32
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Nodejs shell script to merge portions of one package.json to another one. requires shelljs and chalk NPM packages. Originally written to Merge EMN Reagent React client package with an ExpressJS Server package.json.
#!/usr/bin/env node
/* global test, cp, exec */
const chalk = require('chalk');
const format = require('util').format;
const path = require('path');
const writeFile = require('fs').writeFileSync;
// colorize output...
const chalkError =;
const chalkStatus =;
const chalkWarn = chalk.yellow;
* Merge Reagent's JSPM config and all dependencies and devDependencies
* into an ExpressJS-based server app's package.json
* Server app's package file is backed up to `package.orig.json`
* Run w/out arguments for usage help
// remove path to node, and script name
const args = process.argv.slice(2);
* Top-level package.json keys to merge
const TLKEYS = [
* Backup Server app's package.json file to this name.
ServerPackageBackupFile = 'package.orig.json';
const ERRORS = {
ERR_MISSING_REAGENT_PAGKAGE : 'Reagent package.json not found at "%s"',
ERR_MISSING_EXPRESS_PAGKAGE : 'Server App package.json not found at "%s"',
ERR_BACKUP_FILE_EXISTS : `Backup file "${ServerPackageBackupFile}" `
+ 'already exists. Merge has apparently already been run. '
+ 'Please restore original package.json and try again.',
BACKUP_FAIL : 'Failed to backup original App server package.json. exiting.'
* Validate inputs then execute tasks
/* - fin - */
* Run core tasks for merging package files
function main(args) {
const reagentPackageFile = args[0];
const expressPackageFile = args[1];
const loc = path.parse(expressPackageFile);
const destDir = path.resolve(loc.dir);
// will exit on error
backupPackageFile(expressPackageFile, ServerPackageBackupFile);
// load packages json
const origPackage = require( path.resolve(reagentPackageFile) );
const serverPackage = require( path.resolve(expressPackageFile) );
serverPackage = mergeTopLevelKeys(origPackage, serverPackage, TLKEYS);
writePackageJson(serverPackage, expressPackageFile);
const depends = collectDepends(origPackage, 'dependencies');
const devDepends = collectDepends(origPackage, 'devDependencies');
if (depends) {
npmInstall(destDir, depends, '--save');
if (devDepends) {
npmInstall(destDir, devDepends, '--save-dev');
status(`Finished! Inspect contents of ${expressPackageFile}`);
* run npm install
* flags = `--save` | `--save-dev`
function npmInstall(dest_dir, module_array, flags) {
const modules = module_array.join(' ');
const cmd = `cd ${dest_dir} && npm install ${flags} ${modules}`;
console.log(chalk.yellow.dim(`Installing modules for ${flags}: ${modules}`));
rc = exec(cmd);
* Return array of module names for key (devDependencies | dependencies)
* FALSE returned if package data does not contain `key`
function collectDepends(json, key) {
// console.log(json, key);
if (json[key]) {
return Object.keys(json[key]);
} else {
return false;
function mergeTopLevelKeys(old_pack, new_pack, keys) {
keys.forEach(function(key) {
if (old_pack[key]) {
status(`copying "${key} into server package`);
new_pack[key] = old_pack[key];
} else {
warn(`"${key}" not found in Reagent package`);
return new_pack;
function writePackageJson(json, file) {
const rc = writeFile(file, JSON.stringify(json, null, 2));
* cp App server's package.json to a backup file in prep
* for merging Reagent's depends into original package.json.
function backupPackageFile(package_file, backup_name) {
const loc = path.parse(package_file);
const newLoc = path.join(loc.dir, backup_name);
if (fileExists(newLoc)) {
status(`Backing up ${package_file} to ${backup_name}`);
const rc = cp('-n', package_file, newLoc); // cp but do not overwrite (-n)
if (rc.code === 0) {
status(`Success! ${newLoc}`);
} else {
* print progress messages
function status(msg) {
console.log( chalkStatus(msg) );
* log message in threatening colors
function warn(msg) {
console.log( chalkWarn(msg) );
* Validate inputs and requirements
function checkInputs(args) {
if (args.length < 2) {
const reagentPackageFile = args[0];
const expressPackageFile = args[1];
if (!fileExists(reagentPackageFile)) {
if (!fileExists(expressPackageFile)) {
* returns true if `file` path exists and is a file.
function fileExists(file) {
return test('-f', file);
function msgAndDie() {
console.log( chalkError(format.apply(null, );
function usageThenDie() {
const l = console.log;
const scriptName = process.argv[1];
l(`${path.basename(scriptName)} <path-to-reagent-package.json> <path-to-ExpressJS-package.json>`);
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