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Created April 10, 2010 05:41
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import math
import transitfeed
from optparse import OptionParser
def latlng_dist(src_lat, src_lng, dest_lat, dest_lng):
if abs(src_lat-dest_lat) < 0.00001 and abs(src_lng-dest_lng) < 0.00001:
return 0.0
theta = src_lng - dest_lng
src_lat_radians = math.radians(src_lat)
dest_lat_radians = math.radians(dest_lat)
dist = math.sin(src_lat_radians) * math.sin(dest_lat_radians) + \
math.cos(src_lat_radians) * math.cos(dest_lat_radians) * \
dist = math.degrees(math.acos(dist)) * (60.0 * 1.1515 * 1.609344 * 1000.0)
return dist
def closest_seg_distance(coords, linesegs):
closest_distance = None
for lineseg in linesegs:
# slope of the sub-way
slope1_lat = lineseg[0][0] - lineseg[1][0]
slope1_lon = lineseg[0][1] - lineseg[1][1]
# just ignore triphops that don't go anywhere
if slope1_lat == 0 and slope1_lon == 0:
# slope of the vector from the stop to the sub way
slope2_lon = slope1_lat * (-1)
slope2_lat = slope1_lon
# the scalar value of the intersection on the way:
# - < 0 = before the first pt,
# - > 0 = after the last pt
# - between = between the two points
intersection_scalar = (((lineseg[0][1] - coords[1]) * slope2_lat + \
(coords[0] - lineseg[0][0]) * slope2_lon) / \
(slope1_lat*slope2_lon - slope1_lon*slope2_lat))
distance = 0.0
if intersection_scalar <= EPSILON:
distance = latlng_dist(lineseg[0][0], lineseg[0][1], coords[0], coords[1])
elif intersection_scalar >= (1.0 - EPSILON):
distance = latlng_dist(lineseg[1][0], lineseg[1][1], coords[0], coords[1])
intersection_pt = (lineseg[0][0]+(intersection_scalar*slope1_lat),
distance = latlng_dist(intersection_pt[0], intersection_pt[1], coords[0], coords[1])
if not closest_distance or distance < closest_distance:
closest_distance = distance
return closest_distance
def get_headsigns(stops):
linesegs = []
closest_distances = []
stop_headsigns = []
num_min_distances_exceeded = 0
min_dist = 100
inflection_stop = None
reversed = False
prevstop = None
for stop in stops:
if len(linesegs) > 0:
closest_distance = closest_seg_distance((stop.stop_lat, stop.stop_lon), linesegs)
# if we consistently go under the min distance, assume we've turned
# around and are going in the opposite direction
if not reversed:
if closest_distance < min_dist:
num_min_distances_exceeded += 1
if not inflection_stop:
inflection_stop = prevstop
num_min_distances_exceeded = 0
inflection_stop = None
if num_min_distances_exceeded > 3:
reversed = True
# Keep a list of stop headsigns: nothing until we hit our inflection
# stop (fall back to default), last stop in route afterwards
if reversed:
if prevstop:
linesegs.append(((prevstop.stop_lat, prevstop.stop_lon),
(stop.stop_lat, stop.stop_lon)))
prevstop = stop
print "%s reverse_stop: %s end_stop: %s" % (stop_headsigns, inflection_stop, stops[-1].stop_name)
if not inflection_stop:
return (stops[-1].stop_name, stop_headsigns)
return (inflection_stop.stop_name, stop_headsigns)
usage = "usage: %prog <input gtfs feed> <output gtfs feed>"
parser = OptionParser(usage)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) < 2:
parser.error("incorrect number of arguments")
print "Loading schedule."
schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(
patterns = []
for route in schedule.GetRouteList():
print "Processing %s: %s" % (route.route_short_name, route.route_long_name)
pattern_id_trip_dict = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
for pattern_id, trips in pattern_id_trip_dict.items():
stops = map(lambda stop: stop[2], trips[0].GetTimeStops())
(trip_headsign, stop_headsigns) = get_headsigns(stops)
for trip in trips:
trip.trip_headsign = trip_headsign
stoptime_index = 0
for stoptime in trip.GetStopTimes():
if stop_headsigns[stoptime_index]:
stoptime.stop_headsign = stop_headsigns[stoptime_index]
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