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Created June 1, 2016 19:13
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Getting Started

  1. Install flatbuffers using your favorite package manager, or from source:

  2. Download the flatbuffer definition for the feather metadata:

  3. Generate Python bindings for the feather metadata:

flatc -p metadata.fbs

Write a feather file

In R (or Python) write something simple like the iris dataset to a feather file:


write_feather(iris, 'iris.feather')

Read a feather file (manually)

import struct
import numpy as np
# this was generated by flatc in (3) above
from feather.fbs.CTable import CTable

# read the feather obj into memory
f = open('iris.feather', 'rb').read()

# get the size in bytes of the metadata section
# [data, data, data, ..., data| <uint32> metadata size | <4-byte "FEA1">]
# see the feather format description:
meta_size = struct.unpack('I', f[-8:-4])[0]
meta_buf = bytearray(f[-8-meta_size:-8])

meta = CTable.GetRootAsCTable(meta_buf, 0)

# get the number of columns

# decode the 1st column
c = meta.Columns(0)
col_loc = c.Values()
print(col_loc.Type())  # 10 - meaning DOUBLE

# unpack into a numpy array
sepal_length = np.frombuffer(f[col_loc.Offset():col_loc.Offset() + col_loc.TotalBytes()], dtype=np.double)
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