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Created April 15, 2014 21:54
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tempus db index
pg = require 'pg'
{dev} = require "#{__dirname}/../database"
devConfig = "postgres://#{dev.user}:#{dev.password}@localhost/#{dev.database}"
constring = process.env.HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_NAVY_URL or process.env.TRAVIS_DB_URL or devConfig
{EventEmitter} = require 'events'
Database = (callback) ->
pg.connect constring, callback
class Transaction extends EventEmitter
constructor: ()->
Database (err, client, done) =>
if err
@emit 'error', err
@client = client
@done = done
begin: ->
@client.query 'BEGIN', (err)=>
if err
@emit 'error', err
@emit 'begin'
query: (statement, cb)->
statement = if typeof statement.toQuery is 'function' then statement.toQuery() else statement
@client.query statement, (err, rows) =>
if err
cb rows
rollback: () ->
@client.query 'ROLLBACK', (err) =>
@done err
@emit 'rollback', err
commit: (obj)->
@client.query 'COMMIT', (err) =>
@emit 'commit', obj
module.exports = Database
module.exports.Transaction = Transaction
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