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Created November 5, 2014 21:23
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  • Save wlaurance/998ea4747690f6a47101 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wlaurance/998ea4747690f6a47101 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"activities" : {
"5cC4B0UaZ1qnRFkIaDFdsQ" : {
"name" : "Human Rights",
"private" : false,
"prompt" : "\"We believe in human rights because...\"",
"wordList" : "[{\"word\":\"fundamental\",\"definition\":\"necessary or central part of an idea; the basis\"},{\"word\":\"inalienable\",\"definition\":\"cannot be given or taken away from the possessor\"},{\"word\":\"charter\",\"definition\":\"a written document that defines an entity's rights and priveleges\"},{\"word\":\"reaffirm\",\"definition\":\"to confirm the validity of\"},{\"word\":\"dignity\",\"definition\":\"the state of being worthy of honor or respect\"},{\"word\":\"uphold\",\"definition\":\"to support or defend; to not judge against something\"},{\"word\":\"promote\",\"definition\":\"to raise to a higher level; to help or assist\"},{\"word\":\"protect\",\"definition\":\"to keep from being harmed\"}]"
"7_fLLcFTx2U9rUFKeoTKwA" : {
"name" : "The Pirate Treasure",
"prompt" : "\"You were awakened one morning by a talking parrot. \\\"I know where a treasure is buried,\\\" it squawked...\"",
"wordList" : "[{\"word\":\"Deliberate\",\"definition\":\"done consciously and intentionally\"},{\"word\":\"Triumph\",\"definition\":\"a great victory or achievement\"},{\"word\":\"Numb\",\"definition\":\"deprived of the power of sensation\"},{\"word\":\"Tether\",\"definition\":\"a rope or chain with which an animal is tied to restrict its movement\"},{\"word\":\"Prod\",\"definition\":\"poke (someone) with a finger, foot, or pointed object\"},{\"word\":\"Disclose\",\"definition\":\"make (secret or new information) known\"},{\"word\":\"Culprit\",\"definition\":\"a person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed\"},{\"word\":\"Employed\",\"definition\":\"give work to (someone) and pay them for it\"}]"
"name" : "The Boy Who Loved Words",
"prompt" : "\"The Boy Who Loved Words\"",
"wordList" : "[{\"word\":\"Periphery\",\"definition\":\"The outer limits or edge of an area\"},{\"word\":\"Rucksack\",\"definition\":\"a backpack, often made of strong materials\"},{\"word\":\"Dusk\",\"definition\":\"The time right before night; the darker stage of twilight\"},{\"word\":\"Slumber\",\"definition\":\"Sleep\"},{\"word\":\"Tremulous\",\"definition\":\"Nervous; shaking\"}]"
"Terc8QSZ-JuRajc28mbYDQ" : {
"name" : "Water Cycle",
"prompt" : "\"Team up with your partner to explain the watercycle in 4-7 sentences.\"",
"wordList" : "[{\"word\":\"evaporation\",\"definition\":\"the changing of a liquid into a gas, often under the influence of heat (as in the boiling of water)\"},{\"word\":\"condensation\",\"definition\":\"the conversion of a vapor or gas to a liquid; water that collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it\"},{\"word\":\"precipitation\",\"definition\":\"any product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapour that falls under gravity\"},{\"word\":\"collection\",\"definition\":\"when water that falls from the clouds as rain, snow, hail or sleet, collects in the oceans, rivers, lakes, streams\"}]"
"mpqaFWtVG-GhYhgv6yln8Q" : {
"name" : "Government",
"prompt" : "\"How do you think we might be taking risks with our health and the health of the human world by being part of the industrial food chain?\"",
"wordList" : "[{\"word\":\"government\",\"definition\":\"the group of people who control and make decisions for a country, state, etc.\"},{\"word\":\"pesiticide\",\"definition\":\"a chemical that is used to kill animals or insects that damage plants or crops\"},{\"word\":\"hybrid\",\"definition\":\"something that is formed by combining two or more things\"},{\"word\":\"ecological\",\"definition\":\"a science that deals with the relationships between groups of living things and their environments\"},{\"word\":\"fossil fuel\",\"definition\":\"a fuel (such as coal, oil, or natural gas) that is formed in the earth from dead plants or animals\"},{\"word\":\"calorie\",\"definition\":\"a unit of heat used to indicate the amount of energy that foods will produce in the human body\"},{\"word\":\"policy\",\"definition\":\"a high-level overall plan embracing the general goals and acceptable procedures especially of a governmental body\"}]"
"yDQh3Nq0vE3C-WwslCmb9Q" : {
"name" : "Magical Garden",
"prompt" : "\"You wake up in a garden full of elves and fairies. An elf begins to chase you....\"",
"wordList" : "[{\"word\":\"blossom\",\"definition\":\"(v) to produce flowers, to develop or open up\"},{\"word\":\"collide\",\"definition\":\"(v) to strike against each other, to clash\"},{\"word\":\"constant\",\"definition\":\"(adj) never stopping, recurring\"},{\"word\":\"content\",\"definition\":\"(adj) pleased with, accepting of\"},{\"word\":\"distract\",\"definition\":\"(v) to draw attention to something else\"},{\"word\":\"drought\",\"definition\":\"(n) a long time without rain\"},{\"word\":\"foul\",\"definition\":\"(adj) unpleasant to the senses, dishonorable, against the rules of a game\"},{\"word\":\"noble\",\"definition\":\"(adj/n) of high birth or rank, good moral character\"},{\"word\":\"policy\",\"definition\":\"(n) a plan, set of rules, a written contract\"},{\"word\":\"quiver\",\"definition\":\"(n) a trembling motion (v) to tremble\"},{\"word\":\"slight\",\"definition\":\"(adj) small in size, not much\"},{\"word\":\"tidy\",\"definition\":\"(v) to put things in near or proper order\"}]"
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