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Last active December 12, 2016 14:18
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CSS Transforms Lightning Talk

Getting Started with CSS Transitions and Transformations

  • Two properites to know: transition and transform
  • With these two properties, any selector or pseudo-selector can be made interactive for the user and way more awesome.

Transform Options

  • transform is used to specify the changes that will be made to the element itself.
  • transform-origin can be used to specify the position of the transformation. Default is the center of the element.
  • Some fun transform options:
    • scale(): effects the size of the element
    • skewX() & skewY(): tilts the element to the left or right
    • translate(): moves an element to the left or up and down
    • rotate(): rotate the element clockwise

Transition Options

  • transition is used to control the timing, duration, and style of a change between two states of an element. It is shorthand for the following properties:
    • transition-delay default: 0s
    • transition-duration default: 0s
    • transition-property default: all
    • transition-timing-function default: ease
  • Transitions provide quite a bit of control on the look and feel of the transformation applied to an element.

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