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Last active March 1, 2017 19:08
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I want to build a production management tool that brings the benefits of agile practice to the world of the theatrical design team.


Currently, production teams use a combination of email, dropbox, pinterest and hard paperwork to track rehearsal reports, designs, measurements and blocking. This makes finding information and notes an arduous task and clear communication nearly impossible. Technical departments, such as props or costumes, can easily lose track of notes or required items that hold up the process.


By providing a place to collect the tasks and notes that come from rehearsal meetings into one place and providing tags to alert the different departments when tasks need their attention, my app would streamline the process. It would allow the stage manager to set clear expectations and track the progress of tasks as they are passed off.

Target Audience

This app would be used by theatre professionals who need to track their production throughout the rehearsal and build process. These users have adopted many technologies already, but have very niche use cases that are not designed for a creative process. They are also skilled at project management and deadline tracking already and will have processes that already work for them. Their adoption of the app will be dependent on its ability to improve these processes.


  • Which APIs will you use?
  • Which OAuth integration are you planning to use?

User Stories


X As a guest,
X When I visit the home page,
X I can select the option to create an account,
X And I can fill in my name, email and upload a photo.
X When I click "Create Account"
X I am redirected to my dashboard
X And I can see my account information.

Production Manager/Stage Manager

X As a registered user,
X I can visit my dashboard,
X And select the option to create a company.
X I can fill in the company's name, location and logo url
X And when I click on "Create Company",
X I am redirected to a page that displays the information about that company.

X As a registered user,
X I can visit my companies page,
X And select the option to create a production for a particular company.
X I am redirected to the new production page
X I can fill in the production's name, the company's name and upload a logo.
X I can also confirm that I am the Stage Manager for this production.
X And I click on "Create Production"
X I am redirected to the Production's page.

As a stage manager of a production,
I can visit the production's settings.
I can choose to create a team for the production,
I can fill in a team name,
And when I click on "Create Team",
I see that team has been added to the production.

As a stage manager of a production,
I can visit the production's settings.
I can choose to invite new users to the production.
I can fill in the user's email
And when I click on "Send Invite",
An email will be sent to that address with a link for the user to join a team.

X As a stage manager of a production,
X I can click on "New Rehearsal"
X I can fill in the time and location for the rehearsal
X And I am taken to the rehearsal's page.

X As a stage manager of a production,
X I can visit a rehearsal's page
X I can fill in a description for the rehearsal
X And when I can click on "Add description"
X I see the description added to the page.

As a stage manager of a production,
I can visit a rehearsal's page
And I can create a note
I can choose which team the note belongs to
And I can tag it by importance or type of note
I can click "Create Note"
And I see the note added to the team's section for the rehearsal.

(Question to ask: are call times on reports for the next rehearsal? same with appointments?)

Team Members

As a guest,
When I recieve an invite to join a production,
I can click on a link and be taken to a registration page.
I can fill in my name, email and upload a photo
And when I click on "Create Account"
I am taken to a team membership registration page.
I can choose which team I am a member of
I can fill in my role on the production
And when I click "Join Team"
I can be taken to the team's page.

As a team member,
I can visit the team's page,
And I can choose a production tracker to view,
And I can see the notes from rehearsal reports that were tagged for our team
And when I click on a note, I can see an expanded view that includes the note's details, the time it was created and who made it.

As a team member,
I can visit the team's production tracker
And I can move a note from the "New Notes" column to an "In Hand" column to indicate it has been begun.

As a team member,
I can visit the team's production tracker
And I can move a completed note from an "In Hand" column to completed.

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