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Last active September 5, 2016 19:13
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Prosper Score Distribution

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The Prosper Marketplace provides an alternative avenue for people to invest and borrow money. When a potential borrower fills out an application, a Prosper Score from 1 to 11 is assigned. Lending to an individual of a lower score will have a better return on investment, but also have increased chances of defaulting. Lending to an individual of a higher score will have a lower chance of defaulting, but a lower return on investment.

Quite often, investors use historical data and group past borrowers by certain criteria to compare against potential borrowers of similar criteria. One criteria used often is Occupations. Potential borrowers with Occupations that have a higher Prosper Score on average can be generally more credit worthy.

Initially I chose to use this dashboard type of visualization because:

  1. Bar plots are useful in showing the difference in frequency among the Prosper Scores.
  2. The Pie Chart and Legend on the right is able to provide secondary distribution of Occupation for a selected Prosper Score.
  3. The Pie Chart can show drastic differences between the distribution of Occupation for a certain Prosper Score.
  4. The Legend complements the Pie Chart by showing differences between Occupations with higher resolution.

There are a total of 68 occupations recorded in the Prosper Loan Dataset. I took the top ten occupations by count for my visualization. Originally amongst the top ten, there were occupations that weren't clear, so I omitted them and replaced them with the next occupation.

After some feedback from my submission and reading an article which discourages the use of pie charts, I sought to change the visualization to remove the pie chart. I came across a hierarchical bar chart example and thought it conveyed my story better.


Ronald Truong

What I see right away is a bar plot showing the distribution of Prosper Scores from 1 - 11. I noticed that by hovering over the bars, the pie chart and legend changes to account for how the occupations listed make up percentage wise for that score.

What I don't like is that there are two Occupation types that the data is skewed towards. Other and Professional Occupations don't give much value. Although they are indeed the top 10 Occupation, I believe they should be removed.

It's interesting to see that Computer Programmers are very credit worthy occupations. They have a high prosper score on average compared to all the other professions, besides Executive.


Forum Mentor


Hi William,

Great work with all the plot and data in sync. I was testing how fast the numbers can be changed :slight_smile:

I can notice that there are few borowwers for the lower end and upper end of the scores and most of the loans are from mid -level. The pie-chart on the right is also showing the values and I can see the distribution for a particular profession by hovering over the pies

Is there something you don’t understand in the graphic?

I would suggest you work more on this. Your plots are great but to a person who does not know about loan data this is very confusing.

Title - A title tells information we are going to see. An appropriate title helps in better understanding.
Axis Labels - There is no labels on axis in your bar plots. As a person unaware of the data it took me some time to understand whats on x-axis and what is on y-axis.
Pie-Chart - I am not so against pie-chart when they convey clear information (which is usually the case when there are only 2-3 sections) . You have 10 and it is very difficult to interpret percentage numbers from that. The numbers are on the table to the right but again, one has to check table then match color.

These are all my suggestions but number 1 and 2 will definitely improve the readability.

Will wait for your iterations. All the best.

include all feedback you received from others on your visualization from the first sketch to the final visualization

Dai Ying Wu

The title could be changed to reflect a more targetted story you're trying to get across. I'm assuming you want to show people what professions are most credit worthy. One thing you can do to demonstrate that more properly is to maybe sort the legend when a Prosper Score is highlighted.

The things I do notice is that the distribution amongs occupations is pretty even in the midrange prosper scores. In the higher end executives, nurses, and programmers dominate. On the lower end, Teachers, Administrative Assistants, Executives, and Accountants take much of the proportion. It is ironic that for the Prosper Score of 1 that 13% of them are Accountants.

Resources and References

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<h1>Occupations and their Prosper Score, 2009-2014</h1>
<p><a href="">The Prosper Marketplace</a> provides an
alternative avenue for people to invest and borrow money. When a potential
borrower fills out an application, a Prosper Score from 1 to 11 is
assigned. Lending to an individual of a lower score will have a better
return on investment, but also have increased chances of defaulting.
Lending to an individual of a higher score will have a lower chance of
defaulting, but a lower return on investment.
<p>Quite often, investors use historical data and group past borrowers by
certain criteria to compare against potential borrowers of similar criteria.
Occupations is a criteria often used. Potential borrowers with occupations
that have a higher Prosper Score on average can be generally more credit worthy.
<p>Shown below are number of past borrowers grouped by occupation. Click on the bar
of each occupation to see how Prosper Score is split between the individuals.
To return back to the Occupations display, click on the blank portion of the
visualization canvas
<script src="//"></script>
function hierarchical(data) {
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// Per above, entering bars are immediately visible.
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