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Last active December 30, 2018 23:27
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Test python-mode motions
" First, we don't care about vi compatability.
set nocompatible
" Need to turn filetype off when starting Vundle
filetype off
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim'
Plugin 'python-mode/python-mode' " Make sure this version has the patch applied!
call vundle#end()
" Turn filetype back on now that Vundle is done
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
set number
set ruler

Guided tour:

Using the attached .vimrc, open

First, class/def motions. With the cursor at row 1, column 1, ]] should move your cursor to row 15, col 1. ]] again will move you to row 19, column 1. [[ will move you back to row 15, column 1. Reset to row 1, column 1 with gg. Repeat with ]C and [C and it should behave the same as with ]] and [[, which I find surprising, but it preserves existing behavior so I will keep it.

Now def motions. Reset to row 1, column 1, via gg. ]M should move you to row 2, column 1. ]M again should move you to row 5, column 1. [M should reverse this, moving you to row 2, column 1.

Now text objects. We will use visual selection to show text objects, but not change the file. Move the cursor to row 6, column 1. viM should select inside the current method (i.e. just selecting row 6). Escape out of that selection. vaM should select around the current method, that is, rows 5, 6 and 7.

Without this patch, any method prefixed with async will be skipped by these motions and text objects.

To play around:

Open this in vim, with the patch I supplied, and use some combination of:

]] to move to the next top-level class or def (async or not), [[ to move to the previous.

]C to move to the next top-level class (or def, which is weird behavior, but preserving pre-existing weirdness), [C to move to the previous.

]M to move to the next def, async or not, [M to move to the previous.

And for text objects, any of v, c, d, etc and then iC to get the inside of a class, aC to get all around a class, iM to get the inside of a def (sync or async), and aM to get the outside of a def (sync or async). I tend to use v as it's least destructive, and clearly shows what the plugin identifies as "in" or "around".

class Foo:
def bar1(self):
async def baz1(self):
def bar2(self):
async def baz2(self):
async def foo1():
def foo2():
async def foo3():
def foo4():
class Bar:
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