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Last active April 1, 2022 14:45
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A workflow for updating's Manuscript Records to use the new physDesc encoding method
  1. Go to Decoder and find the tab "Records-with-Old-PhysDesc"
  2. Using column A ("file location on britishLibrary-data") find the file
  • Make a new branch. Its name should include the date, your user name, and the reason, e.g. "2022-03-18-wpotter-physDesc-update"
  • Open the corresponding file in oXygen, found under /britishLibrary-data/data/tei/
    • If the URI is for an msPart, column A will have a "#PartX" after the file name referring to the @xml:id of an msPart element within the file
  1. Find the corresponding Wright Catalogue entry
  • Using column D (the volume and page in the catalogue) and column F (the roman numeral for the catalogue entry in Wright), navigate to the correct entry in the Word document
  1. Verify that the entry shelf mark matches the associated URI
  • If the shelf mark at the end of the entry in the Word doc matches column E (the BL shelf mark), proceed to step 5
  • If it does not, mark the row in the spreadsheet's column H ("status") as "mismatched shelf-mark". Include the shelf-mark listed in the Word document in column I, "notes". We will come back to these, so go ahead and move on to the next assigned row.
  1. Within the file, navigate to the msDesc/physDesc or msPart/physDesc; make sure the msIdentifier/idno matches the URI found in column B "uri"
  2. Copy Wright's initial paragraph into a physDesc/p
  • create a <p> element as the first child of the physDesc (i.e., directly before the objectDesc element)
  • copy Wright's first paragraph, describing the condition, foliation, etc. of the manuscript, into the <p> element
  • make sure to proofread the paragraph and remove odd characters like "¬" and fix other typos
  1. Mark the record as "done" in column H ("status")
  2. If there are any issues or oddities, note these in column I ("notes"), and mark column H ("status") as "question"
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