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Created December 6, 2021 13:37
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  • Save wlpotter/789091b93fa157a476379cfe731688fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wlpotter/789091b93fa157a476379cfe731688fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A workflow for creating new XML snippets of manuscripts in the Wright Catalogue; see

Please use these steps to upload drafted manuscripts via a GitHub pull request.

  1. Create a new branch from master and give it a meaningful name, e.g. Potter_2021-12
    • If you had already created the manuscript files on master, bring those changes onto the new branch
    • If you have been creating and drafting ms files elsewhere on your local computer, copy and paste those files into the folder that contains your template: /data/3_drafts/YourName/
  2. Publish your new branch to the GitHub remote repository
    • Press the button in the upper right of the GitHub Desktop application. Note: You may need to Fetch origin before you can publish your branch. If so, the option to publish should appear after you press the Fetch origin button.
  3. Commit the changes onto your new branch
    • In the list of changed files on the left of GitHub desktop, make sure only those files which are fully drafted (all data added and all questions addressed in our meeting) are checked. Uncheck any files that need more work.
    • Give the commit a meaningful name, e.g. "new mss records, 2021-12" or list which manuscript URIs/file names are included.
    • Press the Commit to $My-Branch-Name$ button
  4. Push your commited changes to the remote repository
    • Press the Push Origin button in the upper right of the GitHub desktop app
  5. Create a pull request
    • Push the Create Pull Request button. This should open in your browser
    • On the GitHub webpage, select myself (@wlpotter) and Prof. Michelson (@davidamichelson) as reviewers
    • Push the Create pull request button

At this point you can consider your drafted records uploaded. We will take over from there, review the upload to make sure everything went alright, and pull in your changes.

  1. For each pull request and commit, please create a new branch
    • After you have created a pull request, switch branches back to master
    • When you are ready to commit more changes, go back to step 1, above
    • Note: when you switch back to master you will not see the files for which you created a pull request until that request is reviewed and pulled in
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