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Created January 23, 2012 16:22
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iterm2 tmux
These release notes are for the development builds of iTerm2. The last stable release was 1.0.0.
You'd better sit down for this one.
Marquee Features
- Deep tmux integration!
Have you ever had an ssh session lost because you had to reboot, had a network failure, or the power went out? Are you tired of giving up a keystroke to tmux or screen? Suffer no longer! iTerm2 and tmux are now deeply integrated. By installing a special version of tmux, it gains the ability to speak directly to iTerm2. When you run tmux with -C, iTerm2 will open real, native windows or tabs for each tmux window. The whole state of your tmux session is reflected in native iTerm2 windows. As you interact with a window, your typing is sent back to tmux. Any time you resize a window, add a split pane, close a split pane, close a window, or open a window (with Shell->tmux->new window), that action happens in tmux as well as in iTerm2. Even your window positions and tabs are saved from session to session. For more advanced tmux users, there is a "tmux dashboard" that lets you manage you windows and sessions graphically.
Download the tmux code here:
A tmux build already compiled for Mac OS 10.7 is also available here:
- Add title bars to split panes that show the title. You can drag panes by their titles, and there is a menu and a close button in it as well.
- Support Lion's Restore functionality.
- "Find" continues to search as new text appears.
- Add option to always copy preferences to prefs stored in a custom folder.
- Add "Always Run Command..." option to semantic history, which runs a command even if you don't cmd-click on a filename.
- Add a new panel to prefs to make mouse actions configurable.
- Add option to make triple-click select a whole wrapped line rather than just one row.
- Add 'New Window (Default Profile)' to dock menu.
- Allow users to add context menu actions through Prefs->Profiles->Advanced->Smart Selection->Edit Actions. When you right-click on text matching a a smart selection, the actions are added to the context menu.
- Add hidden option AutocompleteMaxOptions to adjust number of autocomplete entries.
- Add hidden option PasteHistoryMaxOptions to adjust number of paste history entries.
- Add a new trigger action called "Silent Coprocess" that mutes the session while running (ideal for rz/sz).
- Add \5 as a macro in Semantic History commands to pass the PWD.
- Make growl alerts clickable (thanks, and bauerb).
- Add hidden variable URLCharacterSet that defines characters that are part of a URL.
- Expand tildes in custom prefs folder
- Add blend option to profile window prefs to adjust how much of the background image shows through.
- Fix bug where mouse cursor was often wrong
- Keep the close button visible when only one item is in the toolbelt and have it hide the toolbelt.
- Change shortcut to set font size to normal to cmd-0
- The coprocess field now remembers the last 20 entries.
- Add tmux prefs to general prefs pane.
- Use tmux profile's size for tmux windows.
- Add hide after open option to window profile prefs.
- Tweak smart cursor threshold to be a bit more aggressive about making the character white or black. Add hidden options SmartCursorColorFgThreshold/SmartCursorColorBgThreshold to allow the user to tweak it.
- Respect line number setting in tmux profile.
Bug fixes:
- Growl notifications were off by default. Should work with Growl 1.3 now.
- Fixed display of different-sized screens in window arrangements tab of prefs (thanks, 0xae).
- Add | to legal URL characters.
- Run triggers on CR, not just LF.
- Fix toolbelt support in Lion fullscreen.
- Ignore sigpipe from coprocesses.
- Show all tabs in Window->Select Tab.
- Fix number-of-scrollback-line field in Lion, which wouldn't allow you to go over 1000.
- Fix bug where scrolling the window while making a selection didn't work sometimes.
- Fix bug with window size changing badly when switching monitors.
- Fix bug where move tab to new window command in tab's context menu creates a session with all black.
- Preserve window number when toggling traditional fullscreen.
- Respect "dim inactive split panes setting" when restoring window arrangements and broadcasting input.
- Remove excess logging from hotkey window code
- Don't set LC_CTYPE to unsupported locales
- Remove most of the disallowed function calls between fork and exec.
- Fix bug where closing a window would sometimes crash.
- Revert to old-style blur code for 10.6 to avoid window server crashes.
- Fix bugs where windows weren't properly dimmed/undimmed (1664)
- Fix bug where choosing the home directory option in advanced prefs did not run login.
- Fix assertion with highlighting trigger.
- Fix assertion with certain kinds of clicks on splitters.
Bug fixes and features, like always.
- Add "triggers" (an action that is performed when text matching some regular expression is received in a terminal session). More info here:
- Add "coprocesses" (a process, such as a script, that receives input from a terminal and whose output is fed into the terminal session). More info here:
- You can now edit the smart selection regexes in Prefs>Profiles>Advanced. More info here:
- You can now configure what happens when you cmd-click on a filename in Prefs>Profiles>Advanced.
- Add support for Growl 1.3.
- Make toolbelt work in fullscreen mode.
- Add support for reporting focus lost/gained. esc[?1004h turns it on; then the terminal sends esc[I when focusing, esc[O when de-focusing. Send esc[?1004l to disable.
- Add esc]50;RequestAttention=x^G, where if x=1 the dock icon bounces and if x=0 it stops.
- Change default global key bindings to cmd-shift-arrows to move tab left/right.
- Add menu item to move tab left/right.
- Add key action to move tab left/right.
- Add option to show obnoxious background when broadcasting input to multiple sessions.
- Add "advanced" directory settings for separate tab, window, and pane settings.
- Add preference for setting locale vars.
- Add cmd-shift-opt-T to open a new tab using the current session's profile.
- Various minor toolbelt improvements.
- Ignore hard newlines when you cmd-click on a URL.
Bug fixes:
- Fix an occasional (or often, if you're unlucky) crash when a session ends.
- Fix bug where Exposé always opens on the main screen.
- Hide toolbelt completely in fullscreen when not open.
- Make bottom tabs work right in fullscreen + instant replay.
- Make scrollbars show/hide when toggling fullscreen.
- Fix bug where tab bar disappeared on exiting Lion fullscreen.
- Fix crash when removing a smart selection/trigger row while editing it.
- Fix bug where making a selection doesn't always work.
- Make paste selection ignore background tabs.
- Fix 'paste escaping special characters' to include the full range of shell special characters.
- Fix smart selection and triggers prefs to work for Edit Current Session panel.
- When duplicating a profile keep the shortcut with the original profile.
- Keep session size the same when scrollbar style changes.
- Fix how selections are reported for accessibility.
- Fix bug where dimming background is inconsistent while broadcasting input.
- Fix very minor memory leak.
- Hopefully fix focus follows mouse tracking bugs.
- Fix bug where splits in hotkey window get messed up during sleep.
- When selection is moved past the last characte rin a line, extend it to the end.
- Save lion fullscreen arrangements.
- Make middle click paste the most recent selection, even if it's from another session (when copy to clipboard on select is off)
- If a filename ends in :, allow cmd-click on it.
- Fix bug with arranging windows horizontally that resulted in the last window in a row to end up in a bogus row below the screen.
- Fix bug where editing the middle of a note in the notes tool moved the cursor.
- Fix bug and undo in notes tool.
- Fix bug where bottom tabs disappear in lion fullscreen.
- Fix bug where the find field gets focus in fullscreen hotkey windows even though it's hidden.
- Fix bug where fullscreen hotkey windows don't open the first time.
Lots of stuff!
- Add "triggers" (an action that is performed when text matching some regular expression is received in a terminal session). More info here:
- Add "coprocesses" (a process, such as a script, that receives input from a terminal and whose output is fed into the terminal session). More info here:
- You can now edit the smart selection regexes in Prefs>Profiles>Advanced. More info here:
- You can now configure what happens when you cmd-click on a filename in Prefs>Profiles>Advanced.
- Add cmd-shift-opt-T to open a new tab using the current session's profile.
- Make toolbelt work in fullscreen mode.
- Various minor toolbelt improvements.
- Ignore hard newlines when you cmd-click on a URL.
- Add esc]50;RequestAttention=x^G, where if x=1 the dock icon bounces and if x=0 it stops.
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug where splits in hotkey window get messed up during sleep.
- When selection is moved past the last characte rin a line, extend it to the end.
- Save lion fullscreen arrangements.
- Make middle click paste the most recent selection, even if it's from another session (when copy to clipboard on select is off)
- If a filename ends in :, allow cmd-click on it.
- Fix bug with arranging windows horizontally that resulted in the last window in a row to end up in a bogus row below the screen.
- Fix bug where editing the middle of a note in the notes tool moved the cursor.
- Fix bug and undo in notes tool.
- Fix bug where bottom tabs disappear in lion fullscreen.
- Fix bug where the find field gets focus in fullscreen hotkey windows even though it's hidden.
- Fix bug where fullscreen hotkey windows don't open the first time.
This release is primarily a bugfix for a very common crashing bug in the previous release.
- Improvements to cmd-click to support filenames with spaces, improve performance.
- Improve " Compatibility" key preset to more accurately emulate Terminal.
Bug fixes:
- Fix crash when closing or toggling fullscreen while Jobs tool is open.
- Fix bug where toolbelt titles were editable
- Fix mouse selection in Synergy
- Fix alt key sends esc/meta in Synergy
- Fix bug where tab bar disappears when exiting Lion fullscreen
- Allow cursor to return to arrow key when outside a terminal window
- Fix a bug where instant replay doesn't work in fullscreen on a second monitor.
This is a quick fix; the previous version broke up and down arrows. This fixes them.
Implement ALL the features!
Important notes - read this!
There was a bug in the previous release that caused many users to get a prompt on close dialog. This has been fixed, but if you've configured a profile to use prompt on close, that setting may be lost after upgrading. Check it under preferences-profiles-session.
- A "Toolbelt" has been added. It's a drawer that opens to the right of a window and shows running jobs, paste history, and lets you open new windows/tabs/splits. Look for the Toolbelt menu.
- Three finger click on a trackpad emulates the middle button (which by default performs Paste).
- Add ability to change profile from Edit Current Session.
- Add option to copy trailing newlines when making a selection that includes a whole line at its end.
- Allow windows to temporarily grow larger than the screen.
- Change mouse cursor to indicate that mouse reporting is on.
- Add preference to disable transparency when entering fullscreen mode.
- Improve support for keyboard that require a modifier to type a number.
- Add preference to disable saving lines to the scrollback buffer while in alternate screen mode.
- Implemented bracketed paste mode (this is cool, see vim script here:
- For new users under Lion, xterm-256color will be the default terminal.
- Add ability to open .itermcolors files by double clicking on them.
- Add proprietary escape code <esc>]50;SetProfile=X^G to set the current session's profile to the one named X.
- Add proprietary escape code to send text to clipboard. To use, send esc]50;CopyToClipboard=X^G followed by text followed by esc]50;EndCopy^G, where X is a clipboard name from the set: ruler, find, font, or general. If not specified, general is used.
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug that dragged panes may retain their dimmed status.
- Fix bug where splitting a pane didn't open in the current directory if so configured.
- Fix bug where the menu would be hidden sometimes when opening a fullscreen window.
- Fix bug where "find cursor" view didn't disappear if you pressed cmd-/.
- Fix bug where opening a new window while in Lion fullscreen caused a pixel of linen to show around the border.
- Fix bug where hotkey window stays open over mission control.
- Fix bug where dragging a tab to its own tabbar makes the window disappear.
- Fix bug where background windows are dimmed in Lion fullscreen.
- Exclude hotkey window from cmd-`
Rearranging split panes!
- Add ability to drag split panes around by pressing cmd-opt-shift and drgging.
- Add ability to split a pane by dragging a tab into a terminal session.
- Add "move session to split pane" option to context menu.
- Add "restore arrangement" to dock menu.
- Change around prompt-to-quit options, adding "always/never/only if jobs besides ... are running" to profiles-sessions.
- Change mouse cursor to crosshairs or pointer finger when holding cmd-opt or cmd, respectively.
- Add cmd-= as shortcut for duplicating a profile
Bug fixes:
- To resize window smoothly, you now use control instead of shift because Lion uses shift to resize without changing the aspect ratio.
- Improve how local is determined for LC_* and LANG vars.
- Fix tab order of next responders in prefs-profiles-general.
This and that.
- Add new cmd-opt-shift-H and cmd-opt-shift-v interface for opening a split pane with a particular profile.
- Allow pinch gesture to change font size.
- Add option to disable session-initiated printing.
- Make cmd-[ and cmd-] work when a pane is maximized.
- Cmd-opt click on a URL to open it without bringing the browser to the front.
- Add warning on quit that your changes will be lost if you're using a custom prefs dir.
- Make maximized pane indicator more subtle.
- Add proprietary escape code esc]50;ClearScrollback^G to erase screen and scrollback buffer.
- Add proprietary escape code esc]50;CurrentDir=/Path/To/Directory^G to notify iTerm2 of the current directory (so you can cmd-click on relative filenames and we'll know where they are).
- Add next/previous pane action.
- Removed SFTP bonjour host support.
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug where opening a .sh or .command file with iTerm2 wouldn't work.
- Make holding cmd to show tabbar in Lion fullscreen work.
- Ignore zoom-vertically-only setting when creating a new window in Lion fullscreen.
- Fix bug where right border wasn't shown in Lion with overlay scrollbars.
- Change pattern of filenames for autologged sessions.
- Fix various memory leaks.
- Only open one window if iTerm2 is launched to run a script.
- Don't allow creation of panes smaller than the minimum size.
- Preserve window sizes better when restoring saved window arrangments.
- Fix bug where window arrangements menu didn't work right if you used a custom prefs dir.
- Swap positions of shell and edit menus.
- Fix bug where StealFocus escape code didn't work on fullscreen windows.
- Fix bug where fullscreen got a funny colored border after using instant replay.
- Fix bug where applescript couldn't insert a session at the beginning of sessions.
- When opening multiple profiles from the profiles window, respect their order.
- Fix bug where holding cmd to show tabs would save that as a preference if you exited fullscreen while they're shown.
Major New Features:
- Add support for loading prefs from a custom folder (e.g., Dropbox) or URL. This makes it easy to share a config between multiple machines or people.
- Add auto logging of sessions. When enabled (per-profile), all input received from the host in a session is saved to a file tagged with the window, tag, and pane number, plus the time and date of initiation.
- Add "find cursor" feature (cmd-/) that highlights the cursor location. Useful when you have a huge terminal, this makes it easy to quickly find a lost cursor. If activated with the shortcut cmd-/, continuing to hold cmd will keep the highlighting active.
- For new users, we now hide the tab bar in fullscreen by default (otherwise, use cmd-shift-t to toggle it).
- Draw a dotted line around maximized sessions.
- You can toggle send input to all tabs/panes by re-pressing the keystroke that got you into that mode.
- Add escape code to steal focus: ESC ]50;StealFocus^G (thanks, gordolio).
- Add support for multiple saved window arrangements.
- Add "bottom of screen" window style (thanks, melbic).
- Add decimal <-> hex conversion to right-click context menu when a number is selected.
Bug fixes:
- Changes to tab appearance take effect immediately.
- Fix bug where a white rectangle briefly appears in Lion when opening a new tab.
- Fix crash due to assertion in setDirtyFromX:Y:toX:Y:
- Fix bug where fullscreen hotkey windows on Lion tried to use Lion fullscreen.
- Fix bug where tall windows weren't restored properly.
A little of this, a little of that.
- Minor optimizations.
- Don't dim sessions that are receiving keyboard input.
- Improve "send input to all sessions", adding new modes: 1) send to all panes in current tab, 2) to all sessions in current window, and 3) to an arbitrary collection of panes (toggled with context menu).
- Add new escape code ESC ]6;1;bg;*;default^G to restore tab color to default.
- Add option to profiles to send text to shell at startup.
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug where bottoms of some characters are cut off in some fonts.
- Handle scrollbar style changes in Lion.
- Fix bug where windows stayed partially dimmed.
- Fix bug where windows restored from arrangements wouldn't respect All Spaces setting.
- Added debugging code for keyboard problems.
Bug fixes and some small features.
- Draw red stripes in the background to indicate input being sent to all terminals.
- Bring back hold cmd to show tabs in fullscreen.
- Add preference to disable dimming animation.
- Add escape code "Esc c" to reset terminal.
Bug fixes:
- Tighten up font spacing.
- Restore click on dock to open default windows behavior.
- Fix bug where blur affected windows on top, while also making Exposé work.
- Don't indicate tab activity right after resizing the window to avoid bogus activity notifications.
- Respect Lion fullscreen for profiles with fullscreen window type.
- Fix how legacy scrollbars are drawn in Lion.
- Fix returning to fullcsreen app when closing hotkey window.
- Improve appearance of tabbar in fullscreen.
- Use 100% of the screen in Lion fullscreen.
- Fix memory leak.
Critical bugfix for yesterday's release, plus odds and ends.
- Show tabs in fullscreen by default.
- Add preference to hide tab's activity indicator.
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug where things turn upside down or lock up when creating a new tab or split.
- Hide "hide scrollbar" pref on 10.7.
- Speed up zooming on lion.
- Restore original behavior of show/hide to actually show/hide, not just toggle focus.
- Make right border show when there's no scrollbar and window borders are on.
Bug fixes and some small features. Please also read the release notes for the previous version Because of a clerical error, users weren't prompted to upgrade to it.
- Make tabview toggleable in fullscreen.
- Make dock and menu bar appear by moving mouse to top/bottom of screen in non-Lion fullscreen mode. Remove hold-cmd-for-tabs.
- Add option to dim background windows.
- Add option to dim only foreground colors.
- Add UI for adjusting dimming amount.
- Add UI to make blur radius configurable.
- Make it possible to launch iTerm2 from Applescript so it won't open any windows automatically.
- Add ITERM_SESSION_ID environment variable that identifiers the window, tab, and pane number of each session.
- Add hidden pref MaxPasteHistoryEntries.
- We now update ~/Library/Applicaiton Support/iTerm/version.txt with the last run version number.
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug where nothing happens on startup (no windows opened, scripts run, etc.)
- Fix invisibility in Exposé while blurred.
- Restore previously active app when closing hotkey window.
This test release primarily fixes various Lion-related issues.
- When you cmd-click on a filename in a diff, remove the a/ or b/ prefix and replace with the real directory to open the file.
- Expand tildes when you cmd-click on a file to open it.
- Remove trailing braces from file name when you cmd-click to open it.
- Add escape code <Esc>]50;SetMark^G to perform Edit > Set Mark command.
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug where the bottoms of some characters were cut off in some fonts.
- Fix bug where "zoom maximizes vertically" affects Lion fullscreen.
- Make scrollbar visible in Lion against dark backgrounds.
- Fix bug where iTerm2 would hang/beachball when playing the bell repeatedlhy.
- Improve how pasting filenames is handled.
- Fix bug where startup activities (opening saved window arrangements, etc.) wasn't performed sometimes on Lion.
This test release adds bug fixes and Lion fullscreen support.
- Add support for Lion fullscreen mode.
- Improve find performance for long lines.
- Improve find performance when there are lots and lots of matches.
Bug fixes:
- Improve wording of preferences option to "Closing hotkey window restores focus but may switch spaces".
- Fix bug where fullscreen windows are stuck to one space even if they're set to "all spaces".
- Fix bug where minaturiaze button was missing when a new window was created while a fullscreen window was open.
- Fix control key behavior with certain keyboards and custom layouts.
- Change how font size is estimated to be more consistent and work better with broken fonts like Consolas.
- Handle control-pgup and control-pgdn correctly.
- Fix bug where the top two pixels weren't drawn in fullscreen mode.
- Remove infocmp spam from console logs.
- Fix bug where find highlights didn't wrap around to the next line.
- Fix race condition with session logging.
- Cmd-key no longer sends input to the terminal if it's not bound to anything.
iTerm2 1.0.0
The first release is here!
The only changes from Beta 4 are the version number and the removal of debug logging from the menu.
Beta 4
So bug-free it hurts.
Add preset keymapping with alt-arrow keys. The default bookmark now uses this.
Online help is now up to date.
Bug fixes:
- Fix crash when resizing window.
- Fix Voiceover crash.
- Fix crash when trying to move cursor below bottom of screen.
- Fix crash when getpwuid fails.
- Fix crash with input method editor and 0-width sessions.
- Fix crash when you cmd-click in a window and no terminal is considered to be in front.
- Fix crash when session ends while in instant replay.
- Fix crash when closing a window in instant replay while another window has focus.
- Fix a bug that cause find to go crazy and occasional blank lines not to be added to the scrollback buffer.
- Fix a bug where clicking on a background window while paste history/autocomplete is open caused two terminals to think they had focus.
- Fix a crash when quitting while paste history/autocomplete is open.
- Fix a crash when closing a window with cmd-opt-w while paste history/autocomplete is open.
- Fix a crash when double-clicking on a word (exact cause unknown)
- Remove excessive logging around hotkey window.
Beta 3
Even more bug-free!
- Add a hidden setting "GrowlOnForegroundTabs" to enable growl for foreground tabs as an accessibility improvement.
- Add a hidden setting "MinRunningTime" that controls the safety valve on "Quit when all windows are closed" (for accessibility).
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug where tab bar disappears.
- Preserve profile order in menus.
- Don't change a session's size when a tab is dragged out of its window.
- Allow key shortcuts that send text or move the cursor to work when focus is in the search field.
- Fix bug where toolbar won't stay in text mode.
- Speed up editing of a profile when there are many of them.
- Fix bug where a fullscreen window won't open on screens besides the main screen.
- Fix bug where screen and tmux don't log to scrollback buffer (when save lines to scrollback when an app status bar is present is on).
- Fix crash in mouseUp:.
- Respect clicks in tabs where the close button would be when it's hidden.
- Fix a case where you get repeatedly asked about outdated profiles.
- Improve accessibility for VoiceOver users.
- Fix redraw bug when there's a status line.
- Fix crash when pasting a huge amount of content.
- Paste a little slower to avoid hitting a readline bug.
- Fix bug where "dead keys" didn't work.
- When splitting panes, use the most current version of the originating profile of the original pane.
- Fix bug where install of xterm-256color terminfo when iTerm2 is installed in a path with a space would fail.
- Fix how function keys with modifiers were transmitted.
- Fix problem where iTerm2 would hang when OSC was sent without a terminating ^G.
- Save lines to scrollback buffer when in alternate screen mode (to make tmux work).
- Fix bug where very, very large scrollback buffers would cause crazy drawing problems.
- Don't sort profiles in tag submenus; instead, respect their order in prefs.
- Fix assertion crash in _findEntryBeforeOffset.
Beta 2
Amazingly bug-free!
- For the first time in iTerm history, when nothing is happening, CPU usage is at 0%!
- Allow substring searches of profiles. To use, start your search with *. For example, *x matches all tags and profile names containing the letter x.
- Add preference to control whether lines are added to the scrollback buffer when a status line is visible.
- Add preference to allow Hotkey Window to switch spaces when it closes but return focus to the correct terminal window.
- Performance improvements for people with lots of profiles.
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug where spaces indicator hangs when you have a hotkey defined; also fixes compatibility with Synergy and various other programs.
- Fixed bug in parsing 256-color control codes.
- Fix bug with shift-click to extend a selection.
- Prevent clicks that bring iTerm2 to the foreground from accidentally making a selection.
- Change how job names are gotten to prevent terminal becoming non-responsive sometimes.
- Improve growl behavior when a session ends.
- Better support for ssh, ftp, and telnet scheme handlers.
- Fix flickering of status bar when scrolling vim.
- Allow instant replay memory usage to be set to 0.
- Don't close hotkey window when prefs window opens.
- Improve selection of dotted-words in smart selection and add semicolons to URL matching.
- Improve URL parsing when a URL wraps around lines with a hard newline.
- Fix param escaping in "search google" feature.
- Handle changing the number of screens with fullscreen and top of screen windows.
- Memory leak tied to keypresses fixed.
- Improve wording in prefs dialog.
- Improve visor behavior when switching to a terminal or profiles window.
- Make fullscreen and scrollbars work under 10.7.
- Fix crash when going to prev/next pane.
- Fix crash when searching.
- Allow cmd-click to open a file/url in an inactive tab.
- Don't turn off transparency automatically when opening a fullscreen window.
- Fix bug where zooming on a multi-screen system would cause the window to jump to a different screen.
- Performance improvements for autocomplete.
- Suppress growl messages when resizing a window with many tabs.
- Fix use selection for find to work standardly.
- Respect key bindings when focus is in a text field.
- Hide hotkey window when clicking the dock icon.
- Don't hide menu bar when fullscreen window is not on main screen.
- Handle dragging tabs of all window types into a new window.
- Make reuse tab's directory work when opening a new window, not just a new tab.
- Hide hotkey window from expose.
- Don't show menu bar when hotkey window is hidden if current term is fullscreen.
- Allow cmd-w to close the about box.
- Improve perceived brightness formula for contrast calculations.
- Fix bug where bold fg was used to compute bg brightness.
- Fix bugs in computing smart cursor color.
- Swap positions of OK and Cancel buttons in edit key bindings dialog.
- Change default left option key behavior to normal to avoid confusing non-US keyboard users.
- Don't hide menu bar when hidden hotkey window becomes key.
- When clicking on a background window, don't report xterm mouse down.
- Fix hang when you run an app that aborts and tries to fork gdb in error handler for stacktrace.
- Update display immedately after Cmd-R or Cmd-K.
- Swap find next and find prev behavior.
- Don't save lines to scrollback buffer in alternate screen mode.
- Escape more shell characters when dragging a file into a term.
- Fix link to home page.
- Removed unnecessary logging by Growl code.
- Added assert statements.
- Don't warn about outdated key mappings if modifying a global action and no profile has it.
- Set ^T as status char in tty.
- Keep window from resizing when you open a new tab and the existing tab has split panes.
- Improve resizing behavior of screen contents.
- Fix bug where window slowly grew when toggling fullscreen.
- Fix bug where the wrong line was highlighted when doing a search while scrolling with a full buffer.
- Fix crash where a session dies while in instant replay and then you close the window.
- Fix bug where session size isn't restored properly when exiting instant replay.
- Fix assertion in VT100Screen
- Add default key mapping for ctrl-tab to send tab.
Beta 1
This release heralds a new age of stability. It also brings some notable UI improvements over the previous release.
Big features:
- The Find UI was redesigned to stay out of the way.
- Smart selection added: quad-click selects recognizable objects like email addresses, paths, URLs, host names, quoted strings, etc.
- Semantic History added: cmd-click on a filename or directory to open it, or cmd+drag a filename to copy it (only if you're logged onto localhost, of course).
- Reorganize preferences.
- "Help" docs revamped.
- Find highlights all matches in yellow
- Flash a bell graphic (if visual bell enabled) instead of blinking the screen.
- Add key shortcut for previous/next pane (cmd-[ and ])
- Add pref to show a 1px border around the window.
- Add proprietary escape code to change cursor shape.
- Add keyboard shortcuts for controlling instant replay (601)
- Splitting a pane now uses the same profile as the original pane.
- Preserve window numbers when a window closes (746).
- Add hidden pref to adjust hotkey animation speed.
- Only confirm quitting if a terminal window is open.
- Dim inactive panes less visibly.
- Confirm overwriting saved window arrangements (686)
- Flash a graphic when search wraps.
- Add preference to disable the "alternate screen" escape codes (324)
- Add new key mapping actions to open new window, tab, split pane.
- Improve how transparent windows are drawn to be more like iTerm 0.10.
- Accept first click in terminal windows (720)
- Add preset keymapping that disables app keypad.
- Add "copy to profile" button in session info (662)
- Speed up split pane dimming animation (724)
- Add pref to disable blink (344).
- You can now unregister from handling a URL.
- Add $$RES$$ var to Command field for "everything after the scheme".
- Warn the user when a session lives less than 3 second that he may have a bad profile. Don't quit immediately at startup.
- Add key mappings for ctrl+shift+arrow keys.
- Add warning about requirements for setting a profile's Space
Bug fixes:
- Fix memory leak related to Bonjour (705)
- Fix memory leak of process names that caused slow constant growth.
- Fix bonjour IP addresses.
- Remove variable stroke thickness (it was too slow).
- Slowness with multiple panes (
- Fix bug where fullscreen windows couldn't exit fullscreen properly (627)
- Show job name in tab title by default (690)
- Fix crash when closing a background tab where a split pane had closed.
- Fix bug where instnat replay would cause window size to change.
- Focus search field when entering profiles window (367)
- Disable transparency when window type is fullscreen.
- Draw border of fullscreen window properly when it is not transparent and there is no bg image (700)
- Don't adjust window order when hotkey window is toggled to avoid switching spaces.
- Change how jobs are killed when a session is closed to make them really die (370)
- Fix a crash that happened when a session ends unexpectedly.
- Fix bug where specifying a directory caused the session to be a non-login session (588)
- Improve how locale is detected.
- Only preserve profile name in session-set title if global show-profile option is on (733)
- Do not show non-hotkey windows when the hotkey window closes (734)
- When scrolling part of the screen, add the top line to the scrollback buffer it the region is adjacent to the top.
- Fix crash on autocomplete.
- Respect hard newlines when finding URLs (739)
- Fix bug where focus incorrectly returns to hotkey window after closing autocomplete/paste history.
- Improve behavior of selection that extends after last non-empty line when resizing.
- Fix vertical alignment of bold non-ascii text.
- Fix cmd-click on mailto: which was prepending http:// to the URL.
- Fix bug where closing autocomplete/paste history changed window order.
- Don't send input when cmd-shift-enter is pressed but doesn't do anything (731)
- Make jump to mark work when jumping down.
- Fix bug where cmd-k would reset max # scrollback lines to infinity.
Alpha 17
This release includes a huge number of new features and bug fixes.
Big features:
- Add Visor-like hotkey support.
- Maximize a split pane (cmd-shift-enter), hiding all others.
- Add Exposé/Global search to let you see and search in all tabs at once.
- Import and export color schemes.
- Add ability to remap keyboard modifiers, including separate settings for left and right cmd and option.
- Find now includes regular expression search.
- Bookmarks renamed to Profiles.
- Define global keymappings across all profiles.
- Use transparency (cmd-U) brought back, including for full-screen mode.
- Autocomplete improved: press cmd-; again to do consecutive autocompletes.
- Improve appearance of pane splitters, making them thin.
- Add proprietary escape code to set window/tab frame color.
- Add preference to confirm quitting.
- Add profile option for specifying window type as fullscreen or glued to the top of the screen.
- Allow configuration of starting screen and Space per profile.
- Add "minimum contrast" option to ensure text is always visible.
- Add ability to render fonts with variable stroke thicknesses (but with a performance penalty).
- Make cmd-w close a pane and cmd-opt-w close all panes in a tab.
- Allow binding multiple hex codes to one key binding.
- Allow binding a key to any menu item.
- Separate anti-aliasing settings for ascii and non-ascii fonts.
- Basic accessibility added.
- Improvements to dock menu to eliminate need to press option to open a window, add Open All.
- Add preference for unlimited scrollback.
- Add preference for controlling window/tab titles.
- Cmd-9 switches to last tab.
- Saved window arrangements now also save their working directories.
- Navigate panes with cmd-opt-arrows predictably.
- Add option to pass ctrl-clicks through when mouse reporting.
- Add key bindings for "do not remap modifiers" and "toggle full screen".
- Reorganize preferences dialog.
- Added gesture support.
- Clicking in an inactive pane while another app is active switches to that pane.
- Add support for extended mouse reporting protocols.
- Delay before showing tab bar in fullscreen mode is now configurable by a preference.
- Improve apperance of tab numbers.
- Allow cursor to draw in the right-hand margin when it is in that position.
- Pasting a file (e.g., from Finder) now pastes the full path.
- Close prefs, profile window with cmd-w or esc.
- Ensure that smart cursor color is always a different color than its immediate neighbors.
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug where we hang when there is a software update (which won't help you with the alpha17 update, but should with the one after that).
- Many crashing bugs fixed.
- Memory leaks fixed.
- About box streamlined.
- Many improvements to window resizing.
- Fix bug where profile title names don't appear after restoring an arrangement.
- Make zoom button resize to a multiple of line height.
- Fix bug where hotkey sometimes stops working.
- Improve use of vertical space in full screen mode.
- Fix reverse video rendering.
- Sort tags in profiles menus.
- Fix reset (cmd-r) drawing bug.
- Fix bug where we hang for 5 seconds when showing a dialog.
- Fix key handling when DefaultKeyBindings.dict is present.
- Fix rendering of overly wide characters.
- Allow private-range Apple character to render.
- Don't hide tabbar in fullscreen if you press a modifier.
- Various bug fixes in keybinding panel.
- Improve apperance of Edit Current Session window.
- Window resizes more sanely when opening findbar or horizontal splits.
- Remove 10.6 restriction on dimming split panes, improve their appearance.
- Respect a profile's growl preference.
- Fix bug where window resized when exiting instant replay.
- Make toolbar work properly and look better.
- Make smart cursor color work with inverted colors.
Alpha 16
This release brings Unicode support for combining marks and code points beyond the Basic Multilingual Plane. Non-English users may notice that text lines up better, characters render properly, and many formerly invisible CJK ideograms now work correctly. This release also features a large number of bug fixes.
Big features
- Support for combining marks, surrogate pairs.
- Glyphs not in either selected font will be drawn from other fonts.
- Make scrolling by selecting text go much faster.
- Secure input state is saved when you restart iTerm2.
- Added crash reporting.
- Defaults for new users changed: Bonjour is off by default, windows zoom fullscreen, warn when closing multiple tabs, smart cursor on by default (bug 436, 448)
Bug fixes
- Fixed applescript session lookup (bug 439).
- Don't output a digit if you press cmd-number but no tab exists with that number (bug 434).
- Fix "draw bold text in bright colors" preference which wouldn't stay unchecked (bug 429).
- Prompt the user about outdated key mappings that are now for switching panes (bug 427).
- Handle changing font size in fullscreen mode correctly (bug 426).
- Fixed bug where xterm mouse reporting prevented clicking in a pane from giving it focused (bug 419).
- Improve behavior when increasing font size and window is already as big as it can get (bug 446).
- Fix cmd-click on URLs with non-ASCII characters (bug 442).
- Fix infinite loop when using ANSI terminal and no-wrap mode (bug 454).
- Disabled dimming inactive panes in os 10.5 where it doesn't work (bug 440).
- Fix crash that happened after closing a session that had used the paste history.
- Preserve text selection when resizing (bug 414).
- Restore window size when closing find bar (bug 425).
- Avoid multiple rapid session resizings when exiting fullscreen (bug 191).
- Fix crash when setting tab stops in huge windows (bug 382).
- Make hotkey work when secure input is on (bug 450).
Alpha 15
This release has one big feature: split panes! You can divide a tab into rectangular regions, each showing a different session. Also, you can now save your window arrangement and have it automatically restored when you start iTerm2.
Big new features
- Horizontal and vertical split panes. Use Cmd-D to split vertically, Cmd-Shift-D to split horizontally, and Cmd-Opt-W to close a pane. Navigate panes with Cmd-Opt-Arrow keys (but note that you may have conflicting key mappings in your bookmark, as this had been a default setting).
- Save your window arrangement including window positions, size, tabs, and split panes. You can open new windows with the saved arrangement with a keypress or use a new preference ("Open saved window arrangement at startup") to do it automatically.
Small Enhancements
- Make window title and tab labels more configurable so you can remove window number and job name.
- Add global keybindings for cmd-arrow, cmd-pageup/pagedown, cmd-home/end to scroll.
- Make opt-arrowkey send proper escape codes.
- Preferences and Bookmarks windows can now be closed with Esc key.
- When the "hotkey" is pressed, prevent the running app from getting the keypress.
- Made Find With Selection (cmd-E) behave like a normal cocoa app.
- Allow the OS to pick the initial window position if smart placement is off and no saved location exists.
- Improved wording of context menus.
- Fixed context menu's "send email" feature.
Bugs fixed
- Fix arrow key behavior in paste history and autocomplete windows (bug 407)
- Various memory leaks fixed.
- Improved behavior of full-screen tab bar display.
- Fixed applescript bug with setting window size before adding session.
Alpha 14
This release has a passel of incremental improvements that make your life a happier place.
- Assign numbers to windows. You can switch between windows with cmd-option-number (bug 110).
- Add a preference to display bold text in bright colors.
- Added a bookmark preference to treat right option key differently than left option key (bug 115).
- Hotkey toggles iTerm instead of only opening it.
- Add flashing visual bell and an option to turn it off (bug 104).
- Put current job name in tab title (bug 83).
- Add "secure input" feature to prevent other apps from being able to see what you're typing (bug 265).
- Add "arrange horizontally" option to Window menu (bug 112).
Small Enhancements
- Bookmarks can be sorted by clicking on column headers (bug 113).
- Make it easier to assign ^H or ^? to delete key for a bookmark.
- Holding down the cmd key in fullscreen mode will show the tab bar (bug 67).
- Add new color presets.
- Improve appearance of tags in prefs and bookmarks window.
- New UI for batch copying bookmark attributes.
- Increase speed of selection scrolling.
- Add an option to close the bookmark window after opening a bookmark (bug 95).
- Add "open as tabs in new window" option to bookmark window when there are multiple bookmarks selected (bug 126)
- Add a few pixels' margin at the top of the textview (bug 137)
- Simplified prefs panel by eliminating bottom margin option.
Bugs Fixed
- Allow multiple bookmarks to be selected in preferences window (bug 120).
- Fix a bug where scrolling by dragging wouldn't reach the last line.
- Fix bug where tab characters were inserted in the wrong place.
- Fix bug where COLORFGBG environment variable wasn't set.
- Fix bug where a window wouldn't fill the screen vertically.
- Several rare crashes fixed.
- Autocomplete in fullscreen mode no longer shows the dock an menu bar (bug 295).
- Fix bug where Cmd-I opens an empty window (bug 302).
- Use default bookmark with "make new window" Applescript (bug 301).
- Quote multiword user names in login command (bug 293).
Alpha 13
This release includes the much-requested Visor-like hotkey feature plus an innovative new Autocomplete feature. There are plenty of bug fixes, too.
- Autocomplete: Do you find yourself using the mouse to copy and paste text all the time? No longer must you reach for the rodent! Just type the start of a word that has appeared in the current session (or appears anywhere in text that you've copy-pasted) and hit cmd-;. iTerm2 shows the words you might be looking for, and magically puts the best one at the top of the list!
- Hotkey: You can register a "hotkey" that brings iTerm2 to the foreground when you're in another application.
- Adds a preference to disable changing tab title appearance to indicate activity.
Bug Fixes
- Paste history window opens in the same Space as your window (268).
- Control-Q fixed (273).
- Cmd-+ with max-size window caused brokenness.
- Various memory leaks fixed.
- Improved behavior of paste history window.
- Fix Control-/, Control-?, Control-shift-Y (285).
- Fix LANG and LC_* vars (290, 281).
- Fix Copy From in edit session dialog (272).
- Select and escape URLs properly (291).
- Display font names properly in Asian locales (264).
Alpha 12
Featurepalooza! And bug fixes, too.
New features:
- Instant Replay: This feature makes iTerm2 behave like TiVo. You can press cmd-opt-b to step back in time and cmd-opt-f to step forward in time. If something is erased from the screen, it's no longer lost forever. This feature can be turned off in Preferences as it does take a bit of extra memory and has a small performance impact (less than 1%).
- Paste History: When you copy or paste text in iTerm2, it is now saved in the paste history. You can pop up a window at the cursor with cmd-shift-h which shows the last 20 strings in the clipboard. The list is searchable Quicksilver-style.
- Mouseless Selection: Do you often copy-paste text within the same window? Now you can do it without using the mouse. Open the findbar with cmd-f and search for the text you wish to copy. When part of the text is matched, use the tab key to expand the selection to the right by a full word and shift-tab to expand it left to the previous word boundary. It's automatically copied to the clipboard, or you can use opt-Enter to paste the selection immediately.
- Findbar appearance improved.
- Add undo/redo to edit menu.
- Add zoom shortcut for cmd-opt-=.
- Read larger chunks from the network for better performance.
- Idle CPU usage reduced.
- Refresh rate adjustment removed, dynamic refresh rate added.
- Input Method Editor wraps at end of line, scrolls window if necessary.
- IPV6 support for Bonjour.
Bug fixes:
- Memory usage growth when Bonjour enabled (hopefully, 43).
- Toggling Bonjour takes effect immediately (89)
- Make resize look better (98)
- Restore colors on exit of Vim (99)
- Make bookmark window resize properly (114)
- Select name field when copying/creating/editing bookmark (127, 128, 181)
- Scroll by selection in fullscreen window (133)
- IME improvements (163)
- URLs with i18n chars can be selected now (174)
- Tab lables updated when toggling compact tabs (196)
- Better multi-monitor support (201)
- Set localization vars better (204)
- Fix return to default size (223)
- Improve i-bar cursor appearance (235)
- Numeric shortcuts displayed properly (241)
- Prevent 100% transparency because it doesn't focus (250)
- Fix bugs with AquaSKK (263)
- Fix bug where page scrolling sometimes broke.
- Fix creeping window size when toggling fullscreen.
Alpha 11
Bug fixes! Also brings back i386 and PPC support. Details:
- Restore PPC and i386 support (bug 198).
- In previous alphas, holding down Alt while making a selection would create a rectangular selection. This conflicted with an existing behavior where holding down Alt disables xterm mouse reporting. Now, you must hold down Cmd+Alt to select a rectang.e (bug 124).
- Hopefully fixes a crash with entering and exiting fullscreen mode.
- Improve reliability of opening a tab with the same working dir as the current tab (bug 75).
- Copy now copies tabs properly instead of converting them to spaces (bug 90).
- Prevent multiple bookmarks from having the same shortcut (bug 92).
- When a you use the Finder to launch a script by doing Open With->Iterm and it starts a background process, the background process won't be killed when the script finished (bug 203).
- When a window or tab is closed, send SIGHUP instead of SIGKILL so that login can shut down gracefully (bug 87).
- The refresh rate slider had an insane max. (bug 202).
- Debug logging performance improved.
Alpha 10
The focus of this release is bug fixes. It also features a major performance improvement as well as better internationalization support. This is the first 64-bit release.
- Rewrote drawing code for up to 10x speedup.
- iTerm2 is now a 64-bit binary!
- Improve text rendering by making baselines always line up when mixing fonts and in IME.
- Input method editor improved.
- Bold selections have proper foreground color (bug 106).
- Fix bug where cursor remains I-bar in title (bug 88).
- Resynchornize properly after invalid utf-8 sequence (bug 73).
- Fix bug where opening a tab changes window size.
- Fix race condition when toggling full screen and a draw occurs.
- Fix drawing bugs.
- Fix some minor memory leaks.
- Fix bug where tab bar would not draw correctly after window resize (bug 167).
- Fix bug where one-word commands in a bookmark didn't work (bug 166).
Alpha 9
The main focus of this release is performance, improved internationalization support, and allowing different fonts/sizes in tabs in the same window. Double-width characters are supported as first class citizens now. Rendering performance is greatly improved. Now the details:
- Make find work correctly for localized unicode search (bug 70).
- Many improvements to the input method editor (bug 105).
- Fix wrapping of double-width characters (bug 71).
- Fix bug with double clicking on words with double-width characters.
- Double-width characters are now always double-width (instead of displaying overlapping characters).
- Only ambiguous characters are affected by the "ambiguous characters are double-width" setting. The preference was renamed so it will be off for everyone by default.
- Major performance improvements for ASCII text (bug 39).
New Features
- Allow each tab to have a different font, font size, blur, transparency, and anti-alias setting.
- Allow changing of font, blur, antialias, transparency from Edit Session window.
- Sets find location when you single-click in the window (bug 17).
- Add context menu to bookmarks window (bug 33).
Other Bug Fixes
- Fix redraw bug with selecting text in scrollback buffer (bug 25).
- Double click to select by word behavior improved (bug 97).
- Fixed drawing bug in 256 color mode (bugs 122, 123).
- Make bookmarks window change size correctly (bug 114).
- Fix default escape codes for ctrl
- shift-arrows.
- Fix crash when dragging a tab out of a window.
- Fix bug where key mappings were ignored when focus was in find bar.
- Keep Bookmark and Prefs window in the Spaces screen you're in instead of switching to the app's original screen (bug 147).
- Improve command parsing (bug 121).
- Fix bug where minimize button is disabled when exiting fullscreen mode (bug 86).
- Fix bug where adding a bookmark changes the default bookmark (bug 129).
- Make cmd-number work when focus is in find bar (bug 111).
- Improvements to "About iTerm" dialog.
- Remove font size follows window and use transparency menu items.
Alpha 8
Some improvements to the UI for selecting bookmarks. Change to use a new icon! Add global key mappings for cmd-{ and } to switch tabs, ^6 to send ^^, ^- to send ^_. Bugs fixed: cmd-number to switch tabs works again (bug 48). Fix dragging bookmarks (bug 54). Use new xterm keymaps for shift-arrow keys. Correctly display unset shortcuts in bookmarks list (bug 53). Don't close font panel automatically for focus-follows-mouse (bug 51). Fix bug where double clicking on empty line in key mapping crashed. Use bold font for bold text. Improve selection behavior (bug 60). Import "empty" working directory as new "recycle directory" option (bug 65). Make all bold text bright (bug 62). Change default color of bold text to not be red/pink.
Alpha 7
This is a bugfix release. The following bugs are fixed: Cannot backspace in search field in bookmarks drawer (bug 35). Ensure that default bookmark always exists (bug 36). Fixes a crash on termination. Improves appearance of bookmark table views (bug 34). Turn off window resizing by default for new users. Do not lose screen contents on cmd-R (bug 23). Shift-zoom always zooms full screen (bug 24). Fix bug where last character of URL isn't selected on cmd-click (bug 26). Fix problem where specified working directory is ignored with a login shell (bug 44). Fix bug with migrating preferences from iTerm for bookmark commands and close session on end. Fix bug where preferences toolbar button didn't match the displayed view (bug 42).
Alpha 6
This alpha introduces a complete reworking of the Preferences system. Profiles have been removed, as have hierarchical bookmarks. Bookmarks may now be annotated with tags (similar to Gmail labels), and are searchable. To make up for the lack of profiles, it is easy to copy classes of attributes (such as colors) from one bookmark to another. This UI should be considered experimental, and the design will continue to change as feedback is received.
Alpha 5
Bug 2: Redraw problems fixed (one was a race condition, other was a bug with clearing the bottom of the screen). Bug 20: Slowness on idle bug fixed. Bug 19: New selection mechanism: holding down alt selects a rectangular region. Inverted cursor support added. Add support for search-as-you-type for "find". URL detection improved. Support really long scrollback buffers. Remove any vestiges of PPC, 10.4 support. General code cleanup begun. Debug logging added. Fix bug with find losing its spot when scrollback buffer is full. Added some tests.
Alpha 4
Fix jump-to-scroll to stay at the scroll position. Fixed bug 13: cannot select one character.
Apply patch from iTerm1 bug 2905335: adds an option to disable smart placement and saves window positions in prefs.
Migrate old preferences, fixing bug 5. Also remove some extraneous build files from svn.
Fix bug where display is corrupted when reizing with font size follows window turned on (bug 3).
Alpha 3
Fixed some warnings in PTYTask. Moved assertion in linebuffer per bug 9.
Fix a bug in the psmtabbar where they mutate an array while enumerating it. Also fix a race condition that caused Major fail! crashes or dereferencing free memory in PTYTask by properly locking the list of tasks and tolerating closed fd rather than hoping usleep prevents the race (hint: it doesn't)
Alpha 2
Added link to homepage.
Fixed some bugs with find. Changed credits. Updated Sparkle for the new site.
Rewrote find for better performance. Unicode not working so great now, though.
Alpha 1
Find feature moved into a toolbar
Slowness on resize fixed.
Find performance increased (but searching is temporarily not conforming with unicode best practices for non-ascii text)
Capslock doesn't break command-number ot change tabs
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