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Last active September 27, 2018 00:26
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  • Save wmceff/eea6bdd23f84967d758a75e4953f346c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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new machine setup guide

  • install:

    • Chrome
    • 1password
    • iTerm
    • homebrew (then brew tap homebrew/dupes)
      • zsh
      • macvim (for vim with ruby for command-t)
      • git
      • openssl
    • rvm, ruby 2.3
    • nvm, node 4.x
    • XCode
    • AWS CLI, AWSEB CLI ( in )
    • Powerfile fonts
    • heroku cli
    • Docker
      • Docker Compose
  • configure:

    • iTerm Profile:
      • to use a Powerline Font (Currently using Meslo 11pt M)
      • to open new windows in your current directory (Profile > General > Working Directory)
      • to use solarized colors
        • download solarized
        • color presets > import > solarized light and dark
        • terminal type: xterm-256color
      • bump the minimum contrast a bit
      • configure keys: option <- and option -> to be Esc b and f, respectively (not hex sequences)
    • keyboard:
      • map capslock to ctrl (Keyboard - Modifier Keys)
      • repeat rate (defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 2)
    • vim:
      • clone dotvim repo, follow README
    • SSH Key, link to github
    • git:
      • username etc.
      • git config --global pull.rebase true
    • add these to your .zshrc:
alias rake='noglob rake'
alias dc='docker-compose
export PATH="$PATH:~/Library/Python/2.7/bin"
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