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Last active September 1, 2016 21:34
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Used to extract analytics traffic from Page Category CSV files. Files are by day and are read in, filtered for specific information and then stored in a data frame.
needed = c("lubridate", "dplyr", "data.table", "stringr")
is.installed <- function(pkg){is.element(pkg, installed.packages()[,1])}
for (p in 1:length(needed)){ifelse(!is.installed(needed[p]), install.packages(needed[p], dependencies = T),print(paste(needed[p], " is already installed", sep = "")))}
library(data.table) #used for the %like% function
# Set the working directory to the folder that contains the CSV files
# Set the sequence to a date range
seqdates = seq(ymd("20150601"), ymd("20160630"), by = "day")
# Initialize a data frame to store the combined data
datCombined = data.frame()
# For loop finds the csv file by removing the '-' from the date and storing it in 'a', loads it into 'b', filters the
# URL and stores the matched records in 'c', adds the date to the end of the rows, and then combines the data into
# the data frame 'datCombined'
for (i in seq_along(seqdates)){
a = gsub("-", "",seqdates[i])
b = read.csv(paste("PageCategory-", a, ".csv", sep = ""), stringsAsFactors = F)
c = b %>% filter(Page.Url %like% "show-your-card")
c$dt = seqdates[i]
datCombined = rbind(datCombined, c)
# Rename the column names
# Remove the dollar sign from the Revenue column and convert to numeric
datCombined$REVENUE = str_sub(datCombined$REVENUE, 2)
datCombined$REVENUE = as.numeric(datCombined$REVENUE)
# Update the filename and uncomment if you need the file written to the working directory
#write.csv(datCombined, "ShowYourCard.csv")
# Summarize the data by grouping on URL and totaling the revenue
datSummary = datCombined %>% select(3,6) %>% group_by(PAGEURL) %>% summarize(Revenue = sum(REVENUE)) %>% arrange(desc(Revenue))
# Update the filename and uncomment if you need the summary file written to the working directory
#write.csv(datSummary, "ShowYourCard-Summary.csv")
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