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Created August 21, 2018 16:09
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package main
import (
func fmt_event_type(s byte) string {
etype := make(map[byte]string)
// fmt.Printf("DATA %d\n", s)
etype[0x46] = "Log Repository Cleared"
etype[0x3] = "Voltage Fail"
etype[0x5] = "Power State Change"
etype[0x6] = "AC Fail"
return etype[s]
func fmt_element_type(s byte) string {
etype := make(map[byte]string)
etype[0x07] = "Log Repository Cleared"
etype[0x02] = "Power Supply"
etype[0x03] = "Cooling"
etype[0x04] = "Temperature"
etype[0x12] = "Voltage"
etype[0x13] = "Current"
return etype[s]
func fmt_element_name(s byte) string {
etype := make(map[byte]string)
etype[0x07] = "ESCE"
etype[0x02] = "Power Supply"
etype[0x03] = "Cooling"
etype[0x04] = "Temperature Sensor"
etype[0x12] = "Voltage Sensor"
etype[0x13] = "Current Sensor"
etype[0x18] = "SAS Expander"
etype[0x19] = "SAS Connector"
return etype[s]
func fmt_voltage(s byte) float32 {
i := int(s)
f := float32(i) / 100.0
return f
func fmt_status(s byte) string {
etype := make(map[byte]string)
etype[0x01] = "OK"
etype[0x02] = "Critical"
etype[0x03] = "Noncritical"
etype[0x05] = "Not installed"
etype[0x06] = "Unknown"
etype[0x07] = "Not Available"
return etype[s]
func fmt_attr(s byte) string {
var res string
//fmt.Printf("X %d\n", (s&0xC0)>>6)
if ((s & 0xC0) >> 6) == 0 {
// res += "Insert/Assert/On "
res += "On "
if ((s & 0xC0) >> 6) == 3 {
// res += "Remove/Deassert/Off "
res += "Off "
if ((s & 0x30) >> 4) == 00 {
// res += "Not Applicable "
res += ""
//fmt.Printf("X %d\n", (s&0x30)>>4)
if ((s & 0x30) >> 4) == 1 {
res += "Over High Thresh "
if ((s & 0x30) >> 4) == 2 {
res += "Under Low Thresh "
/* bits 2 & 3 are Cleared Event Severity */
if (s & 0x03) == 0 {
res += "Info"
if (s & 0x03) == 1 {
res += "Warning"
if (s & 0x03) == 2 {
res += "Critical"
return res
func get_bytes() {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile("dump.txt") // just pass the file name
if err != nil {
panic("failed file read")
//fmt.Println(b) // print the content as 'bytes'
// str := string(b) // convert content to a 'string'
// fmt.Println(str) // print the content as a
func parse(inbytes []byte) {
if len(inbytes) < 16 {
fmt.Print("No parseable data ")
p := inbytes[12:]
for len(p) >= 16 {
log_entry := p[:16]
p = p[16:]
// fmt.Println(log_entry)
func parse_entry(logent []byte) {
if len(logent) < 16 {
panic("short entry")
log_entry_id := logent[0]<<8 + logent[1]
// log_entry_version := logent[2]
log_type := logent[3]
log_timestamp := (int(logent[4]) << 24) +
(int(logent[5]) << 16) +
(int(logent[6]) << 8) +
log_element_type := logent[9]
log_element_id := logent[10]
log_event_type := logent[11]
log_event_attributes := logent[12]
log_event_data := logent[13:]
fmt.Printf("ID: %-4d Type: %-4d Timestamp: %-20s %-20s %-4d %-20s %-40s Data ",
log_entry_id, log_type, fmt_date(log_timestamp), fmt_element_name(log_element_type), log_element_id,
fmt_event_type(log_event_type), fmt_attr(log_event_attributes))
fmt.Printf("%2.3f\n", fmt_voltage(log_event_data[0]))
func fmt_date(d int) string {
day := d / 86400
d = d % 86400
hour := d / 3600
d = d % 3600
min := d / 60
d = d % 60
sec := d
result := fmt.Sprintf("Day: %d Time: %02d:%02d:%02d", day, hour, min, sec)
return (result)
func main() {
args := os.Args
enc := "/dev/ses0"
clear := false
side := "00"
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
if args[i] == "-e" {
enc = args[i]
if args[i] == "-c" {
clear = true
if args[i] == "-s" {
side = args[i]
if side != "00" && side != "01" {
fmt.Println("side must be 00 or 01")
dev := enc
if _, err := os.Stat(dev); os.IsNotExist(err) {
fmt.Println("Device does not exist: ", dev)
/* Dump logs if we're not clearing */
if !clear {
/* sg_senddiag -p -r 13,00,00,06,02,00,00,01,ff,ff /dev/ses0 */
scmd := "13,00,00,06,02," + side + ",00,01,ff,ff"
fmt.Println("cmd: sg_senddiag -p -r " + scmd + " " + dev)
cmd := exec.Command("sg_senddiag", "-p", "-r", scmd, dev)
bytes, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("failed cmd exec " + string(bytes))
cmd = exec.Command("sg_ses", "-rr", "-p", "0x13", dev)
bytes, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("failed cmd exec " + string(bytes))
if clear {
fmt.Println("Clearing logs\n")
scmd := "13,00,00,03,01," + side + ",03"
fmt.Println("cmd: sg_senddiag -p -r " + scmd + " " + dev)
cmd := exec.Command("sg_senddiag", "-p", "-r", scmd, dev)
bytes, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
fmt.Println("First Result: " + string(bytes))
cmd = exec.Command("sg_ses", "-p", "0x13", dev)
bytes, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("failed cmd exec")
fmt.Println("Result: " + string(bytes))
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