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Created December 2, 2016 11:08
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Unit testing react with Jest

What is a unit test?

  • When given some input, does the output look like x?
  • Runs quickly
  • Contained to a single unit of code (e.g. a function)
  • Written by developers, unlike acceptance tests

What isn't a unit test

  • Touches the database
  • Makes network requests (to APIs)
  • Touches the file system
  • It can't run at the same time as other unit tests
  • It has to run in a certain order

How are we going to test?

How should we write tests?

Discuss this

I propose BDD style:

describe('<Button />', () => {
  it('should invoke the onClick callback when clicked');

Behaviour driven development feels better suited to UI based testing rather than just functional definitions.

Testing a react component

This is a button component, what tests could we write?
const Button = ({ 
}) => (
  <div onClick={onClick} className="button">

Some less useful:

// Implementation details inside tests
it('should return a <div />', () => {
  const tree = shallow(<Button text="Hello World" />);

it('should show passed text in .button', () => {
  const tree = shallow(<Button text="Hello World" />);
  const actual = tree.find('.button').text();
  expect(actual).toEqual('Hello World');

Some better tests:

it('should display the passed text prop', () => {
  const tree = shallow(<Button text="Hello World" />);
  expect(tree.text).toContain("Hello World");

it('should invoke onClick prop when clicked', () => {
  const spy = jest.fn();
  const tree = shallow(
      text="Hello World
      onClick={spy} />

Shallow Rendering

  • Does not create DOM nodes
  • Returns objects describing your component tree
  • Does not render components outside the boundary of your component under test

Some enzyme gotchas

  • wrapper.simulate('click') will look for the onClick prop and invoke that
    • This means that it will invoke just the callback provided for that prop
  • Simulating events does not trigger with an Event
    • You must provide an object if you want it: wrapper.simulate('click', { id: 123 });

This is a more complex component tree

const SeatPrefs = ({ willReserve: boolean }) => (
    <h3>Seating Preferences</h3>
    { willReserve && <div>
      <SeatSelections />
      <SeatLocations />
      <SmallNote /> 
    </div> }

Only test the immediate children


it('should render a Direction selectbox');
it('should render a Position selectbox');
it('should render a CoachType selectbox');
it('should render a Table seat checkbox');
it('should render a Power Socket checkbox');
it('should render a Luggage Rack checkbox');
it('should render a Near Toilet checkbox');


it('should render <SeatSelections /> when willReserve');
it('should render <SeatLocations /> when willReserve');
it('should render <SmallNote /> when willReserve');

SeatSelections must have it's own tests

SeatLocations must have it's own tests

SmallNote must have it's own tests


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