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Last active February 28, 2022 22:26
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Using Ansible with Azure

Adhoc Azure Resource Management Resources

While both the azure.azcollection and Ansible collections have a number of modules, many Azure endpoints are not addressed directly in Ansible. In these scenarios, you have two options: wrap the az CLI or work directly with the Azure SDK. The latter is preferred, but to do so via Ansible takes a bit of understanding.

The modules azure.azcollection.azure_rm_resource and azure.azcollection.azure_rm_resource_info interact with adhoc Azure SDK endpoints. These modules takes care of authentication and endpoint exchange. To use the modules, check out the documentation for the appropriate Azure REST API endpoint and then assign the module parameters accordingly.

For example, to create or update a Managed Identity:

- name: Request creation of an Azure Managed Identity
    resource_group: example-rg
    provider: ManagedIdentity
    resource_type: userAssignedIdentities
    resource_name: example-audit-identity
    idempotency: yes
    state: present
      location: eastus

This task interacts with the Managed Identity API for User Assigned Identities. It is equivalent to the CLI call

az identity create -g example-rg -n example-audit-identity

and the REST URL{subscription ID from authentication token}/resourceGroups/example-rg/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/example-audit-identity.

For nested or child resources, you need to add subresources to the module. For example:

- name: Get Azure NetApp NFS volume details
    resource_group: example-rg
    provider: NetApp
    resource_type: netAppAccounts
    resource_name: example-netapp-acct-name
      - type: capacityPools
        name: example-netapp-pool-name
      - type: volumes
        name: example-netapp-volume-name

This task works with the Azure NetApp Files Volumes API and is equivalent to the CLI call:

az netappfiles volume show -g example-rg --account-name example-netapp-acct-name --pool-name example-netapp-pool-name --name example-netapp-volume-name

and the REST URL{subscription ID from authentication token}/resourceGroups/example-rg/providers/Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/example-netapp-acct-name/capacityPools/example-netapp-pool-name/volumes/example-netapp-volume-name.

Under the hood, these modules use the Azure SDK for Python library. If you want to deconstruct a given endpoint URL, you can use the parse_resource_id() function:

>>> from import parse_resource_id
>>> parse_resource_id("/subscriptions/{subscription ID from authentication token}/resourceGroups/example-rg/providers/Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/example-netapp-acct-name/capacityPools/example-netapp-pool-name/volumes/example-netapp-volume-name")

{'subscription': '{subscription ID from authentication token}', 'resource_group': 'example-rg', 'namespace': 'Microsoft.NetApp', 'type': 'netAppAccounts', 'name': 'example-netapp-acct-name', 'children': '/capacityPools/example-netapp-pool-name/volumes/example-netapp-volume-name', 'child_type_1': 'capacityPools', 'child_name_1': 'example-netapp-pool-name', 'child_type_2': 'volumes', 'child_name_2': 'example-netapp-volume-name', 'last_child_num': 2, 'child_parent_1': 'netAppAccounts/example-netapp-acct-name/', 'child_parent_2': 'netAppAccounts/example-netapp-acct-name/capacityPools/example-netapp-pool-name/', 'resource_parent': 'netAppAccounts/example-netapp-acct-name/capacityPools/example-netapp-pool-name/', 'resource_namespace': 'Microsoft.NetApp', 'resource_type': 'volumes', 'resource_name': 'example-netapp-volume-name'}
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