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Last active December 25, 2021 08:34
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Solutions to Advent of Code 2021 using the Python ecosystem
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import string
from collections import deque, Counter, defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import chain
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from scipy.spatial import distance
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import heapq
import numba
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import sliding_window_view
import re
## Day 1
depths = np.loadtxt('day1_input.txt')
print('Day 1, Part 1:', np.sum(np.diff(depths) > 0))
print('Day 1, Part 2:', np.sum(np.diff(depths[3:] - depths[:-3]) > 0))
## Day 2
instructions = pd.read_csv('day2_input.txt', sep=' ', header=None, names=['instruction', 'amount'])
down, forward, up = instructions.groupby('instruction').sum().amount
print('Day 2, Part 1:', forward * (down - up))
instructions['aim'] = instructions.query('instruction == "down"').amount
instructions['aim'] = instructions['aim'].combine_first(-instructions.query('instruction == "up"').amount)
instructions['aim'] = instructions['aim'].fillna(0).cumsum()
instructions = instructions.query('instruction == "forward"')
forward = sum(instructions.amount)
depth = sum(instructions.amount * instructions.aim)
print('Day 2, Part 2:', int(forward * depth))
## Day 3
readings = np.loadtxt('day3_input.txt', encoding='utf8', converters={0: list}, dtype='int')
n_readings, n_bits = readings.shape
def bits_to_int(x):
"""Convert a list of 1's and 0's to an integer number"""
return (x << np.arange(len(x))[::-1]).sum()
gamma = readings.sum(axis=0) >= len(readings) / 2
epsilon = ~gamma
print('Day 3, Part 1:', bits_to_int(gamma) * bits_to_int(epsilon))
oxygen = readings.copy()
for i in range(n_bits):
one_is_most_common = oxygen[:, i].sum() >= len(oxygen) / 2
oxygen = oxygen[oxygen[:, i] == one_is_most_common]
if len(oxygen) == 1:
co2 = readings.copy()
for i in range(n_bits):
one_is_least_common = co2[:, i].sum() < len(co2) / 2
co2 = co2[co2[:, i] == one_is_least_common]
if len(co2) == 1:
print('Day 3, Part 2:', bits_to_int(oxygen.flat) * bits_to_int(co2.flat))
## Day 4
bingo_numbers = np.loadtxt('day4_input.txt', delimiter=',', max_rows=1, dtype='int')
charts = np.loadtxt('day4_input.txt', skiprows=2, dtype='int').reshape(-1, 5, 5)
marks = np.zeros_like(charts)
someone_already_won = False
for num in bingo_numbers:
marks[charts == num] = 1
winning_chart_ind = np.append(np.where(marks.sum(axis=1) == 5)[0],
np.where(marks.sum(axis=2) == 5)[0])
if len(winning_chart_ind) > 0:
winning_chart = charts[winning_chart_ind[0]]
winning_marks = marks[winning_chart_ind[0]]
if not someone_already_won:
print('Day 4, Part 1:', winning_chart[winning_marks == 0].sum() * num)
someone_already_won = True
charts = np.delete(charts, winning_chart_ind, axis=0)
marks = np.delete(marks, winning_chart_ind, axis=0)
if len(charts) == 0:
print('Day 4, Part 2:', winning_chart[winning_marks == 0].sum() * num)
## Day 5
def split_on_comma(x):
return x.split(',')
lines = np.loadtxt('day5_input.txt', delimiter=' -> ', converters={0: split_on_comma, 1: split_on_comma}, encoding='utf8', dtype='int')
width, height = lines.max(axis=(0, 1)) + 1
field_part1 = np.zeros((height, width), dtype='int')
field_part2 = np.zeros_like(field_part1)
for [x1, y1], [x2, y2] in lines:
xmin, xmax = min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2) + 1
ymin, ymax = min(y1, y2), max(y1, y2) + 1
xdir = 1 if x1 < x2 else -1
ydir = 1 if y1 < y2 else -1
if x1 == x2 or y1 == y2: # horizontal or vertical line
field_part1[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += 1
field_part2[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += 1
else: # Diagonal line
field_part2[(np.arange(ymin, ymax)[::ydir], np.arange(xmin, xmax)[::xdir])] += 1
print('Day 5, part 1:', np.sum(field_part1 >= 2))
print('Day 5, part 12', np.sum(field_part2 >= 2))
## Day 6
ages = [0] * 9
with open('day6_input.txt') as f:
for age in','):
ages[int(age)] += 1
for day in range(1, 257):
n_births = ages.pop(0)
ages[6] += n_births
if day == 80:
print('Day 6, part 1:', sum(ages))
print('Day 6, part 2:', sum(ages))
## Day 7
pos = np.loadtxt('day7_input.txt', delimiter=',')
print('Day 7, part 1:', int(np.sum(np.abs(pos - np.median(pos)))))
def cost(to_pos):
"""Compute the total cost of moving all the crabs to the given pos."""
distance = np.abs(pos - to_pos)
individual_cost = (distance + 1) * (distance / 2) # = sum(1..distance)
return int(np.sum(individual_cost))
print('Day 7, part 2:', min(cost(np.floor(pos.mean())), cost(np.ceil(pos.mean()))))
## Day 8
digits = [
'abcefg', # 0
'cf', # 1
'acdeg', # 2
'acdfg', # 3
'bcdf', # 4
'abdfg', # 5
'abdefg', # 6
'acf', # 7
'abcdefg', # 8
'abcdfg', # 9
seg_freqs = Counter(chain(*digits))
freq_to_digit = {sum([seg_freqs[seg] for seg in digit]): i for i, digit in enumerate(digits)}
part1_ans = 0
part2_ans = 0
for line in open('day8_input.txt'):
inp, out = line.strip().split(' | ')
inp = inp.split()
out = out.split()
inp_seg_freqs = Counter(chain(*inp))
out_freqs = []
for out_digit in out:
if len(out_digit) in [2, 3, 4, 7]:
part1_ans += 1
out_freqs.append(sum([inp_seg_freqs[seg] for seg in out_digit]))
translated_out_digits = [freq_to_digit[freq] for freq in out_freqs]
part2_ans += int(''.join([str(digit) for digit in translated_out_digits]))
print('Day 8, part 1:', part1_ans)
print('Day 8, part 2:', part2_ans)
## Day 8 long solution
numbers = [
set('abcefg'), # 0
set('cf'), # 1
set('acdeg'), # 2
set('acdfg'), # 3
set('bcdf'), # 4
set('abdfg'), # 5
set('abdefg'), # 6
set('acf'), # 7
set('abcdefg'), # 8
set('abcdfg'), # 9
# Keep track of possible connections
possibilities = {'a': set('abcdefg'),
'b': set('abcdefg'),
'c': set('abcdefg'),
'd': set('abcdefg'),
'e': set('abcdefg'),
'f': set('abcdefg'),
'g': set('abcdefg')}
def decode(possibilities, inp, numbers):
"""Decode a list of patterns into a segment<->segment translation table."""
if len(inp) == 0 or len(numbers) == 0:
# We're done decoding
return possibilities
# Decode first pattern
pattern = inp[0]
possible_numbers = [num for num in numbers if len(pattern) == len(num)]
if len(possible_numbers) == 0:
return None # Decoding failed
for number in possible_numbers:
new_possibilities = deepcopy(possibilities)
for segment in 'abcdefg':
# Update possible connections
if segment in number:
new_possibilities[segment] &= pattern
new_possibilities[segment] -= pattern
# Check if any segment was no possible connections
if any([len(v) == 0 for v in new_possibilities.values()]):
continue # Decoding failed, try next possible number
# Try decoding the rest of the numbers (recursive call)
new_possibilities = decode(new_possibilities, inp[1:], [n for n in numbers if n != number])
if new_possibilities is not None:
# Decoding succeeded!
return new_possibilities
# Decoding failed. Try next possible number.
# If we reach this point, there were no possible numbers that could be matched to the pattern.
return None
part2_ans = 0
for line in open('day8_input.txt'):
inp, out = line.strip().split(' | ')
inp = [set(p) for p in inp.split()]
# Try unique number lengths first
inp.sort(key=lambda x: len(x) not in {2, 3, 4, 7})
translation_table = decode(possibilities, inp, numbers)
translation_table = {v.pop(): k for k, v in translation_table.items()} # Flip keys and values
num = ''
for digit in out.split():
segments = set([translation_table[segment] for segment in digit])
num += str([i for i, num in enumerate(numbers) if num == segments][0])
part2_ans += int(num)
print('Day 8, part 2:', part2_ans)
## Day 9
heightmap = np.loadtxt('day9_input.txt', encoding='utf8', converters={0: list}, dtype='int')
is_lowpoint = np.ones_like(heightmap, dtype='bool')
is_lowpoint[1:] &= (heightmap[:-1] - heightmap[1:]) > 0
is_lowpoint[:-1] &= (heightmap[1:] - heightmap[:-1]) > 0
is_lowpoint[:, 1:] &= (heightmap[:, :-1] - heightmap[:, 1:]) > 0
is_lowpoint[:, :-1] &= (heightmap[:, 1:] - heightmap[:, :-1]) > 0
print('Day 9, part 1:', np.sum(1 + heightmap[is_lowpoint]))
map_height, map_width = heightmap.shape
seeds = list(zip(*np.where(is_lowpoint)))
basins = list()
for seed in seeds:
basin = set()
to_check = deque([seed])
i = 0
while len(to_check) > 0 and i < 100000:
point = to_check.popleft()
if heightmap[point] == 9:
row, col = point
neighbours = set()
if row > 0:
neighbours.add((row - 1, col))
if row < map_height - 1:
neighbours.add((row + 1, col))
if col > 0:
neighbours.add((row, col - 1))
if col < map_width - 1:
neighbours.add((row, col + 1))
to_check.extend(neighbours - basin)
i += 1
print('Day 9, part2:', np.product(sorted([len(b) for b in basins])[-3:]))
## Day 10
parens = {'(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}', '<': '>'}
class Corrupt(Exception):
def score(self):
scores = {')': 3, ']': 57, '}': 1197, '>': 25137}
return scores[self.args[0]]
class Incomplete(Exception):
def score(self):
autocomplete_score = 0
scores = {'(': 1, '[': 2, '{': 3, '<': 4}
for char in reversed(self.args[0]):
autocomplete_score *= 5
autocomplete_score += scores[char]
return autocomplete_score
part1_ans = 0
part2_scores = []
for line in open('day10_input.txt'):
stack = list()
for char in list(line.strip()):
if char in parens.keys():
elif char != parens[stack.pop()]:
raise Corrupt(char)
if len(stack) > 0:
raise Incomplete(stack)
except Corrupt as e:
part1_ans += e.score
except Incomplete as e:
print('Day 10, part1:', part1_ans)
print('Day 10, part2:', int(np.median(part2_scores)))
## Day 11
octopuses = np.loadtxt('day11_input.txt', encoding='utf8', converters={0: list}, dtype='int')
radius = np.ones((3, 3))
radius[1, 1] = 0
total_num_flashes = 0
step = 1
while True:
flashes = np.zeros_like(octopuses, dtype='bool')
prev_num_flashes = 0
after_flash = octopuses + 1
while True:
flashes = np.logical_or(flashes, after_flash > 9)
affected = convolve2d(flashes, radius, mode='same').astype(int)
after_flash = octopuses + 1 + affected
num_flashes = flashes.sum()
if num_flashes == prev_num_flashes:
prev_num_flashes = num_flashes
after_flash[flashes] = 0
octopuses = after_flash
total_num_flashes += num_flashes
if step == 100:
print('Day 11, part1:', total_num_flashes)
if np.all(flashes):
print('Day 11, part2:', step)
step += 1
## Day 12
connections = defaultdict(list) # cave -> [connecting caves]
with open('day12_input.txt') as f:
for line in f:
start, end = line.strip().split('-')
def num_paths(start_cave, visited, twice):
if start_cave == 'end':
return 1
if start_cave == start_cave.lower():
n = 0
for cave in connections[start_cave]:
if cave not in visited:
n += num_paths(cave, visited=set(visited), twice=twice)
elif twice is None and cave not in ['start', 'end']:
n += num_paths(cave, visited=set(visited), twice=cave)
return n
print('Day 12, part 1:', num_paths('start', visited=set(), twice='disabled'))
print('Day 12, part 2:', num_paths('start', visited=set(), twice=None))
## Day 13
dots = np.loadtxt('day13_input.txt', delimiter=',', comments='fold along', dtype='int')
step = 1
with open('day13_input.txt') as f:
for line in f:
if not line.startswith('fold along'):
direction, position = line.split('=')
direction, position = int(direction[-1] == 'y'), int(position)
fold = dots[:, direction] > position
dots[fold, direction] = position + (position - dots[fold, direction])
if step == 1:
print('Day 13, part 1:', len(np.unique(dots, axis=0)))
step += 1
print('Day 13, part 2:')
grid = np.zeros(np.ptp(dots, axis=0) + 1).T
grid[tuple((dots - dots.min(axis=0)).T[[1, 0]])] = True
for row in grid:
print(''.join(['#' if col else ' ' for col in row]))
## Day 14
with open('day14_input.txt') as f:
template = f.readline().strip()
pairs = Counter(zip(template[:-1], template[1:]))
rules = dict()
for line in f:
pair, between = line.strip().split(' -> ')
rules[tuple(pair)] = ((pair[0], between), (between, pair[1]))
def element_count_difference(pairs):
counts = defaultdict(int)
for (element, _), count in pairs.items():
counts[element] += count
counts[template[-1]] += 1
counts = sorted(counts.values())
return counts[-1] - counts[0]
for step in range(1, 41):
next_pairs = defaultdict(int)
for pair, count in pairs.items():
for new_pair in rules.get(pair, tuple()):
next_pairs[new_pair] += count
pairs = next_pairs
if step == 10:
print('Day 14, part 1:', element_count_difference(pairs))
part2_ans = element_count_difference(pairs)
print('Day 14, part 2:', element_count_difference(pairs))
## Day 15
risk_level1 = np.loadtxt('day15_input.txt', encoding='utf', converters={0: list}, dtype='int')
a = np.array([
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
[3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
[4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
]).repeat(risk_level1.shape[0], axis=0).repeat(risk_level1.shape[1], axis=1)
risk_level2 = np.tile(risk_level1, (5, 5)) + a
risk_level2[risk_level2 > 9] -= 9
def solve_grid(risk_level):
n_rows, n_cols = risk_level.shape
start = (0, 0)
target = (n_rows - 1, n_cols - 1)
directions = [(-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0)]
visited = dict()
to_visit = [(0, start)]
def in_bounds(node):
return node[0] >= 0 and node[0] < n_rows and node[1] >= 0 and node[1] < n_cols
for i in range(n_rows * n_cols):
cost, node = heapq.heappop(to_visit)
if node == target:
return cost # Done!
visited[node] = cost
for neighbor in [(node[0] + dy, node[1] + dx) for (dy, dx) in directions]:
neighbor = tuple(neighbor)
if not in_bounds(neighbor):
neighbor_cost = cost + risk_level[neighbor]
if neighbor not in visited or visited[neighbor] > neighbor_cost:
visited[neighbor] = neighbor_cost
heapq.heappush(to_visit, (neighbor_cost, neighbor))
print('No solution found yet.')
return -1
print('Day 15, part 1:', solve_grid(risk_level1))
print('Day 15, part 2:', solve_grid(risk_level2))
## Day 16
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
class ValuePacket:
version: int
typ: int
value: int
class OperatorPacket:
version: int
typ: int
length_type_id: int
length: int
def parse_packets(bits):
"""Parses a stream of bits into a stream of packets."""
offset = 0
while offset < (len(bits) - 8):
version = int(bits[offset : offset + 3], 2)
offset += 3
typ = int(bits[offset : offset + 3], 2)
offset += 3
if typ == 4:
value = ''
next_group = True
while next_group:
next_group = int(bits[offset], 2)
offset += 1
value += bits[offset : offset + 4]
offset += 4
value = int(value, 2)
yield ValuePacket(version, typ, value), offset
length_type_id = int(bits[offset : offset + 1], 2)
offset += 1
if length_type_id == 0:
length = int(bits[offset : offset + 15], 2)
offset += 15
length = int(bits[offset : offset + 11], 2)
offset += 11
yield OperatorPacket(version, typ, length_type_id, length), offset
def evaluate_next(packets):
"""Evaluate the next packet including possible subpackets."""
packet, offset = next(packets)
if isinstance(packet, ValuePacket):
return packet.value, offset
else: # OperatorPacket
subpacket_values = []
if packet.length_type_id == 0:
start_offset = offset
while (offset - start_offset) < packet.length:
subpacket_value, offset = evaluate_next(packets)
for i in range(packet.length):
subpacket_value, offset = evaluate_next(packets)
if packet.typ == 0:
value = sum(subpacket_values)
elif packet.typ == 1:
value = subpacket_values[0]
for subpacket_value in subpacket_values[1:]:
value *= subpacket_value
elif packet.typ == 2:
value = min(subpacket_values)
elif packet.typ == 3:
value = max(subpacket_values)
elif packet.typ == 5:
assert len(subpacket_values) == 2
value = int(subpacket_values[0] > subpacket_values[1])
elif packet.typ == 6:
assert len(subpacket_values) == 2
value = int(subpacket_values[0] < subpacket_values[1])
elif packet.typ == 7:
assert len(subpacket_values) == 2
value = int(subpacket_values[0] == subpacket_values[1])
raise ValueError(f'Invalid packet type {packet}')
return value, offset
part1_ans = 0
with open('day16_input.txt') as f:
hex_input =
bits = ''.join([f'{byte:08b}' for byte in bytes.fromhex(hex_input)])
packets = parse_packets(bits)
print('Day 16, part 1:', sum([packet.version for packet, _ in packets]))
print('Day 16, part 2:', evaluate_next(parse_packets(bits))[0])
## Day 17
with open('day17_input.txt') as f:
x, y = f.readline().split(', ')
target_x = x.split('=')[1].split('..')
target_y = y.split('=')[1].split('..')
target_x = int(target_x[0]), int(target_x[1])
target_y = int(target_y[0]), int(target_y[1])
def pos_at_zero_vel(init_vel):
"""Compute the position at which the velocity reaches zero."""
return (init_vel ** 2 + init_vel) / 2
def init_vel_x(target_x):
"""Compute the required initial x-velocity in order to hit the target x-position."""
return (np.sqrt(1 + 8 * target_x) - 1) / 2
def hits_target(vel_x, vel_y):
t = 0
x, y = 0, 0
while x <= target_x[1] and y >= target_y[0]:
t += 1
x += vel_x
y += vel_y
vel_x = max(vel_x - 1, 0)
vel_y -= 1
#print(x, y)
if target_x[0] <= x <= target_x[1] and target_y[0] <= y <= target_y[1]:
return True
return False
min_vel_y = target_y[0]
max_vel_y = -target_y[0] - 1
min_vel_x = int(init_vel_x(target_x[0]))
max_vel_x = target_x[1]
part2_ans = 0
for vel_y in range(min_vel_y, max_vel_y + 1):
for vel_x in range(min_vel_x, max_vel_x + 1):
if hits_target(vel_x, vel_y):
part2_ans += 1
print('Day 17, part 1:', int(pos_at_zero_vel(max_vel_y)))
print('Day 17, part 2:', part2_ans) # 4748
## Day 18
def tokenize(s):
tokens = list()
num = ''
for ch in s.strip():
if ch in string.digits:
elif ch != ',':
return tokens
def explode(number):
depth = 0
first_num_to_the_left = None
for i, ch in enumerate(number):
if ch == '[':
depth += 1
elif ch == ']':
depth -= 1
elif type(ch) == int:
first_num_to_the_left = (i, ch)
if depth == 5:
left, right = number[i + 1], number[i + 2]
if first_num_to_the_left is not None:
res = number[:first_num_to_the_left[0]]
res.append(first_num_to_the_left[1] + left)
res += number[first_num_to_the_left[0] + 1:i]
res = number[:i]
for j in range(i + 3, len(number)):
if type(number[j]) == int:
first_num_to_the_right = (j, number[j])
first_num_to_the_right = None
if first_num_to_the_right is not None:
res += number[i + 4:first_num_to_the_right[0]]
res.append(first_num_to_the_right[1] + right)
res += number[first_num_to_the_right[0] + 1:]
res += number[i + 4:]
return res
return number
def split(number):
for i, n in enumerate(number):
if type(n) == int and n > 9:
left = int(np.floor(n / 2))
right = int(np.ceil(n / 2))
return number[:i] + ['[', left, right, ']'] + number[i + 1:]
return number
def add(a, b):
return reduce(['['] + a + b + [']'])
def reduce(number):
while True:
after_explode = explode(number)
if after_explode != number:
number = after_explode
after_split = split(number)
if after_split != number:
number = after_split
return number
def magnitude(number):
stack = list()
for ch in number:
if type(ch) == int:
elif ch == ']':
right = stack.pop()
left = stack.pop()
stack.append(3 * left + 2 * right)
return stack.pop()
with open('day18_input.txt') as f:
numbers = [tokenize(line) for line in f.readlines()]
num = add(numbers[0], numbers[1])
for number in numbers[2:]:
num = add(num, number)
print('Day 18, part 1:', magnitude(num))
mags = []
for i, a in enumerate(numbers):
for j, b in enumerate(numbers):
if i == j:
mags.append(magnitude(add(a, b)))
print('Day 18, part 2:', max(mags))
## Day 19
scanners = []
with open('day19_input.txt') as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith('--- scanner '):
scanner = []
elif line == '\n':
scanner.append([int(i) for i in line.split(',')])
def find_scanner_transform(a, b):
"""Find the transform from scanner b relative to scanner a."""
d_a = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(a, metric='cityblock'))
d_a = [set(d) for d in d_a]
d_b = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(b, metric='cityblock'))
d_b = [set(d) for d in d_b]
# Match beacons by distance pattern
scores = np.array([[len(a) - len(d1 - d2) for d2 in d_b] for d1 in d_a])
i_a, i_b = np.where(scores >= 12)
if len(i_a) < 12 or len(i_b) < 12:
return None # Not enough beacons match
# Determine transform of scanner b relative to scanner a
return LinearRegression().fit(b[i_b], a[i_a])
transformed_scanners = {0: scanners[0]}
transforms = dict()
while len(transformed_scanners) < len(scanners):
for i, scanner in enumerate(scanners):
if i in transformed_scanners:
for j, beacons in transformed_scanners.items():
m = find_scanner_transform(beacons, scanner)
if m is None:
transforms[i] = m
transformed_scanners[i] = m.predict(scanner).round(0).astype('int')
all_beacons = np.unique(np.vstack(list(transformed_scanners.values())), axis=0)
scanner_positions = np.array([m.intercept_ for m in transforms.values()]).round(0).astype('int')
scanner_positions = np.vstack((scanner_positions, [[0, 0, 0]]))
print('Day 19, part 1:', len(all_beacons))
print('Day 19, part 2:', int(distance.pdist(scanner_positions, metric='cityblock').max()))
## Day 20
with open('day20_input.txt') as f:
algorithm, _, *img = f.readlines()
algorithm = np.array([int(ch == '#') for ch in algorithm.strip()])
img = np.array([[int(ch == '#') for ch in row.strip()] for row in img])
bin2dec = (2**np.arange(9)).reshape(3, 3)
def enhance(img, n):
img = np.pad(img, 2 * n)
for _ in range(n):
img = algorithm[convolve2d(img, bin2dec, mode='valid')]
return img
print('Day 20, part 1:', enhance(img, 2).sum())
print('Day 20, part 2:', enhance(img, 50).sum())
## Day 21
with open('day21_input.txt') as f:
player1_pos = int(f.readline().split(': ')[1])
player2_pos = int(f.readline().split(': ')[1])
pos = [player1_pos, player2_pos]
score = [0, 0]
def die_gen():
while True:
for i in range(1, 101):
yield i
die = die_gen()
n_rolls = 0
turn = 0
while score[0] < 1000 and score[1] < 1000:
pos[turn] = ((pos[turn] - 1 + next(die) + next(die) + next(die)) % 10) + 1
score[turn] += pos[turn]
turn = int(not turn)
n_rolls += 3
print('Day 21, part 1:', min(score) * n_rolls)
unfinished_games = {
# pos1, score1, pos2, score2 -> copies of this game
((pos[0] - 1, pos[1] - 1), (0, 0)): 1,
n_wins = [0, 0]
turn = 0
while len(unfinished_games) > 0:
still_unfinished = dict()
for (pos, score), n in unfinished_games.items():
for die1 in [1, 2, 3]:
for die2 in [1, 2, 3]:
for die3 in [1, 2, 3]:
new_pos = (pos[turn] + die1 + die2 + die3) % 10
new_score = score[turn] + new_pos + 1
if new_score >= 21:
# Game finished
n_wins[turn] += n
continue # No longer track these games
# Game remains unfinished.
if turn == 0:
new_state = ((new_pos, pos[1]), (new_score, score[1]))
new_state = ((pos[0], new_pos), (score[0], new_score))
still_unfinished[new_state] = still_unfinished.get(new_state, 0) + n
unfinished_games = still_unfinished
turn = int(not turn)
print('Day 21, part 2:', max(n_wins))
## Day 22
day22_input_pat = re.compile(r'^(.+) x=(-?\d+)\.\.(-?\d+),y=(-?\d+)\.\.(-?\d+),z=(-?\d+)\.\.(-?\d+)$')
cubes = []
cube_toggle = []
with open('day22_test.txt') as f:
for i, line in enumerate(f):
toggle, *cube = day22_input_pat.match(line).groups()
cube = [int(x) for x in cube]
if all([-50 <= x <= 51 for x in cube]):
cube_toggle.append(toggle == 'on')
cubes = np.array(cubes).reshape(-1, 3, 2)
cubes[:, :, 1] += 1 # Make ranges end-exclusive
x_ticks = np.unique(cubes[:, 0, :].ravel())
y_ticks = np.unique(cubes[:, 1, :].ravel())
z_ticks = np.unique(cubes[:, 2, :].ravel())
enabled = np.zeros((len(x_ticks), len(y_ticks), len(z_ticks)), 'bool')
for (x, y, z), toggle in zip(cubes, cube_toggle):
x = np.searchsorted(x_ticks, x)
y = np.searchsorted(y_ticks, y)
z = np.searchsorted(z_ticks, z)
enabled[x[0]:x[1], y[0]:y[1], z[0]:z[1]] = toggle
widths = np.diff(x_ticks)
depths = np.diff(y_ticks)
heights = np.diff(z_ticks)
cubes_enabled = np.array(np.where(enabled)).T
## Day 23
# Solved by hand on paper
## Day 24
# Solved by hand on paper
## Day 25
def rot_hor(x, n):
return np.hstack((x[:, -n:], x[:, :-n]))
def rot_ver(x, n):
return np.vstack((x[-n:], x[:-n]))
cucumbers = np.loadtxt('day25_input.txt', encoding='utf8', converters={0: list}, dtype='str')
step = 1
while True:
changed = False
hor_move = (cucumbers == '>') & rot_hor(cucumbers == '.', -1)
cucumbers[hor_move] = '.'
changed = changed or hor_move.sum() > 0
cucumbers[rot_hor(hor_move, 1)] = '>'
ver_move = (cucumbers == 'v') & rot_ver(cucumbers == '.', -1)
changed = changed or ver_move.sum() > 0
cucumbers[ver_move] = '.'
cucumbers[rot_ver(ver_move, 1)] = 'v'
if not changed:
print('Day 25, part 1:', step)
step += 1
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