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Created June 18, 2020 12:14
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// See
namespace ConsoleApp
using CSparse;
using CSparse.Double;
using CSparse.Double.Factorization;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
static class Test
public static void Run()
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
var A = (SparseMatrix)SparseMatrix.OfArray(new double[,]
{ 7, 3, 1, 0 },
{ 0, 2, 0, 2 },
{ 0, 0, 1, 0 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 2 }
//{ 0, 1, 1, 1 }
Run(A, true);
static void Run(SparseMatrix A, bool print = false)
// For underdetermined systems, SparseQR factorizes the transposed matrix
// and the following code won't work.
if (A.RowCount < A.ColumnCount) throw new Exception("Underdetermined system not supported.");
var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
PrintMatrix("A:", A);
var qr = SparseQR.Create(A, ColumnOrdering.MinimumDegreeAtA);
var t1 = timer.Elapsed;
qr.GetFactors(out SparseMatrix H, out SparseMatrix R, out double[] beta, out int[] p, out int[] q);
var Q = CreateQ(H, beta);
var t2 = timer.Elapsed;
// Uncomment for benchmark.
//Console.Write("N = {0,5}: A {1,4:0.0}% , H {2,4:0.0}% , R {3,4:0.0}% , Q {4,4:0.0}%, ", A.RowCount, D(A), D(H), D(R), D(Q));
//Console.Write("fac time: {0,6:0}ms, Q time: {1,6:0}ms", t1.TotalMilliseconds, t2.TotalMilliseconds);
if (print)
var result = Q.Multiply(R.PermuteColumns(Permutation.Invert(p)));
PrintMatrix("Q*R:", (SparseMatrix)result);
static double D(SparseMatrix A)
return A.NonZerosCount * 100.0 / (A.RowCount * A.ColumnCount);
static SparseMatrix CreateQ(SparseMatrix H, double[] beta)
int rows = H.RowCount;
int cols = H.ColumnCount;
var hp = H.ColumnPointers;
int begin = hp[0], end, nnz = 0;
// Get max nnz of Householder columns.
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
end = hp[i + 1];
nnz = Math.Max(end - begin, nnz);
begin = end;
// Dyadic product will have at most nnz^2 entries.
nnz = nnz * nnz;
if (!CheckStorageRequirements(rows, cols, nnz))
// DyadicProduct assumes row indices to be sorted.
// Allocate all storage outside the loop.
var E = SparseMatrix.CreateIdentity(rows);
var D = new SparseMatrix(rows, rows, nnz);
var P = new SparseMatrix(rows, rows, nnz);
var Q = (SparseMatrix)E.Clone();
var Qtemp = new SparseMatrix(rows, rows, nnz);
// Disable auto-trim for matrix addition and multiplication.
SparseMatrix.AutoTrimStorage = false;
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
DyadicProduct(i, H, D);
nnz = E.NonZerosCount + D.NonZerosCount;
if (nnz > Qtemp.Values.Length)
Array.Resize(ref Qtemp.RowIndices, 2 * nnz);
Array.Resize(ref Qtemp.Values, 2 * nnz);
E.Add(1.0, -beta[i], D, Qtemp);
Q.Multiply(Qtemp, P);
return Q;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i">The current column index.</param>
/// <param name="H">The Householder matrix.</param>
/// <param name="Q">The Q matrix of the QR factorization.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// - the row indices of the Householder matrix <paramref name="H"/> have to be sorted.
/// - the output matrix <paramref name="Q"/> has to provide enough space to store the non-zero entries.
/// </remarks>
static void DyadicProduct(int i, SparseMatrix H, SparseMatrix Q)
const double EPS = 1e-12;
// The Householder matrix
var hp = H.ColumnPointers;
var hi = H.RowIndices;
var hx = H.Values;
// The Q matrix for current column of H.
var qp = Q.ColumnPointers;
var qi = Q.RowIndices;
var qx = Q.Values;
int columns = Q.ColumnCount;
// Current non-zero count.
int nz = 0;
// Reset the column pointers.
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
qp[j] = 0;
int start = hp[i];
int end = hp[i + 1];
// Let v be the i-th column of the Householder matrix (lower triangle).
// Set the bottom-right submatrix of Q to v*v'.
// Traverse v'.
for (int j = start; j < end; j++)
// Current value of v'.
double a = hx[j];
if (Math.Abs(a - EPS) > 0)
// Traverse v.
for (int k = start; k < end; k++)
qi[nz] = hi[k];
qx[nz] = a * hx[k];
// Store the nz count of current column.
qp[hi[j] + 1] = nz;
qp[columns] = nz;
// There might be gaps in the column indices of Q.
nz = qp[i];
for (int j = i + 1; j < columns; j++)
if (qp[j] > 0)
nz = qp[j];
qp[j] = nz;
static bool CheckStorageRequirements(int rows, int cols, int nnz)
const int NZ_THRESHOLD = 100 * 100; // Matrix dimensions > 100 x 100
if (nnz > NZ_THRESHOLD && nnz > rows * cols / 2)
Console.WriteLine("WARNING: matrix Q will be dense.");
const int MAX_BYTES = 200 * 1024 * 1024; // 200 MB
return ((cols + 1) * 4 + nnz * 4 + nnz * 8) < MAX_BYTES;
static void PrintMatrix(string caption, SparseMatrix A)
for (int y = 0; y < A.RowCount; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < A.ColumnCount; x++)
Console.Write("{0,5:0.###}", A.At(y, x));
static class ExtensionMethods
public static void CopyTo(this SparseMatrix source, SparseMatrix target)
int m = source.RowCount;
int n = source.ColumnCount;
int nnz = source.NonZerosCount;
if (target.RowCount != m || target.ColumnCount != n)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid dimensions.", nameof(target));
if (target.NonZerosCount < nnz)
target.RowIndices = (int[])source.RowIndices.Clone();
target.Values = (double[])source.Values.Clone();
Array.Copy(source.RowIndices, 0, target.RowIndices, 0, nnz);
Array.Copy(source.Values, 0, target.Values, 0, nnz);
source.ColumnPointers.CopyTo(target.ColumnPointers, 0);
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wo80 commented Dec 23, 2020

But keep in mind, that the above code is just for demonstration purpose. I haven't used it in production and wouldn't recommend doing so.

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