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Last active August 29, 2015 11:12
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Generation of a sequential GUID on SqlServer
-- Sequential GUID generation for MS SqlServer (2005+)
-- Can be used in DEFAULT expression
-- idea based on
-- helper view required due to usage limitations of crypt_gen_random inside UDF
CREATE VIEW dbo.RandomBytesForSequentialGuidHelperView
-- UDF
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.sequential_guid()
RETURNS uniqueidentifier
DECLARE @currentUTC datetime;
set @currentUTC = GETUTCDATE();
DECLARE @epochBegin datetime;
set @epochBegin = CONVERT(DATETIME, '19700101');
DECLARE @daysDiff bigint;
set @daysDiff = datediff(day, @epochBegin, @currentUtc);
DECLARE @helptime datetime
set @helpTime = dateadd(day, @daysDiff, @epochBegin);
DECLARE @millisecondsDiff bigint;
set @millisecondsDiff = datediff(ms, @helpTime, @currentUtc);
DECLARE @totalMilliseconds bigint;
set @totalMilliseconds = @daysDiff * (24*60*60*1000) + @millisecondsDiff;
declare @crypt varbinary(10);
select @crypt = randomResult from RandomBytesForSequentialGuidHelperView;
declare @guid varchar(34);
set @guid = convert(char(34), substring(convert(varbinary(8), @totalMilliseconds), 3, 6) + @crypt, 1)
return CONVERT(uniqueidentifier,
substring(@guid, 3, 8) + '-' +
substring(@guid, 11, 4) + '-' +
substring(@guid, 15, 4) + '-' +
substring(@guid, 19, 4) + '-' +
substring(@guid, 23, 12));
-- uniqueness tested via:
declare @t table (ids varchar(36) not null unique);
insert into @t
select dbo.sequential_guid() ids from sys.all_objects
select ids from @t
-- Hint:
-- even so there is NEWSEQUENTIALID() it has the limitation that it can be only used with uniqueidentifier columns
-- this UDF can also be used with char/binary columns.
-- also: according to MSDN, NEWSEQUENTIALID looses overall seqentialness if you reboot your server
-- >> "After restarting Windows, the GUID can start again from a lower range, but is still globally unique."
-- see
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