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Last active January 16, 2017 22:33
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A team

  • What is Rails?
  • What is MVC and what are the components of Rails MVC?
  • Explain the different variable scopes in Ruby
  • Name a few object-oriented concepts in Ruby

B team

  • How would I execute some code for each element in a collection?
  • What is meant by convention over configuration?
  • What are the Rails naming conventions?
  • When should load be used in Ruby, as opposed to require?

C team

  • Explain RESTful architecture.
  • Explain the difference between empty? and nil?
  • What is a framework?

D Team

  • How does MVC work?
  • Why would you use Rails rather than another framework?
  • What operators are available in Ruby?

E Team

  • Compare Ruby on Rails and PHP
  • What is a destructive method?
  • What is the Ruby convention for naming methods?
  • What are filters in Rails? Give some examples.
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