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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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  • Save wogsland/4be962bfc68b5a51f0c9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wogsland/4be962bfc68b5a51f0c9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Laravel: quickly build models from an existing DB. Put the files in app/models directory, modify build_models.php to your DB info and then run it on the command line. After your models are created, build_models.php can be deleted. The build_models.php script is also be fairly simple to modify to create the controllers for your particular applica…
use Rhumsaa\Uuid\Uuid;
class BaseModel
extends Eloquent
// Make sure errors are available for when validation fails
public $errors;
// Make sure unsavable is an array
public $unsavable = array();
// By default, models use UUID
public $uuid = TRUE;
* Listener assignment
public static function boot()
static::saving(function( $model ){
# Validation
if ( $model->validate() )
if ( count( $model->unsavable ) )
foreach ( $model->unsavable as $field )
unset( $model->$field );
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Global validation method.
* @return boolean
public function validate()
$validation = Validator::make($this->attributes, static::$rules);
if ( $validation->passes() ) return TRUE;
$this->errors = $validation->messages();
return FALSE;
* Return the Model’s rules.
* @return array
public function getRules()
return isset( static::$rules ) ? static::$rules : array();
* Return the Model’s table structure.
* @return array
public function getTableColumns( $include_internals=false )
$schema = \DB::getDoctrineSchemaManager( $this->table );
$columns = $schema->listTableColumns( $this->table );
$internals = array();
if ( ! $include_internals )
$internals = array_merge(
array( 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at' )
$table = array();
foreach ( $columns as $column )
$column = array(
'name' => $column->getName(),
'type' => $column->getType()->getName(),
'length' => $column->getLength(),
'default' => $column->getDefault()
if ( ! in_array( $column['name'], $internals ) )
$table[] = $column['name'];
return $table;
$dev_host = 'host';
$dev_database = 'database';
$dev_user = 'username';
$dev_password = 'password';
$devDB = new mysqli($dev_host, $dev_user, $dev_password);
$result = $devDB->query("SELECT distinct t.table_name,(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(k.COLUMN_NAME SEPARATOR ', ')
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage k
AND k.TABLE_SCHEMA = '$dev_database'
FROM information_schema.tables t
INNER JOIN information_schema.columns c
WHERE t.TABLE_SCHEMA = '$dev_database'
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$table_name = $row['table_name'];
$table_id = $row['key_name'];
$model_name = rtrim(ucfirst($table_name),'s');
//$table_id = rtrim($table_name,'s')."ID";
$model = "<?php\n\n";
$model .="class $model_name\n";
$model .="extends BaseModel\n";
$model .="{\n\n";
$model .="\t/**\n";
$model .="\t * The database table used by the model.\n";
$model .="\t *\n";
$model .="\t * @var string\n";
$model .="\t */\n";
$model .="\tprotected \$table = '$table_name';\n\n";
$model .="\t/**\n";
$model .="\t * Set primary key\n";
$model .="\t *\n";
$model .="\t * @var array\n";
$model .="\t */\n";
$model .="\tprotected \$primaryKey = '$table_id';\n\n";
$model .="\t/**\n";
$model .="\t * The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form.\n";
$model .="\t *\n";
$model .="\t * @var array\n";
$model .="\t */\n";
$model .="\tprotected \$hidden = array('createdOn');\n\n";
$model .="\t/**\n";
$model .="\t * The attributes guarded from updating\n";
$model .="\t *\n";
$model .="\t * @var array\n";
$model .="\t */\n";
$model .="\tprotected \$guarded = array( '$table_id' );\n\n";
$model .="\t/**\n";
$model .="\t * Validation rules\n";
$model .="\t *\n";
$model .="\t * @var array\n";
$model .="\t */\n";
$model .="\tprotected static \$rules = array();\n\n";
$model .="}";
$f = fopen($model_name.".php",'w');
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