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1999 - a trip down memory lane . . . here's a CS assignment where we were basically finding mp3s to rip off around the internet. Kind of hilarious in context. This was 2 months before Napster came out.
* Class -- an information file for assignment 1
* in CS4812. This file is formatted as a .java file, with
* extensive comment fields, so that it might be harmlessly
* added to a project file in most popular IDEs. This allows
* for more convenient consultation of the assignment
* specifications during development.
* @author <A HREF="">David Dagon</A>
* @version 1.1
public class P1Info extends Object implements {
public static void main (String arg[])
System.err.println ("This class is not meant to be run");
CS 4812: "Stealth" JAVA! Programming Assignment 1
- Spring Quarter, 1999.
Program Title: A Java Refresher
Assigned: April 6, 1999
Design Doc Due: N/A, though recommended
Program Due: TBA
You are given two files for this assignment:
o - this file.
o - a data class file
o - an interface of constants
II. DELIVERABLES (what you need to turn in)
o All source files created for this program, or modified by you
(Once again, please do NOT modify the file.)
o Turn materials in using e-mail, or some other means that
provides a time-stamp.
PLEASE NOTE: You may only turnin jar files. No other
format will be accepted. Please see the directions
below for turnin details.
o Brush up on basic Java syntax.
o Get real good at creating console-based programs
o Familiarity with Java IO Package.
o Gaining some comfort with basic networking
o Gaining exposure to simple RMI
o Before beginning work, please create a header for your
source files. You might find it convenient to use the
file provided to CS1502 students. If you don't have a
copy of this file, it is reprinted below:
* CS4812: Program #1
* <PRE>
* Enter a brief description here
* Revisions: 1.0 DATE, 1999
* Created class XXXXX
* </PRE>
* @author <A HREF="mailto:YOUR EMAIL HERE">
* @version Version 1.0, DATE, 1999
There's nothing more upsetting than the suffering large multi-
national record companies must endure at the hands of MP3 pirates.
As many of you know, mp3 is a format for encoding CD-quality music
in a ditigal format. Many people use mp3s to illegally trade copies
of music CDs and other copywritten materials. Since this practice
is often illegal, web sites are constantly popping up on the net,
offering illegal mp3s for download. Often, these sites are taken
down by the ISP provider, but only after they receive news of the
illegal activities.
Many record companies keep vigil over their intellectual
property by patroling the internet, looking for sites that
offer mp3s for download. By contacting the site owners or
ISP providers, they hope to stem the tide of illegal mp3
This makes searching for mp3s difficult. Many of the links
one finds are no longer valid--removed at the request of a
large record company. Since sites are created and shutdown
so quickly, search results for mp3s are riddled with bad links.
Your job is to help the record companies search the internet
for mp3s. You will write a search robot that locates and validates
mp3 links. I must stress that in the course of this assignment,
you might be tempted to download mp3s for your own use. Please
note that this may constitute of a violation of Title 19, United
States Code. Let's be clear on this: your software merely searches
the interent for mp3s, for later use by a record company in
protecting its intellectual property. Please use you program
only for the good of mankind, and large multinational record
In short, your program will do the following:
1) search the internet using any number of common
portals or search engines. You will be given
an interface file that will help with this.
2) After obtaining a search result from, say,
Alta Vista, you will recursively load all
of the links in the returned pages up to a certain
depth. (The depth of the search must be user
selected.) Thus, if the first link returned
from your Alta Vista query points to "http://", you must
load that page and:
a) search for mp3 files linked from
the page, identified by the ".mp3"
file extension.
b) validate any mp3 links (checking for
or some other indication that the
link is 'dead')
c) save the URL of the valid mp3 link
in a special object (; see
discussion below),
d) recursively load all links found on
the referencing web page.
3) Your program merely needs to recursively load
and parse web pages. You need not worry about
bad HTML. You may assume that all pages you
will encounter use valid hyperlinks, thus:
<a href="Maria_Carey_Sings_Opera.mp3> Maria </a>
Thus, your HTML parser does not have to be
very robust. However, you should write it in such a
manner that facilitates later revision and
improvements. (E.g., abstract out the parsing
functions into another class.)
4) Your program also does not need to verify that
the linked file is *actually* an mp3 file. You
merely need to check whether or not any links
ending with ".mp3" have valid object references.
Please DO NOT download the mp3 files. (This will
take quite a bit of time, and may constitute a
violation of applicable copyright protections.)
Thus, if a link to:
<a href="Cool_Sounds.mp3"> Check this out </a>
Merely links to an image or other object, you
still record the reference as valid.
5) Once you have located and validated the existence
of an mp3 file, you must submit the URL to a
server using Java RMI--remote method invocation.
Shortly, you will be given a policy file, skeleton
stubs, and an API.
6) Your program should also allow the user to save
the URL to disk as a serialized object.
The follow restrictions apply to your program:
1) You may not use your program to download MP3 files.
2) You may not use, or any other utility
file from CS1502. All keyboard input must be
handled by your own I/O class. You may consult for advice about creating stream
readers; however, all code must be your own.
3) You may not modify the file. If all
of the students use the same common record file,
search results can be compared and shared with
other students in the class. Please do not
share the actual MP3 files, of course.
4) You must use the file "". You
can modify this interface to suit your needs;
however, it must remain an interface, and it
must be implemented by some class in your
The P1Constants file contains essential
features and menu options your program must
support. You add to them, create additional
sub-menu options, and like. You can delete
all of the contents of the interface; however,
part of your program must impelements an
interface called "P1Constants"
5) Your program must be submitted as a jar file.
You can learn about creating jar files at:
Extra credit will be awarded for files that
contain a manifest, with proper executable
6) Further information about the RMI capabilities
of your program will be released shortly. I
am investigating the possibility of installing
a full-time server for p1 on College of Computing
machines. There are security issues. If this is
not feasible, you will given a copy of the server
code to run locally.
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