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Last active August 27, 2021 09:50
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Oauth on mobile

Oauth on mobile

Mobile authentication

WebView is the old way, with some problems:

  • Not a real browser (users don't see address bar), so users can't verify what they're looking at is actually the authorization server
  • No shared cookies, thus worst UX. User's will have to type password everywhere (imagine login with google button)
  • Even if the user is looking at the real auth server, the app can sniff passwords

Best way to do in mobile apps:

  • iOS: SFSafariViewController
  • Android: Chrome Custom Tabs

Usually with oauth we have a client_secret but it doesn't make sense on a mobile app, because it can be easily extracted. So using PKCE is the recommended practice nowadays.

PKCE means generating a random string, which is later SHA-256 hashed. And the hashed string is sent at the beginning of the flow using the front-channel (expose in the url), and the unhashed string is sent at the end, through the back-channel (doing a POST)

PKCE Mobile auth

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Mobile refresh token

For a web app it doesn't matter if you do a redirect to the oauth server again, because users barely notice the browser transition.

On mobile this means opening a pop up browser, which users will notice.

The refresh_token is there so the application can use it behind the scenes, without involving the user.

Sometimes the refresh_token is returned automatically. When it's not the scope=offline_access must be included.

The server may have policies around which apps or even which users may get refresh_tokens.

The refresh_token (if allowed) is received at the same time as the access_token.

The endpoint accessed is:

POST /token


The refresh_token must be securely stored. This is taken care of by the native apps platforms, isolating apps from each other. Mobile OS have a secure storage API on the device. Even the app's code cannot access it.

The refresh_token stored in this secure storage, is accessed by prompting the user for biometrics, which is going to unlock the secure storage and will be accessible by the app.

Refresh token on mobile

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