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Created February 3, 2022 09:49
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Interesting talks for FOSDEM 2022


Infra Management devroom [track]

A practical guide to CUE: patterns for everyday use

Track: Infra Management devroom

CUE ( solves a previously unsolved technical problem in the configuration space. It does so by taking a compositional approach that reduces the complexity of managing configuration from a combinatorial problem to a linear problem. CUE is based on 20 years of experience in the field of configuration. Its declarative, aspect-oriented approach is powerful yet simple, making it possible to manage large amounts of configuration data and policies in multiple formats (JSON, YAML, Protocol Buffers, OpenAPI, etc.) with relative ease. It also makes CUE well suited to a wide range of applications.


Monitoring and Observability devroom [track]

What More Can I Learn From My OpenTelemetry Traces?

Track: Monitoring and Observability devroom

Of the three observability data types supported by OpenTelemetry (metrics, logs, and traces) the latter is the one with most potential. Tracing gives users insights into how requests are processed by microservices in a modern, cloud-native architecture.


Monitoring Kafka without instrumentation using eBPF

Track: Monitoring and Observability devroom

Imagine a world where you can access metrics, events, traces, and logs in seconds without changing code. Even more, a world where you can run scripts to debug metrics as code. In this session, you will learn about eBPF, a powerful technology with origins in the Linux kernel that holds the potential to fundamentally change how Networking, Observability, and Security are delivered.

JavaScript devroom [track]

From microrepos to monorepo: thrilling adventures in refactoring

Track: JavaScript devroom

Building a monorepo composed of more than 25 modules, internal dependencies and iOS and Android app to boot is a challenge. Doing so fast and under a certain cost threshold might seem daunting. However, in polypoly we’ve tried to do it for the past few months, creating our own build/test tool with 0 dependencies and a straightforward approach to what a monorepo needs, when it needs.


Writing less insecure JavaScript

In this talk, you will learn about some precautions you can take for your code, but also what you can do in your team, your company or as part of a community.


Real Time Communications [track]

The Future of WebRTC

Track: Real Time Communications

What is new in WebRTC, what can we expect to see in the next couple of years? I'll describe some new APIs and speculate on how they might be used


On the Far Side of REST

Track: Real Time Communications

REST, the architecture underlying the web's protocols, has proven its benefits in creating a globe-spanning, decentralized information network. However, REST is showing its age - it was designed when surveillance capitalism, identity theft, information warfare, and other threats were largely hypothetical concerns. Unavoidably, REST leaves many of these issues unaddressed. Best practices fill some gaps, but may not be universally adopted.

The Interpeer Project has been awarded a grant from the Internet Society Foundation for research and development into a next generation architecture that addresses current and future Internet user needs. Such an architecture needs to embrace the strengths of REST, incorporate known best practices, but ideally make worst practices impossible.


Containers devroom [track]

A cloud native Kubernetes Global Balancer

Track: Containers devroom

k8gb is DNS based global service load balancer that can interconnect multiple Kubernetes clusters into one resilient system. Join this talk to learn how it can handle a failover scenario when pods in one cluster go down and second cluster in different location saves the situation.


Extending Kubernetes with WebAssembly

Track: Containers devroom

WebAssembly is a portable binary instruction format that was originally created with the browser as the main execution runtime. However, during the last years, WebAssembly is finding its way also outside of the browser because of the many benefits it provides like portability, security and flexibility. We think WebAssembly can be leveraged by Kubernetes in many ways.


Freedom Means That Kubernetes Needs To Disappear

Track: Containers devroom

We are all moving towards service-based operations and self-sufficient teams. We are all trying to enable developers to be more autonomous. However, it is unrealistic to expect everyone to become an expert on everything, from infrastructure to Kubernetes and everything in between. So, we cannot shift left due to lack of expertise, but we also cannot continue being reactive to the needs of others. The only option left is to simplify services or even remove direct access to infrastructure and Kubernetes.


FOSS on Mobile Devices devroom [track]

The road towards using regular linux on ebook readers

Track: FOSS on Mobile Devices devroom

Most Kobo/Tolino readers offer a well marked console port and often a second UART. If they are not water resistant, they offer an internal µSD card slot containing the whole operating system and bootloader so that sounds like an invitation to do something interesting with them besides just reading books


Web3 Infrastructure devroom [track]

Mixing Peer to Peer Protocols on the Web

Track: Web3 Infrastructure devroom

Peer to peer to protocols (P2P) are useful for creating applications that are less reliant on central physical and digital infrastructure. With a p2p backend, an application can easily move between connecting people over the internet, to local and ad-hoc networks, and working entirely offline. We take this ability a step further by integrating several protocols into web browsers so that applications can be authored and distributed just like any other data in the network.


Introduction to Neighbourhoods

Track: Web3 Infrastructure devroom

This talk introduces Neighbourhoods: a proposed organizing principle for social spaces on the distributed web using Holochain. We envision “groupware” (like calendars, simple games, chat, collaborative docs, etc.) decoupled from reputation and group culture metrics (e.g. entry and exit rules, engagement incentives, likes or claps, visibility and feed ordering)


Python devroom [track]

Introducing Asynchronous SQLAlchemy

Track: Python devroom

With the release of version 1.4, SQLAlchemy added support for Asynchronous I/O for both its core and ORM features. This means that you can now use the popular SQL toolkit for Python in your asynchronous applications.


Miscellaneous [track]

European digital sovereignty and open source

Track: Miscellaneous

The European Union is working with great energy on new rules for digital markets, targetting first of all the big global Internet platforms. Building on the global impact of the GDPR, efforts like the Digital Services Act, the Digital Markets Act, the AI Regulation, the Data Governance Act and the GAIA-X initiative attempt to restrain the superpowers of the big American and Chinese companies and promote rights and opportunities for Europeans, restoring the EU's ability to control its own slice of the Internet and reducing the dependency on foreign products and services. Open source is one of the strategic tools for this objective, and open source projects and companies could be benefited by these changes. Watch the talk to learn what is happening!


Network devroom [track]

Peer-to-peer hole punching without centralized infrastructure

Track: Network devroom

libp2p is a universal, cross-platform, multi-language, modular peer-to-peer networking library powering multiple large-scale networks, for example IPFS.


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