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Created August 28, 2011 08:14
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Save wojdyr/1176398 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
script to send all messages in an mbox file to a specific email address, with various options
A command-line utility that can (re)send all messages in an mbox file
to a specific email address, with options for controlling the rate at
which they are sent, etc.
# I got this script from Robin Dunn a few years ago, see
import sys
import os
import time
import mailbox
import email
import smtplib
from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
# Set some defaults
defTo = []
defFrom = None
defChunkSize = 100
defChunkDelay = 30
defSmtpHost = 'localhost'
defSmtpPort = 25
defCount = -1
defStart = -1
# define the command line options
option_list = [
make_option('--to', action='append', dest='toAddresses', default=defTo,
help="The address to send the messages to. May be repeated."),
make_option('--from', dest='fromAddress', default=defFrom,
help="The address to send the messages from."),
make_option('--chunk', type='int', dest='chunkSize', default=defChunkSize,
help='How many messages to send in each batch before pausing, default: %d' % defChunkSize),
make_option('--pause', type='int', dest='chunkDelay', default=defChunkDelay,
help='How many seconds to delay between chunks. default: %d' % defChunkDelay),
make_option('--count', type='int', dest='count', default=defCount,
help='How many messages to send before exiting the tool, default is all messages in the mbox.'),
make_option('--start', type='int', dest='start', default=defStart,
help='Which message number to start with. Defaults to where the tool left off the last time, or zero.'),
make_option('--smtpHost', dest='smtpHost', default=defSmtpHost,
help='Hostname where SMTP server is running'),
make_option('--smtpPort', type='int', dest='smtpPort', default=defSmtpPort,
help='Port number to use for connecting to SMTP server'),
smtpPassword = None # implies using TSL
def get_hwm(hwmfile):
if not os.path.exists(hwmfile):
return -1
hwm = int(file(hwmfile).read())
return hwm
def set_hwm(hwmfile, count):
f = file(hwmfile, 'w')
def main(args):
if sys.version_info < (2,5):
print "Python 2.5 or better is required."
# Parse the command line args
parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] mbox_file(s)",
version="%prog 0.9.1",
options, arguments = parser.parse_args(args)
# ensure we have the required options
if not options.toAddresses:
parser.error('At least one To address is required (use --to)')
if not options.fromAddress:
parser.error('From address is required (use --from)')
if not arguments:
parser.error('At least one mbox file is required')
# process the mbox file(s)
for mboxfile in arguments:
print "Opening %s..." % mboxfile
mbox = mailbox.mbox(mboxfile)
totalInMbox = len(mbox)
print "Total messages in mbox: %d" % totalInMbox
hwmfile = mboxfile + '.hwm'
print 'Storing last message processed in %s' % hwmfile
start = get_hwm(hwmfile)
if options.start != -1:
start = options.start
start += 1
print 'Starting with message #%d' % start
totalSent = 0
current = start
# Outer loop continues until either the whole mbox or options.count
# messages have been sent,
while (current < totalInMbox and
(totalSent < options.count or options.count == -1)):
# Inner loop works one chunkSize number of messages at a time,
# pausing and reconnecting to the SMTP server for each chunk.
print 'Connecting to SMTP(%s, %d)' % (options.smtpHost, options.smtpPort)
smtp = smtplib.SMTP(options.smtpHost, options.smtpPort)
chunkSent = 0
while chunkSent < options.chunkSize:
msg = mbox[current]
print 'Processing message %d: %s' % (current, msg['Subject'])
# Here is where we actually send the message
if smtpPassword: # use TSL
smtp.login(options.fromAddress, smtpPassword)
smtp.sendmail(options.fromAddress, options.toAddresses, msg.as_string())
set_hwm(hwmfile, current) # set new 'high water mark'
current += 1
totalSent += 1
chunkSent += 1
if (current >= totalInMbox or
(totalSent >= options.count and options.count != -1)):
del smtp
print "Pausing for %d seconds..." % options.chunkDelay,
print 'Goodbye'
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Sjlver commented Sep 15, 2014

Nice! The SMTP login code is at the wrong position, though... here's an improved version:

A command-line utility that can (re)send all messages in an mbox file
to a specific email address, with options for controlling the rate at
which they are sent, etc.

# I got this script from Robin Dunn a few years ago, see

import sys
import os
import time
import mailbox
import email
import smtplib

from optparse import OptionParser, make_option

# Set some defaults

defTo = []
defFrom = None
defChunkSize = 100
defChunkDelay = 30
defSmtpHost = 'localhost'
defSmtpPort = 25
defCount = -1
defStart = -1

# define the command line options
option_list = [
    make_option('--to', action='append', dest='toAddresses', default=defTo,
                help="The address to send the messages to.  May be repeated."),

    make_option('--from', dest='fromAddress', default=defFrom,
                help="The address to send the messages from."),

    make_option('--chunk', type='int', dest='chunkSize', default=defChunkSize,
                help='How many messages to send in each batch before pausing, default: %d' % defChunkSize),

    make_option('--pause', type='int', dest='chunkDelay', default=defChunkDelay,
                help='How many seconds to delay between chunks. default: %d' % defChunkDelay),

    make_option('--count', type='int', dest='count', default=defCount,
                help='How many messages to send before exiting the tool, default is all messages in the mbox.'),

    make_option('--start', type='int', dest='start', default=defStart,
                help='Which message number to start with.  Defaults to where the tool left off the last time, or zero.'),

    make_option('--smtpHost', dest='smtpHost', default=defSmtpHost,
                help='Hostname where SMTP server is running'),

    make_option('--smtpPort', type='int', dest='smtpPort', default=defSmtpPort,
                help='Port number to use for connecting to SMTP server'),

smtpPassword = None # implies using TSL

def get_hwm(hwmfile):
    if not os.path.exists(hwmfile):
        return -1
    hwm = int(file(hwmfile).read())
    return hwm

def set_hwm(hwmfile, count):
    f = file(hwmfile, 'w')

def main(args):
    if sys.version_info < (2,5):
        print "Python 2.5 or better is required."

    # Parse the command line args
    parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] mbox_file(s)",
                          version="%prog 0.9.1",

    options, arguments = parser.parse_args(args)

    # ensure we have the required options
    if not options.toAddresses:
        parser.error('At least one To address is required (use --to)')

    if not options.fromAddress:
        parser.error('From address is required (use --from)')

    if not arguments:
        parser.error('At least one mbox file is required')

    # process the mbox file(s)
    for mboxfile in arguments:
        print "Opening %s..." % mboxfile
        mbox = mailbox.mbox(mboxfile)
        totalInMbox = len(mbox)
        print "Total messages in mbox: %d" % totalInMbox

        hwmfile = mboxfile + '.hwm'
        print 'Storing last message processed in %s' % hwmfile
        start = get_hwm(hwmfile)
        if options.start != -1:
            start = options.start
        start += 1
        print 'Starting with message #%d' % start

        totalSent = 0
        current = start

        # Outer loop continues until either the whole mbox or options.count
        # messages have been sent,
        while (current < totalInMbox and
               (totalSent < options.count or options.count == -1)):

            # Inner loop works one chunkSize number of messages at a time,
            # pausing and reconnecting to the SMTP server for each chunk.
            print 'Connecting to SMTP(%s, %d)' % (options.smtpHost, options.smtpPort)
            smtp = smtplib.SMTP(options.smtpHost, options.smtpPort)
            if smtpPassword: # use TSL
                smtp.login(options.fromAddress, smtpPassword)

            chunkSent = 0
            while chunkSent < options.chunkSize:
                msg = mbox[current]
                print 'Processing message %d: %s' % (current, msg['Subject'])

                # Here is where we actually send the message
                smtp.sendmail(options.fromAddress, options.toAddresses, msg.as_string())

                set_hwm(hwmfile, current)  # set new 'high water mark'
                current += 1
                totalSent += 1
                chunkSent += 1
                if (current >= totalInMbox or
                    (totalSent >= options.count and options.count != -1)):
                del smtp
                print "Pausing for %d seconds..." % options.chunkDelay,

    print 'Goodbye'


if __name__ == '__main__':

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