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Last active November 16, 2018 06:56
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import random
#generate a grid
grid_width = 10
grid_height = 10
grid_data = dict()
print_cache = dict()
conneceted_dict = dict()
total_grid_size = grid_height * grid_width
#pick a random number between 2 and the number of grids cells
total_filled_cells = random.randint(2, total_grid_size)
filled_cell_list = random.sample(range(total_grid_size), total_filled_cells)
#display the grid for us to look at
cell_num = 0
for y in range(grid_height):
grid_data[y] = dict()
for x in range(grid_width):
if cell_num in filled_cell_list:
grid_data[y][x] = True
print("x", end =" "),
grid_data[y][x] = False
print("o", end =" "),
cell_num += 1
#show the data struct that we have
#find all the connected grids
test_cell_num = 0
for y in range(grid_height):
for x in range(grid_width):
#only test the points we already care about
if grid_data.get(y).get(x) is False:
test_cell_num += 1
my_loc = [y, x]
my_loc_str = '{},{}'.format(y, x)
# make a list of who to test
test_list = list()
if x > 0: # add test for to the left
test_list.append([y, x-1])
if x < grid_width-1: # add test for to the right
test_list.append([y, x+1])
if y > 0: # add test for above
test_list.append([y-1, x])
if y < grid_height-1: # add test for below
test_list.append([y+1, x])
#print the points we want to test
#print("{} -> {}".format(my_loc, test_list))
for test_point in test_list:
test_point_loc_str = '{},{}'.format(test_point[0], test_point[1])
if print_cache.get('{},{} -> {},{}'.format(y, x, test_point[0], test_point[1])) is None and grid_data.get(test_point[0]).get(test_point[1]) is True:
#use this store a list of cells that need to be marked as touching
temp_conneceted_track = list()
temp_track_dirty = False
#we are going to make a nice map that tracks and computes all the cells that are conneceted to one another to make it easier then having to do path
#lookups later on when we are asked the question
if conneceted_dict.get(my_loc_str) is None:
conneceted_dict[my_loc_str] = dict()
if conneceted_dict.get(test_point_loc_str) is None:
conneceted_dict[test_point_loc_str] = dict()
#add these two points to be updated to mark each other as being conneceted
temp_track_dirty = True
while temp_track_dirty is True:
#mark as false for now since we are processing the list
temp_track_dirty = False
for track_cell in temp_conneceted_track:
cell_curr_keys = list(conneceted_dict[track_cell])
cell_new_keys = list(set(cell_curr_keys) | set(temp_conneceted_track)) # get the keys we want to merge and the current keys merge and remove dups
#print(len(list(set(cell_curr_keys) - set(cell_new_keys))))
#print("{} ++ {}".format(cell_curr_keys, cell_new_keys))
if len(cell_curr_keys) == 0 or len(list(set(cell_curr_keys) ^ set(cell_new_keys))) > 0:
#loop over and make sure we set all of these as true
for cell_new_key in cell_new_keys:
#print("{} -- {}".format(track_cell, cell_new_key))
conneceted_dict[track_cell][cell_new_key] = True
# mark everything as dirty and update the full list that needs to be loooped over again
temp_track_dirty = True
temp_conneceted_track = cell_new_keys.copy()
#write the current direction and the alt direction to the print cache so we dont see it again we probly dont need current direction just tossed it in
#print_cache['{},{} -> {},{}'.format(test_point[0], test_point[1], y, x)] = True
#print_cache['{},{} -> {},{}'.format(y, x, test_point[0], test_point[1])] = True
#print("{} is touching {}".format(my_loc, test_point))
test_cell_num += 1
#check to see if the points are touching one another
def is_conneceted(st_point, nd_point):
global conneceted_dict
return conneceted_dict.get(st_point, dict()).get(nd_point, False)
while True:
print('Enter the first point (y,x): ', end =" ")
first_point = input()
print('Enter the second point (y,x): ', end =" ")
second_point = input()
if is_conneceted(first_point, second_point) is True:
print("The points {} and {} are connected".format(first_point, second_point))
print("The points {} and {} are not connected".format(first_point, second_point))
x x x o o o x o o x
o o x x x o o o x o
o o o o x o o o x o
x x o x o o x o o o
o o o o x o x x o x
x o o o x x o o x o
x o o x x x x x o x
o o o x x o o o o o
x o o x x o x o o o
o o x o x o x x o x
Enter the first point (y,x): 8,6
Enter the second point (y,x): 9,7
The points 8,6 and 9,7 are connected
Enter the first point (y,x): 4,4
Enter the second point (y,x): 6,7
The points 4,4 and 6,7 are connected
Enter the first point (y,x): 4,4
Enter the second point (y,x): 6,6
The points 4,4 and 6,6 are connected
Enter the first point (y,x): 0,0
Enter the second point (y,x): 9,9
The points 0,0 and 9,9 are not connected
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