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Wojtek Mach wojtekmach

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wojtekmach / contain_within_matcher.rb
Created May 25, 2011 22:09 — forked from mattsnyder/contain_within_matcher.rb
Contain Within Matcher for use in your view specs. Faster than css_select and assert_select.
# Must have Nokogiri gem installed and save this file in your spec/support dir
# Allows you to write cleaner/faster specs in your views (50% faster than css_select)
# Increased readability in your spec doc
# ex.
# rendered.should contain('my heading').within('h1') # searches all H1 tags for 'my heading'
# or
# rendered.should contain('my string') # searches entire rendered string for 'my string'
class Within
def initialize(expected, css_selector)
@expected = expected
sj26 / application.rb
Created June 7, 2011 01:14
Rails 3.1 compass initializer
config.generators.stylesheet_engine = :sass
cavalle / feature.rb
Created November 7, 2011 16:22
Meatloaf (Just another scam)
require 'meatloaf'
require 'steps'
Feature "Eat candies" do
Scenario "Eat a candy from a jar full of them" do
Given "I have a jar with candies", candies: 10
When "I eat one candy"
Then "the jar won't be empty"
burke /
Created January 27, 2012 13:44 — forked from funny-falcon/cumulative_performance.patch
ruby-1.9.3-p327 cumulative performance patch for rbenv

ruby-1.9.3-p327 cumulative performance patch for rbenv

This installs a patched ruby 1.9.3-p327 with various performance improvements and a backported COW-friendly GC, all courtesy of funny-falcon.


You will also need a C Compiler. If you're on Linux, you probably already have one or know how to install one. On OS X, you should install XCode, and brew install autoconf using homebrew.

henrik-muehe / Dockerfile
Created August 5, 2013 11:47
Allows installing the ubuntu "fuse" package without creating any devices. Used to install packages on docker which require fuse but do not actively use it.
# Fake a fuse install
RUN apt-get install libfuse2
RUN cd /tmp ; apt-get download fuse
RUN cd /tmp ; dpkg-deb -x fuse_* .
RUN cd /tmp ; dpkg-deb -e fuse_*
RUN cd /tmp ; rm fuse_*.deb
RUN cd /tmp ; echo -en '#!/bin/bash\nexit 0\n' > DEBIAN/postinst
RUN cd /tmp ; dpkg-deb -b . /fuse.deb
# Goal: put a non-Rails-aware Ruby library using normal `require`s in
# lib/sim. Have it transparently reloaded between requests like Rails app
# code is.
# The code here goes inside of your configure block in
# config/environments/development.rb. There are two parts, commented inline.
# Reload code whenever the simulator changes.
config.watchable_dirs["lib/sim"] = [:rb]
config.watchable_files << "lib/sim.rb"
charlietran / TerminalVim.scpt
Last active August 28, 2024 20:23
Open file in iTerm vim for MacOS Sierra
-- This creates a shim Application that will enable you to open files from the Finder in vim using iTerm
-- To use this script:
-- 1. Open Automator and create a new Application
-- 2. Add the "Run Applescript" action
-- 3. Paste this script into the Run Applescript section
-- 4. Save the application as in your Applications folder
-- 5. In the Finder, right click on a file and select "Open With". In that window you can set TerminalVim as a default
SheldonWangRJT / Convert .mov or .MP4 to
Last active March 27, 2025 22:57
Convert Movie(.mov) file to Gif(.gif) file in one command line in Mac Terminal

This notes is written by Sheldon. You can find me with #iOSBySheldon in Github, Youtube, Facebook, etc.


Convert .mov/.MP4 to .gif


As a developer, I feel better to upload a short video when I create the pull request to show other viewers what I did in this PR. I tried .mov format directly got after finishing recording screen using Quicktime, however, gif offers preview in most web pages, and has smaller file size.

This is not limited to developer, anyone has this need can use this method to convert the files.

citruz /
Last active March 19, 2025 12:05
Create Ubuntu and Windows VMs with QEMU on Apple Silicon

Running Linux and Windows on M1 with QEMU

30.11.2020: Updated with the new patchseries and instructions for Windows

02.12.2020: Added tweaks

08.12.2020: Updated with patchseries v4

31.01.2020: Updated with patchseries v6