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Created January 19, 2019 06:39
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type t('list, 'last) =
| []: t('a, 'a)
| ::('a, t('l, 't)): t('a => 'l, 't);
let rec (@):
type start mid rest. (t(start, mid => rest), mid) => t(start, rest) =
(l, r) =>
switch (l) {
| [] => [r]
| [a, ...q] => [a, ...q @ r]
let split: type a b. t(a => b, unit) => (a, t(b, unit)) =
| [a, ...q] => (a, q)
let use:
type a value start rest.
(option(t(value => a, unit)), value, t(start, value => rest)) =>
(value, t(start, rest), option(t(a, unit))) =
(hooks, default, nextHooks) =>
switch (hooks) {
| Some(hooks) =>
let (value, rest) = split(hooks);
(value, nextHooks @ value, Some(rest));
| None => (default, nextHooks @ default, None)
let initl = ["a", 0];
let l = Some(initl);
let nextl = [];
let (_da_value, nextl, l) = use(l, "1", nextl);
let (_da_value, nextl, _) = use(l, 2, nextl);
let res = string_of_bool(initl == nextl); /* true */
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